Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Social Commentary Via Common Sense Memes

I could not stop laughing at this one below.  Buddy, you have my heartfelt sympathy!



Jerry said...

Your observations are over the top exaggerations, which leads to unreal, partisan thinking.
I notice you and Dave go back and forth about what is evil, or what is not. Maybe you should try dropping evil from descriptions of political issues.
If you believe in a free country you must protect those who think differently than you, no matter how disgusting you think their ideas are.
If we are truly free we have the right to decide what to do with our bodies even if you disagree. You do not have the right to take away others free decisions.
If you are atrue patriot, you can do nothing less than to protect their free choices.

Just the Facts! said...

Now you did it, you've made fun of the liberals. Hell to pay will follow.

Question: Should our president be a member of Life Alert?

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, I accidentally responded to your comment on the previous posting. Here it is again for clarity.

Jerry, I absolutely support the rights of those that think differently than I do, even when I vehemently disagree with them. It is part of the reason I discuss issues here largely with people with whom I disagree. I even publish those views with which I disagree unless the person becomes nasty. That said, only Dave and Jefferson's Guardian have ever crossed that line.

When it comes to abortion, however, that is not a difference of opinion. See my previous response to Dave on this topic. A woman has a right to do as she wishes with her own body. That unborn baby is NOT her body. It is scientific fact that it is a separate life, and I believe it is deserving of any and all protections that any human life should be afforded accordingly, sir.

JTF, that is funny! I think they need to put Biden on a brainwave monitor for those occasions when it stops. They probably don't want to deal with the constant alarms going off though. :)

Jerry said...

So it's your way, or the highway? You have expressed on many issues (not just abortion) that you don't accept amy other position than your position. That's fine, but try to suggest that you are a true patriot (as I defined before).

Just the Facts! said...

Say Jerry, is it evil to believe black conservatives are "House Negros"?
Dave does and has stated same.

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, I don't have to accept other positions that are diametrically opposed to my own. Nor does someone that holds that opposing opinion have to accept mine. That said, I am still open to debate on many issues, and I support the right of others to hold those opinions that are different than my own.

I only wish the left and their cancel culture nonsense would not attack people as being racist and authoritarian any time they speak about a topic with a conservative approach.

You are right that I am closed on a few topics: abortion, liberty, and the rule of law that is predicated on the constitution and natural law.

I think that when people express ideas, even those that are different from our own, it can create a better society in the long run. Any ideology that is never challenged has the tendency to become stale and corrupt.

JTF, that is often the view of leftists regarding black conservatives. This is seen in the cancel culture of the left, even through subtle things. For instance, during black history month, Amazon Prime took down Clarence Thomas's excellent biographical movie for no apparent reason. Evidently this man with a brilliant judicial mind is nothing more than a "house negro" to many on the left.

Dave Dubya said...

Here we go.

Memes are so beloved by the radical Right because they are simplistic, caustic and require no justification or explanation. Above all, it FEELS so good to "own the libs".

A lot of hate went into those.

Dave Dubya said...


"Cancel culture" is the projection of a culture that wants to cancel millions of voters and the entire presidential election. And every Democrat who tweets "mean" things about Republican snowflakes can't have a job in the Biden Administration. "Sorry, you're cancelled for mean tweets. Only Republicans and Trump are allowed to do that."

Projection and hypocrisy go hand in hand with the radical Right.

Give me a break.

"I think that when people express ideas, even those that are different from our own, it can create a better society in the long run. Any ideology that is never challenged has the tendency to become stale and corrupt."

A commendable sentiment. Too bad we are accused of hating America by disagreeing with the radical Right and Trump.

That's what happens when we challenge stale and corrupt conservative ideology.

"House Negro" is a slavery era term for privileged household slaves and used by Malcom X. "This modern house Negro loves his master. He wants to live near him. He'll pay three times as much as the house is worth just to live near his master, and then brag about "I'm the only Negro out here." "I'm the only one on my job." "I'm the only one in this school." You're nothing but a house Negro."

Most Blacks would concur the term would apply to racist Rush Limbaugh's subservient call screener, "Bo Snerdly".

But this has Vern in a tizzy, for some reason. To him, the only good Black is a conservative Black.

Not one conservative has condemned or shown outrage over Trump's racist mob of insurrectionists assaulting Black cops and calling them "Nigger".

What do they say? "Must have been BLM or antifa."

Conservative Trump supporters can't possibly be racists.

Doesn't the Bible say life and the soul begin at first breath? Isn't the legal definition of life from birth to death?

Suppose a woman aborts a brainless fetus. Do you want to imprison or execute her for murder? That is exactly where your line of belief in the supremacy of a zygote and fetus will take you.

Gun nuts say, "If you don't like guns, don't get one".

"If you don't like abortions, don't get one" is just as valid.

At least abortions are not tools to massacre post-fetus school kids.

Sorry, cons can't have it their way all the time. They have the Supreme Court, lower courts, built-in advantages in the Senate, gerrymandered House, state governments and the Electoral College, and they STILL complain. STILL the victims.

They had Trump, the House and the Senate, gave huge tax cuts to the rich, but blame Democrats for everything anyway.

Make no mistake. They want a dictatorship by conservative minority rule, not a democratic republic.

And they will do everything it takes to take it all. Until then, they will whine like pathetic victims. And probably AFTER they have their dictatorship as well.

From now on despite the above advantages, win or lose, they will whine, "Massive voter fraud! Dead voters! Rigged election! Not fair!"

And despite the utter lack of widespread voter fraud and "dead voters", they will proceed to impose more barriers to our right to vote.

