Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Earmark Stimulus Bill and Job Creation

Recent unemployment numbers were out this last week and were reported at 9.7% unemployment, which is down from the 10.1% previously listed. Now before everyone goes and gets all excited and thinks that Lord Obama's porkulous bill is finally working and creating jobs, let me tell you what most economists that are NOT Keynsians and in league with the Obama administration know. It's called the truth.

It isn't that the porkulous bill that was full of earmarks actually created jobs, as was the presumptive intention behind it, but rather for tens of thousands of unemployed their benefits to collect unemployment assistance finally ran out and they are no longer eligible for them.

SO, while these folks are still unemployed, the Department of Labor no longer has to count them as such. Of course, if we continue down this socialist path, the entire nation will be without jobs and with expired unemployment benefits, thereby giving the illusion for the Obama-centric revisionist historians that the anointed one returned everyone to work with 100% full employment.

The majority of the jobs that have been created by government spending and the largess of the tax payers' money will dry up as soon as the federal funding of them ends too. THE government typically does NOT create jobs. The best thing the government can do is to get out of the way by removing bureaucratic red tape and lowering corporate taxes in order to foster a climate where companies want to and can afford to invest in growing their companies, especially by adding jobs. It is the PRIVATE SECTOR that is the engine of our economy; NOT the federal government, no matter how many trillions of tax payer dollars the government throws at the problem.

Let me give you a few facts regarding the asinine stimulus bill. These figures are as reported by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. (For fiscal year 4Q09 ending Sept. 30th)

  • The total amount of contracts and grants awarded was 56,399.

  • The total amount of stimulus money awarded was $157,028,362,536.

  • Average dollar amount awarded per GOP district was $232,047,857.

  • Average dollar amount awarded per Democrat district was $439,200,100.

  • Total number of jobs claimed as "saved or created" is 638,826.54 or $245,807.51 per job.

  • Unemployment in January 2009 at 7.6 percent.

  • Unemployment in December 2009 at 10 percent.

Never mind the fact that Obama pressed for this porkulous spending spree bill immediately so that more people wouldn't suffer, so he claimed. He told us that the bill's passage was paramount if we were to hold unemployment below 8%. Well, buckle up people because the worst is NOT over yet unless we can put Republicans, Independents, and even Democrats into congress that have OUR interest in mind first and decide to stop spending money we do not have. (I refer you to the counter at the top of this blog showing what our current national debt is.)

You and I could not run our household budget like this and survive. We couldn't run a private business like this and survive. The fact is you cannot run anything like this and survive. I don't care if you are the anointed teleprompter demi-god that Obama thinks he is. Sooner or later our creditors WILL come to collect (i.e. China) and then what are we going to do? Give them a really nice speech? Perhaps an iPod with Lord Obama's speeches on it?

The spending MUST stop on everything with an across the board cut for all departments of at least 10%, with the military being the only exception until we are no longer at war. That is something that most every household in the country has not had to do during this recession. Why can't our government do this also?

And for that matter, lets save money by cutting out whole departments that are not necessary or can be better handled at the state level. Cut the Department of Energy, which came into being in the Carter administration in order to make our country energy independent from foreign nations. Since that problem has only gotten worse, I see no need to continue funding this failed department.

Kill the Department of Education and let the states and better yet, the local communities administer the education of their children. And finally, get rid of funding for the ridiculous things that should never have been funded by tax payer dollars to begin with... things like the National Endowment for the Arts.

When We the People hold the politicians' feet to the fire, they will do the right thing, if not for the sake of honor, then for their own preservation of power. Regardless this must be done now before we finally go over that cliff where we are teetering on the edge currently. Finally though, there is some hope as people wake up and see this. True change we can believe in is coming. It starts in November of this year.


clay barham said...

When will Americans realize, again, that jobs are created when job-creators are encouraged to innovate and drop pebbles in placid waters? Government discourages creativity and new ways to challenge the accepted and established way things are done, yet, that is how new jobs come about, as cited in Save Pebble Droppers & Prosperity on Amazon and America taught the world that lesson and grew prosperous, while the rest of the world depended on government for its bread and circuses.

Darrell Michaels said...

Excellent point. There is a reason why many large corporations have left America. With the U.S. having the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, behind Japan's, and the cost of union labor in many states being far more expensive than the work provided, it is no wonder that many companies have left our shores.

Government needs to get out of the way, cut corporate taxes (which are just passed on to the consumer in the cost of the services or goods purchased anyway), reduce unneccesary regulations, and reduce capital gains taxes. Then sit back and watch the economy boom once again.