Well it seems like the evil Lord Obama and his apprentice sith Darth Reid got one critical step closer to realizing their complete control of America. In the wee hours of the morning the other night, the United States Senate found a way to bribe the 60th senator, Ben Nelson D - NE, so that a vote of cloture to end debate on the health care bill would be passed and the dark side of the force could triumph over liberty and freedom.
I am frustrated and saddened deeply with this whole exercise in hypocrisy and cynicism. Many of the so-called "moderate" senators were holding to their votes against this evil legislation on the grounds that the bill before them would raise the deficit and/or not protect unborn life. I guess these weren't really core principals for these senators as much as guidelines. I say this because in the case of Senator Landrieu from Louisiana, her opposition collapsed with tax-payer bribes to her state that dwarfed in cost what the real Louisiana purchase cost Thomas Jefferson when he bought the western half of the United States. Thereby her vote and transformation to the dark side were cast.
The latest and the most importantly-needed 60th vote came when Senator Nelson threw away his principals against abortion and against adding to the deficit when he agreed to vote for the legislation if Harry Reid would ensure that ALL of the future medicare expenses for new recipients in his state of Nebraska would be paid for by the federal government in perpetuity. That was the cost for his vote and soul.
Now there are many experts out there claiming that there is still hope of defeating this legislation through our citizen opposition, but Darth Reid has the senate vote scheduled for Christmas eve. I don't think these "moderates" and their progressive storm trooper senators are going to blink an eye as they vote for final passage of the senate's version of this bill.
It then goes to reconciliation with the House's version, but the Democrats are so longing for power that I am sure between Darth Reid and Darth Pelosi, that some freedom-stealing, free-market-destroying health care compromise bill will come forth from the muck. At this point there are definitely 51 senators and probably well over half of the Democratically controlled House that will vote for this, since it never really was about health care anyway. It is about expansion of government power, and that is what those controlled by the dark side really had in mind all along.
If this had been something of which the senate was proud, they would have done this in the morning with huge fan-fare and media present instead of at one in the morning under the veil of darkness. Instead they drafted a bill of which very few, if any, have read that contains all sorts of buy-offs and liberty-stealing provisions for a government take over of 1/6th of the greatest nation in the world's economy. Oh yeah, and they, of course, have exempted themselves from the health care dictates of the bill.
Just as Queen Amidala stated, after the chancellor had been given de facto dictatorship of the empire, "So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause" , it would seem that our own nation too is following this path. Frankly I wonder if our own rebel alliance can restore freedom to the galaxy starting in 2010 and then finally overthrowing the evil emperor in 2012.
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