Just don't call them enemies of democracy. They will say you hate America, and then want to cancel your vote.

Jerry said...

One of the reasons I won't call myself a Democrat is because of exactly the reasons you cite. I am not a member of the cancel culture, nor am I politically correct. I have taken Dave to task about his constant Hitler comparisons. I disagree with a lot of the Democrats policies, especially as they become more leftist.
But this goes for both sides. The Republicans have become just as silly and I miss the old Republican thinking and bi-partisan attempts, which disappeared when Obama was elected.
We cannot just disagree with each other and leave it at that. We have an obligation to compromise and progress as a country. That's not easy. Can you imagine compromising on slavery to create a country? It was probably the correct decision at the time, but we are scared as creating a nation based on slavery.
Choices are freedom. Less choices, less freedom. One of the top values of being American is independence. Not just independence as a country, but independence as a person. We claim tolerance for others in order that we can live in peace with those we totally disagree with. Injustice and criminal acts are also part of our history, but we make laws to stop it, we prosecute those who do it, and we try to be a better people. If we stop that process of progression we will fail miserably.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, for a meme to be effective, it has to have the basis for it rooted in truth. It becomes nonsensical otherwise. Now a few of the ones I posted were indeed just for their humorous aspect, but please tell me which ones I posted which were abjectly false.

Next, I finally got it. Dave Dubya does not hate America. The country is systemically racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, and authoritarian (all according to Dave and the left) but Dave still loves his country. Thanks for the clarification.

As for “racist” Trump, he made it a point to fund historically black colleges, pushed through justice reform to remove laws that hurt black Americans disproportionately, saw huge rises in black home ownership and massive decreases in poverty. On top of that, his policies DID help improve the unemployment rate to the lowest levels in history for people of color. All of those are unarguable facts.

Next, I think it is “quite a stretch” for you to argue semantics in order to justify the taking of unborn life, Dave. “But the Bible doesn’t say anything about abortion…” God says, “"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you”. Everything I debated with Jerry previously was fact; not opinion. You can argue your biblical justifications for abortion with Jesus, Dave, and I recommend you think those out carefully because one day you will have to do precisely that, sir.

And Jerry, my friend, dependency on the mother is not the determining factor of life. A newborn baby is still very dependent upon his or her parents for life. This is not simply a “my opinion” issue to me. Travelling through the birth canal does not magically imbue “life” on a baby. The very purpose of a government is to secure and protect the people’s rights, including and especially their very rights to life. With the facts that I previously laid out, logic dictates that this includes nascent unborn human life, sir.

Next, “Not one conservative has condemned or shown outrage over Trump's racist mob of insurrectionists assaulting Black cops and calling them ‘Nigger’,” says Dave. Well, I know this is simply more race-baiting, but let me be the very first conservative in the history of the world to condemn racism and the use of that disgusting word. If people used that word as they stormed the capitol, then they were doubly wrong, even if they did support Trump’s policies.
And yes, I am very aware of the history of the term of “house negro”. Your use of the term tells far more about you than anything else, however. Evidently a person is not “black enough” if they don’t support progressive policies. It was this very crap that caused the fraudulent “Reverend” Al Sharpton to criticize even the sainted Barrack Obama as a “magic negro” because Sharpton did think that Obama had enough black creds. He wasn’t really down for the fight, according to Sharpton. Limbaugh noted that and parodied that Sharpton phrase and was called a racist for using Sharpton’s own words. Limbaugh was pointing out absurdity by the very act of being absurd.

Nice that you can likewise determine if someone is really black simply by their viewpoints, Dave. THAT is truly disgusting.

Darrell Michaels said...

As for cancel culture, yes some of it is overblown, but much of it is pernicious in where it can lead. Calling for boycotts and effecting deplatforming of people and companies because of their support for a candidate or policy with which we disagree is anti-free speech and anti-American. To espouse conservative views as a teacher or professor will get one ostracized by other staff at best or fired at worst. It happens far too often. The Publix store owner donating to Trump has caused a cancel-culture backlash for that corporation. Let’s not even talk about Bed, Bath, & Beyond and other such stores deciding to no longer carry “My Pillow” because of Mike Lindell’s support for Trump.

“The Republicans have become just as silly and I miss the old Republican thinking and bi-partisan attempts, which disappeared when Obama was elected,” stated Jerry. Well, I would state that this bi-partisanship first started to erode during Reagan’s term. It accelerated under George W. Bush, as he was accused, even by current readers of this very blog, of lying us into war. The country became very divided sometime before Obama came into office; it was simply continued under his administration, sir.

“Can you imagine compromising on slavery to create a country? It was probably the correct decision at the time, but we are scared as creating a nation based on slavery,” writes Jerry and which I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I agree with nearly everything you wrote in this entire comment. That said, this sentence above, while a valid and correct observation in my opinion, would be enough to get you cancelled at best if you were a public figure, Jerry.

Dave Dubya said...


Let’s see how you twist and misrepresent my words this time.

”For a meme to be effective, it has to have the basis for it rooted in truth.” Not really. It merely has to resonate with the emotions or bias of those who pass them.

Many of your memes reflect hate, projection and lies more than facts.

What is abjectly false?

Gun confiscation won’t happen.

“No conservatives allowed”. BS, and another Victim card. No hate or dangerous lies allowed. Of course, what else does conservatism offer these days?

The Klansman is NOT a Democrat. This isn’t reconstruction anymore, in case you missed it. And SCIENCE supports masks in a pandemic. And you wonder why I say the radical Right is anti-science. Authoritarian leaders have all the answers, so who needs science, amirite?

