Thursday, August 26, 2021

Jocko Willink's "If I Were President..." Speech

This short video is from John "Jocko" Willink regarding the speech that a real American president should be delivering to America, Afghanistan, allies, friends, and the Taliban and other enemies throughout the world... and then following through on his stated actions accordingly 

I won't hold my breath that the head of the Biden crime family will do any such thing as I hear he is headed down to the local Ben and Jerry's for more ice cream as twelve of our Marines were killed today.

From Wikipedia:

"John Gretton "Jocko" Willink (born September 8, 1971)[2] is an American author, podcaster, and retired United States Navy officer who served in the Navy SEALs.

His military service included combat actions in the Iraq War, where he commanded SEAL Team 3's Task Unit Bruiser, the unit that fought in the battle against the Iraqi insurgents in Ramadi. Willink was honored with the Silver Star and Bronze Star Medal for his service. He achieved the rank of lieutenant commander."

H/T: Gary S.


Just the Facts! said...

It has been reported by all networks that the Taliban security around the airport was making it very difficult to get to the airport gates. Even for those who had proper documentation. Yet this same security "missed" the two suicide bombers who blew themselves up AT THE GATES...Hmm.

Just the Facts! said...

And to think these two were the best the Democrats had to offer the American voter.
A new poll found that a majority of likely voters do not think President Joe Biden will finish his term, while a majority also say Vice President Kamala Harris is unfit to replace him.

“Most voters believe it’s likely that President Joe Biden won’t finish out his term of office, and don’t think Vice President Kamala Harris is ready to step up to replace him,” Rasmussen Reports noted on Thursday.

The pollster asked likely U.S. voters about Harris in the wake of this week’s stunning events in Afghanistan. The results found the perception that the Biden/Harris administration can succeed has shifted.

Just the Facts! said...

If Biden leaves the White House, that means V.P. Harris will be President, who will get to pick a new V.P. with the approval of a split Senate. She will NOT be able to break a tie vote, only the VP can do that and we will not have one.

So the Democrats will have to come hat in hand to the Republicans with a candidate that the GOP approves of to fill the VP job. If President Harris performance to date is any indication, she may get impeached especially if the Nov 2021 elections go the GOP's way. Other than her gender and skin color what else does she have going for her? (Ask Willie Brown?)

Which makes the 2024 elections even more interesting. But to be sure the Democrats know this and are right now doing all they can to steal the next two elections.

We live in interesting times.

Darrell Michaels said...

I saw that poll, JTF. I think a majority of Americans are disgusted with Biden, including quite a few that weren't paying attention and voted for him.

I know my dead father is embarrassed for voting for Biden. He never would have done so if he had still been alive. ;)

Just the Facts! said...

I don't think they voted for Biden as much as they voted against Trump.

Many just couldn't handle a NY City big business way of doing things, never looked at the way America Was Great Again never realizing what damage Biden could do in 8 months.

I hope now they see what a mistake they made.

Just the Facts! said...

"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up," Obama told a fellow Democrat during the 2020 presidential primary. The former president disparaged his running mate again during a conversation with a Democratic candidate: "And you know who really doesn't have it?" Obama said. "Joe Biden."

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, what exactly is stupid about Cdr. Willink's statement, sir?

If you approach this situation from a position of strength and a willingness to follow through on your threats/promises, then the likelihood of innocent people being killed or prevented from leaving diminishes astronomically.

I served in the Middle East during Desert Storm. The cultural mindset of many of these people, and the Taliban in particular, is that if you display strength and fairness then they will respect that and be more apt to act accordingly. If you act subservient or weak, you will be ignored at best or reviled and targeted at worst.

Willink's speech was EXACTLY the right tone to take in this matter. What is really stupid is insisting on sticking to a deadline that even our allies tried to get Biden to extend. What is stupid is turning over our more easily defended and better equipped Bagram air base and using the far more dangerous airport in Kabul. What is asinine beyond reason is giving the names of important people to the Taliban so they can "help" get them through to the evacuation planes. You do NOT give up names of people to the evil vermin that have been the cause of people not being able to get to the airport in the first place.

Biden must resign or be impeached. While I don't like to use profanity, sometimes it is the most appropriate descriptive; Biden is a senile and incompetent asshole who has already cost American lives needlessly, and will cause many more to be killed in the future due to his irresponsible, weak, and cowardly actions.

Just the Facts! said...
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Just the Facts! said...
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Just the Facts! said...

Darrell, don't you know by now that liberals don't have to be accountable for what they post? They don't have to prove their posts or provide their sources. They said it, they believe it and only a fool would disagree with them. Just ask them

Jerry said...

So whatever you post I'm a fool if I don't agree with you Hogwash.

Darrell Michaels said...

JTF, I think that Jerry is one of the more classical liberals that we can sometimes find common ground with. There are certain things upon which he and I agree, I suspect. That said, other than the tone of Willink's video, I was curious what Jerry found to be stupid.

Leftists, on the other hand, will often times reflexively denounce any position made by a right-of-center person simply due to the fact that it came from a right-of-center person. See Dave Dubya as a prime example of this.

Jerry said...

Dave has banned me from his blog because I wouldn't swallow his falsehoods and Hitler crap. And now I'm supposed to be a fool because I won't swallow your conservative, reactionary garbage. I don't feel my moderate views needs review, but you and Dave should reexamine your partisan, brick wall, party line thinking. I'm fine knowing I'm rejected by two sources that are so obviously diametrically opposed. The idea that both of you think only you have the correct answers to everything, yet blame each others side for all our problems, is laughable.

