Friday, August 20, 2021

The Biden-Created Crisis in Afghanistan

 I have not been this enraged in years.  Wasn’t Biden touting how his administration would be bringing the “adults” back in the room and that they would be the ones that would “build back better”?  Now I think, and probably most Americans agree, that we needed to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan and close that chapter in our history; however, the sheer incompetence, recklessness, and stupidity of the withdrawal that Biden has executed has endangered Americans, allies and NGO’s, and thousands of Afghanis that trusted and supported America whom are now being left behind to be slaughtered or worse by the evil Taliban bastards.   

“I stand squarely behind my decision,” Biden said in his televised address after being reluctantly yanked from his Camp David vacation. “After 20 years, I’ve learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw U.S. forces.”  And so far, Biden has steadfastly stood by his decision for the hasty withdrawal while declaring that the “buck stops with him” right before going on to blame Trump, faulty intelligence, the Afghan president and army, and anyone else he could come up with for the horrific collapse of Afghanistan at the hands of the Taliban.  On Monday, Biden blamed Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani for convincing him that the Afghan army would stand up and fight. 

Even Biden’s sycophantic allies in the Democrat Industrialized Media (DIM) like CNN’s Jake Tapper are seemingly turning on him as Tapper reported, "The president said that the buck stopped with him but, in fact, this speech was full of finger pointing and blame."

There are even some congressional Democrats, such as Mark Warner D-VA that are not pleased with Biden’s handling of the situation.

“As the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I hope to work with the other committees of jurisdiction to ask tough but necessary questions about why we weren’t better prepared for a worst-case scenario involving such a swift and total collapse of the Afghan government and security forces. We owe those answers to the American people and to all those who served and sacrificed so much.”

Only a month ago, when asked about intelligence services‘ warning that Afghanistan would fall to the Taliban, Biden denied that was likely the case.  Indeed, Biden vehemently insisted that we would not see a repeat of helicopters pulling hordes from a U.S. Embassy similar to Saigon in 1975.

“The Taliban is not the south—the North Vietnamese army,” Biden said. “They’re not—they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”

Exacerbating the matter, Biden seemingly had minimal consultation with his own Pentagon, let alone allies before rolling out this decision with such alacrity.  Consequently, many NATO allies feel misused by the Biden administration. Biden promised to consult with allies, yet he made a unilateral decision to retreat from Afghanistan. Many NATO countries saw their citizens’ lives put at risk and their efforts wasted. They blame Biden.  The UK’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, was basically ghosted by Biden for over 36 hours as the chaos was ensuing.  This is not how the adults in the room should be treating our most loyal ally. 

Because of Biden’s callous neglect to inform our allies of the particulars of his retreat plan, on Wednesday, the British Houses of Parliament decided to hold Biden’s handling of the situation in contempt, with lawmakers condemning his withdrawal plan as “catastrophic” and “shameful,” according to The Telegraph.  Other liberal members of parliament, including Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer and Labour MPs Chris Bryant and Khalid Mahmood, denounced the president as well.

“The Biden government have just come in and, without looking at what is happening on the ground, have taken a unilateral decision, throwing us and everybody else to the fire,” Mahmood said.

Lord Howard, a former Tory leader, described Biden’s withdrawal as “a catastrophic mistake which may well prove to be the defining legacy of his presidency.”

Political scientist and foreign policy expert Walter Russell Mead writes that the Biden administration will now have to deal with the “worst-handled foreign-policy crisis since the Bay of Pigs and the most devastating blow to American prestige since the fall of Saigon.”

At least President John F. Kennedy took “sole responsibility” for the Bay of Pigs disaster, rather than blaming his predecessor, President Dwight Eisenhower.

“It’s an utter disgrace and an extreme loss of prestige [for] the United States that President [Joe] Biden allowed this to happen,” says Luke Coffey, a veteran of the Afghanistan War who directs The Heritage Foundation’s Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy.

When Osama bin Laden first attacked America, he decried that the United States was nothing more than a paper tiger. Now, twenty years later, others will take up that rallying cry. After all, today the Taliban controls more territory in Afghanistan than it did on 9/11. The calls for the renewal of the global terrorist jihad will begin once again due to Biden’s foolishness and short-sightedness.  With our wide- open southern border, the opportunities for future attacks on our own soil have now become far more likely.

