Friday, January 15, 2010

The Coalition of Unions and Democrats

It would seem that the socialists in congress have needlessly worried some of their largest supporting groups with their attempts to draft illegal health care legislation. Since it was the Democrats' intentions to tax the so-called high end "Cadillac" health care plans at an exorbitant rate in order to help fund their socialist scheme in the guise of improving health care for America, it evidently spooked the United Auto Workers Union, Service Employees International Union, and the AFL-CIO Unions, since all of their health care plans would fit into that category.

Fear not though, you union thugs that act as de facto political action committees for all causes Democratic! Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Dear Leader evidently have now met with the heads of these three huge powerful unions and worked out a deal whereby their health care plans will now be exempted from the draconian Cadillac plan health care tax that the regular citizens of the United States will still have to pay.

Of course, the state-sponsored press has not reported this anywhere that I have found yet though. Yep, the most corrupt and opaque congress and administration, perhaps in our nation's history, is trying to get all it can out of the process before they are permanently kicked to the curb for at least a generation. (or so I hope!) It makes one wonder if we can last until November and what damage these crooks will do between then and now!

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