Thursday, May 13, 2021

Working Hard so You Don't Have To!


Life, as it sometimes wont's to be has been incredibly busy as of late.  The short days with work have been twelve hour slogs leaving me worn out by the time I log off for the day.  With that said, I have had precious little time to devote to my blog or even keeping up with current events.  Of course that doesn't stop the world from moving on, and myriads of comments  from one gentleman in particular from piling up in my box awaiting moderation.  Our own Dave Dubya thinks I have been "cancelling" him or simply ignoring him.  While I have ignored him, it isn't due to any malice.  I simply haven't had the time to argue with him and his typical leftist refrains.

Reading through Dave's forty plus comments I approved yesterday, I get the feeling that nothing has changed for Dave.  Anyone that supports Trump is still an authoritarian and a racist.  Black people being unjustly shot by police officers is condoned by conservatives. And the world is so much better now that the senile leader of the Biden crime family is the figure-head of the United States of America.

Of course, those of us that haven't drank the commie Kool-aide know better.  The country, as I and every other conservative that was even moderately paying attention predicted, is going down the toilet in rapid fashion.

 Biden stopped work on completing the border wall and then winked and nodded for future-Democrat voters to come on over the border illegally.  All the while, the "cages" at the border full of children have miraculously turned back into holding pens, so says the American Pravda media sources.

America has gone from energy independence under Trump to having gas shortages under Biden in four short months.  Someone heard Jimmy Carter say "Damn!" at reading that news.

Our facile and impotent foreign policy under Biden has once again emboldened all of the evil regimes in the world too.  Russia is once again amassing troops on the border of Ukraine.  North Korea has resumed the testing of their missiles and upped their belligerence again.  China continues to harass Taiwan, exterminate and "re-educate" Muslim Uighurs, and crack down on freedom for citizens in Hong Kong.  

And lets not forget about the world's largest supporter of state terrorism, Iran.  Uncle Joe wants to bribe Iran back into the asinine and dangerous nuclear agreement so they can "legally" develop nuclear "power", as they fund Hamas in their most recent attacks on Israel.  Further, Iran's gun boats continue to harass and threaten the U.S. Navy in the strait of Hormuz.  Yep, Biden has made America respected again!

Lumber, gas, and housing prices have all skyrocketed as Biden continues to want to spend trillions of dollars ostensibly for COVID and infrastructure, even though a fraction of the funds are dedicated to those goals.  Most of the money is used for special interest group and union pay-offs.  Our nation is now in debt more than 130% of its annual GDP, but the left doesn't care.  They continue to pay people NOT to work as jobs go unfilled throughout the country.  And who could blame these people?  Why take a pay cut to go back to work.  Yesterday, in Salt Lake, I heard a man on the radio who owns two Del Taco fast food restaurants say that he had to close his stores because he couldn't find enough staff to keep them running.  Well at least my long hours are being taxed to support those who will not work.  My tax dollars have a lot of leftists to feed, evidently.

Meanwhile the leftists/communists/Democrats continue to push their "For the Swamp" bill so that Democrats will never again have to live in fear of losing an election.  Yep.  This is how they "fix" democracy.  The ignorance of Americans that let their elected "leaders" get away with this is unfathomable.  

Meanwhile, you have the Left championing Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney as their heroes on the right now.  Once upon a time, the name Cheney was synonymous with Hitler and Pol Pot.  Now Liz has shown integrity in standing up to the bad orange man.  My how times change.  I guess the definition of a good conservative is a person who is not conservative.

Yep, I have been busy, and while some of us still choose to work, the rest of the country evidently has WAY too much idle time on their hands to further debase our culture, our freedoms, and our economy into a socialist utopia dung heap.

There is a reason why I still fly my American flag upside down at my house. One wonders how long before we have to replace the fifty stars on the field of blue with a white hammer and cycle on our flag.


Dave Dubya said...

Welcome back, Darrell. I was concerned about you. Honestly.

I'm glad your absence wasn't due to illness or injury to you or your family.

Thank you for not canceling me. Ignoring me isn’t that much different, though. I would never ignore you.

Of course you still support and regurgitate Trumpism and the radical right's "Commie, commie, commie" hysteria.

Just as you never showed evidence to support your embrace of Trump’s Big Lie of a stolen election, you never explained how Liz and Mitt are mistaken.

"Because Trump said so" is all you need. But that's not being an authoritarian follower in your view, right?

It is amusing how those who cancel Mitt and Liz project and whine about “cancel culture”. You probably can’t see that, though. I get it. Your radical right ideology is incapable of that. Repetition is how the Big Lie works. It certainly worked on you, didn't it?

A good conservative is one who speaks truth and defends democracy. Few and far between these days.

Have you conformed completely to the radical Right party line? “There was no insurrection.” Were Trump's terrorists "orderly" like "a normal tourist visit"?

Rep. Andrew S. Clyde (R-Ga.) said, ‘Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes, taking videos, pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit."

It would be truly amazing if you'd show us how Clyde is correct and Mitt and Liz are in error.

Not only amazing, but impossible.

Do you now believe Trump’s Coup Klux Klan had nothing to do with ending our nation's tradition of peaceful transition of power?

I suspect so.

In reality it was Trump's version of Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch. Like you, Hitler and Trump hated socialists. Democratic socialists are too fond of democracy, fair elections and representation, and the general welfare to conform to their hate, scapegoating, lies, dogma and authoritarian rule.

Dave Dubya said...

Remember this one?

Pastor Martin Niemoeller’s poem about Nazis

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

The radical Right never want to respond to this, for some reason.

This could also explain why you evade fair discourse with me. I mean, besides your busy work schedule. All so I don’t have to work. Thank you for your service. ;-)

It appears Trump didn't make America so great, if a "mentally challenged" Biden can undo it all in a couple months. Sad.

Not so sad is you now include Russia as an “evil regime”. “Russia is once again amassing troops on the border of Ukraine.”

But it’s ok when evil supports Trump, I take it.

Your reported “amassing” is dated.

MOSCOW (AP) April 29— The Russian military said Thursday that its troops have returned to their permanent bases after concluding massive drills near Ukraine that alarmed Western countries. Gen. Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the military’s General Staff, said that more than 300,000 troops, nearly one-third of the nation’s 1 million member military, took part in the exercise earlier this month.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken went to Ukraine last week to coordinate with Kyiv over Russia’s recent military buildup along Ukraine border.

Biden is standing up to the evil that Trump praised. How about that?

And once again, dear fellow, you cannot show where I called you a racist. Your sense of victimhood reflects that of other paranoid white conservatives who FEEL like they are victims of racism, even more than minorities.

Just like "good Germans" were victims of the Jews' treachery.

You reveal an interesting trait here: “Biden stopped work on completing the border wall and then winked and nodded for future-Democrat voters to come on over the border illegally.”

This is the white nationalist “replacement theory”. “Jews will not replace us” and “Brown people will not replace us” comes from the same white nationalist identity movement.

Note that I'm NOT accusing you of being a Nazi. But I'll bet you FEEL like I just did anyway.

Wave that flag, brother, anyway you want. As long as you don't use the pole as a weapon, like your fellow true believers' "orderly tourist visit".

Jerry said...

I see you as Dave's opposite. You continue to call Biden a criminal. You continue to call Democrats communists. You continue to blame Biden for al our ills even though he has only been president for about 120 days. I agree cyber attacks are most important for our defense, so what did Trump do to enhance our cyber abilities? Nothing. You and Dave have one thing in common, you both blame each others side for all our countries ills. Which leaves the obvious answer, that both sides are to blame.
For my taste the Democrats are going to far to the left, but then Trump has destroyed any rational thinking of a Republican party. The Republican party is headed for a split and possible death, which is absolutely bad for our country. I believe two solid, rational parties are healthy for America. We have neither now. The blame for that is exampled by you and Dave, We can only seem to attack each other and blame each other. We can't get things done that are important for all Americans. Americans should not be fighting among ourselves like we were Arabs and Israelis. By the time you guys get done fighting America will be destroyed. Of course you will blame it on leftists like Dave, and Dave will blame it on conservatives like you. Congratulations.

Darrell Michaels said...

"Democratic socialists are too fond of democracy, fair elections and representation, and the general welfare to conform to their hate, scapegoating, lies, dogma and authoritarian rule." ~ Dubya

Cannot. Stop. Laughing!

Fond of democracy, my ass. Is that why the Democrats are championing the "For the Swamp" bill to make sure that they never lose another election because states won't be able to purge dead and moved voters from their roles? The Feds will tell how to set up elections and ensure that ID is not required. Oh, and lets not forget tax payer funding of the swamp creature candidates. Yeah,... too fond of democracy...

That is the same reason they want to pack the Supreme Court. What they cannot get passed through the legislature, they will be able to legislate from the bench. Yeah, great champions of democracy. Makes me want to puke.

We've had trillions of dollars go to the general welfare or at least leftist special interest groups and unions (but then I repeat myself). Look what good that has done for COVID and infrastructure as only small fractions are actually spent on those issues.

Lies and scapegoating? Do you mean like stopping the building of the border wall and then blaming trump for the crisis/non-crisis of surging illegals there? Or do you mean cancelling the XL pipeline and then blaming COVID for the rise in fuel costs? Or perhaps you mean trying to woo Iran back to the table for the nuclear agreement as they fund Hamas in their latest attacks on Israel.

I bet you cannot even acknowledge or accept responsibility on behalf of your noble Democrats for any of these asinine actions.

As for Liz and Mitt, I support their rights to vote and speak as they see fit. I also think Mitt is not a conservative and I will champion whomever runs against him in the primary accordingly. He should go back to Boston where he fits in better.

Lastly, I have no problem with LEGAL immigration for anyone. I have a huge problem with COVID infested masses showing up at our border and Biden putting them in cages until they can bus or fly them to the city of their choice in the U.S. pending their court dates. I am SURE those people will show up to their hearings, right?

Just stop with your racism card on every turn. I would have the exact same response if this was occurring at our northern border instead of our southern. I guess the left cannot argue substance STILL and so has to resort to "systemic racism" every chance they get. THAT is the big lie!

The country is screwed and it is not the Democrats in the capitol that are so much to blame for it as it is the fault of the historically and economically ignorant folks that vote for them in the hopes of free stuff for the "general welfare" of the nation.

God save our country. He may be the only one that can at this point.

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, you are very right on nearly all of what you said.

For the record, I have long been disgusted with the Republicans too and routinely write and call congress to chastise them on any number of issues, especially when it comes to spending. Trump was guilty of this too.

I agree that the Republicans are fractured and the Democrats are nothing more than a far left socialist group. The divide is great and it seems like it is irreparable.

Yes, Dave and I are indeed a microcosm of the problem in this country. The difference is that I don't blindly support Republicans and will compromise with Democrats on occasional issues. That will not happen on the other side of the chasm, my friend.

Jerry said...

Thanks for proving my point.
Enjoy your false righteousness as you help destroy the country.

Dave Dubya said...


It is telling that Darrell is more annoyed with Trump’s spending than by his Big Lie and coup. The radical Right hates democracy, and wants to control who votes. If they lose they cry, “Rigged!” and craft new restrictions on voting, usually by targeting minorities.

The chasm between Americans is most glaring between those who believe, and those who reject, Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen from him.

Biden won 7 million more votes. Trump’s toadies FAILED to prove widespread fraud or irregularities. Courts rejected all of their claims and NONE of Trump’s toadies would swear under oath that there was widespread fraud. Numerous recounts, many supervised by state Republicans, established who won. Trump never rose to 50% approval. Biden is now at 63%.

The chasm has been further widened by Trump’s loyalists who are downplaying the coup on 1/6.

Darrell wouldn’t even acknowledge this lie. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

Both-siderism is a glaring false equivalence here.

The radical Right is at war the democracy and truth.