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, you are always welcome here. Further, I don't expect you to agree with everything I say. Indeed, I was asking why you thought the video was stupid so that I could perhaps understand your viewpoint, sir. (in all sincerity)

Yes, I am definitely right-wing in my politics, but I have plenty of respect and am able to learn from thoughtful liberals. Sometimes what I learn is that I have failed to consider a certain aspect before having reached a conclusion. On rare occasions I have even learned that I was absolutely wrong. Don't expect leftists to EVER admit that. Liberals... yes. Leftists... not a chance.

I consider you to be a liberal in the classical definition of the term, Jerry. Your views I can understand and respect, even if I don't always agree. I certainly don't expect, nor want you to agree with everything I write. That just creates an echo chamber where one hears his own voice and is not ever challenged on his views. That is a sure fire way to never learn anything. :)

I try very hard to not attack you personally or most every other visitor to my blog when they disagree. I am sure we can find a notable exception to this general rule. :) That said, I am not as good of a Christian as I would like or as I should be, and that exception often pushes the limits. ;)

Dave Dubya said...

I warned Jerry about making all his comments about ME, and not the subject, or specifics of my words. He defied my request for information when he told me I was wrong, and doubled down on personal insults.

He chose to abandon good faith discussion in the thread, so I stopped him from trolling any further.

He's not banned. If he can bring himself to decent conversation, he can post all he wants. But he's done as far as that thread goes. He had fair warning.

Good faith discussion is almost impossible with so many people. I think it's due to personal defensive mechanisms. They feel threatened when questioned and asked to support their claims and accusations with facts and evidence.

He declared, "I don't feel my moderate views needs review".

So he won't answer questions, or honor requests.

He's above us, you know. His wisdom and grasp of facts are beyond question.

We may all feel that to some degree, but most have no insight on it.

But what do I know? I'm always wrong, even though nobody can set me straight with said facts and evidence.

I think he needs to place himself in a position of righteousness and attack us both personally.

He trolled me with this:

"Nothing is black and white except in your world. Just fit the pieces so the puzzle comes out the way you want it, not the way it is. Cultism is blinding, get your eyes fixed. I will compare you to Darrell. You are both irrational on opposite sides, but you both exude the same idiotic behavior."

Human beings are a fascinating species. So full of themselves, yet so delicate emotionally.

Now to the topic of your post.

Anybody who ignores Trump's role in the Afghan debacle is just being blindly partisan. He almost literally opened the prison gates for the Taliban, while excluding the Afghan govt. from negotiations. And to top it off, Trump denied sharing information during transition. Anyone who can't see that is willfully ignoring it.

Yes, Biden messed up. He also was not on top of things. His civilian and military advisors failed him by not seeing the Taliban had already arranged for the takeover months ago.

Maybe nobody saw that? I didn't. Did you?

The people who stayed long after being told to evacuate also messed up.

I blame Bush and Obama for gross mismanagement as well.

The mission was ill-defined and doomed from the start.

Coalition forces likely killed at least as many innocent Afghans as Americans were killed by al-Qaeda on 9-11. The same is true for Iraq.

"Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" isn't wise for foreign, or military, policy.

Bombing weddings and 20 years of indiscriminate drone killings including women and children never win hearts and minds. But what do I know?

Sure we made things better for women and a few others. But it's not our job to stay and babysit them forever. There's been corruption, profiteering and a lack of accountability from the beginning.

It was foolish to expect a clean ending to a messy war, no matter when it finally happens. Say what you will, and rage, blame and condemn all you want, but this is the way it has always been.

What did crazed "leftists" like me call it back in 2002?

A quagmire. Like Vietnam and Iraq. But what do I know, right? Jerry says I don't know history.

I'm sure you share his opinion of my ignorance as well. ;-)

Jerry said...

It's unfortunate people can't follow the thread since Dave won't post my comments. Suffice it to say that Dave lied about what I said and I simply refuse to debate given falsehoods. It's surprising how quick I became his enemy as soon as I disagreed with him. Now he's here acting like a child.
What would you have Biden do? Send in 500,000 troops, concur Afghanistan, declare it a U.S. territory and give rights and protection as we do other U.S. territories?
Who started the war in Afghanistan? Who lied and started a war in Iraq causing thousands of American lives?
Did it not occur to you that no matter when we left Afghanistan the Taliban would move in and take over?
Who was stupid enough to think they could negotiate anything with a terrorist organization?
Who is naive enough to think we could get out of Afghanistan without losing lives?
I love you arm chair quarterbacks telling us how it should have been done. Did you criticize Bush when he lied and started wars that led to thousands of American deaths?
Do you agree with the conservative philosophy that we should be interfering in the Middle East? I guess you Republicans thought it was in America's best interest to build up a 20 trillion dollar debt.
Yes, I am a classic liberal, but you say that as if that is some kind of stupidity. Sp explain conservative mistakes by using your superior logic.
Sorry, I don't accept the Republican line that Democrats are responsible for all Americas ills, ignoring the lies the Republicans have used that killed American lives. And if you can't judge past one incident, then your judgment and intellect is lacking.
As for the idiot in your video, I take exception to him thinking he knows better than everyone else. The same exception I take to you, or Dave thinking either of you know all the answers. So who looks like the bigger fool? Me, you, or Dave? Dave is the winner hands down.

Dave Dubya said...

There he goes again. Jerry's only comment that I didn't post was shared above. So where did I "lie" about what he said?


