Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dumb and Dumber

I heard some commentary the other day that basically made the point that I have been making for years. It seems that the Democrats and the state-sponsored media have this evil and slanderous penchant for portraying all Republicans as ignorant and/or down-right stupid, while all Democrats are portrayed as enlightened and brilliant.

This never holds more true then when one examines our presidential and vice-presidential candidates and office-holders in the last few decades.

The case has always been made by the left, and echoed in the redundant left-wing socialist media, how "brilliant" such Democrats were from Carter (the intellectual), to Clinton (the Rhodes Scholar), to Al Gore (the saviour of the planet), to John Kerry (the Brahmin intellectual), to the anointed one, Barrack Hussein Obama.

Contrast that with the characterizations of their Republican counterparts. Gerald Ford (couldn't even walk without tripping and stupidly pardoned Nixon). Ronald Reagan (simpleton and "amiable dunce" that provoked the USSR). George H.W. Bush (office place holder and not really qualified for office). George W. Bush (the "true village idiot" that followed his own whims without knowing what he was really doing; also was so dumb that Cheney and Rove had to run and control things).

And then the latest slander job was done on Sarah Palin. Here is a successful governor that stomped out corruption in BOTH parties in her state, cut un-needed expenses and was wildly popular with both parties in Alaska that was touted as nothing more than a stupid, un-educated hokey mom. (She got her degree in Idaho? Why she is not even an ivy league graduate!)

Well do you know what? Forget for the moment that none of the lies perpetrated by the left regarding the intelligence of any of the Republicans mentioned are true. Rather lets look at the HUGE failures that these intellectuals of the left have wrought.

Carter by any standard ranks as one of the poorest presidents in the history of the republic. His economic policies were such abject failures that he was responsible for the creation of a new economic term... stagflation. His appeasement of the Soviet Union was dangerous at best, and his fecklessness lead to our embassy in Iran being held hostage for more than a year.

While Clinton was no doubt smart, his complete lack of any moral compass, and his ambition to hold on to power regardless of the cost let him bob back and forth on the sea of the latest poll's opinion. Our nation bobbed up and down with him accordingly and many opportunities to do great things were lost by Clinton's lack of leadership.

Gore, who has delusions of grandeur, decided after inventing the Internet that he would save the planet with false and largely debunked science intended to do nothing more than line his own pockets through fear mongering. His arrogance made him declare the debate on global warming was over and then he brow-beat and used Alinsky tactics to demonize any of those that would dare speak contrary to this "brilliant Nobel-prize winning" politician. He was a political opportunist that changed from pro-gun and pro-life as a congressman to being anti-gun and pro-abortion as a senator on the rise. This kind of brilliance, America does not need.

John Kerry, who had college grades (along with Gore's) that were lower than George W. Bush's, always portrayed his elitist intellectualism without having a single significant accomplishment to point to as fruition of his intellectual work. This man always was a stuffed suit and got where he was through lying and connections.

And finally our eloquent and yet incompetent current president. The community organizer that sounds brilliant, as long as no one unplugs the teleprompter has accomplished even less than what John Kerry has. That is, unless, you wish to count the destruction he has done to our republic through his Marxist, un-Constitutional, and un-American polices. Obama, when looking at his resume, was not even fit to run a fortune 500 company let alone the greatest country in the world.

No. As far as I am concerned, I will side with the Republicans that have restored the economy several times now, won the cold war, liberated millions of people from tyranny, and by and large stuck to American values and the U.S. Constitution.

You leftists can keep your economy-killing, dictator appeasing, terrorist rights supporting, Marxist brilliant intellectuals.

I'll side with the dummies that have actually made this country, and the world, better off.

1 comment:

free0352 said...

outstanding post, I saw that show too last night!