The HR1 “ballot” meme is a lie.

Trump, not Pelosi, will be known as someone “so full of shit”. Tens of thousands of lies while in office, including the Big Lie of a “stolen election”. But your indoctrination won’t tell you that.

The “Blue Square” went up due to Trump’s coup. Don’t you remember that? It’s called projection.

Kamala also passed the bar.

The racist teen Kenosha Killer was a real vigilante. Nobody called rioters “peaceful”. Your meme is a hateful lie.

The “Not homeless” and Cuomo memes are legit. ;-)

”Dave Dubya does not hate America. The country is systemically racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, and authoritarian (all according to Dave and the left) but Dave still loves his country. Thanks for the clarification.”

More snide demonization. I tried being reasonable, attempted good faith discussion, and you shit on me for it. Your damn double standard about “Conservatives see blemishes”, but I must “hate America” for understand our shortcomings and want to mitigate them. Have you no decency? Your hatred for fellow Americans indicates more about you than them.

Trump made efforts to improve his image with Blacks. True.

Trump also rose to power on his racist birther lie. He demanded the death penalty for exonerated Black kids. He refused to rent to Blacks, was ordered by courts to do so, and proceeded to violate the order and continued to refuse renting to Blacks. He praised “Unite the Right” white supremacists as “very fine people”. He praised his racist mob that stormed the Capitol.

All facts.

Jerry said...

That's why I do not call myself a Democrat.
You should go back and refresh yourself on Congressional history. Tip O'Neil was the obstructionist McConnell is/was.
You need to read more medical research on fetuses, because what you claim is not accepted medical viewpoint of over 90% of doctors.

Just the Facts! said...

Notice how Dave deflects from his claim that black conservatives are House Negros. I wonder if that means liberal blacks are field Negros? You know working on the democrat plantation.

Dave ain't talking.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, I apologize for making you so angry. Remove your hatefulness from your comments and resubmit them and I will happily post them.

Next, I never once brought up religion in my arguments against abortion, Dave. You simply assumed that as my only motivation. While I do agree with what my faith teaches on this issue, I cited scientific biology. Jerry, many doctors might disagree with what I stated, but they cannot contradict the facts that an unborn child is human and is alive. Therefore, aborting that nascent child is effectively killing a human life. It is simple biological fact.

Dave, not that it matters to you, but many of your Limbaugh quotes are unsubstantiated, have questionable sources, or are not given full context. Yes, he said things that were over the top and out of line during his decades on the radio, and I don't support all that he said, but the evidence tells me that Rush was not racist. Maybe he was to you because all of the black friends he had were not really black but were simply "house negros" as you said.

JTF, while logic would dictate that the continuation of Dave's house negro statement would indeed imply that other black Americans must therefore be field negros, I suspect that will only anger Mr. Dubya further. Having friends and family that I dearly love that are people of color, I detest both terms.

Dave Dubya said...


Hatefulness? Oh, for calling out your twisting of my words, just so you can further insinuate I “hate America”?

No. You misunderstand. There was no hate, whatsoever. Just throwing back your own excrement in perverting my words.

How about you remove your hateful misrepresentation of my words and resubmit my actual quotes to me for a change?

I’m happy to discuss or defend my words, but NOT your deliberate false framing of them.

It figures you want to punish me for calling out your bad faith mischaracterizations of my words. It is what an authoritarian would do.

Or maybe my use of a four letter word from one of your memes offended you? Sad.

Who first brought up house negro in this thread?? Your pal. He repeated that trick numerous times at Degan’s blog too. Bad faith. It never ends. And then YOU added a similar term. It’s quite revealing that you “detest” but invoked those terms anyway, while making generous allowances for Limbaugh’s words.

”Dave, not that it matters to you, but many of your Limbaugh quotes are unsubstantiated, have questionable sources, or are not given full context.:

An unsupported dodge. What matters is how generous you are to minimize and dismiss all of these RECORDED and documented racist words from Limbaugh. Many were from his website transcripts even.

Limbaugh was a racist. And your Klansman meme next to Biden? He voted for Trump, and possibly stormed the Capitol for him. There’s the truth of your meme, but the hate and projection are quite clear.

More truth:

How was mocking Black men with "Barack the Magic Negro" NOT racist? This came from a man who said: “In Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up with the Black kids cheering. Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson? The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it. The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies. Donovan McNabb was "overrated because he was black". Obama is an angry Black guy. We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America. Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work. Obama’s entire economic program is reparations.”

Nothing to detest there? You’re OK with that? If not, why not? To the extent you don’t see or deny his racism, you are proving my point. Racism isn’t racism to racists, as bigotry isn’t bigotry to bigots.

More sourced (and indicated unsourced) quotes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rush-limbaugh-racist-quotes/

“Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?” “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” Rush Limbaugh acknowledged making these statements in a 1990 Newsday article

But only white conservatives know what real racism is.

Just ask one. Not a bigot among them. Including Limbaugh.

And there was nothing racist or bigoted of Trump tweeting:

Dave Dubya said...

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019

....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019

....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019

Of course not. Trump is a decent man. That’s your boy. Besides, I’m sure the quotes are “unsubstantiated, have questionable sources, or are not given full context”.
You see the difference between us?
I offer links and sources as evidence to support my points.

You show no documented evidence for your claims, and dismiss or twist everything I say.

Happens ALL the time.

Say, why don’t you your show your evidence that Donny “Never 50% Approval” Trump beat Biden.