I quoted both his words and mine, after his false accusation. The words are all clearly in the thread where he went off the rails.

Jerry's false accusation: (Dave)"I told Jerry I'm fine with him disagreeing about comparing the American Radical Right with European fascism." That is not true, and it's pointless to debate falsehoods.

Now Dave's statement of facts: "Wrong, Jerry. It is pointless to debate without facts and evidence.

Jerry ignored, denied, or dismissed my original words.

"I understand perspectives and opinions vary, and grey areas exist. It's perfectly valid to have a different opinion. You don't like the comparisons I've made. Fine. Your opinion does not invalidate them."

So what is wrong with Jerry?

Jerry refuses to engage with my words for good reason.

Accuse, accuse accuse. Never justify the accusation with facts and evidence.

"It's unfortunate people can't follow the thread since Dave won't post my comments. Suffice it to say that Dave lied about what I said and I simply refuse to debate given falsehoods. It's surprising how quick I became his enemy as soon as I disagreed with him. Now he's here acting like a child."

Now he's my "enemy" and I am a "liar". How delicate and paranoid can one's emotional state be? I feel sorry for him. Jerry's irrational sense of victimhood rivals that of the radical Right.

There is no reasoning with someone who wants to have it both ways:

Jerry, 8-19-21: “As far as I'm concerned Trump is in the past.”

Jerry, 2-21-21: “But the evil still lurks. He's working full time to divide the country. He will be speaking at the CPAK convention next Sunday. Accept the fact that this criminal will be in our national politics until he dies."

From ”Calm the f*** down.”

Well, Jerry. Which is it? Make up your mind. One of these is false. Which one?

He's proving me correct about his being emotionally reactive. He's angry because he's incapable of showing facts to disprove my points. None offered. ZERO. His idea of "debate" is accusing the other of falsehoods and adding ad hominem insults.

I wear his vapid "winner" label as a badge of honor.

Jerry is the liberal version of JTF.

Dave Dubya said...

Dave: "I understand perspectives and opinions vary, and grey areas exist."

Jerry's version: "Nothing is black and white except in your world."

And there you have it. Bad faith all the way.

Let's just say Jerry's reading comprehension is lacking, shall we? Poor guy.

Although he's still the learned scholar and expert historian who somehow can't share any requested information on history.

Just as Darrell cannot show evidence Trump beat Biden, Jerry cannot show evidence that "Hitler and his brown shirts beat, imprisoned, and murdered top government officials and elected German representatives before and after he was given the leadership off Germany".

Brownshirts were Hitler's version of the insurrectionist street thugs called "Proud Boys". Both radical Right groups are known for brawling with Marxists and antifa respectively. Neither group imprisoned anybody.

Jerry seems unaware Hitler purged the Brownshirts shortly after gaining power.

Shame on me for having such little faith in the certainty of simple asserted beliefs.

Just the Facts! said...

"Jerry is the liberal version of JTF."

LOL, what's next? He's a Fascist, racist, authoritarian, white supremacist? That's what Dave calls anyone to the right of him, which is about 90% of Americans.

Jerry, I've tried to post this question on Dave's blog and he has refused to post it, censorship is his middle name. Welcome to the crowd.

Yet Dave, who claiming the number of blacks dying while in police custody is increasing every year, is unable to provide sources, links, anything that would support his claim.

Just the Facts! said...

"Has anyone considered the possibility that Joe Biden’s prodigious consumption of ice cream has given him a permanent case of brain freeze?"

Steven Hayward

Dave Dubya said...

Vern declares: "Jerry, I've tried to post this question on Dave's blog and he has refused to post it, censorship is his middle name."

What question is that?

If Jerry is to the Right of me, why haven't I called him a "Fascist, racist, authoritarian, white supremacist"?

Accusations without evidence. THAT is what authoritarians do. Even less than bright, paranoid, and angry non-authoritarians may behave that way, but at least they have an underlying issue with their thought process.

Blacks die in police custody every year. If a Black person dies in police custody, then the number of Black persons dying in police custody increases by one.

How is that complicated for you, Vern? And what does it say about a radical Right Trumpist white guy deflecting from that fact? Hmm?

Bet you don't respond honestly and in good faith.

Vern is the Right's version of Jerry.

Just the Facts! said...

And Jerry, one of Dave's favorite tactics is to put words in your mouth and then ask you to explain them..And then there is his tactic of when he can't win the debate on the topic at hand he launches into personal attacks in order to deflect from the topic. Like he is doing now and how he as done on other blogs.and of course their is his censorship of those who disagree with him on his blog, all the while claiming to be an "old fashion American"

Now back to the topic...Biden is a complete failure as President. And the worse thing is he was the best the Democrat Party had to offer.

Dave Dubya said...

"He's a Fascist, racist, authoritarian, white supremacist? That's what Dave calls anyone to the right of him, which is about 90% of Americans."

No. As evidenced by the facts, that is what I call a Fascist, racist, authoritarian, white supremacist.

Anyone who minimizes Blacks killed in police custody is showing their racism.

I told you Vern can't respond in good faith.

Just the Facts! said...

Flashback: Blinken Promised ‘Responsible End’ So ‘Afghanistan Can Never Again Become A Haven For Terrorists’…

We got the exact opposite.

Just the Facts! said...

Dave, show me the post were I "minimizes Blacks killed in police custody".

Bet you can't, bet you won't...meanwhile Biden is an awful President and nothing anyone cans say will prove different

Dave Dubya said...

