Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Left's Redefining of "Racism"

Evidently the definition of racism has changed over the past decade, and especially over the last several years in particular.  The Meriam-Webster dictionary definition is what everyone that wasn’t born in the past twenty years pretty much understood the term used to mean.

“Definition of racism

1 : a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race                                                                    

also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice”

The left, however, have morphed the definition to have many sub-corollaries.  Hence, if you are guilty or subscribe to any of the following, you are also a racist by the new leftist definition thereof.


You are a racist IF…

You disagreed with Obama on any policy.

You disagree with Biden on any policy.

You disagree with acting-president Kamala Harris on policy.

You have ever pointed out that Biden is senile.

You think that affirmative action is racist, then you are racist.

You criticize BLM (the organization; not the idea).

You think Antifa is real and is a domestic terrorist group.

You criticize the “peaceful protests” that included arson, looting, robbery, assaults and murder.

You denounce any gun control measures.

You do not unequivocally condemn the 1/6/2021 protest at the capitol and insist on summary judgement for the rioters there.

You support the police (except those protecting leftist politicians against the 1/6/2021 capitol riot).

You are against defunding the police.

You are for law and order for everyone.

You support and defend the constitution.

You voted for Trump.

You supported Trump.

You have ever said ANYTHING remotely complimentary about Trump.

You work to be color blind.

You judge by a person’s character rather than their color.

You are a conservative.

You are an orthodox Christian.

You disagree with reparations.

You insist that only Americans vote in American elections.

You insist that Americans prove with ID that they are who they claim to be in order to vote.

You disagree with Ibram X. Kendi.

You are not being an “anti-racist”.

You do not subscribe to and support critical race theory.

You do not realize that a person of color is incapable of being a racist (unless they are a conservative and automatically hate their own race accordingly.)

You disagree that one is automatically and inherently racist if one is white.


If you have not violated any of those corollaries on the new and improved definition of racism, then congratulations!  You are an appropriately woke leftist!



Just the Facts! said...

Clearly race only matters to racists.

Jerry said...

I have always looked at affirmative action as reparations. I do not deny that we (as a country) treated blacks horribly for centuries. How do we right that wrong? I think affirmative action was one way to correct the wrong. Passing legal rights was another. Yes, some whites would be pushed out of jobs in favor of hiring blacks. Seems a small price for what the whites did to the blacks.
I am not politically correct, nor am I part of the cancel culture. Neither do I agree with everything on your list.I'm not an all, or nothing kind of guy

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, that is an interesting way to look at it, and in a sense that is right that affirmative action is a form of reparations. I think in the 60's and 70's that affirmative action had its place and an argument could absolutely be made about its necessity. Now I think that the only thing often stopping a person from achieving whatever they desire, is their own selves.

I give you such notables as Colin Powell, Thurgood Marshall, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Barack Obama as just a few examples of people of color that have reached the pinnacle of success in their vocations.

I was a director for my friend's company back in the late 90's and we were meeting with a potential client and offering resumes for a contract we were trying to win. After doing a cursory glance at them he remarked how well we were represented across the spectrum with our affirmative action plan as we had people of Asian, African, Hispanic, and European descent. My friend and I looked at each other in an almost dumbfounded way since we simply hired the person that was most qualified based on the merits of their work and accomplishments.

Jerry, I suspect you and I would have probably more in common than not if we were to ever sit down and compare notes, my friend.

Rain Trueax said...

I've felt what Jerry did that Affirmative Action was reparations or an attempt at it. I used to think maybe it had gone on long enough; then was in the South on a trip and thought we have a long way to go to help all have a chance at education, training and a good life. It's worse today with the homeless situation (clearly not an issue of racism given who is often homeless). The war on poverty, remember that and how little good it did. Now more money is to be thrown at one group from another and that's going to fix it only it won't.

Just the Facts! said...

"Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they are doing today?

Thomas Sowell

Jerry said...