And it’s not just our adversaries in the Middle East that have been emboldened by Biden’s stupidity. Consider this editorial in China’s Global Times, the Communist Party’s main English-language propaganda mouthpiece, with a message to Taiwan: “From what happened in Afghanistan, they should perceive that once a war breaks out in the Straits, the island’s defense will collapse in hours and the US military won’t come to help.”

Even former President George W. Bush, who has seldom uttered any criticism regarding his successors to the oval office issued a statement.

Bush said he was “afraid Afghan women and girls are going to suffer unspeakable harm” as a result of the withdrawal.

“I think the consequences are going to be unbelievably bad. And I’m sad. Laura and I spent a lot of time with Afghan women. And they’re scared,” he said,

“I think about all the interpreters and people that helped — not only U.S. troops, but NATO troops — and they’re just, it seems like they’re just going to be left behind to be slaughtered by these very brutal people,” Bush said.

“And it breaks my heart.”

“The United States government has the legal authority to cut the red tape for refugees during urgent humanitarian crises. And we have the responsibility and the resources to secure safe passage for them now, without bureaucratic delay. Our most stalwart allies, along with private NGOs, are ready to help,” Bush added.

And yet, Biden’s administration has left thousands of Americans, allies, and Afghani supporters stranded outside of Kabul’s airport trying desperately to get past Taliban checkpoints.  Not only is this an utter disgrace, but it is morally repugnant and despicable to leave friends at the mercy of such evil people. 

My anger and disgust at Biden’s ineptitude and callousness was only intensified as I read reports and watched videos of people desperately clinging to an Air Force C-17 aircraft as it took off, showing people falling from the plane after it ascended into the sky.  The sheer fear and panic as the Taliban closed around innocent people in Kabul must have been overwhelming.  Indeed, there are even pictures of an Afghani woman raising her baby up to a U.S. Marine standing on a wall outside the Kabul airport in order that her child might be saved as she was presumably to be left behind.

Our Afghani friends that supported us in our war on terrorism in their country are terrified as they know what awaits them as the United States pulls out under Biden’s orders.

In Shir Khan Bandar, a port city on the border with Tajikistan, an order went out instructing local imams to provide a list of unmarried women and widows, beginning at age 15, so they can be “married” off to Taliban commanders. In Kandahar province, Taliban fighters tortured and then murdered a popular comic named Nazar Mohammad. When asked Sunday whether the Taliban would return to meting out medieval punishments like amputation and stoning, a spokesman for the terror group said it would be up to the Islamic courts.

In an official statement issued this week, leaders in the underground Afghanistan church told missionary group Frontier Alliance International that Christians are being targeted for execution:

“The Taliban has a hit list of known Christians they are targeting to pursue and kill. The US Embassy is defunct and there is no longer a safe place for believers to take refuge. All borders to neighboring countries are closed and all flights to and from have been halted, with the exception of private planes. People are fleeing into the mountains looking for asylum. They are fully reliant on God, who is the only One who can and will protect them.

“The Taliban are going door-to-door taking women and children. The people must mark their house with an "X" if they have a girl over 12 years old, so that the Taliban can take them. If they find a young girl and the house was not marked, they will execute the entire family. If a married woman 25 years or older has been found, the Taliban promptly kill her husband, do whatever they want to her, and then sell her as a sex slave.

“Husbands and fathers have given their wives and daughters guns and told them that when the Taliban come, they can choose to kill them or kill themselves—it is their choice.”

In the midst of the Vietnam War, during one of the many moments when America was potentially set to betray the South Vietnamese side, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned that if we did, “the word will go out to the nations of the world that it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”

This is the fatal legacy that Biden’s decision has wrought.

Yes, we needed to eventually withdraw from Afghanistan; however, it should have been done with in-depth consultation and coordination with our military commanders and our allies also in country there.  The loyal Afghanis, Americans, NGOs, and allies should have been largely evacuated prior to our military’s withdrawal.  We absolutely should have taken or destroyed any armament or vehicles so that they could not be captured by the Taliban.  And we should have done this process right as winter began so as to give us more time and slow down the movements of the Taliban.

Due to whatever senility-caused reasoning Biden used in forming this decision, he has condemned thousands of would-be friends to death or worse at the hands of the Taliban.  From wokeness to weakness, Biden has shown he is not fit to lead our nation.  Our people know it.  Our allies know it.  And the Afghani people we have betrayed sure as hell know it.  Biden has betrayed our standing in the world, turned his back on our allies, and made our nation far less safe in the long run by emboldening our enemies.  For these reasons, Joe Biden should be removed from office either by impeachment for failing to live up to his duties as commander and chief, or by invoking the 25th amendment due to his obvious cognitive impairment when it comes to making such tremendous life and death decisions.   