Dave, show me the post were I "minimizes Blacks killed in police custody".

By relentlessly pulling this crap:

"The same person who can not support their claim that the number of blacks dying while in custody of the police is growing higher from year to year."

Every year the number is higher. Deflecting from that would be exactly what a racist would do. Not that Vern's a racist, he just thinks and acts like one.

The fact is more Blacks die in police custody every year. Nobody's talking about numbers "per year". It varies. But to deflect from that is despicable.

Who but a racist would deny or deflect from that?



Still waiting.

Just the Facts! said...

"It's surprising how quick I became his enemy as soon as I disagreed with him."
I am not surprised.

Just the Facts! said...

My favorite Presidential quote:

"So the best way to get something done, if you, if you hold near and dear to that, you uh um, like to be able uh...Anyway."

Joe Biden

Dave Dubya said...

Remember this crybaby rant?

Vern declares: "Jerry, I've tried to post this question on Dave's blog and he has refused to post it, censorship is his middle name."

What question is that? I asked.

Vern ignored me. He's not here for good faith discussion. He's only here to show who he hates.

Notice how often Vern has to bring up Blacks in a thread just to attack me.

I bet Jerry is impressed with how Vern, his fellow "enemy" and victim of brutal persecution, never twists my words.

A non-racist would say, "You're right, Dave. Too many Black Americans die in police custody. Bad cops make it harder for good cops to do their job and serve the community".

A racist would never say anything like that. Neither has Vern. In fact, Vern has NEVER shown a lick of sympathy or concern for any Black victim of police brutality and white racism. NEVER. His kind are easy to tell by their sociopathic indifference to racial injustice and inequality. He thinks his racist hate is invisible. He thinks his authoritarian bullying doesn't tell us what kind of person he is.

My point was clear. Only a racist would want to disregard it, or make it about something different, like what Vern does.

He can't hide his utter disregard for Black lives. In fact he flaunts it. The only Black he pretends to care about are Republicans who worked for Rush "Take that ring out of your nose" Limbaugh, apparently.

Mighty white of him.

Dave Dubya said...

Vern: "So you admit Dave that to hold you accountable for your statements is racist. Finally."

This is deliberate twisting of my words. Vern is damn liar as well as a bigot. It's all about his hate.

Too bad Jerry refuses to show where I twisted his words and lied about him. He won't even give me something to defend.

What is it with you two? Were you abused as children?

Just the Facts! said...

Nope Dave I quoted you 100%, I did not twist or put words in your mouth.

Here's your statement and the question, can't wait to read your deflection.

"The same person who can not support their claim that the number of blacks dying while in custody of the police is growing higher from year to year."

Every year the number is higher" PROVE IT DAVE! Support that claim DAVE!

Something along the lines of "Vern is a racist for quoting me", LOL. For asking me to prove my claims (how DARE anyone hold DAVE accountable)...the question Dave is how long will you deny your own racism? How long will you not prove your claims, how long will you dodge the FACTS of what you have said?
"Come on man" prove that the number of blacks dying while in custody of the police is growing like you claim, show us the numbers from 2019 to to 2020 to 2021, show us how they have increased. Waiting.

Meanwhile, isn't our president a piece of work?

Dave Dubya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Dubya said...

A few Republicans have the guts and decency to tell the truth:

“This is the result of very ineffective decisions, terrible decisions made by the prior administration and by the current administration,” Romney told CNN on Sunday.

For that disloyalty to Trump, he will be attacked and called a "RINO".

Dave Dubya said...

It wasn’t long ago when I pointed to the fact that many who claim to be Christians ignore a primary commandment from their Savior to love their fellow man. Vern in particular. If I can see his racist scorn and hatred, so can Jesus.

Former pastor John Pavlovitz understands this:

“How to Know if You Have the Wrong Religion”

One of the perennial party lines from my megachurch days was “Being a good person isn’t going to get you into Heaven, only accepting Jesus will”—as if God so preferred some 90-second lip service over a long life of kindness, that He would send a loving Muslim to hell while eternally rewarding a horrible human being who once answered an altar call. That seemed like an odd thing for a God who is all-knowing and all-loving to do. That seemed antithetical to love. And this theology has produced some really unloving people who are certain they have their ticket to heaven punched.

The answer to the question, “Do I have religion right?” is actually quite simple to me now, and when people ask me I tell them why.

The right religious worldview is the one that makes you a more empathetic human being—period. It is the belief system that enables you to be more aware of the suffering in the world and propels you into other people’s lives to alleviate that suffering.

If your religion doesn’t yield an ever deepening compassion in you and move you to widen your embrace of disparate humanity, it’s the wrong religion. I don’t care what your pastor, priest, rabbi, imam, guru, or prophet says. Believing the right thing isn’t the right thing unless your life shows the fruit. Less generosity, less empathy, less diversity means you got it wrong.

If you claim to be a “God and Country “Bible-believing Evangelical,” great. But if you have contempt for immigrants or bristle at white privilege or oppose safeguards in a pandemic, your Christianity is ineffectual at best and at worst, it’s toxic. You might want to rethink something.

If you are less loving because of your religion no matter what that religion is, you got it wrong.

Dave Dubya said...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -American forces launched a military strike in Kabul on Sunday targeting a possible suicide car bomb that was aiming to attack the airport, U.S. officials said.

Better Blame Biden and Praise Trump (TM)

Dave Dubya said...

Bless their authoritarian little hearts...