The clarity of equality does allow the cream to come to the top.
No government program can solve a problem, but they can help millions of people.
Not everyone can be a Colin Powell (or others you mention). His/their gifts are beyond the average person. Many average people are discriminated against. Like women and minorities who do not get the same pay, or opportunities as their white counterparts.
We have come a long way, but we are not there yet, in my opinion.
Life is simply not fair no matter who you are.

Anonymous said...

"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support-kept alive by politicians, race hustlers (we ALL know who they are) and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as "racists"."

Thomas Sowell

Dave Dubya said...

You poor guy. All that persecution and discrimination against you must be insufferable.

What do you call conservative whites who whine they are the "real victims" of discrimination and racism?

"Whites See Anti-White Bias as More Prevalent Than Anti-Black Bias"

"On average, whites rated anti-white bias as more prevalent in the 2000s than anti-black bias by more than a full point on the 10-point scale. Moreover, some 11% of whites gave anti-white bias the maximum rating of 10 compared with only 2% of whites who rated anti-black bias a 10."

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives are persecuted for "driving while white"?

Isn't it just terrible that a white conservatives got a knee to the throat and killed for an alleged fake $20 bill?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives are persecuted for being "real Americans"?

Isn't it terrible that white conservatives are suffering reduced poll access and longer voting lines?

Isn't it terrible that white conservatives need to prohibit water being given to Blacks in those long voting lines?

Isn't it terrible that white conservatives are denied services from gay-owned businesses?

Isn't it terrible that white conservatives had the election "stolen" from them?

Isn't it terrible that white conservatives have to wear masks in a pandemic?

Isn't it terrible that white conservatives needed to brandish weapons in the Michigan capitol building after being told by Trump to "Liberate Michigan"?

Isn't it terrible that white conservatives needed to plot the kidnapping and murder of the Michigan governor because Trump hates her for following medical advice in a pandemic?

The above turned out to be the dress rehearsal and prelude to Trump's coup. Because nobody was ever treated more unfairly than Trump, America's Number One White Victim.

Oh, the suffering. Oh, the injustices suffered for being white and conservative. Never mind they have a greater proportion of representation in Congress, especially the Senate, than any other group.

They act like "the left" has more representation and power.

And the "left" is anyone who thinks Trump is a racist, birther, liar, criminal and cheater.

The "left" are all commies for blaming Trump for a violent attempted coup to overturn a fair election.

The "left" are all commies for calling loyal Trumpists authoritarians who would vote for the traitor again.

The "left" are all commies for wanting fewer obstacles to register to vote, for voter rights, and fair representation.

The "left" are all commies for wanting Constitutional taxes on corporations and the rich, Constitutional regulation of commerce, and Constitutional provision for the general welfare.

The "left" are all America-hating commies, just like the founders.

All of which proves the "left" are the "real bigots".

Darrell Michaels said...

Let me summarize Dave's latest rant.

Anyone that disagrees with the left is a racist.

Any election that the left wins is a fair election.

Any criticism of a person of color when they are doing wrong is still racist.

A white person that points out any actual injustices is just a whiner.

Got it.

Thanks sir.

(Oh, and by the way, poll workers are allowed to pass out water. Campaign workers are not. That is just one of myriads of lies told by the left about the new Georgia voting laws.)

Dave Dubya said...

Only a fool would believe a Republican voting law would benefit anyone but Republicans. It adds hurdles to voting for that very purpose.

While I was satirizing your tantrum, you misrepresent my words again, as well as ignore the facts.

What else can you do? You certainly can't show evidence I am incorrect.

You failed to "summarize" the important part. Your whiny artificial sense of victimhood. The point couldn't be more obvious. Poor guy. Still a victim of evil leftists who want voting rights, democratic representation, Constitutional taxes on corporations and the rich, Constitutional regulation of commerce, and Constitutional provision for the general welfare.

