Oh, but we do.
When angry leftist snowflakes accuse me of being racist and opposing the Constitution, when they lie like calling me a White Nationalist, when they accuse and blame conservatives, resort to the race card and every race-baiting technique ever devised, and NEVER bring up the double standards and duplicity of their actions going on today, when they attack pro-life organizations as "racist hate groups", when they claim that only innocent victims and not some numbers of violent protesters marched with BLM, when they are angered by the Congressional Freedom Caucus for even existing, when they constantly deflect and claim that we are blaming the former Black President, when they refuse to look at President Trump and realize that he is doing his constitutional job as commander in chief by trying to prevent potential Muslim terrorists from dangerous and unstable countries from entering America with his temporary ban until they are vetted and thus claiming he is a racist xenophobe because of this, all the while excusing the anti-colonialist, would-be-Marxist, Islamic-enemy strengthening idiot that preceded Trump into the White House, Etc. ad nauseum.... well, we do get it.
Yeah, if that doesn’t fit anti-constitutionalism and hate America first leftists, then it doesn’t exist.
I will not compromise with hate and lies. (Some on the left have become the very essence of hate and lies.) I will call haters and liars out for what they are going forward. There can be no common ground with this leftist extremism. It will never disappear, and it must be defeated by every generation. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” so said the greatest president in my lifetime, Ronald Wilson Reagan, whom the militant left hates for restoring America’s prosperity, standing, and respect among the nations of the world.
I suggest they just follow their fascist Anti-fa hate group’s advice to, "resist, destroy, and burn down the rightwing institutions. Never allow them to speak or share their ideas. They must be silenced.” This will only show the rest of the nation who these misguided and wrong-headed fools truly are.
Inspiring, is it not? Kinda makes me want to polish my Lenin statue and raise my clenched fist as I don my Che Guevara beret.
I know I can be a smart ass at times. It is who I am. But seriously, I am saddened by the disinformation, anger and hate we see from the far Left. I am ashamed of such a large faction of Americans who have become fanatic enough to trust Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi, leftist-propaganda journalists, self-serving-faux scientists, and progressive-agenda-driven educators. And I am horrified they not only trust these adversaries of liberty, but actively share in their hate for a truly free un-biased press and educational institutions that are not merely sources of leftist indoctrination, and their demonizing and defaming of anyone that is right of center. These hypocrites have historically undermined the very rule of law to further their own purposes and then whine when others don’t follow the law when it is perceived to negatively impact them.
They also viciously attack anyone who calls out the lies and hate from the Party of Militant
Snowflakes (PMS).
This is who they are folks.
And they HATE anyone who sees them the way they actually present themselves.
We’ll stop telling the truth about them when they stop lying about us.
But that won’t happen, for they will never see the truth in what I just said. They are unable to comprehend anything outside their bubble cult because they are indoctrinated to hate and loathe dissent from their ideology. (After all, it was communist dictators in the 20th century that actually killed or exiled those that raised their voices in dissent to freedom.) Thus deflection, distraction, denial, dishonesty and distortion are their only tools. This is why conservatives are not allowed to speak on college campuses or any media sources that are not left-wing are denounced as “fake news” by these ideologues.
There can be no common ground with deflection, distraction, denial, dishonesty and distortion. They whine that we “demonize” them. This is not true. We know what they are about. THEY don’t want to understand us. They choose to see us and our traditional American values as the “enemy of the people”.
I stand ready to share the common ground of reality and basic human decency. The Party of Militant Snowflakes (PMS) and their enablers obviously want none of that.
They want to rule. They want to impeach and remove a duly elected president without charges (to date) thereby ignoring the rule of law and will of the people. They claim to be for the poor and working class but only put forth new policies and entitlements that further ensnare them in even greater government dependency and thus consolidate a leftist voting bloc. They want to attack our republic, dismantle our institutions, subvert our rule of law to their will, and crush dissent and our constitutional liberties under the first, second, and various other constitutional amendments.
And I shall resist that ignorance, tyranny, anger, and hate until my dying breath.
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Fascist Anti-Fascists.
Getting my popcorn out with that one, T.Paine.
"They want to rule. They want to impeach and remove a duly elected president without charges (to date) thereby ignoring the rule of law and will of the people."
I am glad you have grown as a person, T.Paine, in the 7 years since you posted this:
Granted, it's a guest post, but you did say the artice 'encapsulated exactly my thoughts on the topic'.
TB3, it seems that the Antifa group uses fascist techniques against their "enemies" hence the ironic name of "Fascist Anti-Fascists" seemed appropriate to me. :)
As to your link back to Free's guest post, I guess I am not seeing an issue or a contradiction. Perhaps you could elaborate for me, sir.
As for my latest post, I simply copied word for word the post that our friend Dave Dubya did on his blog and then corrected the factual errors and lies accordingly. :)
Mr. Paine,
well ther's your problem, you quoted Dave Dubya.
Lol! I simply took his post and corrected the errors from "Right" to "Left" so it was actually truthful and made sense.
Did you here of this?
State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman gave the Clinton Foundation a pass on identifying foreign donors in its charitable filings — making it impossible to know if it got any special favors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, according to a report Tuesday.
Scripps News found that the foundation and its subsidiary, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, took in $225 million in government donations between 2010 and 2014.
New York’s charity law clearly states: “Organizations that received a contribution or grant from a government agency during the reporting period shall include the name of each agency from which contributions were received and the amount of each contribution.”
Add to your post that laws do not apply to the PMS.
Mr. Paine,
Well, gosh! Am I ever flattered! I stand humbled, hat in hand, and shall bow to your authority. With a little nudge, I too can join your ranks of proud white victims. Liberals cry, but not as loud as the REAL victims, amirite? Poor Trump whines every day about being treated unfairly. His victimhood beckons us to his aid.
You have almost recruited me to your cause. All I need is a little boost from Majormajor to clarify and identify the trash heap of liberal lies he noted, and we will have the next great heroes of conservatism. You and Majormajor will have done the impossible!
Pardon my usual complaint, but it would be helpful if you would quote for us the lies from my humble little heap, not that I don’t appreciate your generous offering of straw men. And if MM shows us some lies from the trash heap he noted last thread, we would be ever so grateful. How are to be loyal followers if we don’t know what the lies are? Or...is that the secret?
My leftist-addled brain needs closure, and knowing just where I lied could be my ticket to salvation and dedication of my life to our Great White Leader Trump.
I stand ready to accept your truth about the Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists. And how the racism of LBJ will make it easier for me to hate BLM. I stand ready to accept your truth that racially targeted gerrymandering, and suppression of voter registration, and further restricting poll access will make America great.
I look forward to gaining more compassion for the painful sacrifices and suffering endured by the Kochs, Waltons, Sinclairs, Murdochs, and Mercers. Thanks to our new view of reality, we can end the cruel oppression of these humble salt of the Earth victims of a system rigged against them. Grrr. It angers me already.
And I eagerly anticipate bonding with our new brethren of "very fine people" marching with Nazis. I want to be white, and proud of it.
And thank you for playing the commie card! You never disappoint, my friend. ;-)
Thank you for your merciful offer: “Last chance Dave before you are cast onto the trash heap of leftist lies.”
If you please, may I see that heap of lies before I take any last chance? Would you be so kind to maybe offer just a few samples from that trash heap of lies?
This is yet another chance for you to educate us, and reverse our straying from the truth and supreme wisdom of your Party of Trump.
My mind is open and ready for you to fill it with your incredible insight and inside knowledge of alternative facts that elude me and the majority of our fellow Americans.
Help your Orange Savior, sent by Republican Jesus, to bring more to his fold. And we shall henceforth be thankful to you for your gracious benevolence and for showing us the way, the truth and the light of Donald Trump.
You and Mr. Paine will be heroes for it. You will have accomplished what FOX(R), Limbaugh, and Steve Bannon could not do. The glory shall be yours.
Majormajor, please be our hero. Please, please, please.
If you can’t save us from reality, who can?
I know why Majormajor is in a good mood.
Thanks to huge tax breaks for corporations and the rich, food stamps and the Children’s Health Insurance Program will be seeing cuts.
God bless conservatism!
Can't... stop... laughing. I copied the exact same post of Dave's, changed things from Right to Left, and actually provided a few more detailed facts and he thinks it is all lies. It if funny, because I did this somewhat tongue-in-cheek and yet it is far more accurate and truthful than the hate filled drivel he wrote.
There is nobody so blind as he who refuses to see, I suppose.
As for that typical NY politician and paragon of virtue Schneiderman, how dare you slander him Majormajor! Don't you know that his "intentions" and "works" are what matters? lol.
After all it is okay to be corrupt and immoral if you are a Democrat. In fact it is often a resume builder for certain deep blue states. :)
I am likely to be out of pocket for a bit, so I can only imagine how some folks will run wild in my absence. Fight the good fight Majormajor! Cheers!
Mr. Paine, plagiarism must be an affliction of the needy Alt-Reich. It appears you've added stealing of other's work, without referencing, to your repertoire.
You're even more dishonest than I initially thought. Congratulations on lowering yourself to the level of Majormajor.
J.G., I gave credit to your dishonest and hateful team member. In fact I made his post far better: I changed it enough to make it honest. :)
jG,, you are so full of yourself, I'm surprised you don't choke.
Dave, flamebaiting again I see.
Well, darn the luck. My conversion to the Right seemed so imminent.
I’m disappointed our would be saviors fail to give us our last nudge to the truth and wisdom of Trump. Perhaps they are distracted? Or distracting?
While Mr. Paine’s manifesto is wildly entertaining and brilliantly inspired, if I say so myself, I’m left more confused than before.
Mr. Paine accuses us of “excusing the anti-colonialist, would-be-Marxist, Islamic-enemy strengthening idiot that preceded Trump”, aka the man who ordered the high risk attack that killed OBL.
But never mind. The would-be-Marxist foreign Muslim Black Guy ruined everything and hates America. We get that part. What I don’t understand is how the Islamic Terrorist Obama is “anti-colonialist”. This seems to be a misplaced compliment. I thought the Founders were anti-colonialist, as in “opposed to colonial rule of one country by another”.
Stupid Founders! Didn’t they know our radical Right needs that term to mean “Racist Black Guy”? At least I think that’s their new definition. Why do they keep these things a big secret?
their fascist Anti-fa hate group
Another secret new definition. Yes, I think I get it. Opposing Nazis, white nationalists and the Klan is the new definition of fascist. Where would we be without our authoritarians dictating the meaning of words? Goddam those fascist American troops for violently attacking Hitler’s Nazis. It sickens me, as a novice conservative.
a truly free un-biased press and educational institutions
Here, here! Finally something I understand. Stupid leftists don’t know that FOX(R), Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Silk and Diamond, and talk radio are the only true unbiased press.
Thus deflection, distraction, denial, dishonesty and distortion are their only tools.
Wow. I wish I’d have thought of that! Thank you Mr. Paine. You are as clever as your are original.
They choose to see us and our traditional American values as the “enemy of the people”.
Yeah! Wait a minute. I don’t recall this being said by anyone on the Left at all. Are we making up new definitions of “enemy of the people” again? I only heard this from our Orange Savior.
But what do I know? I’m learning. I’ll tell you this much. It’s high time we took care of the richest among us, and stopped giving sick kids health care and doling out food stamps to hungry people. These are our true traditional American values!! Kind of like slaughtering Indian villages and bombing hundreds of thousands of civilians to death.
Just like the press, these evil communist tricks are the real “enemy of the people”.
Woo hoo! I’m almost there! As sure as Trump had the largest inauguration crowd in history, I’m just as sure we can trust Mr. Paine’s words. Even when we don’t know the new definitions yet.
I submit to my authoritarian leader. I promise not to question any of his new definitions and unfounded accusations. I hereby accept without question or evidence, that I am a liar. Although I’m not sure what the lies are, that doesn’t matter does it? All I must do is repeat what I am told by my authoritarian leaders.
I must learn to trust and believe whatever the Cult of Right-wing Authoritarian Personalities tell me.
I stand ready to be indoctrinated and to eagerly receive their exalted CRAP.
Dump away, boys.
More flamebaiting drivel.
Might as well shut this site down Mr. Paine, all this sniping and bickering is useless.
"...all this sniping and bickering is useless." ~~ woodenman1954
Haven't you heard, James?...it's not a limited engagement anymore. Since we have him and his Alt-Reich mistress up against the ropes, T. Paine declared all-out, "ungentlemanly", war.
I suppose he intends to commit suicide in his blog-bunker, reminicient of his favorite war hero. Maybe he'll take out "Chuck Eva Boring", with him. ;-)
No, I'm sorry Mr. Paine, you didn't acknowledge your plagerism until after publication of your post.
I believe I discovered the method you employed to get through school. ;-)
I apologize that I wasn't clear enough.
The part of the post that I quoted indicated how you did not like how the nebulous "leftist" you built out of straw wants to warrantlessly impeach the President just because he's the President. I reached out into the Wayback Machine, found an article you posted to your blog that indicated you agreed with Impeaching another President for simply being President. You did not say it yourself, but you did say the guest post 'encapsulated exactly my thoughts on the topic', so by saying that it seemed you were perfectly fine impeaching a different President without charges and thereby ignoring the rule of law and will of the people.
