Friday, December 8, 2023

Ending the Two-State Solution Folly

Yesterday was the 82nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day. On December 7th 1941, the Japanese Empire executed a surprise attack on our naval and military bases at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii killing 2403 Americans. This pernicious event caused the United States of America to enter into WWII in order to stop the totalitarian evil of Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. 

 Fast forward nearly 82 years and the barbaric Palestinian terrorist group Hamas conducted an unexpected attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023. Unlike Imperial Japan, Hamas’ attack of their militant terrorists targeted civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. Over 1200 people were killed in this tiny country. 240 civilian hostages were also taken back into Gaza by these thoroughly evil barbarians. This is Israel’s Pearl Harbor or 9/11 event. 

Captured video from the terrorists and tales of some of the 100 released hostages tell of brutal rapes, tortures, and killings of the Israeli civilians by these sub-human terrorists. There has been video evidence of babies decapitated or put into ovens while parents watched. Wives and daughters were raped while sons and fathers were forced to watch before being killed while Hamas terrorists reveled in their butchery and debauchery. 

These are the inhuman evil scum that many leftists in the Muslim world, throughout Europe, and in America champion with their “solidarity protests” in cities and on college campuses. Indeed, this week three presidents of once-renowned institutions of higher learning testified under oath on Capitol Hill their combined refusal to denounce calls for the genocide of Jews. These Hamas/Palestinian supporters are either useful idiots that are fully ignorant of the truth of the evil they support, or worse, they seek to justify it by claiming oppression of the Palestinians by Israel. 

The Gaza strip has been self-governed for many years after Israel pulled out of the territory. In 2007, Hamas was elected by the Palestinian people in Gaza to govern them. The result has been near-constant rocket and terrorist attacks on Israel civilians, three wars, and crushing poverty for the Palestinian people there while the Hamas leadership becomes wealthy on foreign aid. And all the while Iran bank rolls their human rights attacks against Israeli civilians. 

In all conflicts, including the current war, Israel does all it can to safe-guard erstwhile innocent human life of civilians, often at risk to their own soldiers in doing so. Indeed, they ruin strategic and tactical advantages by telegraphing where they will attack in order to allow civilians to escape the areas ahead of time. 

Hamas, on the other hand, uses its own people for shields as they build their command-and-control centers underneath schools, mosques, and hospitals. If civilians are injured or killed because of this, then that is just one more club for Hamas to use against Israel. Meanwhile, Hamas uses deadly force to ensure their human shield civilians don’t run away or head to safer areas in the south of Gaza, as the Israeli government has warned them to do. 

The American and other antisemite “protestors” throughout the world when they chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” are calling for the genocide of all Jews and the destruction of Israel, whether the realize this or not. Israel is a small country that lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The so-called Palestinians claim that all of this land is theirs, despite the fact that the Jewish people have called this land home for millennia and was given to them by God in Hebrew scripture. Archeology and history only serves to confirm this. 

Leftist idiots/terrorist supporters call Israeli Jews “colonizers”. How does one colonize a land to which one is indigenous, that long preceded the birth of Islam and even the term given to the Arab people in the area by the Roman Empire of “Palestinians”? 

The fact of the matter is that the “Palestinian” people have never wanted peace with Israel. Israel has had peace with its neighbors of Jordan and Egypt for many decades, so it is possible when the will for peace truly exists. Israel has offered many times to make peace with the “Palestinians” in a so-called two state solution time and time again. 

Indeed, during one of those many attempts at peace negotiations, President Clinton back in 2000 brought PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak together at a Camp David Summit to discuss in supposed good faith an end to the strife and a creation of a peaceful two state solution for Israel and Palestine. Ehud Barak offered remarkable concessions to Arafat including 92% of the West Bank, 100% of the Gaza strip, dismantling of most of the Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and proclaiming East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital. 

Clinton and Barak both have claimed that in every instance, Yasser Arafat’s answer was no without a single compromise or concession being offered on his behalf, despite being offered over 90% of what the PLO was demanding. Arafat walked away from the Camp David summit accordingly. Later when asked why he did not accept what was surely an amazing deal and best offer that would likely ever come from Israel so that peace could finally be achieved, Yasser Arafat responded that if he had accepted such a peace offer from the Jews he would end up “having tea with Mussolini”. In other word his own people would kill him for settling for peace with the despised Jews. 

Israel has long withstood egregious condemnation from the impotent and corrupt United Nations and much of the Muslim world for simply defending itself against virulent and pernicious evil and antisemitism. Israel has never sought to initiate war with any of its surrounding Muslim neighbors. And now that the ghoulish terrorists that the Palestinian people elected to govern them have perpetrated this horrific attack against civilian men, women and children, I think the time for forbearance and hopes of peace with the Palestinians has come to and end. 