“Dead people and those who moved”? Come on. Why don’t they show us the numbers to prove their claim? They CAN’T. But that doesn’t stop them from regurgitating the Big Lie. Trump’s own Justice Department and Homeland Security have said the election was fair.

Like Republicans, Democrats can be dishonest and incompetent. One side is indisputably more crooked and corrupt. Records clearly show far more arrests within Republican Administrations than Democratic. Facts are facts.

We live under a corrupt system, where corporate big money buys too much influence and even writes legislation and regulations.

White Conservatives enjoy a significantly greater share of representation, especially in the Senate.

That doesn’t stop them from whining and blaming the left, does it?

Dave Dubya said...

Darrell not only repeats falsehoods about the voting rights bill, he never presents evidence to support his accusations and claims. He seems to believe conservative white people are the experts on racism. He may even cite a Black person working for Prager U.

Here are my sources to support my views that debunk his:

Three False Claims About the Federal Voting Rights Bill

Claims mischaracterizing a federal voting rights bill have been circulating on social media. The proposed law would not “ban” state voter ID laws, bar states from removing ineligible voters from their rolls, or allow minors to vote.

Poll: More voters acknowledge symptoms of racism but disagree about its causes

“Where voters in general and Black voters disagree is on the root cause of racism,” said Brenda Lee of Vision Strategy and Insights, who worked on the survey along with Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research. “Blacks are more likely to see systemic issues as the root of racism in the U.S., whereas whites see this issue as the result of the behavior of a “few bad apples.” This framing difference creates a schism in identifying the most appropriate and impactful solutions to address racism.”


Poll: Americans’ Views of Systemic Racism Divided by Race


“Whites Believe They Are Victims of Racism More Often Than Blacks”

Whites believe that they have replaced blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America, according to a new study from researchers at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School... "On average, whites rated anti-white bias as more prevalent in the 2000s than anti-black bias by more than a full point on the 10-point scale. Moreover, some 11% of whites gave anti-white bias the maximum rating of 10 compared with only 2% of whites who rated anti-black bias a 10."

“Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing”

To test our hypotheses that many Whites now perceive anti-White bias to be more prevalent than anti-Black bias and that this view is related to Whites’ conception of racism in zero-sum terms, we asked a large national sample of Black and White Americans.

"Whites See Anti-White Bias as More Prevalent Than Anti-Black Bias"

...Black respondents perceived decreases in anti-Black bias over time and relatively nonexistent anti-White bias, but White respondents perceived anti-Black bias as declining even more quickly and anti-White bias as increasing sharply— particularly in recent years. Indeed, we observed a complete reversal over time in White respondents’ views of racism. Whereas Blacks saw greater anti-Black bias in every decade, ts(207) 20.55, ps < .001, this gap reversed in the 2000s for Whites: They perceived more anti-White bias than anti-Black bias...Not only do Whites think more progress has been made toward equality than do Blacks, but Whites also now believe that this progress is linked to a new inequality—at their expense.

Dave Dubya said...

You were inadvertently correct with one of your sarcastic statements:

”Yep, Biden has made America respected again!”

World Opinion Of U.S. Shoots Up After Biden Takes Office, Poll Finds

President Biden made America great again in the eyes of the world: poll

Trump's cult is a minority in the US, and along with most Americans, the world likes America better without him.

Authoritarians have always preferred being feared than respected.

Dave Dubya said...


Darrell’s radical Right ideology believes “Trump made American great again”, but Biden is to blame for everything that happened in his first four months. Even the hacked oil pipeline. That was a mighty weak fix-up job by the Orange Fuhrer. Better blame Mexico for not paying for his wall.

Darrell attacks news organizations as “American Pravda media sources”, meaning journalists who failed to properly praise the Leader, and treasonously fact-checked, recorded and reported Trumps 30,000 lies while in office. The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism.

Trump’s Big Brother statement is lifted almost verbatim from 1984: “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.”

Nothing exposes the radical Right mindset more than statements like, “the Left championing Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney” For what? For knowing and speaking the truth that Trump incited a riot to overturn the election. Liz revealed the fact there were Republicans who voted to acquit Trump due to threats on their lives. Just don’t call the radical Right radical.

No wonder everyone not in the Trump cult is a “commie”. How lonely it must be over on the extreme Right.

For some hilarious projection we’re told, “they want to pack the Supreme Court. What they cannot get passed through the legislature, they will be able to legislate from the bench.”

It was McConnell’s contempt for our Constitution that canceled Merrick Garland. But that’s entirely OK if you are Republican. The Supreme Court has been stacked with the corporate Right wing Federalist Society picks. The best justice money can buy.

By popular vote the American people chose a Democrat in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections, yet the court is stacked with Right wing partisans. Now the Radical Right is outraged by Americans wanting a more balanced court. This is authoritarianism. There’s no other word for it.

The “fund Hamas” accusation is a lie, just like Kushner’s, "We are witnessing the last vestiges of what has been known as the Arab-Israeli conflict," is a lie. Wrong again. Better blame Biden.

The authoritarian regime of Netanyahu has been illegally evicting Palestinians from their homes to accommodate settlers, some with distinct Brooklyn accents. So they are called “terrorists” by the radical Right for resisting such tyranny.

Dave Dubya said...

To be clear, I am NOT calling Darrell a racist. However...

Can anyone differentiate Darrell’s rhetoric from than that of the white nationalist Proud Boys and Oath Keepers who attacked our democracy and Constitution?

We recall Darrell’s recent glorification of Columbus bringing “Western civilization” to the Americas.

The Proud Boys oath: “I am a Western Chauvinist and I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world”.

As if those racist losers created anything but hate and a violent assault on our democracy and Constitution.

White nationalist rhetoric continues to flow from Darrell’s words,

“while some of us still choose to work, the rest of the country evidently has WAY too much idle time on their hands to further debase our culture, our freedoms, and our economy into a socialist utopia dung heap”.

Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are very angry with minorities who in their view, seek to “further debase our culture”. Hitler said the same damn thing about Jews.

”I have a huge problem with COVID infested masses showing up at our border”

What can be more dehumanizing for desperate people seeking asylum? Trump called Baltimore 'rat and rodent infested' 4 months after he tried ending the funding for its rodent control. Black residents of Baltimore got the message.

”I am SURE those people will show up to their hearings, right?” (The great majority do show up.)

The country is screwed and it is not the Democrats in the capitol that are so much to blame for it as it is the fault of the historically and economically ignorant folks that vote for them in the hopes of free stuff for the "general welfare" of the nation.

“General welfare” is in fact in the Constitution. Darrell loves “free stuff” like fire departments, the military and law enforcement. Millions of Trump voters have gladly accepted unemployment and covid relief money. They are hypocrites. The giveaway is “historically and economically ignorant folks that vote for them”. As with “debase our culture”, that’s code for minorities who reject Trump and his racist birther rhetoric. Trump won a majority of whites. No minority group gave him a majority.

”Yes, Dave and I are indeed a microcosm of the problem in this country. The difference is that I don't blindly support Republicans and will compromise with Democrats on occasional issues. That will not happen on the other side of the chasm, my friend.”

It’s noble of Darrell to be willing to compromise with Democrats, but I’ve yet to see it. Why should he, if he really believes they are commies? Republican leadership has made it clear with both Obama and Biden they are not willing to compromise, and will obstruct every measure the American public voted to enact.

Dave Dubya said...

Finally the resentful whine, Just stop with your racism card on every turn... I guess the left cannot argue substance STILL and so has to resort to "systemic racism" every chance they get. THAT is the big lie!

The vast majority of Blacks know there is systemic racism. Radical Right white conservatives scorn and scoff at their life experiences and examples.

Here’s just the most recent example of systemic racism I’ve found.

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease linked to injuries sustained by NFL players. Compensation for the condition is based on race-based criteria.

“Black Retired NFL Players Petition for End of 'Race-Norming' in $1B Settlement”

The AP broke down what the race-norming process meant relative to the settlement:

"Under the settlement, however, the NFL has insisted on using a scoring algorithm on the dementia testing that assumes Black men start with lower cognitive skills. They must therefore score much lower than whites to show enough mental decline to win an award. The practice, which went unnoticed until 2018, has made it harder for Black former players to get awards."
Judge Brody, who is based out of Philadelphia, is in charge of overseeing the $1 billion settlement.

As the AP noted, most of the 20,000 men who have retired from the NFL are Black. However, only roughly 25 percent of the 2,000 retirees who have looked for awards for "early to moderate dementia" have earned them under the league's testing program.

Katherine Possin, who works as a neurology professor at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center, decried the race-norming process.

"Because every Black retired NFL player has to perform lower on the test to qualify for an award than every white player. And that's essentially systematic racism in determining these payouts," Possin said.

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, perhaps I have indeed proven your point; perhaps not. Like I said, I am not an all or nothing guy on many issues and am willing to work in good faith with like-minded Democrats to compromise where we can. I won’t compromise on more spending and government growth on issues that the federal government does not have a constitutional right to be doing. Mr. Dubya thinks anything not specifically outlined in the constitution as a federal responsibility can be constitutionally “validated” under the general welfare clause. I don’t expect everything to go the way I want it, but I will not abdicate my beliefs and support the mob in the ever-encroaching arch towards socialism.

“Like Republicans, Democrats can be dishonest and incompetent. One side is indisputably more crooked and corrupt.” ~ Dubya

That was a throw-away admission that still probably hurt Dave to say. Both sides are indeed crooked. The Democrats have far exceeded the Republicans on this in recent decades though, with help from their sycophantic allies in the democrat industrialized media or DIM for short.

Trump instigates a riot according to the left and the media, but then I repeat myself. (He didn’t.) Oh, and by the way, I did fully denounce the riot and wrote a post about it too, lest Dave continues to think I supported it. Maxine Waters actually did tell the leftist mobs to “ignore the curfew” and get confrontational with authorities, and yet that is barely covered by the “lying press”. That disgraceful woman should be removed from office. Trump paid hookers to pee on the bed, according to the Steele dossier bought by Hillary and reported by the lying press, but they fail to investigate and barely mention the coke-addled Burisma board member Hunter Biden’s laptop and the corruption with him, his senile dad, and Ukraine. Eric Swallwell can sleep with a Chinese spy and hardly a word is mentioned. John Kerry can tell his buddy in Iran about the Israeli operations against them and that too is brushed aside. Governor Cuomo has seven witnesses that have come forward with credible allegations of harassment, and he remains uninvestigated and unchastised. He should be in jail for his handling of elderly Covid patients being placed in nursing homes and then covered up. All of these things are either ignored or quickly brushed aside by the lying press. And yes, these son of bitches are liars and partisan hacks by and large.

“…the world likes America better without him. (Trump)” ~ Dubya

Well of course it does. The socialist Europeans and authoritarian regimes don’t want a strong America that protects it interests. They just want access to our markets… or America’s death in the case of Iran and possibly North Korea.

Darrell Michaels said...

“Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are very angry with minorities who in their view, seek to ‘further debase our culture’ ”. ~ Dubya

I don’t know about those groups, but I said nothing about minorities debasing our culture. It is leftists in their nihilistic anarchism and socialism that is debasing our culture and country. Just like everything else, it has nothing to do with the amount of melanin in a person’s skin. It is about beliefs and ideals, or lack thereof.
And yes, of course racism exists. It always will sadly. My answer to that and how I try to live my life is to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. Treat EVERYONE with respect and the dignity deserving of a fellow child of God. All of that said, I think critical race theory and anti-racism doctrine only inflames matters. In the immortal words of Rodney King, “Why can’t we all just get along?” Punish those officials who abuse their power and authority to the fullest extent of the law. Screen new recruits to ensure that these tendencies are not present, but for God’s sake, please stop dividing Americans into tribes and ethnic groups. It weakens our nation.