I was praising you for your growth of character. 7 years ago you wanted to Impeach a President for simply being President. In 2018 you've grown to the point where you want the current President to get his chance without all this talk about impeachment.
JG, your glib responses do not hide the fact that you have been acting as a saboteur on this site for a while now. You have been ignoring all other topics except racism to sow disharmony here.
Do not hurt yourself patting yourself on the back when this site shuts down. Being selfish is not something to be proud of. I believe Dave is sincere in his arguments but you seem to have an ulterior motive to me. Your ideas of "resisting" is misplaced in your efforts to force Mr. Paine to close down Saving Common Sense.
Thanks for speaking truth to power about jG..no one else could have said it any better.
"...your glib responses do not hide the fact that you have been acting as a saboteur..." ~~ woodenman1954
Not so, James. I have never intended or acted to sabotage the conversation. You obviously have me confused with Chuck.
"You have been ignoring all other topics except racism to sow disharmony here." -- woodenman1954
I never even spoke of racism on this post, and on previous ones it was when the topic was already raised.
"Do not hurt yourself patting yourself on the back when this site shuts down." ~~ woodenman1954
I promise, I won't. Look up the asana called Gomukhasana (cow-face pose). I'm extremely flexible. ;-) Yes, I practice, and have taught for years.
"Being selfish is not something to be proud of." ~~ woodenman1954
I've been telling this to conservatives and capitalists for years. You ought to also.
"...you seem to have an ulterior motive to me." ~~ woodenman1954
And what might that be?
"Your ideas of 'resisting' is misplaced in your efforts to force Mr. Paine to close down Saving Common Sense." ~~ woodenman1954
My lord, James! Is this what this is all about? You're going to miss T. Paine's blog (which I don't know why -- you offer maybe one comment every other post) and you're blaming me for his threatened shutdown?!
I don't monitor this blog, James, and nor do I host it (Google does). If Mr. Paine decides to shut this blog down, he does so because he wants to. Period. It has nothing to do with me. I just comment here, just like you (sometimes).
James, you're starting to sound like the weeping Mr. Paine. He's angry because we constantly catch him spreading his bullshit, and then he cries foul when we throw it back at him. (Chuck, on the other hand, lays prone in it each day and doesn't even know it.)
The PMS agree!
A federal judge in Hawaii has blocked the recent release of three U.S. detainees from North Korea, calling it a political stunt that violated the detainees' constitutional right to "full and fair punishment," ordering that they be immediately returned to a North Korean prison.
The case, brought by Hawaii Atty. Gen. Douglas Chin, follows his earlier move to declare Trump's peace effort unconstitutional and ordering the Korean War to continue as it had been during previous administrations.
The latest decision, made just hours after the plane with the detainees landed in Washington, D.C., has struck down the Trump administration's attempt to change the status quo and set the stage for the upcoming U.S.- North Korea summit in Singapore.
U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson argued that the latest release illegally discriminates based on nationality and would have "profound" and "detrimental" effects on residents of North Korea who would still remain inside the country while the three more privileged Korean-Americans would be allowed to leave. Thus, the judge argued, the release violates the equal protection guarantees of the U.S. Constitution.
Lawyers for the state also argued that the release, the coming summit, and ending the Korean War in general is an assault on the North Korean people's human rights. The current North Korean government has a stellar record of preventing obesity and laziness among their people, who overwhelmingly prefer their lives to end uninterrupted by excessive eating and similar harmful decadence that plagues the so-called "free world."
The cruel and unnecessary release of the American detainees is widely seen among progressive legal minds as cultural imperialism and a racist attempt to impose the American way of life, McDonald's, Coke, electricity and hygiene on a people who have rejected it many decades ago, choosing the way of Juche.
h/t peoples c.
"The PMS agree!"
"Militant Snowflakes" would have sounded like some straw man oxymoron to my old liberal brain.
Now I accept our true authority on the meaning of words. It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to feeeel good.
That's the secret.
Thank you, Majormajor. That was so funny. Probably true, amirite?
My old Leftist brain would marvel at how stupid and gullible conservatives can be when they buy into this kind of stuff.
They often get fooled by Onion articles too.
But my new conservative outlook has determined this is just what liberals think. It is what I want to believe about them, and it feeeeels good to believe it, so it must be true.
And thank you for noting the power of JG. More truth must be spoken to his power.
In other news, are we cheered by this hilarious humor from the Trump White House?
“It doesn’t matter. He’s dying anyway,” Kelly Sadler said of Sen. John McCain, who disagrees with the president over his CIA nominee.
We conservatives know basic human decency doesn't matter in the Time Of Trump. I learned making fun of people with disabilities is fun. And McCain is no hero, because he got shot down and captured. That would NEVER happen to Trump, cuz he's real smart.
This is what makes America great, amirite?
PMS crowd not sleeping well at night over this news from CNN: Trump reverses Obama's executive order banning hurricanes.
Members of the PMS nod their heads in approval.
"California Bill Wants To Drop Washington/Lincoln’s Birthday And Replace It With Communist Holiday"
Rob Shimshock
The California Assembly discussed Thursday a bill that would replace Abraham Lincoln or George Washington’s birthday with International Socialist Workers’ Day as a paid holiday.
California Democrat Assemblyman Miguel Santiago introduced Bill AB-3042, which would allow schools to replace Washington Day and Lincoln Day with Presidents’ Day and install an “International Workers’ Day” — conventionally known as “May Day” — as a second holiday.
I think the term "batshit crazy" applies here.
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer's political action committee released a new ad this week that compares Republicans to white nationalists.
The ad from NextGen America, a political organization started by Steyer, is entitled "Mothers Day" and was released four days before the holiday, NTK Network reports.
The video shows a mother talking about her son, who is in college. The woman explains to the camera that, when her son was younger, he would steal from less fortunate kids. Meanwhile, the ad shows what appears to be a yearbook photo of the son with the quote: "Go back to where you came from."
The mother adds that her son was never afraid to talk to girls, as the ad displays a picture of him yelling at women while holding a sign that says "Baby Killer" and wearing a Trump shirt.
"It wasn't until I met his college buddies that I realized it might be too late," the woman says as a picture of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia appears on screen. "Only a mother can catch the signs early. This Mother's Day, talk to your child about the GOP. I wish I had."
The ad concludes by telling parents to talk to their children about the Republican Party and to "vote them out."
Steyer is known for his vocal opposition to Republicans and President Donald Trump. The California progressive has spent millions of dollars on a national ad campaign calling for Trump's impeachment. Many Democrats have opposed Steyer's campaign, calling it a bad political move.
NextGen America's newest ad is not the only time when a prominent Democrat has compared Republicans to white nationalists. Former Hillary Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon, who now leads the liberal group Demand Justice, tweeted a picture of the Charlottesville white supremacist rally from last year and captioned it by saying it was a "campaign strategy meeting" for Ed Gillespie, who was running for governor of Virginia at the time.
I fail to see how the ad is batshit crazy. It is amusing to see a right wing organization whining about a left wing organization exercising it's free speech.
Just C&P the URL next time. Or are keeping in theme of this blog post and lifting entire articles from elsewhere without proper citation or context?
Uppity Blacks need to be put in their place, right Majormajor? When will they learn Driving while Black, Walking While Black, Sleeping in a dorm while Black, and Sitting in Starbucks while Black is un-American and police will be called by Angry White Americans.
The Party of Trump is doing their patriotic duty to put Blacks in their place, AND lecture them about discrimination.
Here's a case where Majormajor can see his cause nobly defended.
This Angry White Republican bravely takes a stand for his persecuted race and class:
Congresswoman Maxine Waters was on the floor to debate the repeal of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s 2013 auto lending guidance when she was unceremoniously interrupted by the Republican congressman Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania.
"We're trying to make America great every day and every way and the best way to do that is to stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation,” Kelly, a staunch Trump supporter, scolded Waters. “We're coming together as a people in spite of what you say."
Even though Kelly had interrupted Waters, and spoke directly to her instead of the Republican chair Tom McClintock—as is the protocol—McClintock did not correct Kelly until he had finished his tirade at Waters.
But once Waters started to respond in kind, McClintock tried to interrupt and discipline her. And she was not here for it.
“I want you to know that I am more offended as an African-American woman than you will ever be,” she said, speaking directly to Kelly. “And this business about making America great again, it is your president that's dividing this country and don't talk to me about the fact that we don't understand... No, I will not yield, no I will not yield. Don't tell me we don't understand, that's the attitude given toward women time and time again.”
When McClintock tried to interrupt, more than once, Waters did not hold back.
“You did not interrupt [Kelly] when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination. I resent that, and I resent the talk about making America great again.”
She continued: “He’s down here making a speech [about] this dishonorable president of the United States of America… and no I don’t yield (to Kelly), not one second to you. Not one second. Not one second to you.“
Another out burst from the PMS crowd, they hate the very idea of making America great again because they think it has something to do with race. Ignoring the fact that the unemployment rate for blacks is at a all time record low. Guess blacks having a job is not a great thing..
Remember when the PMS said that President Trump's actions would lead to war with Korea, remember??
Late Breaking News!
North Korea says it will dismantle nuke test site May 23-25
(Associated Press)
North Korea said Saturday that it will dismantle its nuclear test site on
May 23-25, in a dramatic event that would set up leader Kim Jong-un’s
summit with President Donald Trump next month.
Making America Great Again.
We’re so lucky to have both Majormajor and Just the Facts as our highly qualified White experts on Blacks.
They know that uppity Black Woman needed to be interrupted and put in her place.
MAGAts and “Very fine people” ALWAYS know best about them uppity Blacks.
They also have the unique wisdom to take Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Don at their word, cuz they never lie.
Liberal billionaire George Soros is the only individual funding a political action committee established by a coalition of anti-Trump organizations that will target infrequent voters in three battleground states for the November midterm elections, filings show.
Soros, who bankrolled lawsuits against voter identification laws and poured money into voter mobilization campaigns during the 2016 elections, has a personal goal of enlarging the electorate by 10 million voters, internal documents from his foundation previously revealed.
The Center for Community Change, Planned Parenthood Votes, Color of Change PAC, and Services Employees International Union (SEIU) announced this year that they will target infrequent voters—people of color, young people, and women—in an attempt to push them to the polls.
The initiative, called the “Win Justice” campaign, will focus on the battleground states of Florida, Michigan, and Nevada, all which have closely contested Senate races. The coalition plans to reach 2.5 million voters as part of the campaign by using digital organization, training individuals to knock on doors to mobilize voters, and peer-to-peer texting, USA Today reported last month.
Billionaire liberal activist Tom Steyer said Thursday President Donald Trump was a talented communicator similar to Adolf Hitler, adding he wanted Trump impeached before he did the kind of harm Hitler did.
Steyer has spent tens of millions of dollars on a national impeachment campaign against Trump and put on town halls across the country to promote his efforts and rally Democrats.
A town hall participant in Iowa told Steyer that Trump reminded her of Hitler, saying the Nazi leader also tore families apart.
“[Trump] really is an incredibly skillful and talented communicator. He really is, which Hitler was, too,” Steyer said. “I think the reason people push back against the Hitler comparison, regardless of any similarities, is Hitler ended up killing millions and millions of people, and Mr. Trump has shown a disregard for our law, he breaks the law … But he hasn’t killed millions of people.”
The crowd broke out into murmurs at the remarks, which one person seemingly replying “yet” to Steyer’s last remark.
Soros better send more cash!
For Dems, 'blue wave' is now a trickle
By Alice Stewart CNN
The Democrats' anticipated Blue Wave was downgraded as voters backed strong candidates who can enable the GOP to hold and potentially expand its majority in the crucial midterm elections. The Democrats may still pick up some seats, but the anticipated Blue Wave will be more like an uphill battle.
DNC edge down to 3 points, LOL!
“Law and order” White Nationalist MAGAts know best:
I imagine most of you already know this, but just in case:
Tucker Carlson tweeted: “The Mueller probe is no longer a law enforcement investigation. It's a hit job. This pleases the Left. Removing Trump is the only principle they recognize. Instead of admitting it, they lecture us about the rule of law, as if they actually care about the Constitution. They don't.”
This is basically the unanimous view on Fox News in prime time. If you watch Fox—or listen to Rush or read Breitbart—this is what you believe. Ignore the fact that the Attorney General, the deputy attorney general, the FBI director, and Mueller himself were all put in place by Donald Trump or his appointees. The developing party line is that once Democrats and their allies in the deep state finally realized that Trump was for real and the jig was up, they invented Mueller. His entire investigation is a monstrous, Democrat-fueled deception designed to bring down a president elected by working-class voters who were finally fed up with liberals destroying our country.
This is their story, and it’s spreading more and more widely in conservative ranks. All the conspiracy theories of the past few years; all the “deep state” nonsense; all the hysteria over Benghazi and Hillary’s emails and the war again Christianity: all of it has been spadework for this. Soon, we’re going to find out if Donald Trump really can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it because the American conservative movement has convinced its supporters that it wasn’t a gun, it wasn’t Trump, no one died, and it was all Photoshopped by Democrats anyway.