Either way, Joe Biden needs to take his sorrowful legacy and leave the oval office… NOW.


Jerry said...

I guess you trust the Taliban.
Just blame Biden for the mess in Afghanistan.
No blame for Bush who started this war with Afghanistan?
No blame for Obama who continued the war in Afghanistan?
No blame for Trump who took the word of our terrorist enemies?
No blame for the Republican legislators who fanned the flames of war for 20 years?
No, it's all Biden's fault.
This is a perfect example of your brick wall thinking. Of your totally biased thinking. Of your lack of knowledge of history. Of your irrational conclusions. Of your blame Democrats for everything even if the facts don't fit scenarios.

Burr Deming said...

As you know, my friend, I'm elderly, and so I have learned not to completely trust what I read.

Perhaps news reports on which I rely are wrong. They say Mr. Trump withdrew 83% of our forces in the last few months of his administration. As I understand it, that drawdown from 15,000 to 2500 was completed 5 days before Mr. Biden became President Biden.

During that transition, Mr. Trump ordered his administration to share no information with Biden or his people about the troop reduction or anything else.

Prior to the election Mr. Trump pressured the Afghanistan government to release all 5,000 Taliban prisoners they were holding.

As early as April, I read accounts that Taliban seemed to be gaining a lot of ground. I do see a connection.

I understand there existed a program of expedited immigration for those who risked their lives to help American troops. New accounts now indicate that, within the Trump administration, Stephen Miller and others devised methods of bureaucratic delay and obstruction. They deliberately sabotaged the rescue program.

They were highly motivated by nativist ideology, especially against non-white immigrants, whom they see as culturally inferior. They were unswayed by reports of pro-American heroism by these refugees.

Was all that incorrect?

There seem to have been more recent developments reporters have been holding back for security reasons. We are now learning about rescue and transport operations into and out of Taliban areas. So we may want to wait for a more complete picture.

I do know that a substantial proportion of conservatives are actively propagating against the refugees about whom you and I share anxious concern.

Surely your anger can be directed toward them.

My elderly perspective is that there is no orderly way to lose a war.

Your information is undoubtedly superior to mine, Darrell.
Where is my information incorrect?

Dave Dubya said...

It's sort of telling that Biden following through with Trump's agreement to surrender to the Taliban enrages someone more than Trump's coup on January 6.

Darrell is correct about the need for better planning. Of course he exempts Trump from all responsibility.

"Where is my information incorrect?"

Darrell has never bothered to answer this question.

Beliefs, bias and radial Right propaganda are quite sufficient.

As neo-con David Frum stated:
"Whatever you or I or the people on cable TV would have personally advised Biden, there was no escaping the threshold question: honor Trump’s deal and surrender Afghanistan – or renege on Trump’s deal and recommit more or fewer US forces to defend Afghanistan."

Dave Dubya said...

David Rothkopf provides some context.

For those who say that what has happened in the last week will permanently damage America's standing in the world, a short list of reasons why, bad as it was, it won't even make the top 30 things that have really harmed our standing.

1. A coup against our government led by our president
2. Support for the coup from the entire Republican Party
3. A major political party (see above) dedicated to dismantling democracy in the United States
4. A president impeached for encouraging the coup
5. A president impeached for trying to blackmail a US ally
6. A president who bullied & insulted our allies for 4 years
7. A president and party who have actively promoted racism and ethno-nationalism
8. A president & party who sought to shut our borders to people of color
9. Re: the preceding, a president & party who sought to block the entry of Afghan (& Iraqi) allies into the country
10. A president who helped deepen the global COVID crisis through selfishness, ignorance and corruption
11. US having the highest COVID death total in the world
12. A president cozying up to dictators worldwide
13. A president corruptly profiting from the presidency
14. A president who was a serial sex offender
15. A president who is a serial tax cheat
16. A president who serially obstructed justice
17. A president who was, at least, the pawn of a foreign enemy who he catered to at the expense of US national security and that of our allies
18. A president surrounded by a long list of corrupt, indicted, convicted cronies
19. A president who unilaterally and without cause pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear deal
20. A president who unilaterally and without cause pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Accords
21. A president who pulled the US out of key UN organizations
22. A president who turned his back on our Kurdish allies
23. A president who helped defend the murderers of a US journalist and pardoned war criminals (and whole host of other corrupt cronies including those who helped serve foreign enemies)
24. Another president who sat by inertly in the face of the abuses of the Syrian gov't
25. 2 presidents in a row who failed to close Guantanamo
26. 2 presidents in a row who have embraced the violation of the sovereignty of foreign nations via drone & other attacks
27. A president who violated int't law via rendition programs and the opening of the prison in Guantanamo
28. A president who illegally invaded Iraq without justification causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents
29. A president who embraced unilateralism
30. A president who invaded Afghanistan with the purpose of responding to Al Qaeda's 9/11 attack and then without justification or hope of success expanded the mission to nation building thus triggering a fruitless, costly 20 year conflict.