“Darrell loves ‘free stuff’ like fire departments, the military and law enforcement.” ~ Dubya

Yeah Dave. That is the kind of general welfare that the government on various levels is supposed to take care of for America. Not un-ending unemployment payments that are so large that people will not return to the millions of jobs available in their communities. Not funding of Planned Parenthood to commit more atrocities under the euphemism of “women’s health” or “science”. Not free college, cash-for-clunkers, Obama phones, or any other give-aways. We are approaching 30 TRILLION in debt. Soon inflation will be uncontrollable. This house of cards will soon collapse. Yes, Trump was guilty of spending un-constitutionally too in some areas, and I decried that bull crap too.

Darrell Michaels said...

We will see if Americans keep loving Uncle Joe as gas and energy prices continue to soar, along with food, lumber, housing, and everything else. Perhaps he can just send more federal checks to Americans to cover that too.

As for the election, I find it interesting that a racist, former two-time plagiarizing loser candidate stayed in his basement, had pathetically low enthusiasm for his campaign, had dismal turn-out at the few rallies he did have, and refused to talk to the press without scripted questions ahead of time, managed to get more votes that any other candidate in history. He even eclipsed the Obama landslide. Does that pass the smell test to you, Dave? Of course it does, because you FEEL it is right.

Further, I have provided the link to the Heritage Foundation’s database of election and voter fraud spanning decades that counts CONVICTIONS for such instances multiple times. The last election had myriads of irregularities and fraud. The fact that when people wanted to investigate many of these allegations, the left shut them down or obfuscated. If everything was on the up and up, why are they afraid of letting it be verified? And of course, DIM repeats the leftist mantra that the head of the Biden crime family won without any corruption or foreign influence in the election. As we know, that only happens when Republicans win.

As for your “For the Swamp” H.R. 1 bill, here is another perspective and some truth for you, Dave.

As for your justification for the court packing, you are a pathetic symptom of the problem. We want the courts to rule for the left, so we will simply put enough leftists on the court to rubber stamp our agenda… right Dave? And going back to one of your oldies and Merrick Garland, I AGAIN say that McConnell was wrong and there should have been a vote on him for SCOTUS. That doesn’t mean that two wrongs will make it right, does it? I guess being a leftist means never having to say you are wrong though.

Jerry, on second thought, you are right. Dave and I will never agree. He is a leftist socialist who reveres the power of the state. I am a student of history and economics and know how that always turns out profoundly bad for a nation’s citizens.

Dave Dubya said...

This is what Darrell wrote at my blog on Jan 8, 2021:

“Dave, Trump was wrong to give encouragement and a wink and a nod to the protestors and delaying any attempt to rein them back. He was complicit. Sadly this ego maniacal narcissist tarnished the myriad of good things he has done for our country with this latest escapade.”

This is what Darrell wrote on May 15, 2021: “Trump instigates a riot according to the left and the media, but then I repeat myself. (He didn’t.)”

This is what Darrell wrote on May 13, 2021 (With sarcasm.)“Yep, Biden has made America respected again!

This is what Darrell wrote on May 15, 2021: …the world likes America better without him. (Trump) ~ Dubya “Well of course it does. The socialist Europeans and authoritarian regimes don’t want a strong America...”

The voice of radical Right nationalism speaks. Note the typical radical Right tactic of deflection by red herring. “Authoritarian regimes” were not polled. People were.

Obviously Darrell didn’t bother to check the linked evidence I presented.

”The latest surveys asked adults in 14 nations about whether they had a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Some 1,100 adults were surveyed in each country between Jan. 11-20 and April 16-25. And the report found that America’s image across these countries has improved by nine points on average since Biden’s inauguration, with U.S. popularity rebounding the most in Germany, Japan and France.
America’s favorability rating jumped 22 percentage points in Germany alone since Jan. 20, with 46% of Germans now holding favorable views toward the U.S., compared with 37% holding unfavorable views. (The remaining 27% said they “don’t know” or have “no opinion.”)
In Japan, favorable opinions jumped from 36% at the end of Trump’s term to 55% after Biden was inaugurated. And Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom also posted double-digit increases in favorability toward the U.S, while favorability among Mexican adults rose eight percentage points.
The only country among the 14 surveyed to become less positive toward the U.S. was China, where almost three in four adults hold unfavorable views toward America.”

No wonder the nationalist radical Right hates every other country but Russia, as well as everyone who knows Trump is a liar.

What more do I need to say to make my case about radical Right prevarication and rewriting history?

Trump’s cult has captured most of the Republican Party. Those who do not conform the Big Lie are deemed RINO’s and received death threats if they voted to impeach Trump.

Dave Dubya said...

Despite numerous requests for evidence of the election being stolen, Darrell continues to evade responding. Why is that, Darrell?

All of their claims failed to present real evidence of widespread voter fraud, through numerous recounts, poll workers, election officials, Secretaries of State (Including Republicans), and over 60 court cases. ALL were dismissed for lack of evidence. Even Trump’s Justice Dept. and Homeland Security found NO widespread voter fraud.

Everybody is a commie but the Trump Cult. As I said, it must be lonely so far out on the radical Right fringe. But cults do offer them comfort, telling them the entire world is wrong and only they have the truth. They are programmed with a Qanon level amount of crazed conspiracy theories.

In fact, Former General Michael Flynn is a big promoter of the Qanon cult. How much of that does Darrell buy into? A lot more than he may suspect. “Dominion voting machines” is one of the Qanon lies.

As far as court-packing, Darrell is more angry with Democrats wanting balance than he is with the open violation of our Constitution. Some “patriot”.

In fact he goes further unhinged so far as to blame ME, over the gross transgression by Mitch McConnell.

“As for your justification for the court packing, you are a pathetic symptom of the problem.”

Amazing, but not unpredictable from the radical Right perspective. NOTHING is their fault, and if it is, then “two wrongs don’t make a right”.

The lesson. Let the Right do whatever they want. Even launch a coup and defend the man who incited it...AFTER saying Trump gave “encouragement and a wink and a nod to the protestors and delaying any attempt to rein them back. He was complicit.”


And there you have it. A history and economics expert, and Constitution-loving “patriot”, defending our Constitution, our freedom, our democratic republic, equality, and democracy.

And if you disagree, you’re a commie.

That is exactly what white nationalism looks like.

Dave Dubya said...


”Does that pass the smell test to you, Dave? Of course it does, because you FEEL it is right.”

Feelings have nothing to do with it. Facts do. Trump was the least popular modern president and Biden won. Get over it.

I’d happily allow an investigation of Hunter Biden when you allow an investigation of the Kushners’ millions of dollars in secret deals while supposedly working for America.

The swindler wasn’t qualified for a national security clearance, but the cult won’t ever know about that.

“Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are very angry with minorities who in their view, seek to ‘further debase our culture’ ”. ~ Dubya

”I don’t know about those groups...”

If you don’t know anything about the primary foot soldier planners of Trump’s coup, you are not informed enough to be in this conversation.

Did Maxine Waters wave Trump Terrorists into the Capitol? Oops. It’s only OK if you’re Republican. Did she lead reconnaissance tours for insurrectionists the day before the coup? Oops. It’s only OK if you’re Republican.

Every news media covered Cuomo. Both the nursing home deaths and sexual harassment allegations. You’re just too busy ignoring and demonizing the press.

” these son of bitches are liars and partisan hacks by and large.”

Yes, as I explained any news organization that didn’t kiss Trump’s ass are liars and partisan hacks. Only Trump and his propaganda network were truthful. What a cult.

”I think critical race theory and anti-racism doctrine only inflames matters”

That’s what you are told to think. Every time Blacks discuss racism or protest racism, you deny systemic racism or blame them for racism. Only white conservatives are experts on racism. We got it.

”The last election had myriads of irregularities and fraud. The fact that when people wanted to investigate many of these allegations, the left shut them down or obfuscated.”

Wow. Why keep it a secret?

I didn’t know all the courts, including Trump appointed judges, are the “left”. Amazing.

So why don’t YOU show us some of those “myriads of irregularities and fraud”?

Trump’s and his toadies’ lies don’t count as evidence. But that’s really all you have, isn’t it?

Prove me wrong. Show me. I dare you. Summon you patriotic courage and love of truth and SHOW us!

LOL. I know just what to expect.

A cult is not a cult to a cult.

Dave Dubya said...

Your Heritage Foundation article was nothing but unsupported assertions. They didn’t even publish any of the text of the “For the People Act of 2021”. They know their readers will not even look at the bill’s text.

“Ban state voter ID laws” Not quite. The bill says that if a state has a requirement for an individual to present an ID to cast a ballot, the state shall permit the individual to present to election officials a sworn written statement under penalty of perjury attesting to the individual’s identity and that they are eligible to vote. Voter impersonation and ineligible voters would be punished by law. Who will risk that? Not very damn many. Certainly not a case for “widespread fraud”.

The vast majority of voters have identification and carry it with them, but it would be important for those few eligible voters that might have difficulty meeting restrictive identification requirements, or have lost their ID. Voting is a RIGHT. The radical Right wants to make voting more difficult than buying an AR-15.

“Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by requiring states to automatically register all individuals (as opposed to “citizens”) from state and federal databases,” Wrong. It’s really citizens. The Brennen Center explains: “Under AVR, when eligible citizens provide information to government agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles, they are automatically registered to vote (or have their existing registration information updated) unless they affirmatively decline. In other words, AVR shifts voter registration from an “opt-in” to an “opt-out” approach. As of February 2021, nineteen states and the District of Columbia had already enacted AVR.”

“Prohibit state election officials from participating in federal elections”. Deception. It would prohibit state election officials from participating in federal campaigns.

“Transfer the right to draw congressional districts” It would eliminate partisan gerrymandering that denies equality of representation.

“Authorize the Internal Revenue Service to engage in partisan activity.” No. It allows the IRS to determine tax exempt status, BOTH ways.

Doe the US Congress have authority to regulate federal elections? Yes.

Section 4
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.

Dave Dubya said...

Guess who he voted for...

Husband charged with murder of missing wife in Colorado is also charged with voter fraud for filling out her ballot

Chief Squirrel said...

Holy Crap! You are the poster boy of our failed school systems.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me 30,000+ times then I'm a chump supporter - a confederacy of dupes and dunces. Worse still, his loyal, blind cult uses his lies to form unsupportable, insane beliefs. They put on their blinders and blissfully ignore facts. Nothing is more idiotic than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Ignorance isn't ignorance to the ignorant.
Racism isn't racism to the racist.
Treason isn't treason to the traitor.
A cult isn't a cult to the cult. @RantingDubya

Jerry said...

If you are a student of economics and history then you know who is responsible for our 20 trillion dollar debt. A legacy the Republican party has left future Americans.

Just the Facts! said...

What is the democrat solution to the 20 trillion dollar debt?

Dave Dubya said...

Repealing Trump's $1.5 trillion tax cuts for corporations and the economic elites is the obvious first step.

Ending the war on drugs will save billions. Legal cannabis is the obvious first step.

“Part of Trumpism’s appeal is he tells conservatives they’re under attack—persecuted by Leftists and globalists. It’s designed to shield them from accountability by transforming them into blameless victims; aggression recast as self-defense in service of future violence.” - Rep. Steven Woodrow (D) CO

Yes, and part of Hitler’s appeal was he told Germans they’re under attack—persecuted by Leftists and Jews. It’s designed to shield them from accountability by transforming them into blameless victims; aggression recast as self-defense in service of future violence.

Dave Dubya said...

Does anyone seriously think the Founders would be okay with Trump ordering his mob to overturn an election, doing nothing to stop them, AND praising them afterwards?

Does anyone seriously think the Founders would be okay with a minority of senators using the filibuster to block an investigation into a deadly attack on the U.S. government?