DNC to pick new election slogan out of four finalists:
'Give us more government or everyone dies'
'Vote for Democrats or everyone dies'
'Impeach Trump or everyone dies'
'Stop the fearmongering or everyone dies'
h/t peoples c
So much effort. So little results.
"So much effort. So little results." ~~ TB3
As the old Avis commercials used to proclaim, they had to try harder.
Typical PMS member...
Students at the University of California, Santa Cruz claimed that President Donald Trump does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for what appears to be major progress with the North Korean regime. Those same students felt that former President Obama did deserve his Nobel, although none of them were able to remember why he got it.
Why does Kelly Sadler still have a job?
"...President Obama did deserve his Nobel, although none of them were able to remember why he got it. ~~ plagerised by Majormajor (aka, Chuck)
Sort of like you not remembering why Donald Trump is a racist, huh Chuck?
Considering the number of illicit affairs Trump's had, inside and outside of marriage, I agree that he's the front-runner for some kind of "piece" prize.
Don't forget, Chuck, Trump is the antithesis of "peace". He's already been bought by the neocons and warhawks. We'll unfortunately be made acutely aware of this soon enough.
And what about yet another campaign promise where he turned his back on reducing prescription drug prices this week? Hmm... Looks like he fooled you again, huh Chuck? LOL There's a sucker born every minute -- and they've proven to be Trump's ignorant base.
When will you explain your support for the racist Nation of Islam?
Should Joy Reid be fired?
Will the left ever list the actions of President Trump that are racist?
Clinton Foundation to host glittering New York gala - featuring Shaggy and Sting - with VIP tables costing $100,000 Will the cash strapped DNC get one penny from this?
Or is it going to Chelsea Clinton's nest egg, as New York Times journalist Amy Chozick said in his book?
This week, one of the Russian companies accused by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of funding a conspiracy to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election was revealed in court to not have existed during the time period alleged by Mueller’s team of prosecutors, according to a lawyer representing the Defendant.
U.S. Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey asked Eric Dubelier, one of two lawyers representing the accused Russian company, Concord Management and Consulting LLC, if he was representing a third company listed in Mueller's indictment.
"What about Concord Catering?" Harvey asked Dubelier. "The government makes an allegation that there's some association. I don't mean for you to – do you represent them, or not, today? And are we arraigning them as well?"
"We're not," Dubelier responded. "And the reason for that, Your Honor, is I think we're dealing with a situation of the government having indicted the proverbial ham sandwich."
Russia Russia Russia....LOL
Should John Kerry be FARA registered?
Chuck, are you doing speed or something? I guess you think you can win with sheer quantity. Do you know of any bad things Trump and the Republicans are doing?
"Why does Kelly Sadler still have a job?"
Tough one, amirite?
Majormajor doesn't want us to know the answer. He deflected in 4 different directions to distract us away from the utter lack of common human decency in the MAGAt Mob Administration.
He's going to very busy. His mania rises as Justice circles in on his Big MAGAt.
"I guess you think you can win with sheer quantity." ~~ Woodenman1954
We all know Chuck's a plagiarizer to the nth degree (and now, also, Mr. Paine) and he resorts to copy-and-paste article dumps, and other non-referenced work not his own, when he's pissed at Dave or me for making him look foolish.
We really don't...make him look foolish, that is...he's quite capable of doing this all on his own. :-)
"He's going to very busy. His mania rises as Justice circles in on his Big MAGAt." ~~ Dave Dubya
The Trump wagons are circling at the same time the wheels are coming off, while the rule of law -- spearheaded by a very capable special counselor, Robert Mueller -- is connecting all the illegalities and sleazy players involved in this most corrupt administration in the history of our republic.
Interestingly, Mike Pence is calling for closure on this investigation just as the latest revelations of pay-to-play and graft are revealed on the part of several Fortune 500 corporations -- one Mr. Paine's own employer, AT&T -- and Donald Trump's personal fixer-attorney. There are shell companies and payments made in just under legally required reporting amounts. This has all the trappings of organized crime, doesn't it?
Yes, the wagons are forming a tighter circle, yet the relentless barrage of probable illegalities are coming forth on almost a daily basis.
Hmm...I wonder why Pence is all of a sudden calling for an end of Mueller's work? Could it be he's knowledgeable, and thus at risk also?
Too bad Eddie Munster is retiring at the end of the year. He would have been, constitutionally, next in line. ;-)
"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!" ~~ Walter Scott
"Will the left ever list the actions of President Trump that are racist?" ~~ Majormajor (aka, Just the Facts! and Ridiculous Chuck)
I already have, Chuck. As both TB3 and I have previously pointed out to you. Look at my comment dated April 20th (on previous post) and click through on the convenient hyperlink I provided. It's all there.
Since you brought it up, again: (Are you reading this, woodenman1954?) Check out this nifty article titled, Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did, by Sean McElwee and Jason McDaniel. Chuck, it's probably way over your head, but the pretty colorful graphs and bar-charts may be entertaining for you. A sampling:
What We Found: It’s Racial Animus, Not Economic Anxiety
In our models, racial attitudes towards blacks and immigration are the key factors associated with support for Trump. The way that these variables impact Trump support can be seen in the charts below. Both racial resentment and black influence animosity are significant predictors of Trump support among white respondents, independent of partisanship, ideology, education levels, and the other factors included in the model. The results indicate a probability of Trump support higher than 60 percent for an otherwise typical white voter who scores at the highest levels on either anti-black racial resentment or anti-black influence animosity. This compares to less than 30 percent chance for a typical white voter with below average scores on either of the two measures anti-black attitudes. There is approximately a 10 percent probability of a Trump vote for an otherwise typical white voter at the lowest levels of racial resentment.
In a nutshell, Chuck, this means if you're a white voter with anti-black attitudes or anti-black resentments, than the probability of you voting for Trump in 2016 was markedly enhanced.
Does this describe you, Chuck?
The short answer to your question (again), yes, Trump's a racist. Much more dangerously, he stokes racist animosity. He prides himself on being a divider. But you already know this.
"When will you explain your support for the largest racist organization in America, the Nation of Islam?" ~~ directed at Dave Dubya by Majormajor (aka, Just the Facts! and Ridiculous Chuck)
But Chuck, Dave has never, ever, proclaimed or referenced any support or backing of the Nation of Islam. So, right there, you're purposely lying.
But you've said you voted for and support racist Donald Trump. Hmm...I wonder what that makes you? ;-)
Not really...I already know.
Venezuela is Hiring! Good paying government jobs! Make Venezuela Great Again (MVGA)!
Border police positions open for PMS members to protect this bastion of a very regulated capitalism from it's citizens fleeing the workers paradise that socialism has created!
Job requirements:
Hatred for the rich
Hatred for President Trump and his supporters.
Jail/prison guard experience a PLUS.
A perfect record of blaming all social ills on white people, the rich, and conservatives not require, but it sure helps.
Wages will be determined once applicant arrives within our borders. Free health care just one of the many benefits of working and living in Venezuela.
Venezuela, where inflation is so high the currency can be used for toilet paper.
A thoughtful post. I read some of the comments here and so many times liberals get all their info from other liberals. Maybe conservatives do too. I know people who voted for Trump-- none were racists as was suggested above. There might be people who voted for him who were racists, maybe some voted for Hillary only because she was a woman-- does that make it reverse misogynists? Most though voted on issues period either way. What has gotten me about liberals today is their desire to shut down differing opinions. That is not about democracy or being solid in what someone believes. It's out of a dictator mentality where only that person knows the truth and fears listening to other viewpoints. Even today, a lot of those who support Trump do so on the issues and are not happy with the way he shoots off his mouth pointlessly as he did with McCain during the campaign. I don't know what's wrong with him but it doesn't help his causes. I can't ever see myself voting for him (although the candidate Dems choose next might change my mind if it's a raging globalists who wants no borders). But not all he has done has been upsetting to me. Environmentally it's disturbing but with the borders, it's time to fix immigration, which means a path to citizenship for those who have been here since the last amnesty and not broken laws but it means we need to stop border crossings, get a good plan for who we want in (farm workers are always needed), and get onto other business that impacts this country.
Thank you once again for another thoughtful post...You and Woodenman give me hope that Liberalism is not dead but will work for the good of our nation with Conservatism.
Unhinged the unhinged left.
MM: You and Woodenman give me hope that Liberalism is not dead but will work for the good of our nation with Conservatism.
LOL!! That's rich. Made my day.
At times you seem to have as little understanding of liberals as Mr. Paine. You are still far more enlightened than Majormajor, though.
Unlike what I’ve seen from the far Right, I am impressed that you are able to use the words “farm workers” in context of the immigration issue. Those on the Right don’t understand liberals want secure borders too. Believe it or not, we don’t like terrorists. But we also need farm workers as well as sane and compassionate immigration policies.
Yes liberals get their information from other liberals. They also get it from science, history, journalism, and educators. We like our information verified, not spun from FOX(R) and the Republican Party.
Perhaps for context, there’s that word again, you may want to know this is Mr. Paine’s absurdist parody of what I had written.
I know people who voted for Trump-- none were racists as was suggested above.
Nobody here suggested your friends are racists. Our point is racists enthusiastically support Trump. I have friends and family who voted for the asshole too. They lack informed consideration and judgment of character. They believed FOX(R).
liberals get all their info from other liberals. Maybe conservatives do too
Conservatives reject corporate and mainstream news as the “enemy of the people”. Their willfully ignorant contempt for journalism, science, and education closes them off to all information but that which is from their extremely biased partisan sources. No matter how you see it, CNN and FOX are NOT equally biased, unless you trust only FOX. See how that works?
If you really feel these remarks are “thoughtful”, I would suggest you understand what they are mocking.
He condemns us when we “resort to the race card”. Noting Trump’s racist birtherism and racist history is out of consideration apparently. Noting Trump’s reluctance to single out blame for the killer’s side in Charlottesville and claiming “very fine people” were among them IS pretty damn racist. But Mr. Paine and Angry White conservative get upset when these facts are mentioned.
they attack pro-life organizations as "racist hate groups"
Unsupported nonsense. How can something so absurd be taken as “thoughtful”?
Mr. Paine continues:
”they claim that only innocent victims and not some numbers of violent protesters marched with BLM, when they are angered by the Congressional Freedom Caucus for even existing”
These what are known as “straw men”. He has no evidence of these fake arguments. Do you understand the logical fallacy here?
”they constantly deflect and claim that we are blaming the former Black President”
Like that never happens? Like Trump doesn’t do this? “Deflecting” to reality is what liberals do.
Amazingly, immediately after defending Trump, Mr. Paine goes on to blaming the former Black President, “the anti-colonialist, would-be-Marxist, Islamic-enemy strengthening idiot that preceded Trump into the White House”
"There you go again". ;-)
If you can help me understand how any of this is thoughtful, I would really appreciate it.
”fit anti-constitutionalism and hate America first leftists...(Straw man, false accusation)... Reagan, whom the militant left hates for restoring America’s prosperity, standing, and respect...(No. It was for attacking unions, Corporate owned regulators, Iran/Contra, etc.)... their fascist Anti-fa hate group...( Straw man, false accusation, unilateral definition of terms.)... I am saddened by the disinformation, anger and hate we see from the far Left...(Projection)... leftist-propaganda journalists, self-serving-faux scientists, and progressive-agenda-driven educators...(Meaning only FOX can be trusted, only oil company scientists are to be believed, and only Bob Jones and Liberty University types are politically correct.)... These hypocrites have historically undermined the very rule of law to further their own purposes and then whine when others don’t follow the law...(Projection. We note that Trump fired Comey for investigating Russian interference, and he and his toadies attack the FBI for catching a number of Trumpists in lies about contacts with Russian agents.)
Who really “hates Americans” here? Liberals, or the Party of Trump and Putin?
Say Dave, when are you going to stop supporting the largest racist organization in the the USA. Nation of Islam?
This could spell trouble for the Democrats hoped for Blue Wave in Nov.
Election Worker Pleads Guilty To Intimidating Voters Who Wanted To Vote For Non-Democratic Candidates..
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A North Philadelphia election worker has pleaded guilty to election fraud during a 2017 special election for a state House seat in the city.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro says 59-year-old Thurman George, a machine inspector at Poll 43-7, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to frauds by election officers. George, along with three other election workers, was accused of harassment and intimidation against voters who wanted to vote for candidates of their choice, but not the candidate being pushed by the city’s Democratic Party machine.
Minority inspector Calvin Mattox previously pleaded guilty to not meeting the qualifications of election officers for living outside the district in which he was working, while Dolores Shaw, the judge of election at Poll 43-7, received an accelerated rehabilitative disposition for compromising the local election board. A pre-trial conference for Wallace Hill, a bilingual translator, has been scheduled for June 6.
No doubt an act of pure racism by the AG...
Pelosi: 'We have to impeach the president in order to find out what we impeached him for'
... isn't something she actually said. You really are just making stuff up.
Chuck is parodying what Pelosi said about passing Obamacare and putting the reference on Trump.
"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."