Kid Rock owning the libs after playing to packed crowd at Sturgis. “There is nothing the mainstream media or internet or social media trolls can do but look at this pic and weep, knowing you will never beat us.” Then tweets that upcoming shows all canceled because band has covid.

“Can’t trust Republicans to safeguard our elections when they’re still trying to steal the last one.” – Steven Woodrow Representative for Colorado's House District 6

“Republicans think Donald Trump is President until they want to blame Joe Biden for something.”

Just the Facts! said...

Dave, You are a bore. yadayaydyadya...just remember Dave "it's not a lie if you believe it"

Instead of defending his coward in chief, Dave wastes band width defending his own inability to explain what he means by giving his sources etc...meanwhile...

ABC’s Jon Karl: Biden Admin Touted Botched Withdrawal As A ‘Smashing Success’ …. ‘That Isn’t Reality’…

Just the Facts! said...

During an interview on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, fill-in host Martha Raddatz went toe-to-toe with Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the fact that their only plan after August 31 was to tell those people to trust terrorists or march through the mountains and desert until they reached another country.

After establishing the fact that President Biden was committed to abandoning Americans and allies in a terrorist safe haven, Raddatz grilled Blinken on how the administration wanted them to try to escape. “So, how do you realistically think any American citizens or Afghan partners who are left behind will be able to fly out? What would you say to them on how to get out,” she demanded to know.

Blinken’s go-to answer was to spout off about some assurances “a very senior Taliban leader” gave on the TV and radio. But Raddatz wasn’t having any of that nonsense:

BLINKEN: Martha, a few things. First, just about 24 hours ago a very senior Taliban leader spoke on television and on the radio throughout Afghanistan and repeatedly assured the Afghan people that they would be free to travel after August 31, and he --

RADDATZ: But Secretary Blinken, they do not trust them. I know you say you don't trust the Taliban, but now you're telling me we should trust what the Taliban said. Those people are in hiding.

BLINKEN: No, I'm not saying that, Martha. I'm not saying we should trust the Taliban on anything. I'm simply reporting what one of their senior leaders said to the Afghan people. He specifically cited as well those who worked for Americans and any other Afghan for whatever reason. So that's point one.

“You're trying to reassure our Afghan allies. They're not reassured,” she shot back. “Those interpreters who aren't getting out, they're not reassured by a statement like that. So, what more can you tell them to get out, how to get out?”

The Secretary defaulted to bloviating about how the international community had very strong “expectations” that the Taliban would allow people the “freedom of travel” from the country, and if they didn’t, Americans could just run to the border. “That's a very dangerous trip,” Raddatz pointed out.

In the follow-up interview, Raddatz brought on Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse and teed him up to take down Blinken. “They are not moving that deadline which likely means there will likely be people left behind. How do you think these Afghans and American citizens will get out,” she asked.

Dave Dubya said...

Remember Trump's "Gettysburg Address" last year, when he outlined his agenda?

"But so I think, I think it would be, I think it would be very, very, I think we'd have a very very solid, we would continue what we're doing, we'd solidify what we've done, and we have other things on our plate we want to get done."

Better than Lincoln, amirite?

Just the Facts! said...

After Saying He’ll Take Questions, Biden Refuses One On Afghanistan…

Hmmm, I wonder why…

Just the Facts! said...

A humble request: Can someone in the White House press pool please ask @JoeBiden who behind the scenes keeps telling him not to take any questions & on the rare occasion when he does, who tells him which reporter he’s allowed to call on.



“I’m not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead,” @POTUS told me at FEMA HQ. I asked if there's still an acute risk at the Kabul airport. “I’m not going to answer on Afghanistan,” he said.

— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) August 29, 2021

Dave Dubya said...

Here's how Vern likes a president to answer questions:

In one week in 2018 Trump singled out three African-American women journalists. The women - Abby Phillip, April Ryan and Yamiche Alcindor - earned his contempt apparently just for asking him questions. Trump, the Birther President, called one of Ms Phillip's questions "stupid," described Ms Ryan as "a loser" and scolded Ms Alcindor, saying her question was "racist."

Dave Dubya said...

How come these folks in Louisiana who believe "socialism is evil" are now saying they'll be fine because the National Flood Insurance Program will pay for their hurricane-damaged homes? Why isn't that kind of socialism a good idea for healthcare, too?

Dave Dubya said...

Brute force always appeals to the radical Right:

PA GOP Gov candidate Steve Lynch today: “Forget going into these school boards with freaking data. You go in to these school boards to remove them. I’m going in with 20 strong men and I’m gonna give them an option - they can leave or they can be removed.”

Just don't call them authoritarians, amirite?

Just the Facts! said...

Forty people were shot, four of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

None were in the custody of the police...

Jerry said...

I did show you where you lied about what I said and I showed you where you lied.
According to Dave you conservatives are all a bunch of bigoted, racist, fascist, Hitler lovers and can't wait to turn our government into a fascist, murdering State. .
Now on with your obsessive, delusional, never ending rants Dave.

Dave Dubya said...

Hi, Jerry.
Still can't quote me?
More accusations without evidence. You win a MAGA hat.

Dave Dubya said...

Watch a white racist harass a Black journalist for doing his job.

Whoops. I mean watch a "real American" "defending freedom" against the "enemy of the people".

Jerry said...

As I said, I did.
You win the living in fantasy prize.
At this point you are lying much more than you claim Trump lies.
Now on with your Hitler, fascist rants.

Dave Dubya said...

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.

Nobody reading this thread has a clue what you are screeching about. Give them a hint. Can you show us where, or what you quoted, by me?

