Friday, May 4, 2018

GoD and DoG by Wendy J. Francisco

In a serendipitous moment nearly nine years ago, I came across this delightful song that was written and animated by Wendy J. Francisco.  While doing some clean-up on my soon-to-be-retired blog today I noticed that someone had clicked on that old posting of this.  I thought, in light of all of the garbage, hate, and malevolence out there in our society right now, this tender and sweet song warranted me posting it yet again.  Enjoy!


Majormajor said...

Thanks Mr. Paine, very nice.

Burr Deming said...

Let me get this straight. You are retiring the best conservative site on the net?

Now THAT is sad.

Darrell Michaels said...

Burr, to everything there is a season, and for this blog, winter is soon coming.

Majormajor said...

Does not spring follow winter?

Darrell Michaels said...

Lol. Yes indeed it does, my friend.

But after many seasons over many years, sometimes things grow old and weary and need to be allowed to pass on so that new things can be born in their place. That is my hope and plan here.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"You are retiring the best conservative site on the net? ~~ Burr Deming

Perhaps claimed prematurely, Mr. Deming, before you were subjected to Mr. Paine's undeniable plagerism of Dave Dubya's latest post.

So unethical, but not unexpected.