Who was that has said Conservatives don't have a sense of humor?
Thanks for the assist Woodenman.
Not parodying but straight from the San Francisco Chronicle, article by Willie Brown.
"Trump is more popular than Dems want to admit.
It’s time for the Democrats to stop bashing President Trump.
It’s not going to be easy, given his policies and personality. It might even mean checking into a 12-step program. But setting a winning agenda is like maneuvering an aircraft carrier. It takes time to change course. And if they want to be on target for the November midterm elections, the Democrats need to start changing course now.
Like it or not, a significant number of Americans are actually happy these days. They are making money. They feel safe, and they agree with with the president’s protectionist trade policies, his call for more American jobs, even his immigration stance.
The jobs growth reports, the North Korea summit and the steady economy are beating out the Stormy Daniels scandal and the Robert Mueller investigation in Middle America, hands down.
So you are not going to win back the House by making it all about him.
Rather than stoking the base by attacking Trump, Democrats need to come up with a platform that addresses the average voters’ hopes and concerns. Not just the needs of underdogs or whatever cause happens to be the media flavor of the week.
Democrats need to look like the adults, not like another pack of screaming kids on the playground.
And they need to start now."
I know, Willie left out racism, sorry Dave.
Thank you for the clarification, Woodenman. It's difficult to pick up all the nuances of this shotgun blast of a conversation.
"Pelosi: 'We have to impeach the president in order to find out what we impeached him for'"
Majormajor makes a good point. Like, “Grab them by the pussy in order to find out what I grab”.
Amirite? The party of "values" is no more. Even former and current sane Republicans know this,
"Willie left out racism, sorry Dave."
But YOU didn't, did you? Look who plays the race card in the most deceptive, deflecting and dishonest way.
"Dave, when are you going to stop supporting the largest racist organization in the the USA. Nation of Islam?"
Never claimed to. On the reality side, when are YOU going to stop supporting a racist president? As soon as your "very fine people" do?
No White Nationalism here, no sir.
Whoops. Just an oversight, I’m sure.
Hillary Clinton has sent $150,000 in leftover funds from her presidential campaign committee to a limited liability company that was established to manage her book and speaking income, filings show.
ABC Analyst Wrongly Calls Iran Nuclear Deal a ‘Treaty,’ Says U.S. Is ‘In Violation’
Hey, who needs facts? Obama never got approval and it wasn’t even signed by Iran. Some ‘agreement.’ It wasn’t U.S. policy, it was Obama’s ‘side deal.’
"pack of screaming kids on the playground" IE: PMS members who post here.
Well, “Party of Militant Snowflakes” has been embraced by at least two White Nationalists. "WhiNas" for short.
Another WhiNa is upset:
"NEW BOOK - A MUST READ! “The Russia Hoax - The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump” by the brilliant Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett. A sad chapter for law enforcement. A rigged system!"
Poor wittow WhiNa. Rigged against a victimized president. How terrible! Who do we punish? Besides children getting their health care cut to make up for tax cuts for the poor wittow rich victims.
All WhiNas are victims, aren't they?
"Nobody knows the trouble they've seen", down on the Socialist Plantation.
Whine, whine, whine, go the poor wittow WhiNas.
Oh David, when will you stop being a supporter of the largest, racist organization in the USA, the Nation of Islam?
America wants to know.
America wants to know.
Do we have a WhiNa named, “America”?
Hey Davie, tell us is your problem with WHITE Nationalism, NATIONALISM or both?
Tell us Dave, what IS your take on Black Nationalism? Are you for it or against it?
Sounds like to me from reading your posts here and your blog that your problem is with the WHITE part of Nationalism, not Nationalism it's self. That sounds racist by anyone's definition.
Can you explain that? Oh, and it almost slipped my mind, that largest racist group in the USA, the Nation of Islam (AKA Black Muslims) that you support, they are Black Nationalists.
Just saying.
Nice try Dave, but it's a fail...again.
It is clear to anyone who has read my questions and your lack of response to them that you support Black Nationalist Racist organizations.
I guess you are a no borders globalist as well since you claim nationalism is bad. Some traditional American you are.
That's just what a White Nationalist would say.
That's just what a Black Nationalist would say...LOL
"That's just what a Black Nationalist would say..." ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
Chuck, how can Dave be a "Black Nationalist"? He's not even black.
I saw your fishface picture -- under your alias, Just the Facts! -- and you're definitely white.
Chuck, do you wear the fishface to your white nationalist meetings? Pretty stinky, huh?...like the meetings. ;-)
How about that Willie Brown, some kind of smack he was putting down? Must be a b$tch hearing that from a fellow leftist, so much so that it will be ignored...I hope. Because as we see now all the Dems and the left have to offer American voters is their fake racism claims....
It is a hoot watching the PMS crowd turn themselves inside out trying to be relevant as we watch Making America Great Again.. succeed. They hate the very thought of American EVER being great, wonder why that is?
To quote Woodenman "JG, your glib responses do not hide the fact that you have been acting as a saboteur on this site for a while now. You have been ignoring all other topics except racism to sow disharmony here."
Louis Farrakhan called Hitler “a great man.”
When does the outrage from the PMS crowd begin?
"Flamebait" ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
Interesting. You're the one who saturates the comment section with mostly off-topic and meaningless snippets -- with the sole purpose to provoke -- and you accuse me of flamebaiting.
You need a new response, Chuck. Here, let me help you. When I comment, just say "You're right", and then slink back into your snake hole.
"No basic human decency is required in the Party of Trump and Majorflamebaitmajor." ~~ Dave Dubya
So we can junk the "compassionate conservativism" meme from the Bush years now?
"Compassionate conservativism" was indeed a sick joke from the Party that started a war based on lies and sanctioned torture.
And they have only gotten worse as the Party of Trump.
They are now at war with truth, human decency and compassion.
We can thank Majorflamebaitmajor for his fanatic loyalty in being a foot soldier waging this war.
Imagine the Trump base's delight is seeing unarmed Palestinian protesters being gunned down Netanyahu's SS.
Their cult thinks moving the embassy was a "Christian" thing, as Satan grins with delight at the bloody consequences.
More from the Drivel Duo...Flamebaiting at its worst.
"Flamebaiting at its worst. ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
Correction: truth-serving, and lie exposing, at its best.
Top tier trolling.
This comment thread's a trainwreck.
I think Conservatives are getting desperate, all the ideas that has shaped their world view for the last quarter century are coming apart. Trump may not be the Anti-Christ but he is looking more and more like a Conservative Jim Jones every day.
Just take a look at the farm bill he is trying to pass, it is written by a psychopath. Republicans are going past just trying to save corporations money, they are going out of their way to destroy the environment.
Fifteen Red states are basically outlawing Medicaid and in one state alone 37,000 aged and infirm people are scheduled to be thrown out of their nursing homes. This will open the eyes of even the most brain washed Conservative when they have to take their 24 hour care mother back home.
Especially when they hear that General Dynamics just got a contract to build 1000 nuclear missiles at ELEVEN BILLION apiece.
Republicans idea of job creation and health care is a man with a bell and a mule cart.
"Fifteen Red states are basically outlawing Medicaid"
Don't move there if it effects you so much. That's the beauty of our system or at least it used to be.
Are you a Globalist?
Explain your position on having open borders, should we or should we not?
'Soros foundation to close office in Budapest over Hungarian government's 'repressive' policies" How, if at all, does this effect you? Would you favor Soros doing the same in the USA?
"Explain your position on having open borders, should we or should we not?"
What is this? Twenty Questions? Is this all you do all day long but demand answers to inane questions you just pull out of the ether? You don't even read what's directed at you, anyways. This is a game of Tit for Tat for you.
You've already driven this train off the rails. You can take the rest of the week off. It'll take me that long to sift through everything that's been thrown at the walls here.
"Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it"
That’s a Right-wing Authoritarian Personality for you.
”Don't move there if it effects you so much. That's the beauty of our system or at least it used to be.”
And let’s not forget cutting Children’s Health Insurance Program so the rich get huge tax cuts is also the “beauty of our system”. Only “compassionate conservatism” find beauty in people losing health care. Just what Republican Jesus preached, amirite?
While the racists, greedheads, and fundie hypocrites are getting what they want from Trump, other poor rubes and dupes are finding out the hard way what happens to low-information voters.
Trump supporters suffer unintended consequences of his policies
Here are four examples:
1. “Eddie Devine voted for [Trump] because he thought he would be good for American business. Now, he says, the Trump administration’s restrictions on seasonal foreign labor may put him out of business. ‘I feel like I’ve been tricked by the devil,’ said Devine, owner of … Devine Creations Landscaping. ‘I feel so stupid.’
“But what makes him most angry is that Trump’s properties in Florida and New York have used 144 H-2B workers since 2016. ‘I want to know why it’s OK for him to get his workers, but supporters like me don’t get theirs,’ Devine said.
2. General Motors is cutting its second shift at the Lordstown Assembly plant outside of Youngtown, Ohio, next month. The move could cost 1,500 jobs at the 3,000-employee plant that builds the Chevrolet Cruze. GM says it’s downsizing because there is “lower customer demand for compact cars.”The plant already downsized last year, moving from three shifts to two, partly because consumers are buying more crossovers, SUVs and trucks at the expense of smaller vehicles. Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), who represents the plant, blames reduced demand, and the pending layoffs, on Trump’s decision to scrap fuel efficiency standards — which the auto companies did not want. “The truth is, the fuel economy standards help sell more Chevy Cruzes.”
Ironically, gas prices might go up because Trump pulled out of the Iranian nuclear agreement last week. (Iran is the world’s fifth-biggest oil producer.)
3. The president’s decision to pull out of the Iran deal, and reimpose sanctions, will cost Boeing contracts worth as much as $20 billion to replenish Iran’s aging fleet of commercial planes. Those jobs will now go to other countries — specifically Russia. “Russian aircraft makers, who can skirt the U.S. sanctions, are already working on deals.”
4. The trade war with China is increasing uncertainty for farmers and may still lead to punishing retaliatory tariffs.
China buys 60 percent of all U.S. soybean exports, and growers of the crop could be pressed hard if the administration cannot cut a deal with Beijing. Soybean-producing counties went for Trump by a margin of more than 12 percent in 2016.
Dave Walton, who voted for Trump and tends soybeans, corn and livestock in eastern Iowa, is not sure his farm could take the added stress. “If this turns into a longer-term thing, we’re going to see friends and neighbors go out of business. If this stretches into years, we ourselves won’t be able to sustain it.”
Walton’s 800-acre farm, in his family for 118 years, has already been struggling to stay above water with falling crop prices, and tariffs could make profitability difficult. “Right now, soybean growers in Iowa and across the nation are encouraging the administration to engage positively with China,” he said. And if that doesn’t happen, he added: “Iowa leads the nation in many things. The presidential election is one of them.”
"While the racists, greedheads, and fundie hypocrites are getting what they want from Trump, other poor rubes and dupes are finding out the hard way what happens to low-information voters." ~~ Dave Dubya
And they'll continue finding out, the very difficult way, as time progressives.
I believe many millions who held their noses in the voting booth, who thought Trump would shakeup the status quo, are going to get a lot more disappointment than they ever imagined.
They're going to regret, along with millions more, their knee-jerk decision. It's going to hit them more than just in the pocketbook.
Of course his base-loyalists will go down with the ship and continue blaming those of color, other sexual persuasions, women, liberals and anybody else who falls within their limited perspective and understanding. Trump will continue race-baiting, and using them, until he's destroyed all societal norms and cohesion.
If you haven't figured out by now, here's some insight: no matter how I answer Dave and/or jG's, I'm still the spawn of Satan to them. So why bother helping them get off?
I find it very interesting that a simple question, are you a nationalist or a globalist produces such a hateful reaction..you were bitching about the posts here being gotcha based, I was being trivial etc. So now I'm asking 20 questions? B.S.
Show me were Dave ever takes a position much less answer a question, except to claim racism and hate for conservatives.
Show me were JG does anything but acts as a saboteur on this site and "sows disharmony here." Both Woodenman and Mr. Paine have noted this.
Go to Dave and JG's blogs, post there, you will find there as Mr. Paine has stated here, a complete lack of discourse, and dammit you had better not post anything counter to the authoritarian owners of those blogs beliefs.
My question still stands, are you a nationalist or a globalist?
"I find it very interesting that a simple question"
I am glad for you.
"you were bitching about the posts here being gotcha based, I was being trivial etc. So now I'm asking 20 questions? B.S."
No, I was bitching that you unfailingly go off topic. For someone who disapproves of others putting words in other mouths, you aren't hesitating to do it yourself.
"Show me were..."
"My question still stands, are you a nationalist or a globalist?"
This wasn't your question.
That's two questions.
I just read that Trump added 209 billion to the deficit in March alone. That means he is spending two times as much money as Obama and he was an idiot to add ten trillion to the national debt in his two terms.
So Trump is running the U.S. like his businesses, into bankruptcy!
At this rate in a few years the entire three trillion dollars the government collects will be used just to pay the interest on the debt. I guess this the great fiscal prudence that Conservatives brag about all the time.
Like I said everything Conservatives believe in is a lie.