Perhaps I’ll expect that evidence when you decide to engage in good faith discussion. I know how long that will take. And I know this will likely be seen by only you.

But I do thank you for the subject of MY next blog post.

Burr Deming said...

Thank you, my long time friend.
People too often forget that you are hilarious.
You point out in a truly humorous way what conservatives have always known:

The temporary fence around the Capitol after January 6 is only there as a political prop.

The radical left wing folk that control Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency don't really want to restore taxes on the extremely wealthy. That is a smokescreen to raise taxes on everyone. Besides, the wealthy are the producers. Taxing them is simply confiscating their wealth to distribute to non-producers.

Providing sanctuary to refugees running for their lives is really a trick to leave our borders unprotected.

Delays in counting ballots, to include those mailed on time but delayed by a crippled Post Office, was a plot to steal the election from real Americans. Illegal immigrants and dead people vote in our elections.

Gun safety is a trick to take everybody's guns, so only outlaws... you know the rest.

According to Democrats, free speech should only apply to the left. Conservatives must be put in jail for their opinions.

Democrats are flocking like crazy to defend Cuomo.

Biden picked his cabinet only on the basis of race and gender, which is kind of schizoid, since Democrats are the same as the Klan.

Kamala Harris never passed a bar exam. AOC is unqualified to be in Congress because she is not a lawyer. In fact, she comes from the working class, having served drinks at a bar.

Black Lives Matter protests are all violent.

Homeless black people are scammers who stand on street corners begging while their wives shop.

And, of course, Nancy Pelosi...

All pretty funny and oh so true.

Darrell Michaels said...

“The temporary fence around the Capitol after January 6 is only there as a political prop.” ~ Burr

Agreed! There is obviously not an “existing threat” to Nancy and her comrades doing the people’s work any longer; therefore, it must be a prop.

“Providing sanctuary to refugees running for their lives is really a trick to leave our borders unprotected.” ~ Burr

We have a crisis at the border where many people are being put back in the Obama-era cages. The folks at the border are overwhelmed, and many other of these would-be immigrants are simply being released into our country, many with the Covid virus that Joe seems to be so fearful of in us Americans. Why would Uncle Joe allow all of these illegal aliens into our country when we are in desperate need of taking care of so many of our own citizens? I can think of only one reason. Future Democrat votes.

“Delays in counting ballots, to include those mailed on time but delayed by a crippled Post Office, was a plot to steal the election from real Americans. Illegal immigrants and dead people vote in our elections.” ~ Burr

Glad we agree on this one, my friend! By the way, the post office has been crippled and inefficient for decades now.

“Gun safety is a trick to take everybody's guns, so only outlaws... you know the rest.” ~ Burr

Nearly all legal gun owners are all about safety and they do not want criminals or the mentally unstable to get weapons either. That is not what is at stake here. A federal firearm registry (which is always the first step to confiscation), making people buy state-approved insurance, banning millions of commonly owned self-defense guns, and allowing people to sue gun manufacturers for the misuse of their product by criminals will not help to make America safe. It will only make the left feel better about their safety as crime increases. When you disarm the law-abiding, only the criminals will be armed. (One good cliché’ deserves another.)

“According to Democrats, free speech should only apply to the left. Conservatives must be put in jail for their opinions.” ~ Burr

Well, I don’t know about conservatives being put in jail for their opinions… yet. Their free speech is sure being scrutinized and cancelled throughout the culture, however. Most conservatives do not feel that they can speak up on their views at work or in universities due to the extreme backlash that the left unleashes upon those that do so.

Darrell Michaels said...

“Biden picked his cabinet only on the basis of race and gender, which is kind of schizoid, since Democrats are the same as the Klan.” ~ Burr

No. You are right, Biden clearly chose the best and most qualified person for each position in his cabinet. Color, gender, and sexual identification had nothing to do with it. I stand corrected. While the Klan of the late 1800’s were typically all Democrats, I don’t think that it necessarily the case today; however, the Democrats are still looking at skin color rather than the content of character of people far too often, my friend.

“Kamala Harris never passed a bar exam. AOC is unqualified to be in Congress because she is not a lawyer. In fact, she comes from the working class, having served drinks at a bar.” ~ Burr

Kamala did eventually pass the bar. AOC is not unqualified to be in congress because she was from the working class. Indeed, I think we need more working class Americans in congress. No, AOC shouldn’t be in congress, in my opinion, because she supports radically socialist ideals that are contrary to the constitution she took an oath to uphold.

“Black Lives Matter protests are all violent.” ~ Burr

Wow! That is a bold blanket statement that I would not have made. That said, the Black Lives Matter organization is a Marxist founded movement that often results in violence at their protests. Arguing and supporting the notion that black lives matter is a true and just endeavor. The organization… not so much.

“Homeless black people are scammers who stand on street corners begging while their wives shop.” ~ Burr

That one was simply added for the gentleman’s sense of humor. He stated he was not homeless. Perhaps you missed that part.

And, of course, Nancy Pelosi... There really is nothing funny about her except in a gallows humor sort of way.

Dave Dubya said...

We're seeing what a script would be if a Twilight Zone episode was dark comedy/satire.

Thanks to our reality show president, that's what we have.

"Hang Mike Pence! Hang Pelosi!" "Out of our way, N****r!" The mob of "patriots" was out for blood.

"You're very special. We love you. Remember this day!" The reality show president declared. Trump gets it.

Only those socialists who hate America fail to get it.

