Friday, March 12, 2021

Celebrities and Meaningful People

America has always celebrated its sports heroes, movie stars, recording artists, admired politicians and other various other celebrities.  There are magazines, TV shows, and various internet sites dedicated to all things relating to celebrities.  Indeed many fans feel a warmth and even love for these famous people whom they probably have never met in person and likely never will.  

Now don't get me wrong, there are some people of varying fame whom I admire, but most of the time it is more for the character they have exhibited rather than for any particular given talent they may possess.  Society today though seems to have elevated celebrity to an iconic status often worthy of near worship.

But stop and think for a minute.  How often does a particular celebrity actually have a meaningful impact upon your life?  Really and truly?  How does a particular celebrity influence how you live your life?

Let's take a quick test.  Don't worry; we won't be grading it and you don't even have to answer all of the questions.  Just please ponder on the questions for a moment, if you will.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.  
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.  
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.  
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.  
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.  
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.  
Okay? So how did you do?  

The point is, hardly anyone of us remember the headliners of yesterday.  And yet, these are no second-rate achievers.  They are the best in their fields.  But the applause dies.  Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten.  Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.  
Now lets try another quiz. Let's see how you do on this one:  

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.  
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.  
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.  
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.  
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.  

The lesson:  
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, the greatest fame, the most awards, or the biggest degree of celebrity. They simply are the ones who care the most to be a meaningful part of your life.

While striving to be the best in your field is an admirable trait, in the grand scheme of things, wouldn't the world be a better place if we simply each tried to be a meaningful part of someone else's life?

 Something to ponder...


Dave Dubya said...

Wonderful post.

The luckiest among us have family, friends, and mentors who have influenced our lives for the better.

It's also good to be inspired by the accomplishments and ideas of those who have made contributions to our world and lives.

It's good to appreciate them.

All our lives, experiences and thoughts are intertwined and affected in ways we may never comprehend or acknowledge.

I even appreciate the cantankerous and disagreeable sorts who show me other perspectives.

There is goodness and kindness to be shared among us all.

"Look for the light of God in everyone." - Dolly Parton

That's the spirit.

Darrell Michaels said...

Thank you, Dave. I hope your weekend is a pleasant one, sir.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Cancel Culture got to Tom Degan, his blog is gone. While we rarely agreed, he was a firm supporter of Freedom of Speech, maybe the woke crowd couldn't handle that.


Darrell Michaels said...

Interesting. I haven't ventured over to Tom's blog in recent months. He really has gone over the edge to leftism, but you are right that he was for freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Hate speech is anything that Dave Dubya doesn't agree with.

Race only matters to racist.

"This is also the guy who told me, "Your conscience means nothing", while defending his "Christianity"." Dave Dubya

Why does your conscience mean nothing? Because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and unless you are sinless and never out of line with what God demands, your conscience is tainted as it comes from an imperfect source, IE you.

If my conscience says its ok to have sex with your minor daughter, then it must be ok as a man's conscience is what guides him. And can never be wrong. It's what you believe.

I realize this concept goes right over your head just I realize that you will not post as you haven't in the past when I have told you the same thing. But what the heck, you can't have an excuse of never being told. You just like to pick and choose to fit your narrative.

BREAKING: The Suspects in the Virginia Beach Mass Shootings are Finally Identified and guess what they aren't white supremacist. Not that you will post this.

Just the Facts! said...

Did you see this from our most transparent President ever?

How far is Joe Biden going to stop the American people from seeing inside the Donna CBP facility?

Biden sent a political operative from DC to block our cameras and even threatened another senator to obstruct legitimate congressional oversight.

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 28, 2021

Darrell Michaels said...

JTF, are you surprised by the Biden-Harris administration's actions? After all it was the Obama-Biden administration that created the cages on the border in the first place.

Evidently the sycophantic hand-picked leftist media at Biden's first press conference think all of the would-be illegal immigrants are coming here because Biden is a decent and moral man. Fancy that! The decency of the head of the Biden crime family and not his asinine policies of free everything for future Democrat voters is the cause of the massive immigration push.

Pretty amazing.

Just the Facts! said...

I wonder when AOC is going to the border to check on the kids locked up in Biden"s cages?

Jerry said...