Not how TB3 bitches about the number of questions I ask and then he refuses to answer a single one of them until I word the way he wants.
Authoritarianism at work.
PMS at it's best
You never bothered to define those terms. Now I worry you don't know what an authoritarian is. Suggesting I am one for not answering your demands is hilarious.
You mean you wouldn't allow the Swedish Bikini Team to come in? LOL
Come back when you grow up.
Racism Dave, Racism!!!
I don't know how you missed this, being on top of all racist events as you are.
The Cheesecake Factory says it has suspended workers involved in an incident in which a black customer reportedly was subjected to verbal abuse by restaurant staff over his "Make America Great Again" cap.
Eugenior Joseph, 22, was dining with his girlfriend's family at a Cheesecake Factory restaurant in Miami on Sunday, when his red MAGA hat was spotted by a female staff member, according to the Daily Wire, which first reported the incident. After the woman encouraged her co-workers to confront Joseph, about a dozen Cheesecake employees surrounded his table, multiple witnesses told the conservative news site.
One employee tried to scare Joseph by standing behind him "balling his fists, smacking his fists," Joseph told the Daily Wire. When he exited a restaurant bathroom, Joseph encountered employees "clapping and yelling, and just screaming things at me," he told the site.
The casual-dining chain operates 214 locations throughout North America.
"Upon learning of this incident, we immediately apologized to the guests in person," a Cheesecake Factory spokesperson stated in an email to CBS MoneyWatch. "The individuals involved in the incident have been suspended pending the results of our investigation."
CBS MoneyWatch provided this news of racism.
Chuck, please define "nationalist" as you understand it. While you're at it, do the same with "globalist".
Ok, MM. We know you've succeeded in expressing your argument when you pull the Grow Up card.
Now let's switch gears and c&p a random article as if it has any bearing on anything.
I don’t want to be an authoritarian snowflake!!
So I shall submit to the questioner’s demand.
I’m not afraid to give an honest answer to MM’s urgent question. As a courtesy, never to be reciprocated of course, I'll answer this one.
“Are you a nationalist or a globalist?”
In all honesty, I would be more of a universist than either of those.
MLK Niece Alveda King Crushes Maxine Waters: “You Are Playing The Race Card Again”…
Of course she is, that’s all she has.
Thanks Dave for the honest answer.
I Googled universist but no answer was provided.
I followed your link with the same results.
I did find this: Universalism
noun: universalist; plural noun: universalists
Christian Theology
a person who believes that all humankind will eventually be saved.
a member of an organized body of Christians who hold the belief that all humankind will eventually be saved.
noun: Universalist
a person advocating loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances.
adjective: universalist
Christian Theology
relating to universalists.
universal in scope or character.
Is this close to what you mean?
Mr. Paine has stated in the past that the Israelis treat the Palestinians very well and all rumors to the contrary were Liberal nonsense. Now that the Israelis are killing 50 at a time, including women and children, Mr. Paine's ideas are the ones that are proving to be nonsense.
The Israelis snipers must be really expert marksmen as they have shot a couple of thousand people and so few have died, I guess even the IDF would have trouble explaining away 3000 dead unarmed civilians.
Trumps actions are the catalyst for all these killings and he was warned that this would happen. By the end of Trumps term I am betting there will be a mountain of dead people because of him.
"In all honesty, I would be more of a universist than either of those." ~~ Dave Dubya
"Is this close to what you mean?" ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
Priceless! LOL
Thank you, Dave, for starting my day with a laugh!
Yeah, I'm a "universist" also... LOL
"Mr. Paine has stated in the past that the Israelis treat the Palestinians very well and all rumors to the contrary were Liberal nonsense." ~~ woodenman1954
Mr. Paine takes the Niki Haley approach: Deny, deny, deny. It's all part of the alternate reality of the Alt-Reich.
"Trumps actions are the catalyst for all these killings and he was warned that this would happen." ~~ woodenman1954
Absolutely, James, but as we know Trump and his corrupt administration could care less. The lives of ordinary people don't matter, especially if they're people of color. Palestinians are subhumans in the conservative world, and are to be exterminated like any other pest that invades "their" territory.
The Palestinians have to very brave and also desperate people to offer themselves as live target practice to the IDF. All this just to bring attention to the world of their oppression by Israel. I was impressed with the Freedom Riders in the 60s but the Palestinians take non violent protest to a whole different level.
They bring the whole family to the border protest, even offering their kids as targets but it is the Israeli snipers who put the kids in the cross hairs and pull the trigger.
And we give Israel unconditional support, what bullshit!
"The Palestinians have to very brave and also desperate people to offer themselves as live target practice to the IDF. All this just to bring attention to the world of their oppression by Israel."
Let me see if I understand you correctly..Palestinians are trying to cross the border of Israel to protest what? How are Palestinians being oppressed in Israel?
Who is Hamas and what do they control and what is their stated goal?
Are they not an extremist Sunni (affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood) organization who operates in the Palestinian Territories? Hamas is a militant and political organization currently in power in the Gaza Strip. According to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, "Hamas is funded by Iran. It claims it is financed by donations, but the donations are nothing like what it receives from Iran.
"even offering their kids as targets" I know you are aware of the recent terrorist bombings in which the bombers entire family took part, including their children and their mothers. Further, terrorist's have already used their children as human bombs, so I'm not inclined to agree with the notion that they are just now "offering" their kids.
I have no reason to believe Palestinians would have been shot by the IDF if it were not for Hamas sending them to the border in an attempt to enter Israel. As for President Trump causing this to happen, he did not order the crossing attempts at the Israeli border, he did not order the IDF to defend it's border. He did not place Hamas in control of those you noted as target practice. He just moved our embassy.
I am always surprised that liberals in American who support abortion on demand, single source health care for all, women serving in the military in combat, total woman suffrage, govt subsidized college education, and a near perfect govt funded social safety net would back countries who have none of these in their efforts to destroy Israel. I just wonder how serious they are when they fight for the same things here that are in place in Israel, while supporting the countries who want to "push Israel into the sea".
I commend you for seeking information. Careful, though, too much of that will lead away from your Party of Trump. ;-)
I am neither nationalist nor globalist. This doesn’t mean I am not patriotic, nor does it mean I am an isolationist. Rather than annoy you with nuance, I will say I can relate to this concept of universalist:
2.a person advocating loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances.
Anyone with friends from other countries and faiths would understand this.
"Universist" is a term I chose to expand from the narrow confines of nationalism and globalism. I then checked to see it the term has been used before.
Turns out “Universism” is described at the link I found.
We believe the religious philosophy of Universism is already held by millions of people in a more abstract and nameless form, and that our task is to represent this attitude clearly, concisely and forthrightly... In 2003, the Deus Project realized its mission when Ford Vox first described the principles of Universism. To heal the unnecessary rift in free thought between atheists and deists, Vox outlined a rational religious philosophy already implicitly shared by millions but long denigrated by academic philosophy and theology. Vox felt that interfaith movements suffered from an uncritical acceptance of dangerous universal religious truths, while pure secularism did not satisfy a quite biological urge for religious engagement.
Universism is a progressive worldview in which all meaning and purpose is understood through personal reason and experience. Universism allows for belief in a supernatural first cause, as in deism, or a conception of the universe as explaining itself, as in atheism. A free thought religious philosophy including people who believe in a supernatural force is necessary to provide a vibrant and viable alternative. Universism includes millions of people shunned by secularists and the faithful alike, people who apply reason to religious questions, who trust science, who believe in evolution, who reject miracles and shared revelation, who reject blind faith, yet believe in, for the lack of a better term "God." All of us are fellow travelers - that we arrive at different answers at different times does not make us different - no Universist can claim certain knowledge. We share so much, compared with the faithful who hide from the journey behind holy books, or the completely secular, who deny the journey's value.
I can relate to this concept more than nationalism and globalism as well.
I know this can be confusing to you. I do not ascribe to any particular “ism” on its own. If you want a category, I would be in the democratic socialist capitalist camp. I would advocate a sane and compassionate blend of truly representative democracy, socialism and regulated capitalism. Democratic elections, providing for the general welfare, and regulation of commerce all fall within the framework of the Constitution.
I would hope this will not be too much for you to process, but your pattern of behavior indicates you will likely return to “Have you stopped beating your wife” tactics, deflection, and ad hominem attacks.
Or you could take the opportunity to actually surprise us.
Thanks Dave for the kind words and insight to your position.
Would it be safe to say that you hold this position out of a religious convection and reading down the line a bit favor open borders?
I’m not sure about the framing of your question. I make an effort to have my “democratic socialist capitalist” position, as well as religious convictions, come down on the side of basic human decency.
I don’t know what you mean by “open borders”. I support international trade and travel, and I would open our country to tourists, legal immigrants, artists and musicians, scientists, refugees and asylum seekers, but not to criminals and terrorists, if that helps. I bet most Americans would agree.
Would those who cross our border illegally be criminals. As to the framing of my question it was based on the definition of universalists which I used.
It said
"Christian Theology
a person who believes that all humankind will eventually be saved.
a member of an organized body of Christians who hold the belief that all humankind will eventually be saved."
That's all I as referring to.
this is for you to consider.
50 Of 62 People Killed On Gaza Border Were Hamas Terrorist Operatives, Hamas Admits
Moments ago, in what seem to be the dumbest ever #Palestinian TV interview, #Hamas official Salah Al-Bardawil confirmed what Israel was saying all along: "50 of the 62 deaths (80%) on the #Gaza border in May 14ᵗʰ were of Hamas operatives". The work of the just is done by others! pic.twitter.com/KHUuiPLFnq
"Would those who cross our border illegally be criminals." ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
Maybe to some, but not to others. Certainly not to those crossing the border. They view themselves as refugees escaping religious or political persecution, for example, or economic instability, as another. Or, all of the above.
"50 Of 62 People Killed On Gaza Border Were Hamas Terrorist Operatives..." ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
Those 50 must have held up their official Hamas ID cards, making it easier for the Israeli snipers to identify them.
I guess the other 12 were just unlucky and shouldn't have gotten in the way of their bullets.
What's the official term used by occupying and authoritarian regimes nowadays?...collateral damage?
"I would be more of a universist than either [a nationalist or globalist]." ~~ Dave Dubya
I agree with so many aspects of universism, but if I had to pigeonhole myself within any beliefs or philosophies, I'd have to go with Pantheism.
I only allow myself to be categorized because I realize how uncomfortable Chuck (and Mr. Paine) is with relativity. They both live within the constraints of dogma and absolutes. It also explains their conservative framework and rigidity when it comes to other ideas.
"Hamas Admits",,you forgot that part.
"You forgot that part." ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
No, didn't forget anything. Most understand the "dot dot dot" to mean a continuation of the sentence. I guess you forgot that.
Honestly, I haven't researched the news regarding this, but my first inclination is to question the validity of the source. But, like I said, I haven't researched it.
Secondly, true or not true, it doesn't discount my statement.
I do not care what Hamas supposedly admitted or not, it is not possible for snipers to shoot randomly into crowds of thousands and hit mainly Hamas operatives.
Here is some information for you Chuck,
By the way Chuck, have you watched any episodes of Blue Planet I and II? They are some of the best nature documentary's ever made.
"I do not care what Hamas supposedly admitted or not, it is not possible for snipers to shoot randomly into crowds of thousands and hit mainly Hamas operatives."
Where does it say they shot "randomly"? Snipers select their targets.
Yes I've seen Blue Planet, BBC, correct? Now watching NG's "One Strange Rock", are you? God's creation is awesome.
I want to go on record now that that any and all climate changes in the next 18 months are all due to the actions of mankind, not Kilauea. Science.
"Where does it say they shot 'randomly'? Snipers select their targets." ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
"But let’s be very clear about what took place here. Overwhelmingly unarmed protesters, posing no imminent risk to people, hundreds of meters away [from the border fence] were gunned down by snipers carrying automatic weapons, sitting on dunes behind the fence. Let’s recognize what took place." ~~ Yousef Munayyer, in interview with Alexis Underwood of Vox, May 17, 2018
I guess this lends even more credence to my proposition that those Hamas sniper victims were holding up their "official Hamas ID cards".
How else would the murderers know they were Hamas members?
"I don’t think this level of depravity and cruelty is something that Palestinians have witnessed by the United States in the past. And I think that is important.
I think it’s also important that the events of yesterday offered a juxtaposition of images from Jerusalem and Gaza, that showed American government officials clapping and singing and smiling alongside Israeli government officials while Palestinians were being massacred by Israeli troops, who were acting on Israeli government orders.
That’s not something Palestinians are going to forget; that’s not something I think people of conscience around the world are going to forget. And so to the extent that the embassy move is related to the events of yesterday, it was because I think it exposed the degree to which the United States is complicit in Israel’s abuses of Palestinians." ~~ more from Yousef Munayyer, in interview with Alexis Underwood of Vox
I have to agree with Mr. Munayyer, as we are forced to witness, once again, the tail wagging the dog.
"I think these attempts to blame Palestinians for being killed by Israelis is just — it’s disgraceful, is what it is. It struck me as the kind of thing that you would’ve heard about civil rights protesters protesting segregation in the 1960s.
