Thursday, February 18, 2010

Iran Can Not Be Allowed to Acquire Nukes

Time is quickly running out as Iran gets ever closer to developing a nuclear weapon. Never mind that they claim their nuclear program is strictly for power generation purposes. Nobody with any sense bought that ridiculous claim to begin with considering their country is floating on a sea of oil. The intent all along has been to develop weaponry.

The problem is that our country, under both the Bush and the Obama administrations, have dithered and done nothing of consequence to halt Iran's nuclear weapon program's progress. Both administrations have talked to the U.N. and threatened to enact sanctions in order to gain Iran's compliance with nothing to show for these efforts to date. President Obama's olive branch of talking to Iran without preconditions garnered nothing but contempt from Iran.

Iran could care less about sanctions. Their mullahs that make up the country's leadership, their psychotic president Ahmadinejad, and their Revolutionary Guard military are all very much in favor of acquiring nuclear weapons regardless of sanctions or world condemnation.

While reading comments on a posting at the blog Major Conflict, it was suggested by one of the commenters that certainly Iran would not actually use nukes for fear of being retaliated against in a mutually assured destruction scenario. The commenter reasoned that this had managed to keep the balance of power with the Soviets and every other nuke-possessing country since the advent of these weapons. Let me say right not, MAD will not deter the Iranians, should they be allowed to build a working nuclear bomb.

Why? Well, as Iran's President Ahmadinejad has stated unambiguously and repeatedly, he wants to destroy Israel and "wipe it off the map". He believes, as does the rest of Iran's leadership, that this will hasten the end of times and the coming of their 12th Imam to unite the world under the Islamic religion and Sharia (Koranic) law.

They do not care if they are attacked in retaliation. These fanatics do not fear death, and in fact welcome it if they can kill the "enemies of Allah" in doing so. By this way, they become martyrs and will live in paradise, so if destroying the small Satan of Israel is the cost of their martyrdom and the ushering in of the 12th Imam and world-wide Islamic law, then the ends justify the cost in their minds.

This is why negotiations will not work here, not that they worked with North Korea either. By going through the motions of diplomacy, we only allow Iran more time to come to fruition of their evil intentions. The years wasted to date on diplomacy has gotten us no closer to a favorable solution then when we first started the process.
Further, if Iran is allowed to attain nuclear capability, the rest of the Arab world will actively be trying to attain nukes to maintain the tenuous balance of power there. It is certain that largely Sunni Saudi Arabia will want nukes to protect it from the Shite Iranian regime. Egypt also will likely seek nukes to offset Iranian power from it and its puppet state of Syria.
It is time for an ultimatum to be issued. Iran allows international and U.S. inspectors in to any and all suspected nuclear facilities to oversee the dismantling of the program, or we will militarily destroy these facilities.

Admittedly this is not a good option, and Iran will almost certainly not relent and allow us to dismantle their program. As we have allowed them to advance to this late stage in their program, we really do not have any good options.
Attacking Iran's nuke facilities will have serious repercussions. Not attacking them, and allowing them to achieve nuclear status will have far greater repercussions for the world. This MUST be addressed right now and yet I am quite certain the Obama administration will not step in and prevent this from happening until it is way too late. This puts the region, and indeed the entire world in an extremely precarious situation if we do not act NOW. Please Mr. President, do not dither any longer on this issue!

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