Asking for a Republic on the brink of extinction.

Ignorance isn't ignorance to the ignorant.
Racism isn't racism to the racist.
Treason isn't treason to the traitor.
A cult isn't a cult to the cult.

Dave Dubya said...

Holocaust survivor would like to meet with Representative Greene.

Jerry said...

Why should we need a solution to that problem in the first place?
Is it Democrats responsibility to fix Republican's problems?
Ducking responsibility is not a good come back.

Just the Facts! said...

What is the democrat solution to the 20 trillion dollar debt?

Just the Facts! said...

"Why should we need a solution to that problem in the first place?"

What's your answer to your question?

Dave Dubya said...

The Trump Cult still believes their Dear Leader's Big Lie.

Senate Republicans spent two years investigating Benghazi, but voted against investigating an attack on the Capitol. They would rather lie and blame BLM and antifa for the actions of their hate-filled radical cult.

Hillary has more guts and integrity than every insurrection abetting Republican.

No Republican can be trusted as long as the Party believes the President can incite acts of insurrection without penalty. Same goes for the Trumpists here. They will all defend their hero's Big Lie, and offer zero evidence to support it. Such are authoritarian personalities.

Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Taylor Green, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs are traitors who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Each of them gave reconnaissance tours of the Capitol on January 5th.

We've yet to discover the extent of the coordinated planning to "fight like hell" and "take back our country" through "trial by combat" by Trump's inner circle of loyal toadies and henchmen.

Not one of the pro-seditionists has the guts and integrity of even the self-serving, entitled Hillary Clinton. She's a patriot compared to the radical Right traitors.

The Party of Trump wants to "move on" from the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection to deny the November 3, 2020 election. The are enemies of democracy. Period.

They would follow Hitler if he was here today. Trump is proof. They avidly support him after his insurrection, just as authoritarian Germans supported Hitler after his Beer Hall Putsch. Nazis and the rest of the American radical Right share a fanatic hatred for voter rights, progressives, socialists, and leftists. They don't want to debate policy, they want to destroy democracy.

And they wonder why they are seen as authoritarians.

Dave Dubya said...

Not one Republican officeholder who objected to Biden’s victory has objected to his own win, on the same day, on the same ballot, using the same election systems.

How is it only Republicans are "fairly elected"?


Dave Dubya said...

Trump gave this crook A FULL AND UNCONDITIONAL PARDON for the charge of making false statements to Federal investigators.

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn's spoke at a May 30th QAnon conference in Dallas where he proclaimed that he wasn't a conspiracy theorist, while also claiming that Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

"I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can't happen here?" someone asked the audience as they cheered.

"No reason. I mean, it should happen," said Flynn.

At least 840 people have been killed as a result of the coup in Myanmar (formerly Burma) over the past several weeks, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners. They also report over 4400 political prisoners taken into custody by those who've taken over.

What is wrong with you so-called "patriots" of the radical Right?

Some say it is the authoritarian personality hard-wired in your brain's amygdala.

It sure ain't "common sense".

Dave Dubya said...

“We want him to declare an insurrection, and to call us up as the militia,” said Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.

That's not a militia. It's more like Hitler's SS.

Nothing is more dangerous to a democratic republic than a party more loyal to its leader than to our people and Constitution. They are radicalized. Period.

The extreme radicalization of the Republican Party of Trump is American brainwashing on a scale that rivals North Korea. This won't end well.

Dave Dubya said...

Republican Joe Walsh:
“The Tulsa Race Massacre: 300 killed, 800 wounded, over 8,000 left homeless. There were NO arrests. None. NO ONE was arrested. No one.”

Republicans of the Lincoln Project:
"1 year ago, on the 99th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre, Donald Trump broke up a peaceful protest to stage a vile photo op. Today, on the 100th anniversary, President Joe Biden offers leadership and empathy to a community — to a nation — still grieving. A stunning contrast."

Dave Dubya said...

No link to the PEW poll.. Hmm.

A delusion is a belief in something that has no grounding in reality.

Delusional beliefs indicate mental illness or being in a cult.

Most Republicans BELIEVE the election was stolen from Trump. This is not reality.

Most Republicans BELIEVE Trump. He is a pathological liar.

Therefore MOST Republicans are either delusional, dishonest, gullible, or brainwashed by the Qanon cult.

Which of these best describe JTF?

Why won't he link to the PEW poll? Does it exist anywhere in reality, or just in the cult of the radical Right?

Dave Dubya said...

Meanwhile an Ohio racist cancels a veteran...

Veteran’s Microphone Muted As He Talked About Black History Of Memorial Day

The audio on retired Army Lt. Col. Barnard Kemter’s keynote speech for the Hudson American Legion was suddenly cut on Monday as he spoke about freed slaves being among the first to honor fallen troops soon after the surrender of the Confederacy, reported the Akron Beacon Journal.

Cindy Suchan, an organizer of the event, confirmed to the Beacon Journal the audio had been turned down on purpose because Kemter’s comments were “not relevant to our program for the day,” which was “honoring Hudson veterans.”

“I find it interesting that (the American Legion) … would take it upon themselves to censor my speech and deny me my First Amendment right to [freedom of] speech,” Kemter told the Beacon Journal. “… This is not the same country I fought for.”

The Ohio American Legion said it was investigating: “The American Legion of Ohio has become aware of an incident on Memorial Day recently published by the Akron Beacon Journal. We take this matter and its allegations seriously. We will investigate and take disciplinary action if necessary.”

Dave Dubya said...

In case someone hasn't figured it out yet, con-servatism is NOT a virtue.

Indictments, Convictions, and Sentences under Republican and Democratic Administrations:

Republicans (28 years in power)

120 Indictments
89 Convictions
34 Prison Sentences

Democrats (25 years in power)

3 Indictments
1 Conviction
1 Prison Sentence

Hey, Vern.

Would you like to tell us how Republicans are the "law and order" party?

Dave Dubya said...

Responding to the rise McCarthyism in 1950, Senator Margaret Chase Smith, (R-ME) the only woman in the U.S. Senate, said, “I do not want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny—Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear."

Sorry, Margaret. They are now radicalized by all of the above.

Strange that the people who don't want kids to learn about the Tulsa Race Massacre or Critical Race Theory are the same people who believe that removing Confederate monuments is "erasing history." - Nick Pappas

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, it is amazing that you think the occasional real accounts of racism you throw at the wall are things that most conservatives support.

Granted we are not as enlightened and compassionate as you and the left are.

We are greedy because we want to keep our own money instead of demanding money from the rich for our own wants. ("Rich" means anyone with a job.)

Trump was evil, but the senile huckster leader of the Biden Crime family in cahoots with Russia, China, and Ukraine is the second coming of Obama. The sharp rise in illegal immigration, food cost, energy costs, and racial discord is still all Trump's fault, right?

You need to find a hobby besides blame-shifting. Oh, and critical race theory is nothing more than a study in oppressors vs oppressed couched in racial terms. In other words, it is Marxism. It divides our nation even further, not that you given a damn. I would love nothing more than to give the west coast and the northeast to the leftists if they promised to stay in their own country and let the rest of us that just want to live our lives be left alone. The civil war is coming quickly, and it is the damnable left that is the catalyst for it.

Reply or don't, but I won't have time or energy to respond to your predictable allegations, accusations, and bull excrement. Frankly, any discourse with you is never done in good faith by you for a long time now and I simply don't care to waste my time. Still praying for you though. :) Cheers!

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your tolerance. I know you're very annoyed by what I contribute, because you're are unable to engage in good faith discussion of the issues raised. Many facts cannot penetrate your ideological bubble. You can't cite a single falsehood from me, just as you cannot cite evidence the election was "stolen".

You recognize the existence of racism, but must denounce any historical accounting of it. Especially by Black people, who you must see as evil Marxists. (Not that they are advocating a one party Marxist state, or government ownership of all means of production and distribution, aka real Marxism.)

I get it. That has always been a touchy subject for conservative white people.

It would seem everything you dislike, or don't understand, or don't want to understand is dismissed as "Marxist". The red card is your final play. It is profoundly anti-intellectual when assertion becomes reality to the radicalized mind. Debate is avoided because it requires agreement on definitions of terms, logic, reasoning, and evidence. All of which are cancerous to the radical Right.

The radical Right can only debate in memes and slogans.

"Marxism". That about covers your entire case. It is lazy, as well as lame.

Facts are facts. This is your problem. Too many facts are inconvenient to your radicalized beliefs.

You believe Donald Trump. You have bent your beliefs to conform to Donald Trump's election Big Lie and his refusal to accept responsibility for his insurrection.

The second Civil war has already begun, but was started by Trump, not the left. And it is based on lies, just like the lies that Bush/Cheney used for war in Iraq. Hint: Saddam had no nuclear or chemical weapons production. He had no relationship with al-Qaeda. They HATED Saddam. But, you know, facts.

I think that you believe conservatism itself is virtue. It isn't. But that delusion allows conservatives to believe any lie from someone they consider conservative or have politically supported.

But conservatism is NOT virtue. I pray you figure that one out. Sadly, I hold little hope for that much self-examination of your beliefs.

But you go ahead and frame the radical white right as the "real victims" of racism and political marginalization. The opposite is true.

That delusional ideation is your only reality, and it is tearing our country apart.

Trump lost. Sorry your feelings are hurt. Now you know what we felt when that lying crooked traitor won the Electoral votes.

The difference is the left didn't need to resort to open insurrection. The left didn't wage a legislative war on voting.

The radical Right can't admit defeat, like their dear leader, America's Sorest Loser.

Who are the whiny snowflakes now? That evil man has made you like him.

All you have is anger and resentment. And Trump's Big Lie.

And that is truly heartbreaking for our civil society and destructive to our democratic republic.

You are a decent man. But decent men can be mislead with indecent lies.

Dave Dubya said...


What is it? What does it look like?

Does it look like antifa rioters smashing windows?
Yes. Radicalization accomplished.

Does it look like armed angry white men storming the Michigan Capitol building after Trump tweeted, “LIBERATE Michigan”?
Yes. Radicalization accomplished.

Does it look like Trump’s insurrectionists storming the Capitol to overturn the election?
Yes. Radicalization accomplished.

These are all clearly acts of radicalization.

What about radicalization through words? What does that look like?

1984: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
D. Trump: “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.”
Radicalization accomplished.

Jan. 19: Mitch McConnell said, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.”
Feb. 25: Asked if he’d support Trump in 2024: “Absolutely.”
Radicalization accomplished.

Darrell on Jan 8, 2021:
“Dave, Trump was wrong to give encouragement and a wink and a nod to the protestors and delaying any attempt to rein them back. He was complicit. Sadly this ego maniacal narcissist tarnished the myriad of good things he has done for our country with this latest escapade.”

Darrell on May 15, 2021:
“Trump instigates a riot according to the left and the media, but then I repeat myself. (He didn’t.)”
Radicalization accomplished.

Does this make sense? If not, you might be radicalized.

Just the Facts! said...

They told you Trump colluded with Russia (false), Trump ignored Russian bounties on troops (false), Trump cleared Lafayette Park “for a photo op” (false), there’s no way COVID-19 could’ve come from the Wuhan Lab as Trump said (false)… Let me know if you notice a pattern here.

Just the Facts! said...

Biden is to blame: Guatemala's president
says border crisis was sparked by
president's family reunification vow
and reveals he told Kamala to impose
tougher sentences on people smugglers
to stop flood from South America.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump declared the border a national emergency, never reformed immigration policy, never built the wall, and Mexico didn't paid for it.

Trump invited Russia to hack Hillary. (True)
Trump’s campaign gave poll data to a Russian agent. (True)
Trump’s campaign met with Russian agents in Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary. (True)
Trump cleared Lafayette Park for a photo op. (True. See video and photo)
Nobody said “there’s no way the covid 19 came from the Wuhan lab”. (No evidence to support this)
Trump lied about a stolen election and incited his violent insurrectionist mob to overturn the election. (True. See video and photos)

Let me know if you notice a pattern here.