As the world began to watch the beatings and the repression of protesters crossing bridges or what have you during the civil rights movement, there were people who responded, 'Well, these protesters are looking for trouble. These protesters are putting themselves in danger. These protesters are responsible for the bloodshed that takes place today.'
Look, protests are by their very nature a provocation. They are provoking people into asking moral questions. When Martin Luther King crossed that bridge, it was a provocation. When Rosa Parks refused to stand up, it was a provocation. When the students at Kent State went to protest the bombing of Cambodia, it was a provocation.
And each and every time people were provoked into asking moral questions about what was taking place, it was the response to those protests that clarified the answer about what is right and what is wrong.
And that is what is taking place in Gaza right now. People are watching this, and they understand that there is something fundamentally wrong with gunning down protesters. And I think it’s one of the things that Israel, frankly, is struggling with right now. Because they want to find a way to defend this, but there is no defense for this." ~~ even more from Yousef Munayyer, in interview with Alexis Underwood of Vox
James, in resonse to your statement about the yellow arm bands, this reminds me of the Nazis picking off Jews wearing the Star of David.
As it was meant to.
"I do not care what Hamas supposedly admitted or not" including the interview from VOX.
Settles this argument.
Settles this argument.
With the understanding there are no higher authorities on the Middle Ease than conservative Christians, this is what a true scholar wrote:
A Brief History of Jews in Jerusalem
Juan Cole
The move of the Trump administration [to open] the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem is intended, according to the president, to signal a recognition of the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
This move is controversial because Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem is not recognized in international law. The 1947 partition plan suggested in the U.N. General Assembly for what should happen in the British mandate of Palestine after the British decamped did not have the force of law, since it was never endorsed by the U.N. Security Council. But even the UNGA partition did not award Jerusalem to the 500,000 European Zionist settlers brought into Palestine by the British colonial authorities as part of their long-term plan to divide and rule the Middle East. (In 1799, Gen. Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Ottoman Palestine and only found about 3,000 Jews there. After the Crusades, there is no evidence of a significant Jewish presence there for some 800 years).
The 1948 war that broke out as the British began leaving ended with the Jewish forces in control of West Jerusalem. Jordan had the eastern part of the city, religiously significant for both Jews and Muslims. Israel launched the 1967 war of conquest in a bid to add the West Bank of the Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights to Israeli territory (yes, Israel fired the first shot in that war, taking advantage of unrealistic bombast from Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, whose best troops were tied down in the Yemen War). The scheme succeeded wildly, giving the expansionist hawks more territory and all of Jerusalem, but also making Israel an apartheid bi-national state with a Palestinian Bantustan under the Israeli jackboot in the West Bank and Gaza. The Israelis illegally detached part of the West Bank and added it to their province of Jerusalem. They have ever since been using a combination of force, squatter settlement construction and shyster legal ploys to kick Palestinians out of East Jerusalem.
It is this aggressive Israeli expansionism and colonization that Donald Trump’s move of the embassy [from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem] is intended to legitimize. It cannot do so in international law, of course, but the Israelis have all along counted on might making right. That will work for them until might is no longer on their side.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has a romantic nationalist view of history, trying to make Jerusalem “Jewish” for thousands of years. However, the city was founded by Canaanites or their predecessors in honor of the god Shalem, and Jewish ethnogenesis out of the Canaanites is probably a process of the first millennium BCE, and not the earliest part of that millennium. Jews almost never ruled Jerusalem after the Babylonian conquest; Iraqis, Iranians, Romans and Muslims did.
The Romans gradually established themselves in Palestine (yes, that is what they called it), taking Judea in 63 BCE and ruling through local proxies.
Chuck, I am fairly non partisan, when I find out about facts or events I do not like when it comes to my side, I do not deny or ignore them. I accept the good with the bad.
You do not have that capability, you deny, deflect and ignore any thing that displeases you.
In the case of the IDF only shooting Hamas I have to see an explanation of how that is accomplished as it seems impossible to me.
"...including the interview from VOX. Settles this argument." ~~ Majormajor (aka, Ridiculous Chuck)
I guess the words from an eyewitness to the murdering of unarmed protestors isn't enough validation for you, huh Chuck?
As James correctly pointed out, "you deny, deflect and ignore any thing that displeases you."
Chuck, generally and not necessarily connected to the killings in Gaza, do you believe it is morally acceptable to kill unarmed protesters?
"I accept the good with the bad."
"But you do not care what Hamas said, but you will care what VOX reports them to have said because that is what you believe about Israel...that one day they just got snipers set up who started shooting and by accident 80% of those killed where Hamas members and that no way in hell could that have happened because Israel intelligence could never had know who the members of Hamas were because they are ineffective and wheren't looking for them in the mob.
No, that could never have happened because the friendly neighborhood Hamas only want to shop at the Jewish deli's and if they got across the border they would have not harmed a soul and would have returned from where they came from if asked real nice.. you guys are right, I've just been used by Israel, they are the problem, along with Trump who will be in jail any day now because Mueller's got the dirt.
Here's to Palestine, cheers!! Drink up. But not booze cause Muslims do not allow alcohol and we must be one with the members of the most ever peaceful religion in the whole wide planet.
"do you believe it is morally acceptable to kill unarmed protesters?"
Who am I to say if it is morally acceptable, it might be for some, not for others. There are those who feel uncomfortable with absolutes..after all it's all relative. So it's not up to me but up to the shooters. It might be ok in their world view. I sure don't want force my absolutes on others..so I'll not push my morality.
Who to say if this it the truth or not, but the NYT in their coverage didn't tell it's readers the entire story until late in the article.
"Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus also told The Associated Press that Hamas militants disguised as protesters tried to infiltrate, and there were at least three instances of armed Hamas gunmen trying to carry out attacks. The Times did not mention those claims until the 42nd paragraph of its main story Monday night."
"In the recent Gaza violence driven by Hamas, to mention just one instance, the Times termed the barrages of fire bombs, rocks and attempts to tear down the border fence an 'experiment with nonviolent protest."
I bet that Hamas and the NYT is totally innocent cause they can't know if those bombs really was meant to be nonviolent or not. Who's to say.
But Israel, now they are bad.
"A young Palestinian man boasted to National Public Radio on Tuesday about putting swastikas on incendiary kites and flying them into Israel, saying that "Jews go crazy" when they see it and "we want to burn them."
NPR host Steve Inskeep reported live from the Gaza Strip after a wave of violence on Monday following mass violent demonstrations at the border fence with Israel. He spoke with a 19-year-old Gaza resident, who was holding a homemade white kite.
"This is a kite that's going to go to the Jews," the Palestinian said through a translator.
The incendiary kite, designed to catch fire, was decorated with "writing claiming Jerusalem for Palestinians" and with swastikas, the primary symbol of Nazism.
"Why do you put that on there?" Inskeep asked.
"The Jews go crazy for Hitler when they see it," the Gazan said.
"The Israelis know that people are flying kites with swastikas," Inskeep said. "They know this, and they use it to discredit you, to say this shows you're bad people. What do you think about that?"
"This is actually what we want them to know, that we want to burn them," he replied, according to Inskeep."
Here's the link to the Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=W_ZRChvlT84 of the interview..
Of course the Jews probably paid the Palestinian to lie. Who can say?
Wow. How can we know the truth?
MSNBC Reporter Calls Gaza Protesters “Unarmed,” Then Immediately Says They Had “Some Light Weapons”…,
Maybe the reporter has a different understanding of what a weapon is.
"Who am I to say if it is morally acceptable [to kill unarmed protestors], it might be for some, not for others. ~~ Majormajor (Ridiculous Chuck)
Chuck, so I would have to assume you also feel the same way about the morality of mothers aborting their unborn children? Correct?
"There are those who feel uncomfortable with absolutes..after all it's all relative." ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
It is, I agree, although in my worldview it's immoral and illegal to purposely murder unarmed protesters. I would think it would be for Christians, also, but apparently I am incorrect. I also thought purposely lying is immoral under Christian laws and dogma, but I guess I was wrong about that also.
"So it's not up to me but up to the shooters." ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
You're totally correct, Chuck, but although the immorality may be relative, the legality of the murders is not.
"It might be ok in their world view. I sure don't want [to] force my absolutes on others..so I'll not push my morality." ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
Good for you, Chuck. Live and let live, that's my motto. I'm glad you finally have come around and realize that that Christian mumbo-jumbo is a total drag. ;-)
Gee, Chuck, I'll let you count all your denials. Need a refresher? Check out Matthew 26:33-35, Mark 14:29-31, Luke 22:33-34 and John 13:36-3.
Now, still want to insist that the murder of unarmed protestors is moral in your worldview?
Chuck, You're absolutely right! The three monotheistic religions can't cover all the bases with only a single god.
With the Islamic wife-beaters, as you describe, the Christians with all their pedophiles and adulterers and war-mongers, and of course Judaism and its murderers and thieves, one god isn't enough to monitor all the "thou nots" and "thou shalts". Don't you think?
I'm going on record today, and recommending that god fire all those incompetent earthly assistants -- Mohammed, Jesus and Moses, especially, and instead recruit other more specialized gods to handle all the daily and mundane chores. More gods; more control. More control; more obedience. We'll make Heaven and Earth grate again!
What do ya' think? I'll send a letter to Donald Trump today...or maybe a Tweet, and see if I can gain his support.
I'm sure you're onboard, Chuck, and will get your unequivocally staunch backing, and of course I'll mention your name in my Tweet to the president also. I want this to be a team effort!
Thanks Jg, had to join you since you have claimed to have never sinned. I too want to be perfect in my own eyes like you are in yours. If one god gets me down, since there is a pantheon of gods, I'll just pick another one to fit my mood..kind of like gender identification. After all I don't want to be pigeon holed by anything, since there is no absolute.
If Muslims today in 2018 kill you because of your faith, no biggy, everyone gets saved, even those that they kill!! And who am I to say their killing you is wrong? Or killing their daughter or wife for that matter? And who am I to say that not allowing women to vote or drive cars is the wrong thing to do? I'm not going to judge, no siree. I'll leave that up to those people who are absolutists!
Look at the universality belief system, god saves all humans, which means Hitler is saved!(hold(s)the belief that all humankind will eventually be saved noun:Universalist)
Stalin? No problem, as Sir Paul McCartney says in one of his songs "let them in"!
Or as John Lennon sang:
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us"
Why worry about being judged by a god, we are ALL going to make it, to where who knows...but that's a story for a different day.
Ah, the freedom this gives me, to do as my heart desires, like you JG, and never worry about the consequences. Accountable to no one nor anything..
Now if those Jews would just stop protecting themselves from the peace loving Hamas Muslims, there would be no problems in this world.
Why worry about corporations or Trump? Why? Since there are no absolutes, and everyone has their own realty, maybe what they want to do is ok with them. Who am I or you to say that what they are doing is wrong..
Why worry about corporations or Trump? Why? Since there are no absolutes, and everyone has their own realty, maybe what they want to do is ok with them. Who am I or you to say that what they are doing is wrong..
MM is figuring it out. IT's OKIYAR. Trump can lie, his cronies can conspire with Russian agents, Trump can obstruct justice, and grab women by the pussy and it's all sanctioned by evangelical Christians. He can do no wrong.
But still, that only works ONE way. IOKIYAR.
Thanks Dave for seeing the light, there are no absolutists there is no right or wrong. It's up to each person to determine what works for them and only them.
For example, your significant other decides they want to have sexual relations with someone else. Who are you to try to stop them? Who are you to say it's wrong? If you're hurt, that's your problem, not theirs.
Or if a religion teaches cannibalism, why does anyone have a right to have problem with that? It's their religion, to them eating human flesh is ok and a godly thing to do. Stop being so absolute.
Like if a religion teaches it's ok to cut off the heads of non-believers or its ok to do honor killings, just because you don't believe that way doesn't make it wrong.
If a religion teaches against sex with minors that only applies to the members of that religion, not others. After all, it is all relative and there are no absolutists, am I correct JG?
Do we know if President Trump is an evangelical Christian? If so then his actions based on his belief system were out of order. If he isn't an evangelical Christian then he did nothing wrong, right JG? After all, it is all relative and there are no absolutists. God's gonna save us all in the end so lighten up!
MM, That’s right. Trump can shoot someone of Fifth Ave. and his base won’t care. Trump can give secrets to Russians in the Oval Office. Hillary needs to be locked up, of course, because......IOKIYAR.
God's gonna save us all in the end so lighten up!
While no one here espouses this, I bet that would infuriate all the Puritans and Fundies of all stripes.
After all Hitler did say:
"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolph Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933
Sure Dave, cause we all know that Christians "of all stripes" believe in forgiveness and all these things you listed happened before Trump as elected as President. So they don't count remember?
But more importantly I sense in you a strong level of anger..This can upset your balance with the god in you. So please see someone soon about your anger. Maybe JG can recommend a good shaman to see.
That Hitler guy, he and Hamas have a lot in common when it comes to the Jews.
I can see why some here support Hamas.
Chuck, it seems to me you're the relativist on this blog.