Didn't think so.

Why can't you?

Liars, closed minded, and emotionally disturbed people find that very difficult.


From, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel

“Sleepy Joe? Bennett Finds Biden 'Very Sharp' in First Meeting”

There’s a major disparity between the image of U.S. President Joe Biden in the eyes of his opponents, which has been reinforced by a considerable amount of fake news, and the American leader that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his Israeli delegation met at the Oval Office on Friday.

In the course of their lengthy conversation, which dealt with a variety of sensitive subjects, Biden was alert and focused. Following the meeting, Bennett told those around him that he had been impressed by how knowledgeable the president was and by the focus that he demonstrated in the course of their meeting.

“The president was very sharp,” one diplomatic official said after the meeting. “His mastery of the details in the course of the meeting was very impressive. He was knowledgeable about all topics down to the smallest of them.”

The "Biden asleep" video is now being reported by Iran's state broadcaster. The footage they've shared is clearly snipped to show a few seconds where Biden's dropped his head in conversation with Israeli PM Bennett. - @KianSharifi, Journalist @BBCMonitoring Watching Iran

Putin’s MAGA Puppets are now parroting Iran’s Propaganda. And they will continue.

"Real Patriots", amirite?

Better Blame ze Jews, now. Nicht Wahr, Mein Herren?

The Associated Press’ VoteCast survey found Jews voting for Biden at 68 percent and Trump at 30 percent.

Ach, Nein!

For some reason the vast majority of Jews do not support Trump and his party. Hmmm.

Only Jerry knows for sure.

Dave Dubya said...

The radical Right knows who the Nazis really are. The U.S. government.

A conservative radio host in Florida who was openly opposed to the coronavirus vaccine has died of the COVID-19 infection after a three-week battle with the disease.

“Mr. Anti-Vax” Marc Bernier’s final tweet, sent July 30, compared the vaccination and virus mitigation efforts to Nazi Germany.

Nikki Fried tweeted: “The greatest generation had to defeat the Nazis to preserve our way of life, you’re only being asked to get a shot. So be a patriot. Turn off the TV and go get vaccinated.”

Bernier responded: Should say, "Now the US Government is acting like Nazi's. Get the shot!"

Add another member to "Darwin's Anti-Vax Club".

Just the Facts! said...

Following the lead of the "Big Guy".

Secretary of State Antony Blinken turned his back on reporters following a press briefing on Monday evening who were asking him about the hundreds of American citizens that have been abandoned in Afghanistan.

Blinken quickly exited the press conference as a reporter shouted, “Did this administration break its word that no American would be left behind?”

Blinken turns his back on reporters and refuses to answer questions about abandoning American citizens.

Just the Facts! said...


Dave NEVER acknowledges when you answer his question. He NEVER answers others questions. He will "twist your words". He is after all privileged.

BTW Dave, how many blacks have been shot by White Supremacists in Chicago so far this year? How many more blacks have died while in police custody this year vs. last year? Do you still claim that the number of blacks dying while in police custody is increasing yearly? Can you prove your claim?

You do know that by not answering you are admitting you're full of it and cant prove what you claim?

Circle back to me will you Dave with your answers without mentioning Trump, fascists, racism, conservatives, Christians, Nazis..or are these "bad questions"?

Just the Facts! said...

Biden Calls Black Senator “Boy”…

Unreal. Trump would’ve been impeached a third time for this.

Not only does Biden not sound great here, but also called Cedric Richmond "boy," something the left would lose it if he were a Republican: "I'm here with — with my senior adviser and boy who knows Louisiana very, very well — man — and — and New Orleans, Cedric Richmond."

Just the Facts! said...

Racists like to cite Chicago crime rates, racists like NBC,ABC,CBS, FOX, AP etc. Entitled blacks like to ignore the crime rates and blame all problems on whites.

Dave Dubya said...

What every racist says: "Entitled blacks like to ignore the crime rates and blame all problems on whites."

The lie and hate are quite clear.

Darrell needn’t feel alone in his aversion to answering how the election was “stolen”.

Australian Journalist Sarah Ferguson causes Krakendoodle Sidney Powell to walk off the set after being totally destroyed by truth.

Proponents of Trump’s Big Lie are tearing this country apart.

January 6 was not the end of their insurrection. More radical Right terrorism will follow until the Party of Trump condemns his Big Lie. Like THAT will happen.

Now they want to control every election.

They will NEVER be willing to admit they were deceived. They’d rather see the entire country go down than admit Trump lied.

In the meantime, they will regurgitate Iranian propaganda of Biden "sleeping" in a meeting with the Israeli PM.

Real "patriots".

Dave Dubya said...

While Republican racists whine about "entitled Blacks", look who the real "entitled" scammers are:

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s family benefited from U.S. program for minorities based on disputed ancestry

A company owned by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s in-laws won more than $7 million in no-bid and other federal contracts at U.S. military installations and other government properties in California based on a dubious claim of Native American identity by McCarthy’s brother-in-law, a Times investigation has found.

The prime contracts, awarded through a federal program designed to help disadvantaged minorities, were mostly for construction projects at the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in McCarthy’s Bakersfield-based district, and the Naval Air Station Lemoore in nearby Kings County.
Vortex Construction, whose principal owner is William Wages, the brother of McCarthy’s wife, Judy, received a total of $7.6 million in no-bid and other prime federal contracts since 2000, The Times found.