Dave Dubya said...

Vern posted these words at Degan’s blog: “According to the FBI, over 90% of these murders come at the hands of another black. In other words, white supremacy is a fraud and total boogeyman.”

These were written by the radical Right author Parker Beauregard, who decided Black professor Marc Lamont Hill is a racist. Yet another example of the radical Right denying white racism, while projecting in on to Blacks. They see themselves as the “real victims” of racism from those “racist Blacks”.

Tucker Carlson has been pushing the white nationalist “replacement theory”.

He also denies the existence of white nationalism, but he attacked Rep. Ilhan Omar for “hating America,” saying, “We have every right to fight to preserve our nation and our heritage and our culture.”

No wonder Klan Leader David Duke wanted Carlson to be Vice-President.

"President Trump! You have one last chance to turn the tables, win this election and save America—and yourself! Nominate Tucker Carlson for Vice President. This would energize your campaign beyond belief." Duke tweeted.

Just don't call them racists. They resemble that remark.

Only racists deny the existence of white supremacists.

Racism isn't racism to racists.

They show their true nature every day.

Dave Dubya said...

Radicalization accomplished.

(CNN)Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, his wife, Tricia, and their family received threats of violence months after the election that former President Donald Trump falsely claims was riddled with fraud.

This is Trumpism at its core. It is fascism.

Just the Facts! said...

Only a moron would think there were more than 2 genders.

Bill Maher is a diehard liberal, but sometimes even he can’t stomach the antics of progressives.

The HBO “Real Time” host on Friday mocked young liberals for their “progressophobia,” which he says has resulted in “a growing belief in whiteness as a malady and white people as irredeemable.”

“That’s the phrase coined by Steven Pinker to describe a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress,” Maher said on his show. “It’s like situational blindness, only what you can’t see is that your dorm in 2021 is better than the South before the Civil War. … Acknowledging progress isn’t saying ‘we’re done’ or ‘we don’t need more,’ and being gloomier doesn’t make you a better person.”

Maher mocked the endless — and breathless –reports by the establishment media during the presidency of Donald Trump.

“There is a recurrent theme on the far left that things have never been worse,” he continued. “Kevin Hart expressed a view many hold when he told The New York Times, ‘You’re witnessing white power and white privilege at an all-time high.’ This is one of the big problems with wokeness — that what you say doesn’t have to make sense or jibe with the facts or ever be challenged, lest the challenge itself be conflated with racism. But saying White power and privilege is at an all-time high is just ridiculous.”

Only a racist would believe that. LOL!!

Just the Facts! said...

This from the man who claims the number of blacks dying while in police custody is increasing each year, but can not provide sources to support his claim...LOL Tell me who is "radicalized"?

Should I go on?

Dave Dubya said...

I've listened to the BS at "Prager U" propaganda, but does any conservative have the guts to listen to this?

David Cross: Why America Sucks at

Even if they checked it out, could they rationally discuss any of the facts presented?

I'm betting, no. The radical Right hates facts so much they need to invent their own.

Just the Facts! said...

A must watch.

Australian news anchors make fun of Joe Biden and the way American "news" media gushes over him

Just the Facts! said...

Race only matters to racists.
Just remember the words of M.L. King and compare them to the words of Dave Dubya. Who is the racist? According to Dave anyone who disagrees with him is a racist.
Prove me wrong.

Dave Dubya said...

I see nobody had the guts to watch something that doesn't conform to radical Right propaganda.

It is a cultish embrace of ignorance over intellectual curiosity.

Yes, Vern. How about you actually compare my words to MLK.

Quotes, please. Did you know he favored socialism? Another reason racists hated him.

Then tell us why Trump refused to rent to Blacks, called Obama a foreign Marxist, called for the execution of exonerated Blacks, and demanded Black votes be cancelled in Georgia.

"Find me 11,780 votes" to cancel them.

I'll wait.

Dave Dubya said...

Remember when Trump passed a law stating all rioters, looters and anyone damaging federal property will do 10 yrs minimum in prison?

New rule.

We must make an exception for Traitor Trump's insurrectionists, amirite?

This is inequality, injustice, fascism, and open war on democracy. AKA the new "conservatism"

But you guys would vote for Trump again in a heartbeat.

And you think that’s “patriotism”.

And you wonder why this country is rotting from the inside.

Dave Dubya said...

Reality Winner is being transferred to a half-way house for good behavior.

I'd bet not one conservative here knows why she was locked up. What information did she leak to the press?



I'll let you mull it over for while.

Hint: It has something to do with Russians interfering in the 2016 election.

Putin's puppets don't want to know. Ignorance is their strength.

Dave Dubya said...

From Republican Joe Walsh: A Fox News commentator just said, without any sense of irony or awareness, that Biden’s people don’t want a joint press conference with Putin because they worry Putin will dominate Biden in public.

Helsinki Summit 2018. Trump denies American intel agencies that concluded Trump got help from Russia in 2016.

Trump bends his knee to Putin.

How do you like them apples, "puppet patriots"?

Just the Facts! said...

List the people who have disagreed with Dave that he hasn't called a racist. Short list I'm sure

Just the Facts! said...

Though initially a strong supporter of Donald Trump, Joe Walsh became increasingly critical of the president and, on August 25, 2019, he announced his presidential campaign. He dropped out of the race on February 7, 2020, after a poor showing in the Iowa caucus, and subsequently left the party.[2] He later endorsed and voted for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who won the election.


Just the Facts! said...

Kamala Harris attacks Joe Biden's record on race in Democratic debate..

Pray for Joe Biden's health, cause V.P. Harris is waiting in the left wing.

Dave Dubya said...

What, Biden's NOT a socialist? Imagine that.

Vern is a neo-fascist racist. He "LOL's" when discussing murdered Blacks. How is that NOT racist?


Anyone at all?

I disagree with some non-racists too, but I disagree with all racists.

I'm an equal opportunity disagreeable curmudgeon, depending on the facts.

Why was Reality Winner locked up?

What did she leak to news media?


Yeah. I thought so. The radical Right "Putin Patriots" cling to their ignorance.

Dave Dubya said...

Anti-democracy Conservatism 101:

"Where the law of the majority ceases to be acknowledged, there government ends, the law of the strongest takes its place." — Thomas Jefferson 1809

Dave Dubya said...

“If I lose to Joe Biden you’ll never hear from me again.” Trump’s lie from August 12, 2020.

Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed 8 days before the election, after 65 million Americans voted. 293 days before the 2016 election, Garland couldn't even get a hearing. And now McConnell's saying he'll block Biden from filling a vacancy in 2024. Tells you all you need to know.

The Right is wrong for America, justice, equality, decency and democracy.

Dave Dubya said...

You guys are good Christians who support US aid to Israel, correct?

Did you know free abortions are covered by their government?

Just so you know...

Jerry said...

The recent reports that the super rich paid not taxes is the response that the rich already pay to much tax and should not be taxed anymore. It also shows that numbers quoted by conservatives that the rich are highly taxed, is BS. Conservatives will sue to find out who leaked this information while denying the true facts of the situation. Deflection ?

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, according to the non-partisan, the top 1% of income earners in America earn just under 21% of the wealth but pay 40% of the country's income taxes.

Now are there those like Buffet and Bezos that effectively pay little or no taxes? Yep. And those loop holes should absolutely be closed.
But the fact of the matter is that the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes while the bottom 50% of wage earners pay 2.9% of the country's taxes. I think the rich, in general are paying their fair share, sir.

Dave, anti-racism is simply reverse racism. How about we simply treat others as we wish to be treated? You provide articles of why America sucks without realizing that the hate and polarization, particularly from the left is what is dividing this country and degrading this once great nation. Yes, we need to be aware of our history, warts and all, and work to improve our wrongs as we always have.

Unfortunately, it feels that the chasm is now so wide, it cannot be crossed. If there was another country with limited government and constitutionally protected freedoms for me to escape, I would seriously consider doing so. Sadly the left wishes to live in this new utopia they are creating that strangely enough looks like a third world banana-republic country... much like the city of Portland, Oregon. It is alarming and very sad.

Dave Dubya said...

History shows conservatism reveres wealth and the wealthy. It always has. Democracy and equality have always been a threat to conservatism.

Conservatism is essentially coddling the rich and privileged while marginalizing and punishing the poor and downtrodden. This explains their historical support for monarchy, inequality, and slavery and ongoing hostility towards expanded voter rights. Only white property owners could vote in the US originally. Women and Blacks had to wait their turn for progress, and was always opposed by conservatives.

This goes hand-in-hand with their increasingly authoritarian nature. Conservatism, Trumpism and Qanon have merged into a toxic fascistic cult of lies, xenophobia, bigotry, resentment, anger and hate.

See evidence above.

Dave Dubya said...

Would you return the courtesy I showed you when I watched your Prager U videos by checking what I linked?

"Dave, anti-racism is simply reverse racism"

That is simply dismissive and wrong. White conservatives must not be allowed to unilaterally define racism. It is wrong and has always been wrong. You can't see that, of course.

It amazes me to see your embrace of Trump's Big Lie and exoneration of his culpability in his insurrection.

THAT is the chasm, and you are so misinformed by lies to be so blind as to not see it.

You speak of constitutionally protected freedoms, yet Republicans are making it harder to vote and legalizing running down protesters exercising their First Amendment right to speech and assembly.

Freedom is more than the right to own weapons of mass slaughter. Those weapons have been used to deny the right to life for too many Americans.

1/6 is on Trump, you and your cult, brother. Stop projecting that radicalized extremism to people who want earlier tax rates, democracy and equality.

Dave Dubya said...

And don't conflate antifa violence with progressive policy.

Stop. Just stop. Progressives condemn that violence as much as you do, but the radical Right won't let you know that.

The 1/6 insurrection to overturn our democracy was 100% Trumpism. Deny it all you want, but that is the truth.

Darrell Michaels said...

Well, THIS conservative doesn't hate the rich nor the poor. He thinks that a society where everyone has an equal chance at opportunity rather than equality of outcome is the preferred goal. I certainly don't revere the wealthy.

Democracy should be defended. The left wants to ensure that means even illegal aliens should vote, as well as felons, and other ineligible voters. Any laws to prevent such fraud is a "threat to democracy" to them.

"Conservatism is essentially coddling the rich and privileged while marginalizing and punishing the poor and downtrodden." ~ Dave

Well, you almost got that right. Change out "conservatism" with "Marxism" and you nailed it! For example, take the racist anti-racist Cullors of BLM fame as an example. She bilked millions from some well-meaning people and used the money to get richer and buy multi-million dollar homes for herself, while the money raised for black families was never disbursed. Yep, the rich politburo gets richer, while all of us "comrades" have an equal sharing of misery. This is the utopia the left is trying to build.

This is the hateful and lie-strewn legacy that leftists are creating. Assertions and Dave's opinions are not "evidence" to the contrary.

Dave Dubya said...

”I certainly don't revere the wealthy.”

No but you support and defend their interests. You support the politicians who serve the interests of the rich over the public good and fair democratic representation of the majority. That is conservatism. You are part of it. Conservatives always refuse to eliminate those “loopholes” you mention. You’re good with that.

I’m still daring you to take a few minutes for the linked video, as I did yours.

You refuse to return the favor and open your mind to facts. That’s what you’ll find there, but your cult-like loyalty forbids considering what others say, or the information they offer. Like a cult, you are compelled to reject all sources of information not promoted by your leaders.

In fact you go further, and parrot their hate rhetoric about the press and progressives. All you see is antifa. It’s not like all I see are Nazis. But Trump’s Putsch blurs the line.