You don't want to discuss this part, do you?

This is the part you MUST ignore to make your sense of victimization more dramatic.

You whine as if I, and everyone who knows Trump is a liar, are accusing you of being a racist.

You're nothing but a very biased and duped American, blind to Trump's treacherous attack on our government and Constitution. He watched it on TV and refused to order his mob to stop their attack!!! Then he PRAISED THEM!!

For God's sake, wake up.

No wonder you'd rather howl about being accused of racism.

(Oh, and by the way, poll workers are allowed to pass out water. Campaign workers are not. That is just one of myriads of lies told by the left about the new Georgia voting laws.)

There you go, misrepresenting again. It was not just "campaign workers".

The law says "nor shall any person" give water within 150 feet of the edge of the building where votes are cast. And how would busy poll workers have money or time to put out water?

The exact wording:
"(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any
person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,
or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and
drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any
person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables
or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast
(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established;
(2) Within any polling place; or
(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."

Now show me that lie, in MY words, you have charged me with.

I'll wait.

And while you're at it, tell me why more gun restrictions are evil, but more voting restrictions are good.

Why can't voter rights be as easy to exercise as gun rights? Are gun owners "more equal" than certain minority voters? Sure looks that way.

"Sorry, no mail in ballot and no water for you. Need some ammo?" Can't get more "real American" than that.

Just the Facts! said...

Let me summarize Dave's latest rant.

Anyone that disagrees with the left is a racist.

Any election that the left wins is a fair election.

Any criticism of a person of color when they are doing wrong is still racist.

A white person that points out any actual injustices is just a whiner.

Got it.

I'd like Dave to prove this wrong.

Dave Dubya said...

YOU have to prove you're correct, which obviously you cannot.

But then, you hate good faith dialogue and prefer to sling your hatred and lies.

You have no idea what my latest words are. For some reason Darrell found them offensive and needed to be canceled.

Maybe it's because I quoted the actual words of GA's new law that states "No person" can give people water to voters, likely Black voters, within 150 feet of a building in long lines in the heat.

Maybe it's because he's biased and duped? He can't show where I have called him a racist. But that doesn't stop his feelings from reacting as if that really happened.

What I have said are things like, "If you are more angry at BLM than racist cops murdering Black people, you might be racist."

Or, "If you are more angry at BLM protesters than Trump's Coup Klux Klan terrorists attacking our democracy, you MIGHT be radical Right."

Or, "If you are convinced Trump won the election, and did not incite insurrection, you might be duped".

How evil is that? And still no explanation of how the "election was stolen". Figures. Just repeat the Big Lie.

Apparently Darrell feels that I described him.

The burden of proof is on the accuser. The radical Right never produces evidence to prove their case, or even use their targets' words to debate. They have to misrepresent them all the time.

Darrell opens with, "Evidently the definition of racism has changed over the past decade..."


Yet he offered no evidence to support his new re-definitions. The radical Right has always taken the authority to redefine words and people. As usual it's all about their delicate feelings of victimhood. Never mind the outright lies about "the left".

Evidently the radical Right needs no evidence to support their radical beliefs.

Just ask this person, who "hates America" for supporting Constitutional taxes on corporations and the rich, Constitutional regulation of commerce to protect the public from economic swindlers, and Constitutional provision for the general welfare to protect our health and well being.

Funny how that all becomes "evil socialism" to the radical right, isn't it?

That is, if this comment isn't canceled as well.

Nothing like that "free speech" and "marketplace of ideas" the Right cries about, as long as it's only THEIR speech and ideas.

Just don't say they are authoritarian for cancelling others.

Got it.

Dave Dubya said...

I see I'm still canceled by the radical Right cancel culture.

I must have touched a nerve with some unacceptable truth.

All this indicates the ridiculous fake victimhood of white conservatives, who spend more time bitching about being seen as racists than in denouncing actual racism.