In my opinion heroes are people who risk their lives in service to the public, or an individual. Police, the military, even the health care workers handling this pandemic. I do not call athletes, musicians, or other culture icons heroes. Many people do great things, but I refer to my above description to call anyone a hero.
As a kid, I thought Harmon Killebrew was the greatest, but at that same time my hero was Audie Murphy. in fact, I still think Audie Murphy is my hero and one of the greatest heroes ever.

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, I absolutely 100% agree with you. Further, I think Audie Murphy is the very definition of what a hero is and should be! Well said, sir!

Dave Dubya said...

An unprovoked invective that has nothing to do with this conversation was cast in my direction and published in this thread.


Just don't call him a troll. It's just typical radical Right hate.

I respectfully addressed his statement at my blog. As we know, a troll is not looking for fair discussion. It's far easier to hate than communicate.

He's probably unable to answer a simple question I politely asked him. "It would be interesting if you’d answer, in good faith, a question for us. Since Jesus never mentioned abortion or slavery, what tells you they are wrong? Can it have something to do with a conscience?"

Crickets. Instead he dumped his hate here. How appropriate is that? For him, fine, I'm sure.

How about we talk about a real hero and a fake hero?

Let's not forget Officer Brian Sicknick, the hero killed by Trump's insurrectionist radical Right cult mob. He died defending our democracy.

How many more will Trump's cult kill in defense of his Big Lie? No matter. Trump is still a hero of the radical Right, who will support him no matter what. Very sad.

“The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people. And they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.” - Sen. Mitch McConnell 1-19-21

Bret Baier asked what he would do if Trump was the nominee: "If the President was the party's nominee [in 2024], would you support him?" McConnell replied: "The nominee of the party? Absolutely."

And there you have it. Absolutely deplorable. Supporting an evil liar who provoked fear and violence upon our democracy is the very definition of radical.

Better attack people like me for "hating America" instead, amirite?

There is no reasoning with the radical Right.

This is why I welcome their hatred. It's all they have.

My accuser lied about more mass shootings in the last 3 months than “during all of Trump’s four years”.

Just the facts:

Sutherland Springs, Texas, 26 dead.
Thousand Oaks, CA, 12 dead
Santa Fe, Texas, 10 dead.
Pittsburgh Synagogue, 11 dead.
Parkland, Florida, 17 dead.
Las Vegas, 58 dead.
Virginia Beach, 12 dead.

The radical Right will dismiss and scorn the truth if someone they hate speaks it.

Darrell Michaels said...

"Since Jesus never mentioned abortion or slavery, what tells you they are wrong? Can it have something to do with a conscience?" ~ Dave Dubya

And where does one's conscience come from, sir? Jesus also never explicitly mentioned pedophilia or necrophilia, but I would be my life I know what His stance would be on those evils too.

Just the Facts! said...

"Why?" It's simply Dave, you can't censor or modify what I post here.

Dave Dubya said...

Typical bad faith response from the troll.

Thank you.

Opposing slavery does indeed have something to do with conscience. And if God gave you a conscience would that mean your conscience means nothing, as JTF insists?

Or is it a gift to guide us, to treat people better, and feel remorse when we hurt someone?

The original question at hand is, does your conscience mean nothing, as your fellow traveler insists.

I say it does.

Do you agree with me or him? It may get lonely out there.

I have elaborated on these points at my blog in response to JTF's good faith point.

You're welcome to add to the conversation there.

He has refused to follow any good faith discussion and preferred to attack me here.

What does that say about him and a conscience? Seems he may have a point about his conscience meaning nothing, in his case. The same is true for Trump, you know.

And his sycophantic sniveler McConnell seems to speak for so many of you on the far Right. They really don't care what crimes Trump commits. He can get away with literally anything, and has, with his cult of authoritarian followers.

“The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people. And they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.” - Sen. Mitch McConnell 1-19-21

Empty words, obliterated by the radical Right's lockstep mentality, "But he's got my vote. The Fuhrer can do no wrong."

Like I've been saying, Its OK if you are a Republican. Even bloody insurrection to overturn our democracy.

And you dare insist, "the left hates America", which is itself a hateful thing.


You've characterized all the non-far Right and non-Republican press, all Democrats, all progressives, and anyone else who sees Trump as the criminal, bully, liar and traitor he is.

His conscience means nothing because he has none. Maybe you should ask yourself why you can't see what most Americans can see, what the world sees, and what history shall see.

It ain't cause we hate America.

Just the Facts! said...

Typical "I can't censor you here" response from our resident ep4rt in racism.