I mean, it's clear anyone who supports fair representation, fair elections, voter rights, Constitutional taxes for the rich, Constitutional regulation of commerce, and Constitutional provision for the general welfare are radical leftists who hate America.

Trump gets it. Conservative Republicans get it.

Pre-Insurrection Capitol Recon Leader Lauren Boebert gets it:

"Donald Trump protected us." She warned us, "Fort Pelosi Democrats don't care about you." Her patriotic video concluded with the sound of a gunshot and re-racking of another round.

Marjorie Taylor Greene gets it:

“If we have a sea of people, if we shut down the street, if we shut down everything, if we flood the capitol building, flood all the government buildings, go inside. These are public buildings. We own them.”

Ron Johnson gets it.

"Even though those thousands of people that were marching to the Capitol were trying to pressure people like me to vote the way they wanted me to vote, I knew those were people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law, and so I wasn't concerned. Now, had the tables been turned -- Joe, this could get me in trouble -- had the tables been turned, and President Trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned."

It's obvious who the real patriots are, after all. This is why only real patriots, not BLM or antifa, stormed the Capitol. They are indeed special and deserving of all our love.

Darrell Michaels said...

Sigh... Dave, you seem angry again. Don't worry; Biden is "rebuilding back better" (or whatever phrase he is using now)as quickly as he can.
It won't be long now and we will be a wonderful society that is full of equity, tolerance, and love.

Dave Dubya said...

What's there to be angry about? Like the Republican patriots I mentioned above, I'm full of equity, tolerance, and love. Just not for, you know, BLM types. They want equality TOO much, amirite?

It's not like I hate America enough to tolerate and praise Trump's mob of "patriot terrorists". That's for those on the radical Right who are brainwashed to agree with Trump that the election was stolen. Who cares if Trump could never crack a 50% approval anyway? He MUST have won because he made America great for insurrection again.

It's not like they are leftist enemies of the republic and democracy itself. What's a little coup among patriots anyway?

Folks like you Johnson, Boebert and Greene understand. Wink, wink. ;-)

Darrell Michaels said...

"...I'm full of equity, tolerance, and love. Just not for, you know, BLM types. They want equality TOO much, amirite?" ~ Dave

No sir. Respectfully you are not right. Nothing wrong with equality. In fact that was what our nation was founded upon. All folks are created EQUAL. There is a distinct difference between equality and equity as the left has defined the terms though.

Next, as I have repeatedly stipulated and written about, I don't support the people that stormed the capitol and attacked people and property; unlike many leftists that refused to condemn the riots and violence from leftist "protests" for the majority of last year. (Present company obviously excluded.)

I am sure you, Harris, and Pelosi understand, amirite? wink wink!

Dave Dubya said...

I would never accuse you of supporting the people that stormed the capitol and attacked people and property.

You just support their cause, Trump's lie that the election was stolen. I also showed Trump and Republicans being quite vocal about their support for that Coup Klux Klan.

How is supporting those who approve of the coup, not indirectly supporting the coup?

With that for context, what I find so amusing is your desperate need to accuse "the left" of being the radicals who hate America while you minimize the Right's tolerance for the "patriots" who actually attacked the heart of our democratic Republic.

"Look, antifa! Look, BLM! Look, rioters! Look Leftists", is pure deflection. Nobody I know praised the rioters by calling them "patriots" and saying, "You're special and we love you".

See the difference? Maybe you can't. Beliefs are more powerful than facts.

Rather than condemning Trump and the radical Right Republicans for praising the terrorist mob, you would rather whine about not enough condemnation for rioting street criminals.

It's interesting your fellow conservatives Ron Johnson, Boebert, and Greene are treated as generously as you dismissed Limbaugh's history of hateful bile and racism.

Conservatives can do no wrong. Their wisdom, compassion and concern for fellow Americans is beyond reproach.

It's the left who have no values. They whine about equal justice under law and voter rights while they keep wanting to blame Trump and the radical Right for hateful division, terrorism, and a coup. They're too hateful to see BLM and antifa as the greatest domestic terrorist threat.

Perhaps they need to ignore all the bodies in Black churches, temples, and El Paso Walmarts, and beg the radical Right for unity. And we can't have unity as long as those leftist snowflakes whine about racism, a measly insurrection and some "Big Lie", amirite? That just means they hate America, unlike the patriots of the Coup Klux Klan.

You are trapped in a moral relativism where you can condemn the coup, but support their Trumped-up Big Lie motive.

This is also why you cannot condemn Johnson, Boebert, and Greene. You're one of them, united in Trumpism. They are the patriots, while people like me "hate America".

This is all just so sad.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, what you seem to be missing is the fact that I stand for many of the POLICIES that Trump and the people at the 1/6/2021 rally support. What I do NOT support is when a fraction of those people at the rally decided to emulate leftists like Antifa when they chose violence and stormed the capitol in order to get their way. That is un-American. We are supposed to be a nation that is governed by the rule of law.

I condemn those that happened to partake in this violence or supported it accordingly. AGAIN, I say this. I am concerned that you may have a reading comprehension issue, as I have literally said this a dozen times or more, sir.

"Nobody I know praised the rioters by calling them "patriots" and saying, "You're special and we love you"."~ Dave

Nope, nobody in the leftist ranks would lower themselves to praise someone by calling them a patriot. They would say that they are standing up for civil and human rights though. And for the protesters that were marching non-violently for that cause, I would agree. The ones that resorted to violence, destruction, and assault that were arrested for those acts, however, are NOT patriots or civil rights defenders. They are violent thugs just like the rioters at the capitol.