No wonder you can't discuss the topic reasonably and need to make up crap about others.

Just the Facts! said...

Great article by Ted Hisashi

The Greatest Enemy of Black America: Low Expectations and Pity Brought to You by the Democratic Party

Despite the narrative of the past year blaming and shaming Whites, “structural racism,” and “legacies of slavery” for the condition of Black Americans, I’m dumbfounded by the deafening silence on such issues as Black on Black violence and fatherless households within Black America.

The lack of outrage is most noticeable from those that use guilt, shame and pity as political tactics to continue to make Black Americans believe they are sick and needy to maintain a political base, gain votes and turn away any sense of responsibility from within the Black community itself. Turning one’s back on responsibility is giving up control. Giving up control is ceding power.

Dave Dubya said...

Too bad the radical Right Cancel Culture won't let me defend against my attacker. This indicates the weakness of their lame and bigoted accusations as well as their fear of good faith discussion.

"Indefensible" is the word that fits their far Right ideology. They seem to lack not only good faith, but the courage to be challenged.

Not our brave "real Americans", I'm sure.

Just don't call them authoritarians.

Did you see the footage of the white Virginia cop pepper spraying a brown-skinned Army lieutenant in the face? He said he was afraid to get out of his vehicle with all the white conservative Trump supporting cops pointing weapons at him.

For what? The man's "crime" was turning into a lighted area for safety from cops stopping him for NO reason.

They wouldn't even tell the soldier why they pulled him over. Instead the threatened and assaulted him.

Yup. The Radical Right will blame Democrats for their own racism and abuse.

But nobody here will read what I have to say here.

Still waiting for the long winded outrage over racist cops instead of always deflecting blame to the "left".

Instead we get, "White conservatives are the REAL victims of racism".

Many actually believe that.

No wonder this country is so divided. The white nationalists have seized the entire Republican Party.

The two white conservatives here would likely vote for their criminal insurrectionist Orange savior again.

Still no mention of "racist white cops", as if they don't exist.

That tells us all we need to know about how radicalized they have become.

Better blame BLM and Democrats, amirite?

Back to the void for me...

"Marketplace of ideas."


"Free speech."

Sad, really.

Dave Dubya said...

The man was legally in possession of his handgun, informed the cops, and was pepper sprayed in the face for saying he was afraid to get our of his vehicle.

He was not committing any offense before the cops stopped him. The cops refused to tell him why he was pulled over.

I bet Newsmax is a trusted source here.

Greg Kelly of the radical Right Newsmax tweeted: One more little “tidbit” —the Bad Lieutenant Nazario had a loaded GUN on the floor of the car. In the front seat. By his Leg. Something the CORRUPT folks in the Media won’t say for some “reason”

Something the RACIST folks in radical Right media say for some “reason”.

It’s OK for white conservatives to carry semi-automatic rifles into restaurants and state capitols.

Seems the Second Amendment is only for white conservatives. Apparently the same is true for voting rights.

Just don’t call them racists.

Dave Dubya said...

At least I know what it's like to try getting facts through the heads of people who believe Trump is an honest man, won the election, and didn't incite an attempted coup.

It's like trying to reason with far Right extremism that feels white conservatives are the real victims of racism.

No wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket.

But thanks for the laughs.

Have fun feeling superior in your delusions, victimhood, and anger.

Oh, and keep up your cancel culture, while projecting that to others.

Gotta love modern American con-servatism. Ready to put Trump back in the White House, because they think he's a man of integrity, honesty and decency.

They do indeed share the same values.

Just kidding. As long as they hate the same people and share the same lies, that's what really matters.

"Trump 2024!"

"Stop the steal!"

"Own the libs!"

"BLM are the real racists!"

"Democrats are the party of racism!" (In 1860.)

"If you don't support Trump, you're a commie and hate America!"

Na, na, na, na, naahhh.

That's about what it all boils down to.