What happened in the past week was bad. We should seek to aid and give refuge to Afghan allies. We should use all the tools at our disposal to help ensure respect for human rights in Afghanistan.But getting out of that country & ending that war was actually the right thing to do.

We did it badly. We must learn from the error. But to suggest that the damage done to our international standing or our relationship with our allies is more grave than any of the other things listed above is preposterous.

Dave Dubya said...

Biden's mistake was in his failure to understand the Taliban were in position to take power BEFORE any evacuation. The total capitulation of the Afghan government was sealed when Trump excluded them in making his deal with the Taliban. In fact, Trump surrendered first. "Waiting for winter" would not have made any difference.

Burr reminds us, "During that transition, Mr. Trump ordered his administration to share no information with Biden or his people about the troop reduction or anything else."

Remember when Emily Murphy blocked the Biden transition? Now we know why that was such a big deal.

Trump's Big Lie and coup will be the most egregious acts of self destruction to our republic in its post Civil War history. In fact many dupes in his brainwashed cult WANT another civil war.

The Moonie Cult and the Q-anon cult totally buy the Big Lie. So do good people like Darrell.

They are all incapable of questioning their authoritarian leaders. This is why Darrell absolves Trump of all responsibility for exacerbating racial divisions, for anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry, for hatred and demonization of dissent and opposition, for dereliction on covid, for Afghanistan, for the Big Lie and thousands of other lies, and for insurrection.

No blame for the Leader. Only for his opposition. Does this pattern ring a bell?

When truth is suffocated by demagogues, republics die.

20th Century History 101.

Dave Dubya said...

Hillary Clinton is chartering private flights to evacuate women and children out of Afghanistan.

Donald Trump is playing golf.

Jerry said...

This mess could have been predicted by rookies. Five years ago, or fifteen years from now; whenever we left the country the Taliban would take over and it would be very ugly. In fact, we haven't seen the worst yet. The mass murders are yet to come.
Bin Laden wasn't even in Afghanistan for 10 years. He was hiding in Pakistan. We finally got him, but we lost the war in Afghanistan. Just as we lost the war in Vietnam and we saw people hanging from helicopters to get out. Then the mass murders started in Vietnam.
Was it worth it? Not in my opinion, but military members have to think their deaths and injuries were not for nothing. Fine, let them list the good that came out of our 20 year war in Afghanistan.
It's impossible to eliminate evil from the world; although that was what Bush said he was going to do when he started this war.

Just the Facts! said...

Gee, somebody got Trump triggered a whole lot.

The same person who can not support their claim that the number of blacks dying while in custody of the police is growing higher from year to year. Now expects us to believe a single word he posts without providing a source for anything he posts as facts? When in reality his post is his opinion, not fact.

Ok we get it. In your opinion Trump is the worse thing to hit the world since the ice age, in your opinion he may have caused the Civil War and the Great Depression, and the sinking of the Titanic but without sources, without proof, it's just your OPINION. It is not fact, it is not truth. It is your OPINION.

I'll now call myself a Nazi, authoritarian, white supremacist, eliminating your need to do so. Just give us the proof that what you claim is fact, if you can.

Just the Facts! said...

Hillary Clinton is chartering private flights to evacuate women and children out of Afghanistan.

Prove that..

Here's a report from the NY Times, that utra right wing newspaper on the subject..."One option emerged when Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, offered a few seats for Afghan employees on a charter flight her team was trying to arrange to help Afghan women at risk, according to three people briefed on the discussions. The employees DID NOT END UP taking the flight."

Dave Dubya said...

"Hillary Clinton is chartering private flights to evacuate women and children out of Afghanistan."

"Prove that".

Vern just proved it. LOL!

"Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, offered a few seats for Afghan employees on a charter flight her team was trying to arrange to help Afghan women at risk, according to three people briefed on the discussions."