The difference is that the VP did not champion bail money to release the capitol rioters. She only did that for the BLM/Antifa rioters. And before you resort to your predictable refrain, the police would not be arresting people that simply march peacefully and are not actively participating in violence, destruction, or ignoring lawful police orders.

The big lie as you have deemed it has enough discrepancies where half of America is not certain that the outcome of the last election was legitimate. You can pooh-pooh this all you want because the establishment swamp sides with your leftists. That doesn't mean that it is necessarily so. Biden may have legitimately won the election, but there was more than enough probable cause to doubt that which should have been far more thoroughly investigated and HONESTLY adjudicated. The big lie is that you think real democracy prevailed. The truth is that our new "unity" president was elected under a cloud of suspicion and is seemingly and purposefully sticking his thumb in the eyes of half of America. That not only does not unify us, as I think the left cheers on, but it actually divides our nation further.

They want America divided and for all of the racist, authoritarian people on the right that disagree with their wokeness to be diluted and even punished. That is the hate-America crowd that you seemingly support, Dave. And you are right... it is very sad indeed.

Reply if you want, but I don't have time to waste responding to all of your repetitive and unsubstantiated accusations constantly, sir.

Dave Dubya said...


Thank you for your response. Again you can’t seem to discuss 1-6 without deflecting your rage against street criminals that had nothing to do with 1-6. Rage all you want, but they DID NOT storm the Capitol to overturn a fair and certified election. Your loyalty to, and belief in, Trump and your indoctrinated hate for democrats is why you believe the election was stolen. Only the radical Right and those duped by their propaganda hold to the delusion.

Not even all Republicans buy into your Big Lie.

That lie ended our republic’s long tradition of peaceful transition of power. Support for that lie will result in more radical Right terrorism and more Republican imposed voter suppression. It’s like you completely miss or deny the fact your authoritarian leader could NEVER reach 50% approval. It was ALWAYS lower. Yet you want to insist he won? WTF kind of sense does that make?

I’ve politely requested you show evidence to support Trump’s lie, but you have refused. What does that say? Every court that heard their case has rejected it. Trump’s cult doesn’t care.

”...half of America is not certain that the outcome of the last election was legitimate.” Because they believe Trump, who never stopped whining that every election was rigged against him. The losing side howling “Rigged” is not evidence.

”...the establishment swamp sides with your leftists.” Wow. Victim card again and no evidence or even a definition of “establishment swamp”. If corporate CEO’s, lobbyists, and shills are not the swamp, who is? People you hate, of course.

If there was ” more than enough probable cause to doubt that which should have been far more thoroughly investigated and HONESTLY adjudicated.”, then why can’t you show it? Instead you go all Trump, and rage at the courts for not finding what you say is there. Now even the Republican stacked Supreme Court with 3 Trump Justices is part of the “leftist swamp” to you. Madness.

I know you only believe Republican propaganda, but a poll reveals the ones most likely to buy into Trump’s Big Lie.


Feel free to ignore that as well. I know you will. Some have realized Trump is a liar. You have not. You believe Trump is an honest man of integrity. Just wait until the courts hear the multiple criminal cases against him. Then they will become the “leftist swamp”, I suppose.

Your response ignored my point: Nobody I know praised the rioters by calling them "patriots" and saying, "You're special and we love you". See the difference? Maybe you can't. Beliefs are more powerful than facts.

And indeed you did not see the difference between Trump and other Republicans praising the Coup Klux Klan as patriots and Democrats condemning rioters.

So you needed to repeat the lie about VP Harris “Championing bail to release rioters”.

This is her tweet:

“If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

She said “those protesting”, NOT “rioting”. But you need to frame it as dishonestly as required to fit your inflated hate for that woman.

Dave Dubya said...

You may claim “the police would not be arresting people that simply march peacefully and are not actively participating in violence, destruction, or ignoring lawful police orders” but it is far from the truth.

It was your Dear Leader’s henchmen who ordered unidentified uniformed thugs to gas, beat, and club lawful protesters for his damn self-serving Bible photo op, BEFORE curfew.

You supported this illegal and brutal violence against Americans and free speech. Why do you hate America? See how that trick works?

” The truth is that our new "unity" president was elected under a cloud of suspicion and is seemingly and purposefully sticking his thumb in the eyes of half of America. That not only does not unify us, as I think the left cheers on, but it actually divides our nation further.”

That cloud was stirred up by Trump and his gang of authoritarian liars. NO court, or independent or objective source agrees with them. So to you, they are the “swamp” that hates America

Now you’re saying merely accepting the result of the election “divides our nation”. Wow. That is potent koolade.

I suppose it’s too much to ask what my “unsubstantiated accusations” might be? Of course it is.

It’s easier to say people like me “hate America”, isn’t it?

No wonder you hate reading what I write.

You want to believe I hate America, yet cannot cite any of my words that would support your unsubstantiated accusations.

You can’t show evidence that I’m wrong, so you get angry.

You can’t show evidence you are right, so you get angry.

Anger leads to more hate, but you actively seek it, old buddy.

Unless you make the effort to understand what I say, and address my points with reason instead of deflection, you needn’t bother responding.

Darrell Michaels said...

"Again you can’t seem to discuss 1-6 without deflecting your rage against street criminals that had nothing to do with 1-6. Rage all you want, but they DID NOT storm the Capitol to overturn a fair and certified election. Your loyalty to, and belief in, Trump and your indoctrinated hate for democrats is why you believe the election was stolen. Only the radical Right and those duped by their propaganda hold to the delusion." ~ Dave

Dave, I am not deflecting at all, and thank you for your repeated false characterizations. I am pointing out my CONSISTENCY that I have condemned all rioters, whether they are on the left or the right. Why you separate the two is very telling of your agenda, sir.

