Friday, March 1, 2024

A Choice to be Made and the Fate of America

I love the United States of America deeply.  This is not just a throw-away line of sun-shine patriotism or some saccharine statement of sentimentality.  I truly believe in the principles upon which this nation was founded.  And I have put my butt on the line by defending this nation for six years on active duty and in the first Persian Gulf war.  My father, grandfather, and uncles have similarly served honorably in the military to protect this nation.  Our actions back our sentiments.

I believe in We The People, limited and constitutionally constrained federal government, and that the powers given to our elected leaders are derived from us American citizens.  Our natural rights are given to ALL of us by God as stated in our founding document as a nation, and not by some supposedly benign government.  It is incumbent upon the executive, legislative, and judicial branches to govern according to the limited powers given them by the constitution and NOT to exceed those mandates, as anything not specifically granted the federal government in the way of powers, duties, and responsibilities is reserved to the individual states and/or the people of America.  The fact that all three branches have broken this trust is precisely why we are in the mess we are today and why we see a dangerously precipitous decline in the greatness of this nation. 

Our corrupt government though is only a sad symptom of the underlying cancer.  The problem is the malignant infection of progressivism in our schools, culture, businesses media, and even in many of our houses of worship.  It is our lack of objective and accurate education in history, economics, and civics (let alone reading, writing, and arithmetic) that has created lazy, ignorant, or even malicious citizen voters that want to elect officials to provide for them lucre from the federal treasury for which they are not entitled and for which the officials have no constitutional authority to give.

This November may very well be the defining point of whether this country that I love collapses under the weight of its $34 trillion in debt and unconstitutional laws and mandates, or whether it begins to repair the damage done by decades of various administrations and corrupt congresses of both major political parties.

That said, the race for the presidency is looking to be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.  It is a match up that many on both the left and the right wish for a different candidate for their champion.  Many play the good soldier though and tout their party’s candidate in public while suffering from dyspepsia in private.  I will let my heart burn be known publicly.

As many of my readers know, I do not like Trump.  He is an egotistical jerk whose main purpose is to champion himself.  That said, the contrast is starkly clear between the way he governed with many of the good things Trump accomplished and that of the current senile and thoroughly corrupt head of the Biden Crime family.  Once again, I will likely end up casting my general election vote for a candidate I dislike and refuse to vote for in the primary.  The consequences are far too great if Biden were to miraculously/cursedly be re-elected.  I dare say the standing of our republic hangs in the balance of this decision and that of whom will control the House and Senate.

It amazes me how bright and articulate people, some of whom I consider friends and family, are actually touting the necessity of putting Biden and whomever pulls his strings back in the oval office.  It is readily apparent that Biden does not have the cognitive, let alone the moral ability to govern.  His senility and duplicitous character is on stage for the world to see, including our enemies, every single time Biden makes a public appearance.

His accomplishments are none.  Nothing.  Zero. Zilch.  Nada.  Every decision made seems to be in direct contradiction to what is constitutional and/or best for our nation.  At times, it almost seems as if Biden thinks Orwell’s “1984” is a how-to book.

Despite self-described “old-fashioned Americans”, Wilsonian-style progressives, Democratic Socialists, and other assorted leftists with their screeds to the contrary, they do NOT love America and its ideals of justice and liberty for all. They want to "fundamentally transform" our nation into an unrecognizable woke socialist utopia open to all of the human detritus of the world.

Yes, our country has often fallen far short of those lofty ideals, but the fact that we have always tried to reach towards them is what has kept this the strongest and greatest nation in the history of humankind.  It saddens me to think that so many misguided and miseducated Americans hate this country, whether by their words or by their actions.  Or both.

It baffles me how someone can hate a political adversary so much that they are willing to sacrifice the goodness of this nation and its tenuous future to the wiles and schemes of a corrupt, senile, self-serving and evil chief executive such as Joseph Biden.  Yes, Trump falls far short of all that I want in a president, but we have seen the many great results for our country as a whole during his first term.  We have also seen the destruction of our economy, the suffering of many Americans, the rampant disregard for the rule of law, and the dangerous emboldening of our enemies and terrorists under the Biden regime during his first and hopefully only term as president. 

I know many have hyperbolically stated that past elections will determine the final fate of our nation.  I greatly fear that come this November they may finally be right.  Four more years of Biden or whomever is controlling him behind the curtain will surely bode towards disaster for my beloved United States of America.  I only hope and pray that there are enough TRUE old-fashioned Americans out there that see these facts and similarly choose to vote for the lesser of two evils accordingly.  The nation will not survive another four years under this corrupt leftist administration.


Alexander von Rims said...

Can you cite any specific evidence that Biden is corrupt? The House Republicans spent months trying to find a reason to impeach him. They could not come up with anything. If there was evidence that he was corrupt, they would have seized upon it and used it.

Darrell Michaels said...

Hi Alexander. Thanks for commenting, first of all. Second, the impeachment inquiry in the house is still on-going and there is ample evidence to support the high crimes and misdemeanors necessary to impeach and remove Biden from office. Of course, he will not be removed by the Senate, as party trumps the country for both parties it would seem. That said, I will give you a bunch of specifics of his corruption in my forthcoming posting in the next couple of days, sir. Please continue to comment as you see fit.

Old fashioned pro-democracy anti- tyranny American said...

Despite self-described “old-fashioned Americans”, Wilsonian-style progressives, Democratic Socialists, and other assorted leftists with their screeds to the contrary, they do NOT love America and its ideals of justice and liberty for all. They want to "fundamentally transform" our nation into an unrecognizable woke socialist utopia open to all of the human detritus of the world.

Ah, the "Communist vermin" argument.

This sounded better in the original German.

Darrell Michaels said...

"This sounded better in the original German."

Based on the left's hijacking of many fascist tactics, I suspect true supporters of that religious ideology would agree with you, ironically. They hate the very things they are doing today, so they claim.

Old Fashioned pro-democracy anti-tyranny American said...

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” Trump told Gen. John Kelly

From Report of the Special Counsel Robert Hur:

"But several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's are clear. Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts.

Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it.

In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations, including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview, and in other ways cooperated with the investigation."
From the House Judiciary Committee hearing:

“Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘senile’ as exhibiting a decline of cognitive ability, such as memory, associated with old age,” Republican Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin said. “Mr. Hur, based on your report, did you find that the president was senile?”

“I did not. That conclusion does not appear in my report,” Hur replied emphatically.

“Did you find that President Biden directed his lawyer to lie to the FBI?” asked Rep. Ted Lieu, a California Democrat.

“We identified no such evidence,” Hur responded.

“Did you find that President Biden directed his personal assistant to move boxes of documents to hide them from the FBI?” Lieu later asked.

“No,” Hur said.

Hur was given a chance to correct the record on the claim he made about President Biden’s memory of the date of his son’s death. Hur claims that it’s not correct that Biden remembered the date and had to be reminded that Biden did remember from the transcript.

Biden: “Oh, God. May 30th.”

Someone's not getting their facts straight.