I was doing some chores in the garage and happened to notice the beauty of this one the other day. Rather than to try and run inside and find the digital camera and a memory card with space on it, I just used my cell phone camera. What you see is the blurry results.
Hopefully you can still get a sense of the beauty and magnificence of the colors. The picture is taken at the end of my driveway looking west (duh!) down the cul de sac and towards the snow-capped Ochre Mountain range. This one was indeed incredible.
My home state of Oregon always used to have some beautiful sunsets too. As a matter of fact, it used to be called the sunset state until they decided to change it a long time ago to the beaver state. Oh well... I guess it could have been worse and been changed to the "duck" state.
Anyway, forgive my stream of consciousness writing as I just wanted to share this blurry picture and say that I hope all of you have had similarly beautiful endings to your days lately!
Hey, I'm a duck! That would have been a great nickname.
No way, Jim! Beavers rule and ducks drool!
Sunsets can be pretty amazing.
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