I respected you for agreeing Trump was not morally fit to be president. I respected your brief notion that, “Trump was wrong to give encouragement and a wink and a nod to the protestors and delaying any attempt to rein them back. He was complicit.”

All that is gone. You’re all in for the Big Lie and support the “Stop the Steal” projection of Trump’s extremely radical Right.

I will respect you again if you reconsider your lockstep loyalty to Trump

Have you forgotten how much a hateful angry liar Trump is? Or have you always thought he’s an honest and decent man? You claim not to like him, yet you have deep trust in him. That seems quite irrational.

You accuse me of “assertions and opinions”, and I agree. The same is true for you. The difference is I support my assertions and opinions with facts and evidence. When you assert a falsehood, I show facts to shine the light on it. You don’t do that in return.

Your beliefs are sacred and above examination. I think you regard conservatism as virtue and progress as evil. Evidence to the contrary must be ignored or dismissed as lies. This is the barrier to good faith discussion and civility.

This is “Chasm” that is tearing our country apart.

You see from your side only. I accept the nature of your beliefs, but not the content.

IF anything I’m saying here misrepresents the facts or is dishonest, I invite you to show me evidence that indicates so. I have always been open minded enough to look at any evidence, or even Prager video, you offer.

Sadly, all my offers for good faith, evidence supported, reasonable discussion have been futile. And sadly, I expect that will continue.

It is in your nature to react emotionally to different views. The Right is trained to resent, and even hate, those who have different views or speak truths they reject. We are called “Evil America-hating socialists, racists, commies, etc.” for disagreeing with you.

You are part of a radical Right minority, but your authoritarian leaders hold more power proportionately in our government.

That’s not what America is meant to be. It is not how a democratic republic thrives.

Instead of compromise, the radical Right chooses to demonize.

Instead of good faith communication, the radical Right chooses to dismiss and ignore.

Tragically that will never change.

“Only white leftists and disaffected black people can unilaterally redefine racism”

No evidence to support this wild claim. Same old, same old. Yet the radical Right demonizes them for addressing racism.

Spare me your judgment of CRT until you quote me specific evidence to back your words. I’ll be polite and just say you mischaracterize it.

We all know the propaganda you’ve swallowed. No need to regurgitate it.

Dave Dubya said...

What do I mean by "Demonize"?

Rep. Greene apologizes for comparing face masks to Holocaust, but stands by comparison of Democrats to Nazi party

Dave Dubya said...

What does radical Right demonization look like?

From link above:

Greene repeatedly used Holocaust comparisons to criticize face-mask mandates that have been enacted amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“We can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second-class citizens — so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany, and this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about,” Greene said in an interview with the online right-wing news outlet Real America’s Voice.

Days later, she compared a supermarket’s face-mask policy to the Nazi practice of labeling Jews with Star of David badges.

“Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star,” Greene tweeted late last month, linking to a news story on a Tennessee supermarket chain’s decision to include a special logo on the name badges of vaccinated employees. (The Nazi badges were yellow.)

Greene’s remarks last month prompted a swift denunciation by the top congressional leaders in both parties and the American Jewish Congress, among others.

At an “America First” rally around the same time, Greene also compared the Democratic Party to the Nazi party, which went by the full name Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Despite the name, the Nazi party was not a socialist party; it was a right-wing, ultranationalist party. Even so, Greene told attendees at the rally in May: “You know, Nazis were the National Socialist Party. Just like the Democrats are now a national socialist party.”

Asked Monday about that statement, Greene declined to disavow it and instead renewed her criticism of Democrats.

“You know, socialism is extremely dangerous, and so is communism,” she told reporters. “And anytime a government moves into policies where there’s more control and there’s freedoms taken away, yes, that’s a danger for everyone. And I think that’s something that we should all be wary of. ... I’ll never stop saying we have to save America and stop socialism.”

This is called relevant evidence, and it supports what I wrote above:

The Right is trained to resent, and even hate, those who have different views or speak truths they reject. We are called “Evil America-hating socialists, racists, commies, etc.” for disagreeing with you.

And Nazis...

Feel free to disagree with my point, but try using evidence this time.

And good luck. Deflection expected.

Dave Dubya said...

Mark Meadows actually sent the DOJ a YouTube video explaining how Italian satellites were used to change vote totals.

This is your con-servatism in all its deceptive malevolence. Nothing is too absurd for the radical Right. Nothing. Not even a coup.

Dave Dubya said...

21 House Republicans just voted against awarding Congressional Gold Medals to Capitol Police officers for the bravery they displayed on January 6, 2021.

“Blue lives matter”, right? But not when they take a stand for democracy.

It’s no secret why they voted that way. Why would the traitors award those cops who stood between them and their coup? Several gave recon tours to insurrectionists on Jan. 5.

1/6. We will remember.

Just the Facts! said...

Over 40 shootings and 4 murdered in Chicago over past weekend.

White Supremacists blamed.

Cause Chicago is where pro Trump White Supremacist terrorist hang out.

Prove me wrong.

Just the Facts! said...

There was a "peaceful" protest on 1/6/21 marred by the murder of one of the peaceful protestors, by a capital policeman. Prove me wrong

Dave Dubya said...


Dave Dubya said...

Tucker Carlson said Putin was raising “fair questions” about 1/6.

JTF is following his leaders.

Just the Facts! said...

YUP ever week end in Chicago we see examples of violent white supremacists.

Prove me wrong.

Jerry said...

Attacking personalities, or individuals has nothing to do with national legislation which effect all classes of financial, or racial identity.
Some people have less abilities than others, but that doesn't mean their low level job should not pay enough to live and pay bills in the 21st century. Some people with less abilities should not get a high paying, high level job just because their daddy was president.

Darrell Michaels said...

"Some people with less abilities should not get a high paying, high level job just because their daddy was president." ~ Jerry

Do you mean like the bag man for the Biden Crime family? Hunter has no discernible talents and according to Joe, Ukraine is far too corrupt to let into NATO, but they are good enough to give his useless son a job. And then daddy comes in and threatens to withhold U.S. aid if they don't fire the prosecutor looking into Burisma.

Hunter should be in jail and Joe with his cognitive decline should NEVER have been elected president. But at least he isn't sending out mean tweets to make his handlers mad at him.

Just the Facts! said...

Remember when racist Joe Biden bragged that the 1994 Crime Bill he voted for “Did everything but hang blacks for jaywalking.”?

Just the Facts! said...

Some people with less abilities should not get a high paying, high level job just because their daddy was vice president for 8 years.

Dave Dubya said...


Once again our futility in engaging in good faith discussion is proven. Your point was ignored and met with deflection.

It's the radical Right way of discourse.

"Look! Hunter got money by being a Biden! He should be in jail!"

But never, ever, "Look, Trump's kids got over $300 million while working for the administration".

And never ever, "What happened to that charity money and inauguration money?"

Nope. We won't see that from them.

Dave Dubya said...

It’s 97 degrees in Texas today. You can’t turn on AC but you can carry any gun without a permit.

Republican paradise. Or Republican hell for heat and gun victims.

Dave Dubya said...

Once again the Supreme Court realizes Obamacare is a Constitutional provision of the general welfare.

Trump’s pandemic legacy now includes trying and failing to take away people's health care coverage during the pandemic.

Authoritarian rule is cruelty. Always has been.


Dave Dubya said...

Today's GOP:

- Won't shake Capitol Police hands
- Won't vote to award them medals
- Won't investigate January 6th
- Actively rootin' for Putin
- Agrees with Osama bin Laden's niece

They're patriots, alright. Putin's Patriots.

The enemies of democracy must be defeated soundly, or they WILL lead us into authoritarianism...again.

Dave Dubya said...

You should know that Fox News does NOT run clips of the 1/6. It runs clips of BLM protests on constant replay.

The authoritarians cannot even question that policy. They embrace it.

BLM is not news. Trump's ongoing civil war is.

Dave Dubya said...

It was an armed insurrection.

U.S. charges Jan. 6 defendant with bringing firearms to Capitol

U.S. prosecutors for the first time have charged a defendant in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach with violating a federal law that makes it a crime to transport a firearm or explosive for unlawful use in a riot.

The rare weapons charge was handed up Wednesday in a five-count superseding indictment against Guy Wesley Reffitt, 48, who prosecutors say brought a rifle and semiautomatic handgun to Washington and recruited members to a right-wing Texas Three Percenters group claiming he had created a new security business to circumvent gun laws.

“We can get ammo and weapons available to law enforcement. . . . The fight has only just begun,” Reffitt allegedly wrote, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey S. Nestler said earlier this year.

Reffitt, of Wylie, Tex., previously pleaded not guilty to three charges of obstructing Congress’s joint session to confirm the 2020 presidential election results, trespassing on restricted Capitol grounds and witness tampering. Prosecutors in court filings said he brought an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson on his trip, and was recorded telling his family he carried them to the Capitol.

“I did bring a weapon on property that we own. Federal grounds or not. The law is written, but it doesn’t mean it’s right law. The people that were around me were all carrying, too,” prosecutors quoted Reffitt saying in a court filing.

Jerry said...

You are right Dave. He went right to individual attacks and ignored my point. But I try.

Dave Dubya said...

Russian President Putin polls higher than President Biden among Trump voters, per new polling from Economist/YouGov.

Biden: 9% Favorable, 89% Unfavorable

Putin 19% Favorable, 69% Unfavorable

Putin's "Patriotic" Puppets. Amirite, Vern?

Dave Dubya said...

Speaking of anti-American Puppets of Putin:

Russia's state TV plays another clip of Tucker Carlson, quoting Putin's questions about the Capitol insurrectionists. Kremlin propagandists conclude: "We hit the mark. Putin was heard. Bullseye." They add that this proves they should continue influencing public opinion in the US.

Mission accomplished, Komrads Vernovich and Darrell.

Oh, and Putin doesn't like Critical Race Theory either, because it's NOT Marxism.

Dave Dubya said...

Now for a look at the Common Sense reasoning of My Pillow Guy, Mike "Martial Law" Lindell. A visit to his Wisconsin rally.

In the good old days, "At least we knew which drinking fountain to use."

"That's right", attendees agree.

Just the Facts! said...

I remember when MSNBC had a reporter live saying the BLM protest was "mostly peaceful" as behind him a building was being set on fire by the protesters. Can't beat eye witness news.

Dave Dubya said...


It is a FACT that most protests across the country were peaceful. Why aren't they credited with being peaceful?

Because racists and radical Right Trumpists don't want to accept that fact. Just like the fact the election was won by Biden. The less authoritarian and less cult-like Republicans accept that fact.

The radical Right does not.

Here it is again for the willfully ignorant:

It is a FACT that most protests across the country were peaceful.


About 93% of racial justice protests in the US have been peaceful, a new report finds

(CNN)About 93% of racial justice protests in the US since the death of George Floyd have been peaceful and nondestructive, according to a new report.

The findings, released Thursday, contradict assumptions and claims by some that protests associated with the Black Lives Matter movement are spawning violence and destruction of property.

The report was produced by the US Crisis Project, a joint effort by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) and the Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI) at Princeton University, which collects and analyzes real-time data on demonstrations and political violence in the US.

So thousands of protesters who were peaceful all day and most of the evening were canceled by one arsonist late at night?

Did that one act make the entire protest "mostly violent"? Or "mostly criminal"? Or "mostly arson"?

Clarify, please.

What was it mostly?

Go ahead, be honest with us...if you could possibly ever do that.

Mostly what?

Or are you happy being mostly hateful, mostly racist and mostly dishonest?

I think this dishonesty is simply bias confirmation for racists and radical Right Trumpists.

MOST of them are gullible enough to believe Trump's Big Lie.

And THAT is another FACT.

Dave Dubya said...

