I am evidently an anachronism. In many respects, I do not appreciate the “progress” we have made via the women’s liberation movement when it comes to how our boys have been indoctrinated. I don’t like the fact that guys are seemingly no longer guys in the younger generations. They seem to have all been feminized or out-right neutered. What really strikes me as odd is the fact that the new American culture seems to encourage this, as the discernible differences between young men and women appears to be narrowing.
Many of the signs of this are immediately apparent when simply looking at the young men of today. Evidently you women-folk are okay if your “man” goes and gets a manicure and his hair highlighted right along with you. I mean, a manicure? A guy used to do his own “manicure” with a pocketknife to get the grease or dirt out from under his fingernails. Nowadays one would be hard put to even find one of these new metro-sexual men even carrying a pocket knife, let alone having a need to get grease out from under his nails.
As for the clothing donned by young men today, it usually goes to one of two extremes: pants that are worn so low and baggy that his boxer shorts are showing (and just begging for a power wedgie) or they are so skinny and tight that it appears they got them from the junior girls department.
We won't even begin talking about chest waxings.
As for the clothing donned by young men today, it usually goes to one of two extremes: pants that are worn so low and baggy that his boxer shorts are showing (and just begging for a power wedgie) or they are so skinny and tight that it appears they got them from the junior girls department.
We won't even begin talking about chest waxings.
The attitudes of these men are decidedly un-masculine as well. There is no sense of respect, let alone any modicum of a chivalrous attitude displayed towards women by these boys. Girls are considered as objects or “Ho’s” by these self-centered punks, instead of young women with dignity whom are deserving of respect. The fact that many of these women are as coarse and undignified and accepting of such treatment only ensures that such despicable attitudes by these men-children will continue.
I think the feminization/neutering of our young men starts in the elementary school playground these days. No longer are boys allowed to play dodge-ball, or cops and robbers, or cowboys and Indians, let alone smear the queer. Those games are WAY too violent for our sensitive boys of this new millennium. We mustn’t regress and allow our little boys to run and rough-house anymore by playing such games in this new enlightened age of caring. Heck, even making an imaginary gun with your thumb and forefinger today in such game play will likely get you expelled for violent tendencies, with a follow up trip to the psychologist to find out why little Timmy exhibited such abhorrent anti-social behavior. Further, “robbers” aren’t really bad guys. They are just the unfortunate victims who are negatively impacted by the draconian welfare cuts that those evil conservatives wish to enact. As for cowboys and Indians… well talk about politically incorrect! Why the very name of the game is offensive today! And changing the name to “cowboys and native Americans” really tends to lose something in the translation. I wonder if today’s youngsters even have heard of such vile games? And smear the queer!?! Why even saying the name of that game in front of a teacher will likely get you a trip to the principal’s office; never mind that we older folks never even thought of the word “queer” as being a pejorative… or at least not until we reached high school.
It used to be that little Johnny would join the local Little League team and be expected to show up to practices, work to improve his fielding, throwing, and batting skills, and absolutely he had to pay attention to the games when they were in progress. Nowadays, everyone can join and the focus is ONLY on “fun”, or so they tell us. Why sometimes the score isn’t even kept. Indeed, half of the kids are goofing off so much during the game that they have to ask if they won after the final inning is completed. And of course, at the end of the season, everyone gets a trophy. We wouldn’t want to hurt these little guys’ feelings or crush their artificially manufactured self-esteem that has been inflated through accomplishing… nothing. Indeed, there is no incentive to work, to improve, and to achieve a goal. It is all about “fun”, despite the fact that there really isn’t much fun without real competition, and hence most of these boys are bored accordingly. In other words, it has no semblance to the real world. I seem to remember that through improving my skills and working hard to get better that I actually had REAL fun. I must have been the exception to this new age rule today, though.