Just don't call them sanctimonious hypocrites.

After all, Republican Jesus preached tax cuts for the rich, punish the poor, poison the air, poison the water, ignore the sick, hate your neighbor, and serve mammon.

And attack those who can't defend themselves.

Such a beautiful faith they have.

Can I get an "amen"?

Dave Dubya said...

Oh, no. Could it be God is NOT a Republican after all?

Dave Dubya said...

The Radical Right's redefining of "debate".

"Insult your opponent and silence his defense."

Just don't call them an authoritarian cancel culture.

Dave Dubya said...

This will no doubt be ignored and deleted.

JTF has been spreading hate and lies. Here are excerpts from his comment at Tom Degen’s blog:

”Biden* has shut down detention centers for illegal immigrants making asylum claims.”

Seeking asylum is not “illegal”. Trump treated them as dehumanized criminals. CNN: “The number of unaccompanied minors in US Customs and Border Protection custody, akin to jail-like conditions, has dropped 45%.”

”Biden* also said he will end deportations of illegal immigrants during his first 100 days in office.”

False. Biden said, “...the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the United States of America."

”he offered free healthcare to illegal aliens.”

Not that racists and the radical Right care, asylum seekers are human beings, and when in custody are entitled to humane treatment.

”There’s a reason the president of Mexico has not yet congratulated Joe Biden*.”

This is a bald-faced LIE.

“Mexico’s president sends letter congratulating Biden”

”The President of Mexico has stated this surge on our border is Biden*'s fault.”

Another damn LIE.

What López Obrador really stated:
“Expectations were created that with the government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so. People don’t go to the United States for fun, they go out of necessity.”

And for that they are treated like animals by the radical Right.

”Trump convinced Mexico to deploy 17,000 troops on its southern border. He told Central American nations that if they want foreign aid, they must stop the caravans. Biden* has undone that.”

Another LIE.

What the cult refuses to learn:
CNN: “The Biden administration has secured agreements for Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala to tighten their borders and stem the flow of migration,.. The Biden administration has also placed around 28,000 radio ads in Latin America as part of a stepped-up campaign to discourage people from journeying to the US.”

Dave Dubya said...

"In order to win and maintain power, Democrats plan to change the population of the country... Their goal is to make you irrelevant."

This is the racist "replacement theory" argument from NAZI’s and other radical Right white nationalists.

From ADL: “You Will Not Replace Us” is a white supremacist slogan that became popular in early 2017, as did its acronym version, YWNRU. The slogan appeared on white supremacist flyers, banners and graffiti in a variety of places in the first six months of 2017, gaining wider attention when white supremacists used the phrase at several rallies held in Charlottesville, Virginia, culminating in the large and violent Unite the Right event in August 2017. The slogan is a reference to the popular white supremacist belief that the white race is in danger of extinction by a rising tide of non-whites who are controlled and manipulated by Jews.

Nice guys, amirite? “Very fine people” indeed.

”They (D’s) are obviously not trying to improve your life.”

Another lie. Democrats are obviously trying to improve your life. Expanded healthcare improves lives. Fewer mass shootings during the assault weapons ban saved lives. JTF even got a big Biden pandemic relief check that the radical Right opposed. (What did you buy with yours, Vern?)

In order to win and maintain power, Republicans will lie about rampant voter impersonation fraud and a “stolen election”. They will deny asylum seekers, separate families, and impose more obstructions to voter registration, ballot boxes, mail in voting, and poll access. They went so far as to allow Trump to get away with sending his terrorists to attempt a coup to overturn our election.

“Patriots”, amirite?

Their goal is one-party minority rule by white conservatives. Period.

They are enemies of democracy. And by suppressing all defense against false accusations and personal attacks, enemies of truth and basic decency.

This is the American radical Right.

Dave Dubya said...


"I'd like Dave to prove this wrong."

No can do.