I also laugh at your characterization of a "fair election". But the swamp said it was, and your leftist "won", so that is good enough for you. You keep asking for why I think it wasn't a fair election, and I have repeatedly given you reasons, which you either ignore or don't comprehend. That said, if this WAS a fair election then why the hell does Pelosi seem to think it is so important to pass her HR1 bill "for the swamp"? The left cried how Russia and foreign influences changed past elections, but this one was completely fair. Interesting.

I am all for ensuring free and fair elections in every poll, in every county, for every LEGAL American citizen. Any restrictions against that, I will stand with you in condemning and fighting. Why you and the left think that having to show a valid ID is voter suppression just tells me that you don't give a rat's rear end about non-citizens diluting the votes and rights of Americans. Its all about the end result, right?

As for Trump never reaching 50% approval, that is ridiculous. Biden never even campaigned outside of his basement for 90% of the time. That was actually smart, because every time he opened his senile mouth, some gibberish or foolish comment escaped. Hell, he has Kamala calling foreign leaders instead of doing it himself because of his mental impairment. He had no enthusiastic support, no attendance at the very few rallies he did have, and was met with mainly apathy by most Democrats. And yet this man received more votes than Obama?!?! Who is being duped here, Dave.

And citing a poll by the leftist media is hardly objective and honest. Might as well cite Daily KOS and CNN or Dave Dubyas Freedom Rants..

Oh, and I never claimed Trump to be an honest man of integrity. You gripe about me twisting your words! Hell, you simply make up words that I supposedly said out of thin air. I didn't like Trump... even wrote articles about it on this blog. I did like many of his policies and the good he did for the country. If Joe did good things for the country, I'd support him too, even though he is even more dishonest than Trump ever thought of being. Ask China, Russia, and Ukraine. His angelic son was simply the bag man for the Biden crime family.

Nope. Nobody praised the rioters. They just raised bail money for "peaceful protesters" as the evil racist cops beat them for no reason. God, you have truly drank the poison punch.

"She said “those protesting”, NOT “rioting”. But you need to frame it as dishonestly as required to fit your inflated hate for that woman."

Dave, I'll type this one more time for you. People don't get arrested for peacefully protesting. They get arrested for rioting, violence, vandalism, looting, arson, and fighting with police.


And for the record, I don't hate Harris. I do not respect her or the things she stands for though. I'll leave hate to those on the left.

Darrell Michaels said...

"It was your Dear Leader’s henchmen who ordered unidentified uniformed thugs to gas, beat, and club lawful protesters for his damn self-serving Bible photo op, BEFORE curfew."~ Dave

It was uniformed police that tried to disperse a belligerent and hostile crowd that had previously burned the church that Trump was attempting to get to.

"That cloud was stirred up by Trump and his gang of authoritarian liars." ~ Dave

Wrong again. That was stirred up because of the myriad of voting irregularities and discrepancies that even the main stream leftist media reported that were summarily dismissed. You see, when people's legitimate concerns on something so fundamental to our democracy are not even given a fair hearing, people are bound to be upset. But that's okay. We know the left is the true defenders of our republic... which they don't hate, despite it being systemically racist, sexist, homophobic, trans-phobic, and xenophobic. The left still thinks this intrinsically and fatally flawed country is something they should love.

You should work for the Biden administration, Dave. You claim you love the country and want to protect democracy for Americans, but anyone that disagrees with your narrowly defined wokeness are obviously all liars, racists, and authoritarians duped by Trump/Satan. You would make a great Secretary of Unity for Joe.

I think you need another hobby besides blogging and commenting. It just makes you angry and causes you to project your hatred as being the product of those that you despise, sir.

I won't waste any more time on your rants for awhile. I have more productive things to do with my time.

Dave Dubya said...

Maybe you shouldn't waste so much time trusting only radical Right propaganda.

If you could only accept facts, you wouldn’t need to harp on things like “Why you separate the two is very telling of your agenda, sir.”

Only one mob stormed the Capitol to overturn an election. Why you must conflate the two is very telling of your agenda, sir. Deal with it.

You gave no specifics on your stolen election lie, only generalities with zero supporting evidence. But I hate America for agreeing with the courts, states, and the voters.

”I also laugh at your characterization of a "fair election". But the swamp said it was, and your leftist "won", so that is good enough for you.”

You want us to believe state election certification boards, secretaries of states, voters, poll workers, voting machines, Bill Bar, Romney and McConnell, lower courts, appellate courts, and the Supreme Court are all the “swamp” and can’t be trusted. Just for saying Biden won. Wow.

But Donald Trump can be trusted. Do you see how absurd your weak case really is?

So do mean Trump’s “swamp” can’t be trusted either?

Trump’s own former election security chief Christopher Krebs called the 2020 vote "the most secure in American history" which promptly got him fired.

He said he has not seen anything that would change his opinion that the 2020 election was secure and urged Republicans to call out threats and harassment against local election officials who have rejected baseless claims of widespread fraud.

He said this under oath:

"This is not the America I recognize. It's got to stop. We need everyone across the leadership ranks to stand up," Krebs testified Wednesday before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. "I would appreciate more support from my own party, the Republican Party, to call this stuff out and end it. We've gotta move on. We have a president-elect in President-elect Biden."