A "few seats" went unfilled, and Vern wants to completely discredit the entire project.

What has Trump done for refugees?




The same response is predicted for Vern providing any facts that disprove my statements.

Knowhatahmean, Vern?

Dave Dubya said...

How to identify conservatives who don't have their heads stuck up Trump's rectum:

Liz Cheney on Trump saying chaos in Afghanistan wouldn't be happening if he was in charge: "He set this in motion ... the idea that you can sit at a table and negotiate with the Taliban, count on them to defend our security, is wrong."

But fair is fair.

Thank you for proving my statement about Hillary chartering a plane to Afghanistan.

Dave Dubya said...

Dennis Newberry, the Mayor of the City of Ozark, MO, is “throwing a hail merry pass” for his friend in the hospital with covid. “I have procured some ivermectin for him and will be driving it to him today.”

Con-servatism is dangerous. What is wrong with them?

Dave Dubya said...

Ousted Republican Mark Sanford says Trump "would make a great dictator" in scathing new memoir.

That's exactly why the love him. Just don't call them authoritarians, amirite?

Just the Facts! said...

In 1975, President Ford was left to manage the difficult ending of the Vietnam War. President Ford went to Congress for a relief package to allow American personnel and our allies to evacuate. However, there was ONE U.S. SENATOR who opposed any such support. The result was the embarrassing and hurried evacuation from the roof of the American embassy in Saigon.
This senator reveled in the embarrassment and did everything he could to leverage it politically against Ford. Despite the efforts of this U.S. Senator--President Ford managed to rescue 1,500 South Vietnamese allies prior to the country's fall. Had President Ford not acted quickly, these people would have been targeted and slaughtered for their support for America. When they arrived in America, President Ford asked Congress for a package to assist these refugees to integrate into American society.
That SAME troublesome SENATOR TORPEDOED ANY SUPPORT for these shell shocked, anti-communist, Americans and our helpers, the refugees.
Instead, President Ford had to recruit Christian organizations to offer assistance on a voluntary basis. As he did so, the Senator belittled those efforts. What kind of person would oppose President Ford's tireless work to do the right and humanitarian thing? Who would want to play politics with the well-being of innocent people who stood by America in the tragic Vietnam War?

Dave Dubya said...

Sounds like Vern's kind of guy.

8-19-21 Denton County Sheriff meets Jessica Luther Rummel.

Denton County GOP Hosted Texas Nationalist Movement in the County Elections Admin Building to Gather Signatures on a Petition for a Texas Secession vote.

Neo-confederate authoritarian sheriff meets a woman demanding her rights. But he’s the “real patriot”, amirite?

Just don't compare them to fascists.

Just the Facts! said...


"...any attack on our forces or disruption of our operations at the airport will be met with a swift and forceful response."
Joe Biden, August 20, 2021.

11 Marines, 1 Navy medic killed as Taliban security fails to prevent suicide bomber. Taliban, who Biden has told us he doesn't, trust fails to keep it's word to Biden.

When will President Biden leave for another vacation?
When will Susan Rice blame a video for the attack?
When will V.P. Harris make a statement?
When will the left blame Trump?

"Come on man".

Biden sounds like Dave's kind of President.

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, as for your first comment, I do not blame Biden for the war in Afghanistan. There is blame across many administrations of both parties for that. What I do blame him for is his timidness with the Taliban when it comes to getting Americans, allies, and Afghani friends out of the country. He won't push out the timeline and won't respond to the hostilities on the ground by the airport. The corrupt and senile son of a bitch needs to be removed from office. Our allies are all angry as hell at him too.

As for your comment, Burr, I am afraid that you probably do indeed have some incorrect information. Again, I am not criticizing Biden for pulling out, but I am criticizing him for HOW he is pulling out without thorough consultation with our allies, armed forces commanders on the ground, and our Afghan allies. He is bound and determined to exit the country while leaving billions of dollars of equipment and weaponry behind. His only concern seems to be which ice cream he should have next.

JTF, I have read that story about Biden that you posted too. Obama's defense secretary Gates was correct when he said that Biden has been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy decision throughout his entire career. Well this latest ones endangers our nation greatly, especially those still on the ground in country. He should resign or be removed from office.

As for Dave's latest leftist diatribe of enumerated transgressions, nearly all of them are partisan assertions while several of them could easily be asserted to be transgressions of corrupt Joe. Item 22 is valid. Nearly all of the rest are Mother Jones/Atlantic talking points.