Current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is correct and thoroughly justified in destroying every last Hamas militant still alive. Further, taking full military control of Gaza and the West Bank should be the goal to make sure such horrific actions are never done against the Israeli people again by the “Palestinians”. The “Palestinian” people have never wanted a two-state solution so believing in the fantasy that this is an achievable goal one day is pure folly. 

Those Palestinian people that want to live in peace that are not members of Hamas should be allowed to live under Israeli control in a fenced off Gaza, never to have their own country. Either that or they can emigrate to any other Muslim country or any country that will accept them. There are serious ramifications and repercussions for voting for an Iranian-backed and funded terrorist organization to govern you. As for Hamas, EVERY LAST ONE OF THE EVIL TERRORISTS SHOULD BE KILLED. Not captured. Not imprisoned. They care nothing for life and goodness. They value only death, evil and depravity. 

Those of you that support Hamas and the “Palestinian” people in this regard are similarly evil and need to look within your own dark soul. I want nothing to do with any of you. 

The journalist Bob Lonsberry stated it well when he said, “across the Muslim world there is cheering in the streets. Because, though the furnaces of Auschwitz have gone cold, the hatred of Jews in the hearts of evil people burns white hot, as malicious and insatiable as it has ever been.” Sadly, that hatred exists in America today too, and it enrages and sickens me.


Anonymous said...

This was a thoughtful and thorough article that I appreciated in the face of the daily disturbing protests of the brainwashed American youth one would expect to be more open and objective. I do have a couple of ideas to offer:

1. TIMING The Hamas attack occurred just when the Saudis were about to come to a resolution and form a relationship with Israel. Most Arab countries do not want Iran to become the power. the controlling nation of the Middle East, and they see Israel as a helpful participant in keeping Iran from doing so. Hamas, supported by Iran did not want a Saudi/Israel accord. A lessening of Iran's power would lose their funding. (As an aside, it is interesting that both Egyptian Arafat and Hamas both became very wealthy on the monies that were sent to help Palestinians improve their lives. They used it for their personal benefit; Arafat's wife and daughter lived in luxury in Paris, I read, and Hamas has used it to enrich themselves and to further their capacity for continued war with weapons, tunnels and the funding of propaganda (which is why student populations around the world and in the u.S. are so involved.) Those funds bought and paid for the most prestigious universities, Leftist professors and the students submersion in propaganda/brainwashing. No free thinkers among them.

2. ECONOMY IN GAZA Although Israel and Gazans were contentious, Israel allowed Gazans to cross the border daily to hold jobs in Israel. Those jobs paid much better than did any work they could get in Gaza. I am sure the Arab officials governing Gaza did not want Gazans so dependent on Israeli jobs or getting too cozy with the Israelis with whom they might work.

3. BRAINWASHING FROM THE CRADLE Iran/Hamas insured that Palestinians would not want peace with Israel by teaching Palestinians from birth that Israel was the enemy and that Jews are pigs and dogs that deserve the worst kinds of death. I've seen videos of small school children being interviewed who innocently and truthfully expressed their hate of Israelis (even though they didn't know any). They had pretend guns and said their greatest wish was to kill Israelis/Jews and they wanted to die for Islam. These were 7-8 year old kids and some even younger! Growing up, the Palestinians are not allowed a thinking, discovering mind of their own. That is a huge barrier to any peace we could hope to establish.

4. IRONY Gaza is on the sea and has beautiful beach areas. Had the Palestinians chosen real leaders, people who have their best interests at heart, Gaza could have flourished and Palestinians could now be living as comfortably as Israelis by applying their sweat and hard work towards that goal as did the Jewish people in Israel, to create a tourist industry and prosper happily. People would have come from all over to visit Gaza and enjoy the sea. It is not too late if the mindset of the Palestinians could be turned to view a way to live well among nations instead of living with hate and war as their constant.

Infidel753 said...

I agree with you. The calls for a ceasefire which would allow Hamas to rearm and regroup are madness. The Allied bombing of Germany during World War II killed a lot of innocent civilians, and that was unfortunate, but the bottom line was that the Nazi regime was irredeemably evil and needed to be destroyed whatever the cost. It would have been lunacy to end the war with some kind of negotiated settlement that allowed the Nazi regime to remain in power in Germany. The same is true of Hamas. Even the original Nazis didn't show the same kind of boastful glee in their atrocities that Hamas has.