And what becomes of these youngsters as they reach high school now-a-days? Well, they look for the easy way through school. They have been taught that they are wonderful and brilliant without ever having experienced failure or defeat and having to pick themselves up, work harder, and succeed accordingly. Failure is something to be feared and avoided by taking the path of least resistance. They don’t want challenges; they want undeserved praise. They want spell-check and calculators to do the work for them. Those few that seek excellence are castigated. Why some schools have even gone so far as to eliminate their valedictorian so as not to make those others that didn’t work their tails off to achieve that status feel badly. Evidently failure is something to be avoided at all cost, even if that means never challenging our young men. They don’t learn how to effectively deal with failure and disappointment, so when real life shows up and failure does occur, these boys do not know how to pick themselves up, brush off the dirt, and walk it off. They don’t learn that failure is often a great teacher and makes your better, if you are willing to keep working and are able to learn the lessons that such failure was trying to teach you. Instead you see them pout, cry, and bemoan the unfairness of their situation. Why some will even join Occupy Wall Street rallies accordingly!
So we end up with young “men” that have been told by society not to act like boys used to act. We have told them that they are special and winners, despite having never really worked and struggled to actually achieve anything more meaningful than a X-box high score.
These young men, at best, graduate with a mediocre education, which is usually weak on mathematics and sciences. If they go to college, it is usually to pursue a relatively easier course of studies in the liberal arts or something equally useless for the job market today. They then are baffled why they are unable to get a $60,000 a year starting salary with their newly attained art-history degree. Further, if they don’t go to college, they typically will live at home with mommy and daddy still providing for them as they may work a part time job and hang out with their friends, thus delaying adding any more responsibility on their already “over-burdened” shoulders. Delaying manhood becomes the goal as far as responsibilities are concerned. When it comes to rights and privileges of manhood, well those things must be bestowed upon these man-children immediately. Theirs is a world where instant gratification is absolutely required for them.
These young men would rather live at home in Mom & Dad’s basement instead of venturing out on their own and making their own mark in the world. They seem to be either incapable or unwilling to provide for their own needs. I mean, why go through all of the hassle of actually having to get up before noon and go to work at some low-paying job where the boss doesn’t understand how brilliant Johnny is and how he is deserving of so much more money and authority, but no more responsibility… thank you. After all, Mom and Dad will still provide for him and his needs and wants. They want to be taken care of by their mommies and daddies rather than have the burden of taking care of a wife and family of their own, or even attempting to better themselves so that might one day be a possibility.
They expect their girlfriend to take over Mom’s job in providing for their domestic needs with the addition of sex, of course, while they both live at his parent's home. We won't even start with the avoidance of his taking responsibility and actually marrying the woman that is supposedly loved by the boy. The man-child isn’t interested in taking care of, providing for, or protecting a wife. It is all about continuing to maintain his artificially created self-esteem and what HE wants. And the young women seem to accept and be okay with these boys, until they realize after the babies start coming, that it is a lot of work when your “man” doesn’t want to provide and actually expects the women to still cater to his whims. He simply is another child for which the woman must care and provide. The young woman doesn't have a man and a husband on whom she can depend. She has her baby's daddy instead.
So after a few generations now of this post-women’s-liberation and feminization of men, we are now hard-pressed to find a young man these days that has a sense of purpose, a willingness to work hard to improve life for himself and his family, and a notion that God in His wisdom created the wonderful differences between men and women for a very good reason.
Today's young men are more likely to idolize Justin Bieber or find their heroes in sparkly vampires instead of the rugged self-sufficient John Wayne hero-types of my youth. Yep, the masculinity deficit that our post-women’s lib nation has wrought is now full of these man-boys that have been coddled and protected from real life. They are growing up and have achieved nothing of significance accordingly. It is exceptionally rare to find a young man these days that is willing to work hard, take personal responsibility, and try to better himself and his world. Such real men of honor and integrity are all the more remarkable because of their scarcity these days, and lucky is the young lady that can find one and have the sense to realize the quality of his character.
On the other hand, I guess the good news for these other “men-children” is that they evidently are still qualified under today’s standards to win a Nobel Prize or perhaps even grow up to be President of the United States one day. Yep, I am indeed an anachronism.