Rep. Ronny Jackson: "We have redistricting coming up and the Republicans control most of that process in most of the states around the country. That alone should get us the majority back."

This is from the guy who said Trump, "might live to be 200". He was also known to drink on the job.

The radical Right are enemies of democracy, and they prove it every day in every way.

What else can we expect from an authoritarian party of Trump and Qanon?

Just the Facts! said...

White people freed the slaves so we shouldn’t be excluding them from celebrating the end of slavery. It shouldn’t be a holiday for only black people when white people died fighting for slaves to be free.
Who’s with me?

Just the Facts! said...


Dave Dubya said...

It shouldn’t be a holiday for only black people when white people died fighting for slaves to be free. Who's with me?"

So Vern wants to celebrate white people again?

Southern white people died to keep them slaves.

Racists think Juneteenth is a holiday for Blacks only.


It's a celebration of the triumph of our better angels, that Lincoln hoped would prevail. It is a celebration of America striving for equality, forming a more perfect Union.

Independence Day meant nothing to slaves. Juneteenth is their Independence Day.

As predicted, white racists only resent it.

Who's with me in joining our African American brothers and sisters in celebrating the end of slavery?

...Anyone? I guess I came to the wrong place...

Meanwhile, last year radical Right Trumpist Charlie Kirk lectured those whiney liberals:

“Hey liberals, do you notice that when conservatives lose races we don’t riot, scream, smash windows, burn cars, assault people, or need days off of work?

It’s amazing how mature and civil conservatives are.

Please remember this and take notes when we get Trump re-elected in 2020.”

Oops. That didn’t age well.

Trump lost the election, lied that it was stolen, told a mob to “March to the Capitol, fight like hell and stop the steal”.

Trump proceeded to watch his coup unfold on TV, doing nothing to stop his mob from terrorizing and threatening our Congress.

The attempt to overturn the election and steal the presidency for Trump failed. Trump’s coup ended America’s long history of peaceful transfer of power.

I’ve been saying for years that the radical Right are enemies of democracy and the republic.

I was right.

Dave Dubya said...

Mostly what, Vern?

You never responded.

The protest was peaceful until...

Minneapolis protests: 'Umbrella Man' who broke windows is white supremacist, police say

Man sought to incite racial tension and sparked chaos at peaceful demonstrations, police say

Police say a man captured on surveillance video breaking windows at a south Minneapolis auto parts store in the days after George Floyd’s death is suspected of ties with a white supremacist group and sought to incite racial tension.

The man’s actions soon led to an arson fire, the first of several that transformed peaceful protests into chaos, police say. He has been dubbed “Umbrella Man” for dressing in an all-black outfit that included hood, gas mask and black umbrella.

“This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city,” Erika Christensen, a Minneapolis police arson investigator, wrote in a search warrant affidavit this week, the Star Tribune reported.

Dave Dubya said...

Happy Father's Day.

And may the day bring peace and respite from all the rage and fury you share with Trump's frenzied mob of foot-soldiers for his 1/6 coup.

Constant anger and rage over false victimhood is destructive to mental health and well-being.

In the spirit of all that is good and wise and true, I implore you.

The truth will set you free. Just don't look for it in Trump. That's all.

Just the Facts! said...

Do you recognize any of these names? Dilsey Pope, Jacob Gasken,Nat Butler, Justin Angel & Mistress L. Horry, C. Richards &P.C. Richards, The Pendarvis Family, Marie Therese Metoyer, Antoine Dubuclet, William (April) Ellison or Anthony Johnson. I had never heard of them until today. They were the top 10 Black Slave owners. They owned black slaves. Several held white slaves.

This happened so many years ago that it really doesn't reflect on today's America. I cannot be anymore responsible for slavery than I can for the Holocaust or the death of Jesus.
Although slavery as we know it, is long gone from America, we still have a form of slavery. Today we refer to it as human trafficking and in some cases prostitution. Women are held, under the control of drugs and forced by pimps to hit the streets performing illicit and illegal sex acts and then returning to their pimp where they surrender their money for food, a place to sleep and drugs.
When is our government going to put an end to these crimes like we did when we abolished slavery? and why did we never learn about Black slave owners when we studied American History in School? Either way, these practices are wrong no matter what they are called.

Just the Facts! said...

A man was killed, and a woman was critically injured in a shooting Saturday night in Humboldt Park.

This is a racist attack. This is what MSM will never talk about because it doesn’t fit their narrative.

Puerto Rican’s (see flag) pulled out of their vehicle and shot by Black attackers.

Latino -vs- Black is a common cultural conflict.

Humboldt Park #Chicago last night. A Latino couple displaying a Puerto Rican flag on their car was pulled out of their car and shot.
At least 21 people were shot in #Chicago overnight so far and the weekend is not over. @chicagosmayor @LoriLightfoot shame on you!

— Lourdes Ubieta (@lourdesubieta) June 20, 2021

Dave Dubya said...

In parts of Kentucky people have to use bottled water for everything including washing their faces so they don’t get sick.

Coal ash ponds leak into local water sources and nobody seems to care.

So who cares what McConnell says about infrastructure?

Dave Dubya said...

Speaking of real stand-up guys...Judge Says Trump Needs To Pay His $570,000 Debt To El Paso Before He Tours Border

Who will pay his debts?

The same dupes who believe his lies about a stolen election. Sadly his insurrectionist mob have too many lawyer bills to tithe to their Lord at this time.

Dave Dubya said...

The "Stable Genius" did it again. He was already the Worst. President. Ever.

Then he incited a coup.

Trump’s Tariffs Were Much More Damaging Than Thought

Donald Trump’s tariffs and the trade war his administration launched against China turned out to be far more damaging than many believed. That is the conclusion of research finding companies, consumers and the U.S. economy paid a heavy price for the Trump administration’s protectionist trade policies.

In new research, Mary Amiti, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Sang Hoon Kong and David Weinstein, both economists at Columbia University, used movements in stock prices to measure the response to policy announcements on tariffs and the escalation of the U.S.-China trade war initiated by the Trump administration. “Stock prices are well suited for this purpose because firm market value equals the expected present value of future firm profits,” according to Amiti, Kong and Weinstein. “Therefore, movements in stock prices tell us about changes in the expected future value of firm-specific capital (both tangible and intangible).”
“The results suggest that markets interpreted the impact of the tariffs as much more negative than what economists initially estimated,” said David Weinstein in an interview.

... Because the courts and Congress have ceded authority over trade to presidents, Donald Trump had a free hand to conduct trade policy during his presidency. With that free hand, the evidence shows he inflicted significant damage.
Most of Donald Trump’s political appeal rested on being a businessman (as portrayed on The Apprentice) and his perceived stewardship of the U.S. economy. The latest research illustrates the negative impact of his trade policy, leading one to conclude that to the extent a president manages the economy, Donald Trump managed it poorly.

Dave Dubya said...

It was never about the flag. It was never about our country. It was never about Blue Lives. It was never about our military. It was, and always has been, about THEM.

The radical Right will stop at nothing short of an anti-democratic autocracy of minority rule.

Dave Dubya said...

The Republican-chaired Michigan Senate Oversight Committee just released a 35-page report rejecting baseless claims made by President Trump and his allies that the 2020 election in the state was fraudulent.

They will be called "Dem appeasers", "traitors", and "RINOs", just like all other Republicans who dare speak the truth to the rabid radical Right Trump Cult.

Dave Dubya said...

When asked about Critical Race Theory, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley gave an answer Americans need to hear.

Dave Dubya said...

The radical Right is waging an open inquisition against educators. They will conform to spreading radical Right ideology or face budget cuts.

State university faculty, students to be surveyed on beliefs

Gov. Ron DeSantis suggested that budget cuts could be looming if universities and colleges are found to be “indoctrinating” students.

What's next? Compulsory loyalty oaths to Fuhrer Trump? Inquisitions?

Just don't call them authoritarians.

Dave Dubya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Dubya said...

Roy Cohn, Michael Cohen, and now Rudy Giuliani. It's probably safe to say that if you've gotten multiple attorneys disbarred, jailed, and/or suspended due to what they did to help you, you're probably a criminal.

Any response from the cult?

Dave Dubya said...

*I am a member of congress, who sits on a committee that oversees the FBI. I am currently under investigation by that very agency, and am also calling for the immediate defunding of the agency.*

Who am I?

Hint: His initials are M.G.

Anonymous said...

Tracy Stone-Manning, President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), argued that Americans need to have fewer children and called American kids “environmental hazards” in her graduate thesis at the University of Montana.

P.S. Trump is not President

Anonymous said...

Biden Bizarrely Says ‘I Haven’t Been To China’…

Except he has.

Dave Dubya said...

Tucker Carlson called General Milley a stupid pig, (For saying racism in the military needs to be addressed.) but do go on about how kneeling is disrespectful to the troops.

Anyone care to represent the radical Right explanation of this?



"It doesn’t matter what Joe Biden says: The Democratic Party has become the socialist party.” – Nikki Haley

Hitler's playbook, all the way. Socialism provides healthcare and education. National Socialism, white nationalism, and the Radical Right give us hate and lies.

This is the radical Right. Lies and hate. Plus more lies and hate. And their cult buys into it all.

Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender revealed the inner NAZI thug in Trump.

The President would highlight videos that showed law enforcement getting physical with protesters and tell his administration he wanted to see more of that behavior, the excerpts show.

"That's how you're supposed to handle these people," Trump told his top law enforcement and military officials, according to Bender. "Crack their skulls!"

Trump also told his team that he wanted the military to go in and "beat the f--k out" of the civil rights protesters, Bender writes.

"Just shoot them," Trump said on multiple occasions inside the Oval Office, according to the excerpts.

And you radical Right Trump fans still support his Big Lie.

Good God, this country is finished. This is Germany in the 1930s, and Trump is the American Hitler.

What does that make YOU?

Dave Dubya said...

Republicans are fighting to protect:

Billionaires buying elections.
Blocking targeted groups from voting.

Sounds about white.

Dave Dubya said...

Mike Lindell states that the Supreme Court will rule 9-0 in his favor. He also states that Donald Trump will be the president and that he is the president right now.

That's your boy, but "liberalism is a mental disorder", amirite?

Dave Dubya said...

Former VP Pence — without naming Trump — blasts the notion he could have rejected the electoral count on Jan. 6: “No idea more un-American that the notion that any one person could choose the American president. The presidency belongs to the American people — I will always be proud that we did our part on that tragic day to reconvene the Congress and fulfill our duty under the Constitution.”

Does this mean he's a socialist now?

Dave Dubya said...

If you are opposed to teaching the history of racism in the United States, you are opposed to teaching history.

Dave Dubya said...

Proposed law making cell phone video of cops a crime moves forward by Ohio legislators.

Republican enemies of our Constitution want a police state.

Just don't call them authoritarians. They resemble that remark.

Dave Dubya said...

Some sane Republicans get it. Not that the truth matters to an authoritarian cult of Trumpists...

“Trump's big lie about 2020 results suffers legal and political blows in key swing states”

In Michigan, the Republican-led state Senate Oversight Committee said in a report released Wednesday that there was "no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud" in the state's 2020 election. The report included a stinging condemnation of the lies about voter fraud pushed by Trump and his supporters.

"Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan," the committee, chaired by Republican state Sen. Ed McBroom, said in its report. "The Committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain."

Then, in Georgia on Thursday, a judge dismissed most of a lawsuit that claimed fraudulent mail-in ballots had been cast in Fulton County, the state's largest county, in last year's election -- a blow to the pro-Trump plaintiffs' bid to conduct an in-person examination of nearly 150,000 mail-in ballots with high-powered microscopes.

The judge dismissed seven of the lawsuit's nine claims against Fulton County officials, only allowing the plaintiffs' request for digital images of the ballots under the state's open records law to move forward. Biden won the state by 12,000 votes, and Georgia officials have already audited the 2020 results three times, including a hand recount.