The Bakersfield company is co-owned by McCarthy’s mother-in-law and employs his father-in-law and sister-in-law, Wages said. McCarthy’s wife was a partner in Vortex in the early 1990s.

Vortex faced no competitive bids for most of the contracts because the Small Business Administration accepted Wages’ claim in 1998 that he is a Cherokee Indian. Under the SBA program, his company became eligible for federal contracts set aside for economically and socially disadvantaged members of minority groups, a boon to its business.

Wages says he is one-eighth Cherokee. An examination of government and tribal records by The Times and a leading Cherokee genealogist casts doubt on that claim, however. He is a member of a group called the Northern Cherokee Nation, which has no federal or state recognition as a legitimate tribe. It is considered a fraud by leaders of tribes that have federal recognition.

Dave Dubya said...

More of the classic racist white nationalist "replacement theory":

Tucker Carlson says the Biden administration is allowing Afghan refugees to enter the US in order "to change our country. They'll never lose another election. That's the point, as you know."

Mighty white of him, amirite?

Darrell Michaels said...

Good God Almighty. The lengths some people go to in order to deflect from the high crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by Biden are indeed impressive. This SOB has blood on his hands that he went out of his way to insure was a disaster either through senility and incompetence or due to malice. He must be impeached or removed through the 25th amendment. We can then turn our attention toward wrong doing by Pelosi and McCarthy etc., afterwards.

Dave Dubya said...


You can stop clutching your pearls. Biden didn't kill anyone. Terrorists did. Then he killed some of them.

If Biden "killed those people" then why aren't you upset Bush killed 3,000 Americans on 9-11?

He started that damn war and you're pissed Biden ended it.

Why wasn't Reagan to blame for 200 UNARMED dead Marines in Lebanon?

Why wasn't Bush to blame for his war based on lies that Saddam had ties to al-Qaeda and chemical/nuclear weapons programs?

All that death and waste, and not a trace of blame for those DIRECTLY responsible.

You can't have a clean end to a dirty war. The Taliban were NEVER going honor anything, and had taken the country long ago, upon Trump's surrender.

Do you think we're so dumb we can't see Trump instigated and then left this mess for Biden?

But you can't see that through your ginned up rage. You can't even connect Trump to his damn insurrection!

Damn Republicans start wars, lie about elections, incite insurrection, and then blame Biden.

Maybe you and your fellow Q-anon/Trump true believers need to storm the Capitol again.

It seems to be what you want.

Why do you hate America? And truth?

Name his crime.

State the US code he violated, or please, end your ridiculous pearl clutching.

Yes, I know. You'll answer that when you show the evidence Biden "stole the election".

Time to get the smelling salts. Darrell is having one of his spells again.

Dave Dubya said...

You won’t see this at your pro-Trump/Q-anon propaganda outlets.
FOX(R) wails about “Biden's Betrayal". Funny how Trump bending the knee to Putin in Helsinki while betraying our intel agencies didn’t matter so much.

(CNN)The US military negotiated a secret arrangement with the Taliban that resulted in Taliban members escorting groups of Americans to the gates of the Kabul airport as they sought to escape Afghanistan, according to two defense officials.
One of the officials also revealed that US special operations forces set up a "secret gate" at the airport and established "call centers" to guide Americans through the evacuation process.
The officials said Americans were notified to gather at pre-set "muster points" close to the airport where the Taliban would gather the Americans, check their credentials and take them a short distance to a gate manned by American forces who were standing by to let them inside amid huge crowds of Afghans seeking to flee.
The US troops were able to see the Americans approach with their Taliban escorts in most cases in an attempt to ensure their safety.
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the arrangements, which have not been disclosed until now because the US was concerned about Taliban reaction to any publicity as well as the threat of attacks from ISIS-K if its operatives had realized Americans were being escorted in groups, the officials said.
Throughout the evacuation, Biden administration officials stressed that the Taliban was cooperating and senior officials stated they had committed to provide "safe passage" for Americans.
The Taliban escort missions happened "several times a day" according to one of the officials. One of the key muster points was a Ministry of Interior building just outside on of the airport's gates where nearby US forces were readily able to observe the Americans approach. Americans were notified by various messages about where to gather.

Better keep ignoring the facts. Let’s blame Biden for terrorism, insurrection, and slavery too.

On to the Capitol, patriots!

Dave Dubya said...

Burr: “Your information is undoubtedly superior to mine, Darrell. Where is my information incorrect?”

Darrell's lame response: “As for your comment, Burr, I am afraid that you probably do indeed have some incorrect information.”

This has always been the pattern. Counter facts with baseless assertions and beliefs. Burr’s information was indeed correct.

Dave Dubya said...

Jerry has a few things to teach Holocaust survivors:

Five years ago I received a letter from a 90-year old woman who was born in the Netherlands, lived under Hitler, and whose father was tortured and died in Dachau. She told me she saw history repeating here and asked me to keep fighting. I do, every day. Fight on, good people.
This is How Holocausts Happen, How Nations Lose Their Humanity

Dave Dubya said...

Texas AG Paxton Put Under Bar Investigation For Election Meddling!

The party of Trump and Q-anon are enemies of democracy. There is absolutely no doubt.

Dave Dubya said...

Friendly reminder:
Since 1965.

(25 years in power)
* 3 indictments
* 1 conviction
* 1 prison sentence

(28 years in power)
* 155 indictments
* 113 convictions
* 45 prison sentences

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, I will address your stupid ass deflections and false information regarding Biden in the next day or two as time permits. In the meantime so I don't ban you permanently in my "pearl clutching ginned up rage" I'd appreciate it if you would refrain voluntarily from commenting on my site for a day or two. I am actually struggling with the needless deaths of our military members BECAUSE of Biden right now. Thank you.

