Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Simon Sinek on Millenials and Why They Don't Succeed

My wife and I have had many discussions lately regarding Millennials, especially considering that we have six kids between us that fall into that generation.

For the sake of clarity I want to define the Millennial group of which I speak as the generation of people largely being born between approximately 1982 and 1997, give or take.  You know who they are.  They are the often times impatient, entitled, and lazy generation that largely grew up this way through no real fault of their own.

As a disclaimer, of course not everyone born to this generation exhibits these same characteristics, including most of my kids, but on the whole this does seem to encompass a majority of them.  Further, even the Millennial generation themselves know and understand this.

My wife teaches at the local college here and recently asked what the perception of the Millennial generation was to her Millennial-filled class.  Their responses were very interesting and confirmed even by their own admissions the negative perceptions that most folks have of a generation that is unfocused, lazy, entitled, and demanding of instant gratification.

Simon Sinek is a motivational speaker and he spoke on the topic of Millennials in his presentation entitled, "This is why you don't SUCCEED!".  He brought some interesting insights as to the perceptions, causes, and possible solutions to help the Millennial generation overcome the negative stereotypical perceptions that many older generations have of them.  I found the video to be quite interesting accordingly.

Mr. Sinek in particular lists four main reasons why many Millennials behave as they do:

1. Their parents had bad parenting strategies in raising them.  This is very true of the "participation trophy" and build the artificial self esteem strategies of the Millenials' parents.  

2.  An overwhelming obsession with technology and social media.  This is true, as when one wanders out in public, seldom do you see a Millennial not walking with his or her eyes glued to their phone.  Their relationships are typically shallow and superficial as they look to see how many followers and "likes" they have as a means of determining their self worth and social value.

3. Impatience.  Most Millennials have been raised to believe that they can do anything and that they should expect it without hesitation accordingly.  They thus don't want to have to work hard and pay their dues over time to reach a given summit.  They live in a world where instant gratification is required, otherwise, they are likely to turn elsewhere for easier temporary fulfillment, even in personal relationships.

4. Environment.  I am not sure I buy this point of Mr. Sinek's as much, but even our corporate environments cause Millennials to be discouraged as they feel they are not making a difference in their jobs.

Now I know many Millennials that do not fall into the stereotypical generation's characteristics.  Indeed, most of the Millennials that do exhibit the typical characteristics for which their generation are often known, do so through no fault of their own, at leaset initially.  Perhaps though, we can help correct some of these negative characteristics as a society by helping the Millennials in our lives to reflect with some deeper introspection as to why they do as they do so that they might understand how to change things for the better, if they wish.  

It is something my wife and I do with our own grown Millennial kids now, and she does with her college students.  The Millennial generation has unbound talent and ideas to offer.  It is our job as parents and teachers to try and help them do so.  Mr. Sinek's presentation is a good way to start this conversation.


Majormajor said...

ABC Gives Just Seconds to Clinton Funding Dossier, Spent Ten Minutes on Don Jr. Meeting

Dave Dubya said...

Kids these days...

Their apathy, and half of their parents’ ignorance, are why Trump is in the White House.

So I agree. It’s not all their fault.


How much has FOX(R) covered “grab em by the pussy”? How about their discussions of McCain, Flake, and even George W. Bush’s recent remarks on Trumpism? Crickets and deflection.

Now Trump’s STATE RUN Media is attacking Mueller on behalf of their Dear Dictator.

Majormajor said...

Get real DD, Mueller was the head of the FBI under Obama when the Uranium 2 deal went down. He is no saint.
Bill Clinton was President Trump wasn't.

If HRC is innocent why did she destroy her hard drives and cell phones?

You must be tired of carrying the Clinton's water by now.

Majormajor said...

In 2011 and 12 Manafort was not connected to Trump. This was a period that Manafort was associated with the Podesta Brothers and therefore the Clinton Department of State.

Majormajor said...

The Democrats own the the murders in NYC

The suspected foreign national terrorist behind the New York City attack that has left at least eight individuals dead came to the United States years ago through the Diversity Visa Lottery, a program that President Trump and pro-American immigration reformers have demanded an end to.

According to ABC New York, 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov — the man who allegedly mowed down pedestrians in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City — entered the U.S. in 2010 from Uzbekistan under the Diversity Visa Lottery before obtaining a Green Card.

The Diversity Visa Lottery gives out 50,000 visas every year to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries, including those with known terrorist problems – such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.

Trump, though, along with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), has been calling for an end to the Diversity Visa Lottery program since August. Under the RAISE Act, introduced in February and endorsed by Trump in August, the Diversity Visa Lottery would be eliminated altogether.

The Trump administration took eliminating the Diversity Visa Lottery even more seriously earlier this month when they introduced the president’s immigration priorities, which like the RAISE Act called for the elimination of the program.

Dave Dubya said...

“The Democrats own the the murders in NYC”

This is how liars and low-information far Right shills spew their hate. Accuse and blame without facts or evidence. You know, the fascist method of demonizing dissenting views.

According to the Washington Post, Congress approved the Diversity Visa Lottery, also known as the green card lottery, as part of the Immigration Act of 1990, but it didn’t take effect until 1995. The legislation passed in a bipartisan vote of 231 to 192. The Senate version, which contained the “diversity immigrants” provision, passed in an overwhelming 89-8 vote and was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush at the end of 1990.

Jeff Flake tweeted, “Actually, the Gang of 8, including @SenSchumer, did away with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reforms. I know, I was there... In fact, had the Senate Gang of 8 bill passed the House, it would have ended the Visa Lottery Program AND increased merit based visas”

How do cons reconcile their hate and lies, while claiming they are “Christian”? They never apologize for their wrongful accusations and lies. They are exactly like their Dear Leader. Again, this reeks of fascism.