As for a two-state solution, a couple of years after the original British mandate of Palestine was created, the eastern three-fourths of it was separated and made into an Arab state, which still exists today -- Jordan.

But of course what the proponents mean is creating a second Palestinian state on land west of the Jordan river. The thing is, that's already been tried. While the West Bank remains under Israeli occupation, the occupation of the Gaza Strip was withdrawn in 2005 and it has been effectively a self-governing state since then. The ultimate result was the horror of October 7. Giving full independence to the West Bank would just put the most densely-populated part of Israel within range of the same kind of attack.

An aspect of the recent history many people don't realize is that, while there was certainly an Arab population in Palestine before the Zionist project started in the nineteenth century, there was also a lot of immigration into Palestine from surrounding Arab countries later on, attracted by the more vigorous economy the Jewish development of the country was creating (Yasser Arafat, for example, was born in Cairo). A lot of Palestinians' ancestral connection to the country goes back only to the early twentieth century.

The extent of the anti-Semitic outbursts in the West has been a huge shock. I'm still coming to terms with the implications.

Jerry said...

These Americans who defend Palestinian terrorists should be silenced. There are many ways to silence a group voice within a democracy.
Your article states the facts clearly. I just cannot imagine anyone who would support such evil. I agree totally with your article.

Infidel753 said...

The proper answer to evil speech is not censorship but further speech in response, to expose and refute the evil -- which is what this post and the comments are doing.

Darrell Michaels said...

First, sorry for the delay in responding. Things have been nuts in my life lately.

Unknown, thanks for your very thoughtful comments. You are spot on that this was a deliberate attack funded by Iran in the hope of disrupting the peace process between Israel and Saudi Arabia. They couldn't abide the Middle East to continue the work started by Trump with the Abraham Accords bringing enemies together. The balance of power would shift even moreso against Shiite Iran to Sunni nations as they made peace with Israel in the region.

The corruption of Arafat and the other Palestinian leadership is well-known and documented. The Palestinian people live in poverty often times, while their "leaders" live like kings. It is disgusting, particularly since this is often done with humanitarian aid money meant for the people there.

And the indoctrination of the Palestinian children is just one more example of the ghoulish behavior of the Palestinians, also often done with American and international "aid" money.

Infidel, you are right that not even the grotesque Nazi regime was as publicly and gleefully boastful of their heinous and demonic atrocities committed against the Jews. There can be no treaty or peace reached with such evil. Only unconditional surrender and the complete eradication of the evil leadership can be accepted as a final outcome of this war, or it will only be delaying a repeat in the years to come.

Jerry, I too am horrified at the support from the ignorant in the West that think Hamas was justified. I do agree with Infidel though that censorship is not the answer. Rebuttal and bringing their evil to light is the answer.

The Israel government has shown the go-pro and cell phone videos from the Hamas terrorists to certain world leaders and journalists. I think perhaps a screening of these barbaric vermin should be screened for some of the students and faculty on some of our college campuses in order to show them the depths of their depravity in justifying such horrific evil.

Just the Facts! said...

"Leftist professors and the students submersion in propaganda/brainwashing. No free thinkers among them."

Truer words were never spoken

Just the Facts! said...


Hope the holidays for you and yours was "bountifully".

I am amazed on just how far left under Biden has taken our nation. Lying is now SOP as exampled by Dave Duyba's posts and his censorship. The question I ask myself is what will end this socialist evolution?

Just the Facts! said...

Pro-Abortion Study Claiming Pro-Life Laws Cause Thousands of Pregnancies From Rape is Totally False...

Darrell Michaels said...


Hope you and yours are well, my friend. Thanks for the holiday wishes! Same right back to you!

As for Biden, I have so many things to write about that incompetent, senile, crooked, and evil leader of the Biden crime family but I simply haven't had the time with my work. I am really angry at the hidden powers behind that gibbering mouth piece for Marxist ideology and all of the great harm done to our nation.

As for the leftists who think that he is doing a good job, I can only assume that senility is contagious. I don't like Trump and never have, but he may very well be the only one that can stop our slide into socialism and the destruction of what remains of our country. He did a lot of good in his first term.

My fear is that these leftist "champions of democracy" will do everything possible to cheat and steal this election though. I used to think that some of the right wing stances were sometimes little more than conspiracy theories, but I see the abject evil from some factions on the left as they intentionally try to destroy the country and I cannot help but think that a civil war could easily be right around the corner. Biden's attempt to allow illegals into the country on the Texas border no matter what and Governor Abbott's road blocks to stop him could very well be that flash point, if Biden persists in not following his constitutional obligation to protect our country.

Scary times, my friend. Keep your powder dry!