It must be frightening to think all of this is one huge leftist conspiracy out to get you. No wonder you react with such hate and anger. It’s like you want to be a victim, so you can ramp up more anger and hate.

”You see, when people's legitimate concerns on something so fundamental to our democracy are not even given a fair hearing, people are bound to be upset.”

More victimhood and falsehoods. 60 courts decided there was no basis for the Trump cartels weak case to overturn the election. Here’s another reality to ignore. When Trump’s team were asked to swear to the courts there was massive voter fraud, they refused. Because there was NO massive voter fraud.

Even your far Right source dishonestly misrepresented, “Harris asked her five million plus Twitter followers to donate money to bail out the “protesters” arrested in the riots.”

Did she put quotation marks on “protesters”, suggesting they were not who she was talking about? No. But you’re an “honest” man, though, I’m sure. Just innocent quotation marks, right?

Dave Dubya said...

”People don't get arrested for peacefully protesting. They get arrested for rioting, violence, vandalism, looting, arson, and fighting with police.”

Only by the hundreds. Many legal peaceful protesters were gassed and clubbed for the Bible photo op. BEFORE curfew!! How could they ALL have burned the church? You have no facts that indicate they were the same people that burned the church the night before. Where is your proof they were all rioting arsonists? YA GOT NOTHING! Nothing but willful ignorance, anger and hate.

Here are only a few samples of my evidence supporting mass arrests of peaceful protesters:

“Arrested by Capitol Police at peaceful protests? You’re not alone.”


“More than 400 arrested at the Capitol during protest against ‘big money’”


“Rev. Raphael Warnock arrested, released during Capitol protest”


“Hundreds arrested in protest against Trump’s Supreme Court nominee”

Hundreds of demonstrators, including comedian Amy Schumer, were arrested Thursday after staging a thunderous protest at the Hart Senate Office Building opposing Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee who faces allegations of sexual misconduct. Among them were victims of sexual assault, who, in many cases, had only just begun to speak openly about what they had endured. Several women and one man from Alaska, Arizona, Maine and the District stood before the towering pillars of the U.S. Supreme Court earlier in the day to ask their senators for one thing: faith. “Believe us,” they said. “Believe survivors.”


“‘We will not obey’: 575 arrested as hundreds of women rally in D.C. to protest Trump’s immigration policy”

They were charged with unlawfully demonstrating, a misdemeanor.


There are thousands more like them. All arrested for peacefully, but “unlawfully demonstrating”.

Dave Dubya said...

Kentucky is passing a law that locks people up for insulting cops. Other states are legalizing driving over protesters, so “Very fine people” won’t get arrested for vehicular assault and homicide. This is authoritarian suppression and denial of free speech.

But go ahead, demonize all those protesters. They are all objects of your indoctrinated hate.

As Jonathan Chait accurately characterized your “misquoted, out of context, not racist, Take that Bone out of your Nose” Limbaugh”: “He did not merely characterize his targets as misguided, or stupid, or even selfish. He rendered them for his audience as dehumanized targets of rage. He had special rage for feminist women, who were castrating harpies, and Black people, who were lazy, intellectually unqualified, and inherently criminal. The message he pounded home day after day was that minorities and women were seizing status and resources from white people and men, and that politics was a zero-sum struggle — and the victory would go to whichever side fought more viciously.”

Now you have Tucker Carlson leading the charge, denying the existence of white nationalism. He attacked Rep. Ilhan Omar for “hating America,” saying, “We have every right to fight to preserve our nation and our heritage and our culture.”

No wonder Klan Leader David Duke wanted Carlson to be Vice-President.

"President Trump! You have one last chance to turn the tables, win this election and save America—and yourself! Nominate Tucker Carlson for Vice President. This would energize your campaign beyond belief," Duke tweeted.

This is how the radical Right operates. They don’t want to discuss facts. They don’t want to discuss policy. They want to hate and demonize.

This is exactly why you obsess on your “They hate America” dogma.

Dave Dubya said...

Maybe your outrage over voter fraud allegations not being investigated is a bit over the top.

The radical Right "assumes" there was voter fraud. They were indoctrinated for years to make such false assumptions. Trump never stopped whining about it, and that was enough to make it real to his cult.

Yet another fake "voter fraud" accusation crumbles under investigation:


Postal Service finds no evidence of mail ballot fraud in Pa. case cited by top Republicans

Letter carrier Richard Hopkins told federal agents he “assumed” supervisors discussed backdating ballots and then recanted his claim, inspector general’s report says.

Dave Dubya said...

"That cloud was stirred up by Trump and his gang of authoritarian liars. NO court, or independent or objective source agrees with them."~ Dave

"Wrong again. That was stirred up because of the myriad of voting irregularities and discrepancies that even the main stream leftist media reported that were summarily dismissed. You see, when people's legitimate concerns on something so fundamental to our democracy are not even given a fair hearing, people are bound to be upset."~ Darrell

Evidence is not on your side...Allegations, assumptions, and fabrications don't count as evidence...in the real world. Not that the radical Right cares. If it feels good and conforms to their bias, they buy into it completely.

This is why the Right is so often wrong.

Dave Dubya said...

One way or another, someone is radicalized.

George W. Bush called Trump and his loyalists reckless liars who inflamed the insurrectionist mob. He was right.

"I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol -- and disruption of a constitutionally mandated meeting of Congress -- was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes."

Does this mean he's now another radical leftist who hates America?

Liz Cheney, George Dubya and Dave Dubya have reached unity in understanding reality, and in disagreeing with Trump and Darrell.

Oh, my... Just savoring the irony.