Dave Dubya said...

Rep. Charlie Beetroot (R.-Ar.): “After a mere 20 years — not even two dozen! — the treasonous son of a I-won’t-say-it Joe Biden has cut and run from our beloved Afghanistan.

Trump had nothing to do with it, amirite?

Same for the insurrection. Nope. Time for Civil War, because Trump didn't incite a mob to go to the capitol to overturn the election.

Jerry said...

Anyone who thinks we could get out of Afghanistan without the Taliban stepping in and taking the country while murdering citizens (no matter when, or who was president) is naive in the extreme. No doubt Biden has made mistakes in this situation, but he is a politician. Don't blame Biden for the murders committed by terrorists.

Dave Dubya said...

But Jerry,

We must remember, the Radical Right are the "real victims" of racism, injustice and the thousand abuses heaped upon them by the "others".

Their loyalty to the Dear Leader and to the sacred cause of anti-democratic authoritarian minority rule demands scapegoats.

Scapegoats. You know, like _______ have always done.

Therefore Biden must be blamed. "Leftists" must be blamed. Marxists must be blamed. Minorities must be blamed. All non-conservatives who want fair elections and fair representation MUST BE BLAMED.

Und now ve haff zose lying Jews to blame for saying Biden "was very sharp".

“Sleepy Joe? Bennett Finds Biden 'Very Sharp' in First Meeting”

In the course of their lengthy conversation, which dealt with a variety of sensitive subjects, Biden was alert and focused. Following the meeting, Bennett told those around him that he had been impressed by how knowledgeable the president was and by the focus that he demonstrated in the course of their meeting.

“The president was very sharp,” one diplomatic official said after the meeting. “His mastery of the details in the course of the meeting was very impressive. He was knowledgeable about all topics down to the smallest of them.”

Vhy do zey hate Amerika? Like ze "enemies of the people", ze Lugenpresse. "Lying press" to you leftist snowflakes.

Heil, Trump, our egregiously wronged leader.

Someone must be punished! All those traitors who hate America need to be stripped of voting rights and representation. They should be removed from Trump's Great America, and sent to special "Leftist Camps". It is the best and final solution.

As FOX(R) Minister of propaganda Tucker Carlson warns us, "They will not replace us!"

Conservative Amerika uber Alles! Vhatever it takes!

Just the Facts! said...

Biden talking to Afghan President Ghani from transcripts received by Reuters: "‘I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,’
‘And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.’" For those of you who don't understand, it is called "lying".


Just the Facts! said...

The office of Rep. Ami Bera, D-Calif., confirmed to Fox News that two dozen Sacramento-area students are stranded in Afghanistan and the Biden administration has not provided an update on their status.

Maybe Taliban Joe will take care of this when he gets back from vacation.

Darrell Michaels said...

I really appreciate your honoring of my request, Dave. (sarcasm and disgust in this typed message.)

Dave Dubya said...

I apologize. I also struggle with needless deaths, from the time when people I knew were killed in Vietnam to the present.

And Biden had very little, or nothing, to do with the hundreds of thousands of them in this century.

Nationalism, authoritarianism, power, politics, religion, and greed have long devalued human life.

Negative emotions expressed through bigotry, xenophobia, racism, blame, false accusations, hate, and scapegoating have also taken their horrible toll.

I'll leave you in peace. I understand I will be attacked in the meantime, but I will turn the other cheek.

It was how I was raised by my good Catholic mother and agnostic father.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, if you so choose, you are free to return and defend the indefensible now.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks, Darrell.

"Defend the indefensible"?

OK. Here goes.

Trump won the election. Biden cheated and stole it by massive fraud.

Trump had nothing to do with inciting a mob to march to the Capitol to "fight like hell" to "stop the steal".

His own words exonerate him:

"All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats, which is what they’re doing and stolen by the fake news media. That’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.

Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal.

We will not let them silence your voices. We’re not going to let it happen. Not going to let it happen.

Crowd: Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!

...We’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. As you know the media is constantly asserted the outrageous lie that there was no evidence of widespread fraud...You will have an illegitimate president, that’s what you’ll have. And we can’t let that happen...we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue

And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."

This is more than enough to prove Trump wasn't responsible for the storming of the Capitol

He watched it for hours on TV, refusing to order the mob to stop.

How can anyone say Trump had anything to do with what happened? Clearly he was at home watching TV most of the afternoon.

Later he praised the violent mob, saying they were "very special" and he loved them.

I rest my case. I have defended the indefensible.

Dave Dubya said...


How defensible is this white nationalist's betrayal of allies?

I'm sure you will have to ignore this.

"Stephen Miller warned of 'Iraqs and 'Stans' in the US while slow-walking the entry of Afghan allies"

(CNN)Stephen Miller seemed floored by the idea, raised during a fall Cabinet meeting in 2018, of  keeping open the doors for Afghan allies and other Middle East refugees to enter the US. 

"What do you guys want?" Miller, then a top adviser to President Donald Trump, asked incredulously, according to one person in the room. "A bunch of Iraqs and 'Stans across the country?"

His words stunned many in the meeting, but they were no accident. Under Miller's guidance, several sources told CNN, the Trump administration was purposefully slow-walking the entry of all refugees -- including allies who aided American soldiers in Afghanistan.
Right. Better. Blame. Biden. (TM)