I would sincerely appreciate someone explaining this behavior that is clearly more in line with evil than good.

Speaking of justice and good and evil, IT'S MUELLER TIME!

Majormajor said...

Hey DD who sponsored this bill?

Do you remember Edward Kennedy?

Do know Chuck Schumer?

Which party has fought against President Trump's efforts to secure our borders?

Why the answer to all the above is the Democrat Party?

Majormajor said...

Anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before the Left blames Trump for the NYC murders, claiming he knew about it or actually set it up in order to deflect from the Mueller investigation?

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave there is as much or more reason now for Mueller to recuse himself from this investigation as there was for AG Sessions to be involved with it. If Trump or anyone of his team or staff are guilty of collusion with the Russians, they should be prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law. So should Hillary, the DNC, and everyone else from the Leftist parties that also are likely very guilty of such actions that dwarf what a few Republicans did, sir.

Dave Dubya said...

Mr. Paine,

Your fact-free opinion is interesting in one revealing quality. Well, besides being something that echoes the “FOX(R) and Friends” blithering hate couch in the morning. You know, Trump’s real Cabinet.

If Trump or anyone of his team or staff are guilty of collusion with the Russians


Good God, man. We know a number of the Trump team LIED about contacts with Russians. Jr. was tickled to get dirt on Hillary from Russian agents. Russian agents at the GOP convention had the platform altered to their advantage. Russian agents and Putin’s propagandists were warmly invited into the Oval Office to hear Trump gloat about firing Comey to shut down the investigation.

There are indictments. And more to follow. FOX viewers do not know these facts. You probably deny them too.

Mr. “Russia if you’re listening” still gets the benefit of the doubt from you. How noble. I’m amazed at your generous level of tolerance for the racist liar. (Say, where WAS Obama born, sir?)

Now contrast that generosity and sympathy for Trump with this:

“Hillary, the DNC, and everyone else from the Leftist parties” are presumed “likely very guilty of such actions that dwarf what a few Republicans did”?

Good God. You’re not happy with just “Crooked Hillary”? Now it’s “everyone else”?

Not only did Hillary do it, but she did it worse?

Thanks for your FOX(R) Breitbart approved fact-free opinion. This is denial, deflection, distraction and distortion. Remember when you guys howled about “state run media”? LOL!

This is how your team operates. You believe without question the worst of Democrats and liberals. “No values, hate freedom, hate America,” etc.. So the worst is duly fabricated. Many of your side have accused Hillary of operating a child sex ring. There is no foundation in reason, reality or human decency in the crap your side spews.

Any vile lie about those you hate is greeted with open arms and a closed mind. You, the Trumpists, and the birthers clearly share that quality. And don’t be surprised if a few of those “fine people” marching with Nazis share that urge for casual blame, accusation, scapegoating and resentment.

"It HAS to be true, because I am good, and it makes me FEEL good to think it is true."

This is what passes as con-servatism in these days of Trump and the Party Of Trump.

And that is how they will Make Russia Great Again.

Majormajor said...

Hey DD if you cant fact the truth attack the messenger?

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, for the record, I do assume that Manafort is likely guilty, among others. That said, an indictment is not a conviction, even if it is for a Republican. The FACT that you seem to ignore the likely collusion with Hillary/DNC and the Russians is also telling, sir.

It is absurd in the extreme for you to use a sarcastic comment by Trump ("Russia, if you're listening...") as proof. There may well be and likely is other proof of GOP collusion too, but that example frankly weakens your argument, Dave.

Hillary and the DNC do appear to have a lot to answer for with these same and worse Russian collusion charges. Further, according to Donna Brazille, Senator Sanders should probably be suing Hillary and the DNC for their unethical collusion with each other to marginalize anyone who's name was not Hillary Clinton.

Your problem seems to be that you only see what the other side did wrong, and it is always far worse in your opinion. I, on the other hand and contrary to your verifiably false assertions, want to see all such law breakers punished regardless of whether it is Hillary or Donald, DNC or GOP. Corruption and lawlessness are not excusable, Dave, simply because you are more in tune with the supposed ideals that your side of the aisle proclaims to stand for, sir.

Dave Dubya said...

I wasn't defending Hillary. I was noting the bias in your words.

"Hillary is worse!" How do you know?

Majormajor said...

Very weak Dubya, very weak.

Majormajor said...

"Hillary is worse!" How do you know?"

Err, ask Donna Brazile.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Donald Trump, the incarnate Satan, is going to burn. The irony is inescapable. ;-)

Maybe an even greater irony: Chuck idolizes Trump.

Majormajor said...

Golly, JG is now into prophecy!

Jefferson's Guardian said...

The trials and tribulations bemoaned by the prophets and psalmists of the Old Testament are seen in the headlines of the Washington Post and The New York Times every day. Humankind's conscience has evolved - and is evolving - yet evilness still exists. We're seeing this, unfortunately, through Donald Trump and his entourage.

It doesn't take a prophet to see this -- only humility, compassion, understanding, and a sense of justice. I suppose Christianity doesn't teach those virtues any longer.

Majormajor said...

And now we have the famed New Age worshiper of "Mother Earth" attack Christianity, how very leftist of him.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Attack" Christianity? Not at all. Only making an observation that's, really, not too hard to miss. Paraphrasing Mahātmā Gandhi, I really like your Christ. I don't, however, care much for Christians.

As far as "new age worshiper", I haven't a clue what you're talking about (and neither do you, I suspect). You'll have to explain. Well, if you can. ;-)