Not while Darrell's "Toadie Protection and Anti-truth Shield" is up.

Sorry, Vern. But at least you've found your "safe place", didn't you?

But that's how the radical Right wins in the "marketplace of ideas". Shut out dissent.

Dave Dubya said...

Nothing racist about this guy, I'm sure. Gotta be that Black kid's fault. Better blame "the left".

Dave Dubya said...

I apologize for not being as understanding as I should.

And why should I be given the chance to defend myself. How foolish of me.

I'm sorry you're still suffering such terrible victimization, abuse, and political marginalization just for being a white conservative.

How do we convince Americans that only white conservatives should be allowed to dictate voting restrictions, write laws, and appoint our judges?

Perhaps white conservatives are due reparations for all their suffering? Tax cuts for the rich won't cover all the types of white conservatives who stormed the Capitol, despite Trump saying they are special and he loves them.

Not fair.

Dave Dubya said...

Con-servatism 101:

Just don’t call them hypocrites projecting what they really are.

Mitch “Court Packer” McConnell tweeted, “Democrats keep showing they don’t care about norms and institutions, only power. The latest example: a bill to pack the Supreme Court and destroy its legitimacy to guarantee the rulings liberals want.”

Like the rest of the radical Right, he would vote for Don the Con all over again.

If it weren't for corruption and dishonesty they would have no "values".

Dave Dubya said...

If I didn't know better, this tirade would indicate the defense mechanisms of denial and projection that a real racist would employ.

As it is, it is an example of the radical Right's pattern of unilateral definition of terms and hyper-sensitive feelings of victimhood.

Radical Right traitor and insurrection-supporter Marjorie Taylor-Greene shows how a "not racist" would react to Chauvin's guilty verdict.

"DC is completely dead tonight. People stayed in and were scared to go out because of fear of riots. Police are everywhere and have riot gear. #BLM is the strongest terrorist threat in our county.

BLM has now proven itself to be the most powerful domestic terrorists organization in our country. After Maxine Waters threats could there have been any other verdict?"

BLM didn't attempt a coup and storm the Capitol. Her friends did.

Coming from a woman who supported open insurrection, she is projecting her own support of racists and terrorists.

I'm sure Darrell has his noble reasons for agreeing with this radicalism.

"We love you. You're special" is the official Trump stamp of approval of his insurrection and attempted coup.

Yet Darrell would vote for him again in a heartbeat. It's called "patriotism".

That’ll teach those America-hating commies.

Dave Dubya said...

Speaking of the utter lack of morality in supporting Trump to the point of willingness to vote for him after his coup attempt:

Just don’t call them hypocrites, projecting what they really are.

Mitch “Court Packer” McConnell tweeted, “Democrats keep showing they don’t care about norms and institutions, only power. The latest example: a bill to pack the Supreme Court and destroy its legitimacy to guarantee the rulings liberals want.”

How vile can they be? Trump showed them what they can get away with.

This is radical Right con-servatism in all its treacherous and ugly form.

Dave Dubya said...

71% of Americans agree with the Derek Chauvin verdict, including 55% of Republicans, according to a USA Today/Ipsos snap poll.

71% of Americans agree with the Derek Chauvin verdict, including 55% of Republicans, according to a USA Today/Ipsos snap poll.

Mighty white of that 45%, amirite?

Speaking of polls:

Poll finds 65% of Republicans say they don’t believe Biden’s election was legitimate

They believe Dear Leader, like all good authoritarian personalities.

They support the cause of Trump's coup.

How nice. "Patriots".

Just the Facts! said...

Maxine Waters has no comment.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests “correlate with a 10 percent increase in murders in the areas that” experienced protests, according to a study reported by the left-leaning website Vox.

The Vox report detailed a non-peer-reviewed study by University of Massachusetts Amherst Ph.D. student Travis Campbell which found that BLM protests tended to correlate with a reduction in police killings and an increase in the murder rate in cities where protests occurred.