You're the one who overlooks Trump's indiscretions, not me.
You're the one who overlooks Trump's disregard for the rule of law, not me.
You're the one who overlooks Trump's racism and overt hatefulness, not me.
Yet you still claim to be a Christian.
I really do have a problem reconciling these facts about Trump, and your acceptance of them, while still considering yourself a follower of the gospels of Jesus.
I agree with you, Chuck. There are no absolutes. You've shown me that.
Oh Dave I forgot, Hitler said he was a socialist. I recall you to say that wasn't true. So how can we be sure what Hitler said about Christianity is true? Could it be he was just kidding?
indiscretions according to whose standard?
disregard for the rule of law according to who?
racism and overt hatefulness, against who?
jG I'm shocked at you becoming an absolutist, I was so looking forward to our time together in a sweat lodge of your choice. Was it something I said?
Unlike you and your Party of Trump, and the NAZI’s, liberals don’t trust any of the words from authoritarian leaders.
Hitler was a “NATIONAL Socialist”, but in practical terms, a Nationalist, just like you and Trump.
Hitler didn’t work to increase public health care did he? Hitler didn’t advocate for minority rights, did he? Hitler didn’t promote public education or public safety nets, did he? Just like you and Trump.
Not a very convincing socialist was he?
He really really liked flags, military parades, glorified the military, and blamed minorities for every problem.
Just like you and Trump.
Hitler hated liberals just like you and Trump. Hitler hated democracy, just like you and Trump. Hitler even opposed women’s reproductive rights.
Just like you and Trump.
Hitler loved to play the victim card for his Master Race, just like you and Trump do for Angry White Americans.
He rounded up socialists, communists, Jews, Gypsies and Jehovah’s Witnesses. He didn't tolerate dissent.
And he attacked journalism as a “lying press”.
Just like you and Trump.
You and Trump agree “very fine people” marched with NAZIs, just like Hitler did.
Given all these similarities between Hitler, you and Trump, do you still want to debate fascism?
So Majormajor, would you care to tell us where you disagree with Hitler and Trump?
Just a little exercise in ideology for you.
Chuck, You're ridiculous.
Personally, I don't care who is having sex with whom, as long as both (or all) are consenting adults. In your new relativism mode, I know you agree.
Now, Melania Trump may have a different opinion, as did probably Marla Maples previously, and Ivana Trump previous to her.
I think those women Trump had affairs with probably have different feelings about it, too. Enough so that Trump felt compelled to silence them.
Chuck, if you had a belief in the rule of law, you'd be supportive of the Mueller investigation. But, neither you or your president are agreeable to its continuation.
Yeah, that's disregard for the rule of law -- by any rational person's estimation.
His hatefulness and racism? I itemized them on another post, on this very blog, on April 20th. Why do I have to repeat this a fourth time?
Chuck, I wouldn't share a sweat lodge with you, but I would like to hear about your enlightenment after partaking peyote buttons. It would be a turning point in your life. ;-)
I'm afraid, though, with all your rigidity, you'd freak. It's definitely not something to trivialize. It's very mystical and spiritual, something you and your religion are missing.
Wow, where did all the love go fellows? I thought we were all on the same page and stuff, you know anti-absolutism, every thing is based on a persons view of reality, etc, Anti monotheism, a pantheism of gods...now all at once you're acting like Christian fundamentalist, rage filled White Supremacist and, gasp, conservative!
"the rule of law", whose law, the 10 Commandments? No No No No, they are suggestions!
"any rational person's estimation' define rational, after all who are you to say what is rational? What's not rational about honor killing, female genital mutilation, eating human flesh, praying to ones dead family members, eating peyote to get in touch with ones inner god person? Are you saying you are the rational person who has told me you don't sin,
How come I'm getting the feeling that you two liberals aren't as open minded, all inclusive, free thinking, liberal as you'd like to think you are. With all these questions you're asking me, it's like 20 questions or something! Can't we all just get along? Like the good "universist" you claim to be.
"Are you saying you are the rational person who has told me you don't sin," ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
I don't recall having a discussion about "sin", Chuck.
What is sin?
"With all these questions you're asking me, it's like 20 questions or something!" ~~ Majormajor (aka "Goin' off the deep end Chuck")
Chuck, besides asking you in my last comment, "What is sin?", I haven't asked you any questions.
Going back and rereading the thread, it would appear you're the one asking 95% of the questions.
Gee, Chuck, I didn't realize my preference for "Pantheism" as a spiritual philosophy would send you into a spastic outrage. I guess I'm doing something right. ;-)
Majormajor is definitely a “low information” voter, as well as generally less informed in humanities, science, arts, and religion. Even his own.
He is devoting a lot of gibberish in thinking he’s mocking our beliefs,(and putting words on our mouths), but really has no clue. He still thinks I’m a Universalist when I said I was more universist than nationalist or globalist.
I remember some years ago he challenged me when I noted Jesus said we are all children of God. He seemed to have missed that part in his Bible that started with “Our Father”.
That’s our good Trump Christian white boy. Their Republican Jesus wants more tax cuts for the rich and less help for the poor.
“Trump Christians”. We have a new religion here folks. The faith of White Nationalists and the Klan.
"God's gonna save us all in the end so lighten up!" ~~ Majormajor (aka "Poor comprehension ability" Chuck)
"While no one here espouses this, I bet that would infuriate all the Puritans and Fundies of all stripes." ~~ Dave Dubya
Dave, as you know, Chuck read the "everyone is saved" claim when he confused "Universalist" -- as in beliefs of the Universalist Church -- with your preference for "Universism".
What's bothersome to me about this is that Chuck doesn't want to accept that others are worthy of "saving grace" -- only Christians like himself. It's as if he earned it, worked for it, and is entitled above all others, to it.
This greediness (LOL Spellchecker just substituted creepiness!...how apropos) and selfishness runs throughout the conservative mindset. It's ingrained into their total being.
Chuck, never mind answering me about the definition of "sin". Your attitudes just answered the question for me. ;-)
“'Trump Christians'. We have a new religion here folks. The faith of White Nationalists and the Klan." ~~ Dave Dubya
Just as Christianity was borne from Judaism, Trumpism has been borne from the very worst of certain Christian denominations.
Yes, they've even adopted the use of robes, such as orders like the Franciscans and Jesuits, only theirs are white -- with hoods. ;-)
Jg, I'm really really sorry about your memory problem. You told me once you didn't need to answer to god for your sins because you haven't sinned. Or words close to this.
"What is sin?" Are we now having a discussion about sin, or is this more of the 20 questions game. I thought I had made it clear to you that IF there is sin, it is all relative, as I understood you to once believe. If god is a creation of man and not the other way around, then "sin" is the same. I can't possibly know what every human feels is sin. Seems to me you are changing. Why, I don't know.
I am trying my best to be a good non absolutist, basing my reactions/thoughts/beliefs on everything is relative, but you two SEEM so bent on being hate filled and so absolute in you beliefs (and your comments) about other religions and President Trump, you have become the very thing you at one time mocked and railed against. I don't understand this change or your seemingly new hate filled center.
What you might find awful about President Trump others might find wonderful.. Who's to say one is more correct than the other? Certainly not me, because it is universally all relative and with a pantheism of gods to judge (if in fact they do judge), who knows for sure what is right and what is wrong? Far be it from me to be so authoritarian that I demand everyone to believe as I do. Nor would I try to pigeon hole those who I believe disagree with me as belonging to a certain religion or church. That could be racist or something close to it.
I do hope this helps you to understand how much peace we could have if it weren't for your sudden authoritarian absolutism. "All I am saying is give peace a chance"!
Its funny how MM accidentally spills a little truth at times.
“I am trying my best to be a good non absolutist, basing my reactions/thoughts/beliefs on everything is relative,”
Pussy grabbing, pathological lying, conspiring with Russian agents, obstruction of justice, "very fine" NAZIs, etc.
Trump Christians know this is all relative. In other words, IOKIYAR.
Now Dave there you go again being a judgmental authoritative absolutist....
Peace brothers and sisters of the planet, of our Mother, PEACE.
Yes jG, "the use of robes" is bad karma. Look at the religions that wear robes, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Shintos...I may have missed some but it is clear from your leadership and outstanding examples, the problem in the planet today is ROBES...We need to ban all robes, including bath robes, to make a safer world for our children.
Will you join me in organizing a new organization, the new NRA for a better planet, the No Robes Allowed? Of course we would have to careful to not be TOO authoritarian or TOO rigid and never discriminate.
It’s all relative, right MM?
Trump is angry that the FBI is investigating how Russia interfered with our election. But Putin’s Poodle is not upset in the least that Russia interfered with our election.
“Real Americans”, White Nationalists, and Trump Christians agree. Putin's making America great again.
Not only that, "China Don" is saving jobs in China.(And picking up some cash on the side from China.)
Why do liberals hate America?
I agree with you Dave of course, that from your point of view everything is as you have said it is. So in your reality, what you are saying is true.
"It's funny how MM accidentally spills a little truth at times.
'I am trying my best to be a good non absolutist, basing my reactions/thoughts/beliefs on everything is relative,'" ~~ Dave Dubya, quoting Majormajor (aka, Ridiculous Chuck)
LOL Dave, even a broken clock is right a couple of times a day.
" even a broken clock is right a couple of times a day"
That is very absolute of you Jg, how can you be sure of that being reality?
"That is very absolute of you Jg, how can you be sure of that being reality?" ~~ Majormajor (aka "Enlightened Chuck")
You're right, Chuck. Maybe all of life is really an illusion -- not unlike your god.
"...the problem in the planet today is ROBES...We need to ban all robes, including bath robes, to make a safer world for our children." ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
Speaking of...Chuck, did you remember to pick up your white robe and hood from the dry cleaners this weekend? ;-) I remember you had some big meetings coming up.
There you ago again Jg, projecting.
I saw some dramatic lumber price increases this week due to the tariffs on Canada which do not benefit me or my customers. Trump is making a mess of things in whatever he touches and he got 3/4 of the world pissed at the U.S. The EU is talking about buying oil in Euros because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal and threatened sanctions against any country that trades with Iran.
Europe and Germany were already losing billions just with the Russian sanctions and now adding the Iranian sanctions will cost them much more. Pulling out of the Paris Accord was the start of Trump giving the middle finger to the rest of the world so the US has less allies all the time.
"Trump is making a mess of things in whatever he touches and he got 3/4 of the world pissed at the U.S." ~~ woodenman1954
For everyday Americans, James, that's very apparent. For the very wealthy and international corporations, they're rolling in the dough.
"The EU is talking about buying oil in Euros because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal and threatened sanctions against any country that trades with Iran." ~~ woodenman1954
Let's see how this plays out. The actual reason for all the sabre rattling with Iran is this very threat from them, and it's also the reason for the corporate state's collapsing of both Iraq's and Libya's governments and economies.
Taking away America's U.S. Dollar status as the reserve currency, particularly in oil trading, would be devastating to this economy.
Of course, Trump's ignorance of international economics may be to our benefit and he won't start WW-III -- over this issue, anyway -- so it depends upon whether the neocons have his ear.
"Pulling out of the Paris Accord was the start of Trump giving the middle finger to the rest of the world so the US has less allies all the time." ~~ woodenman1954
I disagree that it was the "start". He was giving the world the middle finger even before his presidency. His whole campaign revolved around it.
He's a clear danger to not only this nation. I've said it before on Tom's blog, and I'll say it again: The last election gave the United States a choice between nuclear war if Clinton won, and civil war if Trump won.
I now believe I underestimated Trump, and he'll ultimately provide us with both.
Stay tuned...
"I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!" ~~ Donald Trump, Twitter, May 20, 2018
Like a cornered rat, authoritarian Trump is lashing out. He's totally freaking because he knows Mueller is getting closer by the day.
Sit back, grab your favorite beverage, and watch the Constitutional crisis we've all been promised unfold before your eyes.
Ain't it Great!
"President Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon he is ordering the Justice Department to investigate whether the Obama administration spied on his 2016 presidential campaign.
The order comes on the heels of leaks to the New York Times and Washington Post that the Obama administration had an “informant” make several approaches to three Trump campaign officials, included one that involved an offer of cash and another an offer to “advise” the campaign."
Cristina Laila
You left out this part.
"You left out this part." ~~ Majormajor
Nope, didn't leave anything out. I quoted Trump's Tweet, and nothing but the Tweet -- so help me god.
Gee, Chuck, this whole thing looks suspiciously like a witch-hunt. There's no collusion here. LOLOL
"There you ago again Jg, projecting." ~~ Majormajor (aka, "Klansman Chuck")
Oh, no, Chuck. I'm not the one who's a Klan sympathizer. Remember?
You know I dislike robes, in fact I'm trying to start an organization against them, the NRA, No Robes Allowed, which I've asked you to join.. Your not doing so really casts a shadow of doubt on how serious you are about ending world hunger, ending war, and saving the planet, our Mother, from destruction. Join the NRA to save us all from certain death.
As for my quote, I'm sorry your not able to grasp the significance behind it. Could it be too many sweat lodge treatments and peyote buttons has destroyed your yin and yang? Not that there would be anything wrong with that as after all it is all relative and no one (including Mueller) can be absolutely sure, not even you.