Dave Dubya said...

Say, Vern,
Didn't Trump say he "defeated ISIS, and "100% of the caliphate".

He forgot about some of them in Kabul. Better. Blame. Biden.(TM)

Burr: "Where is my information incorrect?"

Dave: "Darrell has never bothered to answer this question."

Darrell: "Burr, I am afraid that you probably do indeed have some incorrect information."

So there you have it. How could he possibly answer your question more thoroughly? I mean, without having to bring up actual information to answer the question.

I've learned that's asking too much from our kind host.

Take a number, Burr. We have a looooooonng list of what Darrell won't disclose. Like evidence the election was stolen...

As he informs us, "partisan assertions" and "Nearly all of the rest are Mother Jones/Atlantic talking points".

"Partisan assertions!" Can you imagine? That's the Left for you. We see none of that from Darrell or FOX(R), or Trump, or Republicans.

In his realm of artificial reality, only pro-Trump media are conveying facts. Yessiree. That's how it works. Just don't call pro-Trump media propaganda. Nosiree. Doesn't fit the definition of the word at all. Nope.

And it's certainly not "Partisan assertions" either, for crying out loud.

Somehow "betrayed the Kurds" filtered through to him.

He's in for a lot of surprises, or a lot more to be angry about. Imagine finding out Trump is a liar... Naaw. Never. That would be the "enemy of the people" and their "fake news" telling that lie about Honest Don, the Greatest (and still) President ever.

Darrell Michaels said...

Trump basically did eliminate ISIS. ISIS-K is a splinter group that thinks the Taliban is too moderate. Many of these pieces of human debris may very well be the people released from Afghan prisons or even from Gitmo, according to some reports. Do you think that Joe Biden coming with his ice cream cone in his hand and begging the Taliban for help is the proper way to protect our people and national interests.

Trump was an idiot on many fronts, but Biden's insistence on a disastrously executed pull-out has endangered America, our allies, and our national interests for years to come.

Dave Dubya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
UnTrump said...

OK, this is gone too far. We are willing and able to call out GOP hypocrisy on the Garland / Barret nominations, the debt ceiling, violence/terror, but we are not willing to call out utter incompetence in the case of our own. I voted for Biden. I assumed he would do a decent job, walk around with his foot in mouth, and just be Biden.

He did not do that. Instead he killed Americans, Allies we implied we would protect and everyone else. That Trump started the withdrawal, has nothing to do with anything. I implore you to argue what you think for the reasons you think them. That Trump withheld data, had nothing to do with anything. The argument in Biden’s defense is that Biden could not possibly exit a war without sustaining heavy losses and betraying everyone at every level, who supported it. It is absurd, and an argument we would completely reject if the ever-hypocritical GOP were to float it.

I will not vote for Biden again. I cannot. There was no excuse whatsoever for any of this. If he had admitted the mistakes and started remediation, it would have made a difference. Instead, he must have asked himself: “What would Trump do in this situation?”

I will not vote for Trump. I will not vote for a clone of Trump either. I also will not vote for Kamala Harris or any of the foul, utterly discussing, and quintessentially depraved hypocritical GOP mainstream, so I don’t know what I am going to do.

Now that I have denounced everyone, as you all are utterly deserving, I hope you all have a fine evening.

Dave Dubya said...

You're right. We can always be just spectators. As the late great George Carlin said, "You don't have rights, you have owners. Voting is the illusion of choice, like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic".

Voting rights are being further eroded, and Republicans will take control of state elections to the point of nullifying them if they lose. Corpo-Dems in the Senate will obstruct any efforts to protect voter rights by preserving the anti-democratic filibuster.

Gerrymandering will enable future Republican rule in the House. Fair elections and representation will be history.

Democratic representation has been effectively strangled and the Right will seize minority rule again. Their built in electoral and Senate advantages, along with the best justice their money can buy will assure it.

Of course if Biden "killed Americans" because of a suicide bomber, Trump certainly killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his bungling of the covid crisis.

These delusional and deranged times are best regarded with a healthy and sick sense of humor.

I hope you have a fine evening as well. I'm off to enjoy the pleasant Scotch mist of the peat-covered island of Islay. Cheers, and SlĂ inte mhath, my laddie.

Darrell Michaels said...

UnTrump, I thank you for your honest and clear-eyed summation of the situation. You have my respect, sir.

Mr. Dubya, with all due respect, the only thing that sounded evenly remotely good/honest in your comment was your taste in scotch, my friend. ;)