Dave Dubya said...

George Zimmerman auctioned off the gun he used to murder Trayvon Martin... and he apparently got more than $135,000 for it.

No racism there, amirite?

And Chauvin was simply a "restraint enthusiast", I'm sure.

Dave Dubya said...

Friendly reminder:

I'm still waiting for you to show your evidence that the election was stolen. ;-)

For some reason, none of Trump's stooges have done so.

Could it be because there is no evidence the election was stolen?

I understand it FEELS like it was stolen, even though Trump could never reach a 50% approval rating.

The same feeling was felt by Hillary’s voters, even though the majority of Americans voted as they did. And Russia did in fact try to interfere on Trump’s behalf.

Oh, you don’t FEEL that is true, do you? Perhaps you don’t care that Don Jr. was elated to meet with Russians for dirt on Hillary. Perhaps you don’t know that Reality Winner is locked up for revealing the evidence of the Russian cyber attack.

But you still FEEL he won in 2020. Do you see how that begs a rational explanation for those of us who don't base our conclusions on feelings alone?

I said you were a "duped American". Since then you shut me out.

It only indicate to me that I am correct, you know.

I also find it revealing that you were unable to choose a side in the disagreement between me and your buddy JTF on whether "your conscience means nothing".

Would disagreeing with JTF by agreeing with me that a conscience has meaning embarrass you?

I can only conclude these are the reasons that you can't answer these simple questions.

You have no evidence the election was stolen.

You cannot bring yourself to disagree with your #1 fan.

JTF loves to challenge me with, "prove me wrong", since he can't prove he's right, and I’m not permitted a defense against his insults. How radical Right is that?

But I'm sure it FEELS better for you to not allow me to respond to him, just as it FEELS better for you to not respond to simple reasonable questions.

I know you have the ability to admit you've been mistaken.

But that requires a conscience and reasonableness that do not feel good to face.

I get it.

Dave Dubya said...

Not that this matters to the enemies of democracy...

Most people watch this video of what happens when you only allow ONE voter drop box per county AND you locate it at the ONLY place people also can vote in person early, and say: let’s try to make this better. Ohio’s GOP watches it and says: “nah, we need to make it worse”

I hope your absence doesn't mean you're not well.

Dave Dubya said...

This is not an accusation. I want to be clear that I’m not saying you are a racist.

If a bigot were to deflect from his bigotry, he would include many of these same preposterous notions.

It reflects the same false victimhood of Donald Trump and white nationalists in general.

But what do I know? I'm just a brainwashed "leftist" who sees rampant racism, bigotry and lies as the foundation of Trumpism, since he gained a cult following with his racist birtherism.

First he denied the legitimacy of Obama's presidency. Now his insurrectionist rhetoric denies the legitimacy of Biden's presidency.

Every damn racist and every Right wing authoritarian person in the country sides with Trump and his lies.

This incoherent wailing does little to present an alternative image.

This is the new radical Right, and it is very hateful, dishonest and dangerous. It has lead to insurrection.

Affirmative action is "racist" but Trump's birtherism isn't. Who would say such a thing?

1/6 was a "protest" not to be "unequivocally condemned", but BLM are all commie thugs and antifa are terrorists. Who would say such things?

This is the deflection required to cover for Trump's coup.

Maybe if you didn't so adamantly deny radical Right white racism, you wouldn't sound like a racist.

Every white nationalist, Proud Boy, Oath Keeper and racist would agree with your screed. Is that a comforting affirmation of your belief that you are the real victim and hold no bigotry?

Perhaps this is unfair to ask of a radical Right ideologue incapable of questioning his own beliefs.

But what does that say about such a person?

Dave Dubya said...

"America is not a racist country,” says Tim Scott, a US senator who once revealed he was stopped by police seven times in one year.

Dave Dubya said...