Your's in cosmic peace and tranquility,
Funny how Majormajor tells us we “left out” something as he quotes a far Right Gateway Pundit Trumpist Cristina Laila.
Guess what SHE left out? It was not the “Obama Administration” but FBI counterintelligence investigating known CONTACTS with RUSSIAN AGENTS.
And look who’s defending those who LIED about contacts with RUSSIAN AGENTS.
Majormajor is a Russian useful idiot.
Trump and Majormajor are angry that the FBI is investigating how Russia interfered with our election. But Putin’s Poodle and Majormajor are not upset in the least that Russia interfered with our election.
“Real Americans”, White Nationalists, and Trump Christians agree. Putin's making America great again.
Why does the Party of Trump hate America? No wonder they have so much in common with Hitler. (MM still can’t refute my items where he, Trump and Hitler all agree.)
They are traitors. Plain and simple. Lock them up!!!
"Barack Obama’s CIA chief, John Brennan, told the Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus, on 15 September 2016, in Washington DC, that when he had applied in 1980 to join the CIA, he admitted to them that in the 1976 Presidential election, when Jimmy Carter was running against Gerald Ford, Brennan had voted instead for the candidate of the US Communist Party, Gus Hall, and that he was then greatly relieved to find that this information didn’t cause rejection of his CIA-application."
Eric ZUESSE | 28.03.2018
Birds of a feather.
Hey, Look over there! Am I right, MM?
It's nice to know Brennan openly admits it, right? This isn't even new information.
Hey. Did you know Brennan also speaks Arabic fluently?
Uh oh.
As one of god's creations, you are always right, just like JG.
Go in peace.
That's not how that works, but ok.
Thanks, MM.
What, you are disagreeing with JG? Sorry for the question, but do you realize the wrath you might have brought down on yourself?
"As one of god's creations, you are always right, just like JG." ~~ Majormajor (aka Ridiculous Chuck)
Chuck, I'm not always right -- it's just that you're always wrong. It's a subtle but very real difference.
But you choose to be that way, just as Donald Trump does. Why? It's simple. You intentionally and repeatedly lie though your ass, then you get caught in those lies.
It's really hilarious, but sad at the same time.
Speaking of wrath, can you imagine what will happen to the critic who pans the scripts of the Obama's in their deal with Netflix...blame the black couple of it bombs?
Rome is burning and you're acting like you're concerned about the previous emperor's clothes.
It's a battle of wits and MM is Vizzini.
"it's just that you're always wrong"
Absolute authoritarianism exposed.
No, Chuck, I'm not telling you how it should be or will be; telling you how it currently is.
As one commenter mentioned about you on Dave's blog not too long ago, "You ain't right."
Now that's absolutism.
"It's a battle of wits and MM is Vizzini." ~~ TB3
Vizzini was much too cunning, just wrong.
In retrospect, I guess you're right. LOL
Does this mean you won't join me in building the No Robes Allowed (NRA) for world peace, etc?
Does this mean you won't join me in building the No Robes Allowed (NRA) for world peace, etc?
No Robes Allowed? Sounds authoritarian to me.
How about those “very fine people”, with no robes, that Trump, TP, and MM liked in Charlottesville?
Real Americans. White, and proud of it. No robes required.
It's been the better part of two weeks since I last commented and it appears that Dave is still playing the race card and following the Alinsky rules that membership in the PMS requires. Somethings never change.
Which Alinsky rules, apecifically? I only hear about them as accusations, but never actually any details on which rules/tactics are being used at the time of the accusations.
Which Alinsky rules, specifically?
It doesn't matter.
I never heard of Alinsky before "Alinsky rules" became the easy retort to arguments the Right couldn't refute factually.
All you need to argue as a conservative is, "Alinsky rules" and "playing the race card".
Simply invoke these and the debate is over. You win!!
Bonus points for projection and playing the "white victim card".
Snowflakes, indeed.
A white Southerner is automatically a racist in your book, isn't he, Mr. Dubya. That Southerner may have friends or even family of color, but if he wishes to preserve a historical statue of a confederate general or solider, he is automatically a racist and klan member, right?
I have no problem calling out racism when it exists, and I have even agreed with some of your characterizations of racist crap that Trump has employed, and yet I am still a racist white nationalist in your estimation. I really could not care less what the likes of a PMS member thinks of me, especially when it is patently false.
"Which Alinsky rules, apecifically? I only hear about them as accusations, but never actually any details on which rules/tactics are being used at the time of the accusations." ~ TB3
There are several that Mr. Dubya repeatedly employs, even though he doesn't know who Saul Alinsky is. I'd start with these two in particular:
* Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
* Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.(In this case think of the left's demonization of Trump, Reagan, Bush, Gingrich, Palin, McCain as being stupid, superficial, intellectually un-curious etc.)
For a more complete list of Alinsky's rules that some militant leftists use, perhaps without knowing they are Alinskyites, see my old post on the topic. http://savingcommonsense.blogspot.com/2010/07/tactics-of-saul-alinsky-and-their-use.html
"It's been the better part of two weeks since I last commented and it appears that Dave is still playing the race card and following the Alinsky rules..." ~~ T. Paine
Mr. Paine, over the last two weeks it would appear that your little buddy had defected to our side. Looks like, though, he's had a relapse.
Where did you go on vacation?
"Right you are, Mr. Paine. Unlike your tiki torch parade of 'very fine people"', I am the one guilty of 'playing the race card'." ~~ T. Paine
You must have forgotten, Dave. It's okay if you're a Republican.
"Calling Trump a racist for his birtherism is not valid because it's 'playing the race card'. Calling Republicans out for suppressing minority voter registration and poll access, and calling out their gerrymandering minorities into under-representation, is all 'playing the race card'." ~~ Dave Dubya
Shhhh... Republicans use code words for their willful racism. Remember, it's never racism as long as they redefine the word.
"Yes, we all got it. Never call a racist a racist. Never call a white nationalist a white nationalist. Never call Trump an ignorant liar. Never question an Angry White American's hate." ~~ Dave Dubya
Not allowed on a conservative's blog! Damn it, Dave, haven't you figured this out yet? ;-)
"I never heard of Alinsky before 'Alinsky rules' became the easy retort to arguments the Right couldn't refute factually." ~~ Dave Dubya
Dave, I hadn't either. Never.
"All you need to argue as a conservative is, 'Alinsky rules' and 'playing the race card'." -- Dave Dubya
It's certain that facts and references aren't required. Alternate facts are allowed and acceptable.
However, if references and original content are not available, or even exist, I've seen plagerism committed. That's also acceptable.
"Bonus points for projection and playing the 'white victim card'." ~~ Dave Dubya
Yes, their entitlement is beyond reproach. It's white privilege, you know, like in the "old days".
That's making America "great again" -- i.e. prior to 1954 or so, when "separate but equal" was the prevailing law of the land.
Mr. Paine,
I'm forced to rise to defend Dave..it's not his fault that all he has is race. He is limited at best.
Dave is overlooking the comment by JG about people wearing robes, which brought about my solution, the new NRA, No Robes Allowed. I've asked JG to join me and will now ask Dave to do the same. I see no conflict with being both a member of the PMS and the new NRA.
I guess time will tell if Dave is really really interested in world peace, an end to hunger in the world, a cure for cancer, free stuff for everyone, and saving the children from authoritarianism, absolutism, capitalism, without moving to Venezuela. We know from Jg's answer he sadly is not.
"code words" aren't they relative?
"* Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.(In this case think of the left's demonization of Trump, Reagan, Bush, Gingrich, Palin, McCain as being stupid, superficial, intellectually un-curious etc.)" - TP
Another example of this rule would also be the original blogpost we're commenting in, right? I understand now you lifted DD's blogpost and changed words around, but, still that same rule applies to "Understanding" the Party of Militant Snowflakes (PMS), right? So if you're somehow utilizing similar tactics, why do you use 'Alinsky Tactics' as some kind of arguement counter-point? Like, Ah Ha! Got you! You're using Alinsky's Fifth on me! Since I recognized it, I don't have to address that line of reasoning! It's like some weird take on argumentum ad logicam.
As far as that ridicule rule... come on. I see that being thrown around by most everyone who comments here. Heck, your blog posts often have "leftists" as the focus of derision.
A white Southerner is automatically a racist in your book, isn't he, Mr. Dubya.
Did I say this, or is Mr. Paine “putting words in my mouth”? Again I stand accused, and again no evidence is cited.
This is another straw man. But it does create more white victims, so mission accomplished.
In consideration of violated sensibilities, I hereby retract any and all of my personal accusations (If you can find them,) of Mr. Paine being a racist or a white nationalist. ( If I noted where they find agreement, I confess to Alinsky tactics.)
As a PMS snowflake, I understand I have no authority to ridicule Angry White Americans.
I wonder if Mr. Paine and MM are using Alinsky Rules to ridicule us, and mock my blog post? Hmm. IOKIYAR?
Or am I just using Alinsky Rules here?
Only Mr. Paine and MM know for sure.
"I'm forced to rise to defend Dave..it's not his fault that all he has is race. He is limited at best. " -- MM
"* The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength." - Alinsky by way of T.Paine
"* Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage" Alinsky by way of T.Paine
See? Isn't it better to actually list the rules being utilized, rather than just saying 'Alinsky Tactics' as a response.
"without moving to Venezuela."
I'd be remiss if I didn't include the patented "Far Right Commie Card" in their fact-free retorts.
TB3, you are right in several aspects. I am indeed occassionaly using Alinsky tactics in response to the PMS types now.
In the past I typically would try to address questions and even accusations from political adversaries on this blog. Of course it never mattered in the long run since honest debate was never their intent. I tried to discuss issues with some semblance of decorum and civility, although admittedly not always with success. When civility and being gentlemanly was mocked with scorn and derision by some of them, I finally reached the point where I decided to use the same Alinsky tactics that the militant leftists are using in response.
It was for that reason that I took Mr. Dubya's ridiculous rant and re-worked it for a counter-point to illustrate his absurdity. It was a parody meant to show the foolishness and extremism of some of our leftist brothers and sisters. Ironically, what I recreated tongue-in-cheek out of Dave's template was actually far more factual than the original article he wrote in all sincerity.
Come to think of it, I think this is also why the militant left hates Trump too. He is different from George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, and John McCain, who almost never responded, let alone hit back when they were attacked by PMS types. They typically acted with civility as gentlemen.
Trump, on the other hand, has appropriated the militant left's Alinsky tactics and relentlessly attacks those who go after him. While I personally don't much care for the lack of decorum and statesmanship from our president, I am cognizant of his reasons for not merely sitting quietly and taking it like past presidents. The militant left seemingly despise him for using their own tactics against them.
"A white Southerner is automatically a racist in your book, isn't he, Mr. Dubya." ~~ T. Paine
And Dave's reply...
"Did I say this, or is Mr. Paine 'putting words in my mouth'? Again I stand accused, and again no evidence is cited." ~~ Dave Dubya
Dave, I agree...where did that come from? Another accusation out of left field.
Agreed, Mr. Paine is rusty after taking a two-week vacation. He's grasping at straws.
Mr. Paine, did you visit some ballparks while you were away? (This would help explain away my previous baseball metaphor.)
"I wonder if Mr. Paine and MM are using Alinsky Rules to ridicule us, and mock my blog post? Hmm. IOKIYAR?" ~~ Dave Dubya
I think so. It's well-known that tea partiers were infatuated with Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", especially Newt Gingrich. Of course these rules only work when your cause is proper and correct, and benefit the poor and downtrodden.
When used to advance racism or white nationalism, for example, they fail miserably. The same applies to using the Bible, or any holy scriptures, to further evil causes.
It's bad karma. The gods recognize when dharma is used for bad and unholy pursuits.
"Trump, on the other hand, has appropriated the militant left's Alinsky tactics and relentlessly attacks those who go after him."
I don't think he appropriated bullying tactics so much as seemingly always having used them.
"The militant left seemingly despise him for using their own tactics against them."
I am fairly certain negative opinions of President Trump are derived from the wide array of situations, comments, and actions he is involved with.
Thank you for the response.
"The militant left seemingly despise him for using their own tactics against them." ~~ T. Paine
No, Mr. Paine, you're totally wrong once again...and I believe you know this.
Racist and xenophobic attacks, and incessantly lying, have never been the the tactics of anybody on the left.
“I am cognizant of his reasons for not merely sitting quietly and taking it like past presidents. The militant left seemingly despise him for using their own tactics against them.”
Mr. Paine and MM clearly understand who the real victim is.
As for the rest of you, have you no decency?
Liberals, leftists, Democrats, moderates, sane conservatives, and honest Republicans have been relentlessly launching vicious and irrational assaults on the Big MAGAt’s character, honesty, and wisdom.
For mercy’s sake, show a little decency towards the poor victimized white billionaire in the White House. The “sad” creature is fending off an “unfair hoax” and a diabolical Deep State vendetta and “witch hunt”, all while he is up against the “enemy of the people” in a “rigged system”.
This man is obviously the Greatest American Hero ever!
Amirite, MM?
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