"Last year, I told President Trump and others who push the Big Lie to 'put up or shut up.' It's been six months and no proof of wrongdoing has been produced. Enough is enough -- this whole circus must end," Robb Pitts, the chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, said in a statement.

Dave Dubya said...

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire understood how political and religious extremism works in radical Right haters like Taylor-Greene and the Trump cult.

Just the Facts! said...

542 Percent Increase in Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Border

Guess they didn't get the word from VP Harris to stop.

Oh well.

Just the Facts! said...

What do Christians believe?

Christians believe what is taught in the Bible. Within its pages, there are basic doctrines that all Christians must believe and then there are teachings on which Christians can have different opinions. I’ll explain what the basics of the Christian faith are using scripture. Before you continue, let me say that the basic Christian beliefs are stated within the Bible as being essential. In other words, there are warnings for denying them. But, in the nonessentials of the Christian faith, there are no warnings. There is the freedom to believe differently.
The basic Christian beliefs

Monotheism – There is only one God in all existence
The Trinity – one God in three persons
Sin - ALL have sinned and must one day answer to God for their sin
Jesus – God in flesh
Jesus – died on the cross for our sins
Jesus – rose from the dead physically
Salvation – by faith alone, in Christ alone
Christians should repent of their sins and be baptized

Believing these is what makes a person a Christian, not your works, but your faith, your belief, your trust that Jesus's death on the cross paid for your sins. Your sins and mine Dave.

Dave Dubya said...

Repent is a key word, especially regarding hate, lies, and scorn for neighbors, people of other faiths, or political beliefs.

Many Christian congregations are indoctrinated with pro-Trump propaganda.

Jesus preached love, not hate, "inasmuch unto the least" of us.

Mere beliefs are hollow without the dedication to follow His two commandments to love God and to love our neighbor.

Beliefs need a purpose and a guiding light.

What are Christians without love? They may be the kind to tell us what a Christian is without even using the word love.

They have a heart-shaped hole in their soul. They don't hear the Word meant to heal their souls. They miss the point of the Savior's message. They're only in it for the promise of salvation. Self matters more than others.

You've seen the type.

Just the Facts! said...


How many churches have you attended that are "indoctrinated with pro-Trump propaganda"? And what is pro-Trump propaganda? Is everything politics with you?

Why do you continue to add to the very simple message of Christianity? Is it because that message requires no works of man? And you believe it's the works of a man that gets him to heaven?

"They miss the point of the Savior's message" What is that message? Be good enough and you can go to heaven? If so, why did Jesus die on the cross?

The Savior said "that all have sinned and no one gets to the Father except through him". Is that the massage you are rejecting? Sounds like it.

I'll continue to pray that the Holy Spirit (the 3rd Person of God) touches you and opens your mind and heart to the works Jesus did for you. That your salvation has nothing to do with your works, but your faith that Jesus paid for your failures to repent.

Dave Dubya said...

I don't have to attend a church to know if it has pro-Trump indoctrination. Many are mega churches, and greedy servants of mammon, aka, TV preachers. The evidence of this is abundant.

Start with all the sycophantic preachers who flocked to Trump for photo ops. Only a liar would deny the fact that many churches preach partisan politics. Abortion is just one of the political wedges they use.

If you choose hate over love, you have rejected your Savior's teachings and examples. Nobody hates their fellow Americans like the racists of the radical Right Trump cult. Trump's party seeks to coddle the rich servants of mammon with tax cuts, deregulation, and sweetheart legislation deals, as they punish the poor through cuts in healthcare, food stamps, and voting rights.

Matthew 22:37-40 ...'Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.'

Why do you reject His second commandment? Doing so indicates you're not following His first. Your hatred and cruelty for Democrats, progressives, socialists, immigrants and the poor tell Jesus how you would treat the least of our brethren.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40, 45, NIV).

You see? It's NOT just about "belief". "Thou shalt love", is the message. It is commanded. This is what separates real Christians from lip service, insincere, fake Christians.

Examine why my words fill you with anger, fear, and judgement.

This bleeding heart lib challenges you to open your heart to the Savior's commandments. BOTH of them. Repent. Love trumps hate. Begin by humbly asking for forgiveness. Practice kindness towards others, even those you disagree with, for they may well have the light of God within them. They may be trying their best to follow the commandments to love God and our fellow man.

Deep down you know I'm speaking the truth with honest intent. Don't let your anger and hate cloud your mind and rend your soul.

Dave Dubya said...

The enemy is within:

'We're gonna be in a civil war': Trump supporter warns of more violence if the ex-president isn't reinstated

CNN reporter Donie O'Sullivan traveled to former President Donald Trump's weekend rally in Ohio and spoke to some of his supporters who warned of more violence like that witnessed at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

In a CNN clip posted to his Twitter page, O'Sullivan interviewed one Trump supporter who was convinced the former president would be reinstated by August. He espoused a fictional conspiracy theory holding that the "military" already knows Trump won the 2020 election by "over 80 percent."

"He's coming back," the supporter said.
"And what if that doesn't happen?" asked O'Sullivan, pointing out that the Constitution doesn't have a mechanism to "reinstate" a defeated president.

"We're gonna be in a civil war," the supporter said. "Because the militia will be taking over."

Another man, a self-proclaimed member of the militant right-wing group the Three Percenters, wasn't quite as definitive, but also offered warnings of violence. He said he went to the protests at the Capitol on Jan. 6, but claimed not to have joined the rioters and insurrectionists who violently stormed the building itself. He disavowed such violence but said it could happen again.

"I honestly believe it's coming," he said.


You're either with the American democratic republic or against it.

Trump or America. Traitors choose Trump.

Treason isn't treason to traitors.

Dave Dubya said...

Pillow Guy Mike “Martial Law” Lindell has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to "immediately" vote to reinstate former President Donald Trump in the interest of eliminating "communists" from America. "They don't even have to deliberate and say, 'what do you think of the evidence?'" Lindell said.

"They all nine go, 'yes, this is all they...he kept from the election. Donald Trump won. We got to vote 9-0 immediately to pull this down and get rid of whatever...the communists who are here.”

The radical Right is an anti-democratic, anti-Constitution, fascist cult of ignorance and hate.

This is modern American Con-servatism.

Why should we expect these extremist bigots to honestly discuss, or even understand, Critical Race Theory, or any other issue? We cannot. They are a cult.

Orwell saw them coming.

“I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.” George W. Bush

“Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.” Donald J Trump

“1984” is their operator manual.

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth.”

"A generation of the unteachable is hanging upon us like a necklace of corpses." - George Orwell

Dave Dubya said...

As I was saying:

Washington lawmaker wears yellow Star of David, evoking Nazi persecution, to protest COVID vaccine mandates

(Seattle Times) A Washington state lawmaker critical of COVID-19 vaccine mandates wore a yellow Star of David at a speech over the weekend — a symbol the Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust.

State Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, had the star affixed to his pink shirt during a speech to conservative activists at a Lacey church basketball gym on Saturday.

“It’s an echo from history,” Walsh wrote on a Facebook page where a video of the event was posted. “In the current context, we’re all Jews.”

Dave Dubya said...

"Patriots"? Hardly. This is modern American con-servatism.

120 House Republicans voted to keep statues honoring people who supported the Confederacy on display in the Capitol.

All of whom voted against a 1/6 commission.

Time to vote out the neo-Confederate traitors.

Dave Dubya said...

More con-servative "values":

Jason Miller poisoned his pregnant mistress, forcing an abortion. He then sued Gizmodo for publishing the story, and lost. The judge finally forced him to pay $42,000 in defendant's legal fees.

"Deplorable" is too kind to describe these evil Trumpists.

Darrell Michaels said...

Its interesting how Dave implies that anyone that supported Trump on POLICY automatically supports any immorality or lawlessness even tangentially associated with any Trump supporter.

It is sad that such strict scrutiny is not equally applied to the coke-addict and stripper-impregnating Hunter Biden who is the bag man for the Biden crime family. It is sad that no leftist cares about the reprehensible anti-American and anti-semitic statements and actions from the likes of Ilhan Omar or Tlaib. I guess only conservative are to be condemned for such behavior, which ironically I do condemn when their malfeasance is valid and actual and not a fabrication of hate-America leftists.

Dave, your hate and obsession as noted on numerous hyperbolic and often truth-challenged comments on this post alone suggest you need to find a different healthy hobby. I seriously worry about you, my friend. I could answer every charge you make, but I already have a full time job, and you wouldn't listen anyway.

Dave Dubya said...


Thanks for being a good sport.

I tell you no lies, brother. You’ve disproven none of my points, nor can you. You offer a lot of whataboutism and other deflections that reflect your resentments. We get it all the time.

This is how we know, “when their malfeasance is valid and actual and not a fabrication of hate-America leftists”.

There’s that all-purpose “hate-America leftists” card again. Just because you hate leftists doesn’t mean they hate America. Maybe, like you, they hate a corrupt government lying to them? Hmm?

”I could answer every charge”

They’re called “facts”.

Which brings us back to your answers to almost all my points of fact. Your answers are deflections and whataboutisms. (Hunter Biden!!)

Here’s a concept that may be too difficult for you to comprehend. Trump lost.

He lied about it and incited a violent mob to insurrection.

These facts hurt your brain, so obviously you need to deflect and deny. I get it. It beats providing evidence that supports a lie. There’s a good reason why you never did.

The radical white Right is in a panic more than ever. BLM, The 1619 Project, Biden/Harris, CRT, Juneteenth, and the exposure of the Tulsa Massacre is too much for them to handle. They’re essentially screeching, “Don’t let them Black commies edjacate ar kids!”

White fright in all its might.

“Stop the steal” has so much more empowering and righteous anger. Trump cannot possibly be wrong! Trump does not lie!”

But what if he is wrong or lying? Is that a concept too large to grasp?

What if, for the remainder of your years, you have to watch history reflect the truth and reality you dread so much?

Anger will eat your soul like a cancer. Your mind will dwell in lies and a false belief in what cannot be shown to exist.

Or will you still be examining ballots for bamboo?

This is beyond sad. It is a national tragedy. I pray you find the independence of mind to question those who’ve formed your beliefs.

So many of them are criminals, pardoned or about to be indicted.

Will that give you pause, or will you cry “witch hunt” like the Big Loser?

It’s good you avoided my exchange with JTF on Christianity. I ask a very difficult question Christians face. I’m hoping I gave him something to think about.

Darrell Michaels said...

Regarding your Christianity debate, to your credit, you correctly characterize many things that are necessary to being a good Christian. Unfortunately you undermine your credibility with injecting abortion into the debate as something a Christian should defend, my friend.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks for recognizing my views on Christianity. I'm glad you understand that it is about more than just belief. We are obliged to make a good faith effort to follow both commandments. So simple. So difficult.

Hate should be our common enemy, instead of a word we throw back and forth.

My statement was, "Abortion is just one of the political wedges they use". I wasn't suggesting it was something Christians should defend. Like with birth control, they are free to defend or oppose it.

However, many Christians feel a woman's womb and body are not the sole domain of governments and churches. They agree no woman should be forced to bear a rapist's offspring, or a fetus with no functioning brain.

I also understand the sentiment that sees it as a horrible taking of a life.

While it could never be up to me, I don't advocate abortion as birth control. So I advocate choice. Most women still want that freedom and right to reproductive choice.

Since we don't live in a remotely fair representative republic, they may lose both that freedom and right.

Dave Dubya said...

Liz Cheney tweeted: "I'm honored to serve on the January 6th select committee. Our oath to the Constitution must be above partisan politics."

Does this make her a socialist? It seems they are the only people left who support and defend the Constitution.

Justice is catching up to the Trump Cartel.