“There is no systemic racism in America,” said Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves, just 2 weeks after he signed a proclamation naming April as Confederate Heritage Month in his state.

Who was it who said, "Racism isn't racism to racists"?

Dave Dubya said...

The Washington Post, The New York Times, and NBC News on Saturday issued corrections, retracting earlier reports that Rudy Giuliani had been warned by the FBI that he was the target of a Russian disinformation campaign.

That’s what responsible journalists do after misreporting something.

When will Bullshit Factory FOX(R) issue a retraction and correction about the “stolen election”?

Dave Dubya said...

Are you still bothered more by Romney and Liz Cheney than by Trump's insurrection on January 6th?

Trump or America. Decide wisely.

Dave Dubya said...

For supposedly tough people, it's pretty incredible how terrified conservative white Republicans are of critical race theory.

Dave Dubya said...

The political party that spends every day whining & complaining about cancel culture is about to cancel someone for speaking the truth.

Dave Dubya said...

Authoritarian con-servative white nationalist liars have no conscience, no ethics, and no morality in their subservience to their Orange Fuhrer.

See how Kevin McCarthy worms his way back into Trump’s cult.

Kevin McCarthy is pushing Liz Cheney out for saying almost exactly what he said after January 6th.

(CNN) On January 12, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney announced that she would vote to impeach President Donald Trump for his role in inciting the violent insurrection as the US Capitol six days earlier.

Cheney said, "The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing."

The next day, on the floor of the House, Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, "The President bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action of President Trump."

In an appearance on "Fox News Sunday" in late April, McCarthy had totally changed his tune.

"What I talked to President Trump about, I was the first person to contact him when the riots was going on. He didn't see it. What he ended the call was saying -- telling me, he'll put something out to make sure to stop this. And that's what he did, he put a video out later."

So, we went from Trump "bears responsibility" for the attack to "he didn't see it".

They are neo-fascist enemies of democracy and the greatest threat to our republic since the first Civil War.

Dave Dubya said...

Republicans said Bill Clinton, in office 8 years, would usher in socialism. They said Obama, in office 8 years, would bring socialism. Now they're saying Biden will bring socialism.

Anyone on the right care to explain why the US still isn't socialist despite the fear mongering?

Can anyone on the Right even define "socialism"? Not yet.

And no, "Democrats" is not the correct answer.

Dave Dubya said...

It's not complicated.

Socialized health care saves lives. Radical Right lies kill people.

Dave Dubya said...

Serious question: Since when is "I watch the wrong news channels" a proper criminal defense? Asking for a insurrectionist.

Dave Dubya said...

Remember when Jared Kushner's Abraham Accords totally solved the Arab-Israeli conflict?

Dave Dubya said...

Liz Cheney defends Truth, Democracy and the Constitution

"We must speak the truth. Our election was not stolen. And America has not failed. Every one of us who has sworn the oath must act to prevent the unraveling of our democracy. This is not about policy. This is not about partisanship. This is about our duty as Americans.

Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar. I will not sit back and watch in silence while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former President's crusade to undermine our democracy.

Today we face a threat America has never seen before. A former President, who provoked a violent attack on this Capitol in an effort to steal the election, has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him. He risks inciting further violence.

I am a conservative Republican, and the most conservative of conservative principles is reverence for the rule of law. The election is over. That is the rule of law. That is our constitutional process. Those who refuse to accept the rulings of our courts are at war with the Constitution.”

Dave Dubya said...

Liz Cheney is getting ousted but Matt Gaetz is still on his committees.

This is Con-servative Trumpism at work.

Dave Dubya said...

But you said damage was only in the "hundreds of dollars".

US Capitol work crews made $2.5 million in repairs to complex after Jan 6 Insurrection and reversed airflow in the building to remove the bear spray threat... so that members could return and finalize electoral college

That was about as accurate as Trump's stolen election lie.

Dave Dubya said...

Ask Liz Cheney about "cancel culture".