Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Continuing Lies on Global Warming

Evidently the uncovering of more lies from those invested in the false religion of man-caused global warming are still leaking out, despite their best efforts at damage control regarding earlier leaks of emails and correspondence from "scientists" that had falsified some data and ignored contradictory data that failed to support their global warming agenda.

As Fox News reported on Monday 2/8/2010:

The U.N.'s controversial climate report is coming under fire -- again -- this time by one of its own scientists, who admits he can't find any evidence to support a warning about a climate-caused North African food shortage.

The statement comes from a key 2007 report to the U.N., and asserts that by 2020 yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50% in some African countries thanks to climate change.

But this weekend, a key author of the team behind that report told The Sunday Times that he could find no evidence to support his own group's claim. The revelation follows the retraction by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of a claim that the Himalayan glaciers might all melt by 2035, dubbed 'Glaciergate' by commentators.

The newest controversial claim could become a very important error in the IPCC's reporting, because it comes not only from the IPCC's report on climate change impacts -- called Assessment Report 4, or AR4 -- but is also repeated in its "Synthesis Report." That report is the IPCC's most politically sensitive publication, distilling its most important science into a form accessible to politicians and policy makers.

Unfortunately, there are those in powerful positions throughout the world that rely upon this science to either further this false religion's agenda intentionally or are naive enough to be duped into accepting this discredited "science" as being real.

Fox News continued:

Its lead authors include IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri himself, who has quoted it in speeches, as has U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.

Speaking at the 2008 global climate talks in Poznan, Poland, Pachauri said: "In some countries of Africa, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by 50% by 2020." In a speech last July, Ban said: "Yields from rain-fed agriculture could fall by half in some African countries over the next 10 years."

Speaking this weekend, Professor Chris Field, the new lead author of the IPCC's climate impacts team, said: "I was not an author on the 'Synthesis Report,' but on reading it I cannot find support for the statement about African crop yield declines."

This sort of claim should be based on hard evidence, said Robert Watson, chief scientist at Defra, the U.K.'s department for environment food and rural affairs, who chaired the IPCC from 1997 to 2002.

"Any such projection should be based on peer-reviewed literature from computer modelling of how agricultural yields would respond to climate change. I can see no such data supporting the IPCC report," he said.

The danger of these falsified and misleading reports based on bad "science" is that world leaders are reliant on what they assume are objective and critical-thinking scientists and their work to determine what should be done to stem such predicted calamities.

When the "science" behind anthropogenic global warming is dubious at best and largely discredited at worst for them, one wonders why the vilification and denouncements of those questioning this by those claiming this is a true phenomenon. The purpose of science is to find the truth; not to manipulate data to support a conclusion upon which one has already arrived.

Considering the scores of billions of dollars spent, businesses destroyed, and economies severely weakened all in the name of anthropogenic global warming, I think this con-game should be called what it is. Those that knowingly contributed to falsifying data and perpetrating this hoax should be prosecuted, fined, and thrown in jail for the rest of their natural lives. This "science" has affected untold millions of people throughout the world. Justice for those that have had to pay the price for this false religion by its false prophets should be given.

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