So, in order to help the poor, we want to punish the evil rich according to our progressive brothers and sisters, correct? Well, this fascinating video shows just how to go about doing that by paying our national budget for this year on the backs of the evil rich and those diabolical corporations. It also explains the results of what we would have left in doing so after destroying all of our Fortune 500 companies, all those making over $250,000 a year, taking all of their assets and then just barely being able to pay for our federal budget for one year. (Oh yeah, that is after each and every American still has to contribute $40.00 each to the cause.) Then what do we do to pay for the budget the following year after we have already destroyed all of the wealth in this nation from which to tax?
Since my computer has no sound, I assume I am supposed to look at the pictures. You knew this post would make my blood boil, sir. In this case, my blood is boiling and I don't even know why.
John, I am sorry to have made your blood boil, as I can only imagine that would be most uncomfortable.
I am equally sorry that you do not have any sound on your PC. Perhaps I will purchase a small set of external speakers for you so that you can hear such brilliance in the future.
Who knows? I may one day sing a conservative aria, and you would miss it otherwise!
In this case, it is indeed unfortunate, as I'd be most curious to hear one of your always excellent responses, even if they are decidedly leftwing and therefore wrong by definition. :)
I have thought about your idea of eating the rich, and I think we should do that. I am not sure how to prepare them, but you can teach us. The idea is what counts. We will leave the logistics to the chefs. I am not sure what the rich are going to eat, however, poor little devils.
When I first saw the title of this, I thought: "O' God, now I am going to get into a long debate. However, it is such a simple workable idea: eat the rich." I love it.
Saul Alensky's Rule Number Five
:5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
I just wrote a comment. When I went to publish it, Blogger showed an error page, "Sorry, we cannot process your request at this time"
Maybe it's in your spam trap or maybe it's just gone. I'm tired of playing this game of disappearing comments.
Mr. Anderson,
It is happening on serveral blogger sites, not just this one, and one of Paine's comments was lost at another site. He simply has not discovered it yet.
I suppose you're in favor of what the governor in Georgia is proposing...lower taxes a whole lot for those making over 180,000 per year and raise them on everybody else.
I suppose you're in favor of what the governor in Georgia is proposing...lower taxes a whole lot for those making over 180,000 per year and raise them on everybody else.
Anderson, I am sorry that your comment disappeared as I truly am curious to hear what you have to say on this topic.
I have had problems like this, as Myste noted, with Blogger elsewhere. It has gotten to the point where I write my stories and comments on Word and then cut and paste them so that if they disappear, I can try again. I know this is a nuisance, but you may want to consider some such tactic when posting on others' Blogger sites.
If you find the wherewithal to try again, I'd be curious to hear what you have to say, sir.
Marquis, I am not familiar with Georgia's governor and his exploits, but I suspect there is more to the story then what meets the eye. If it is exactly how you stated it, then he is indeed in the wrong.
I suppose you're in favor of what the governor in Georgia is proposing...lower taxes a whole lot for those making over 180,000 per year and raise them on everybody else.
I think Paine and I agree that everyone in the country should pay the flat 20% rate, along with a 5% national sales tax and a 16% corporate tax. I also think there should be a 15% tax on petrolium- but only used to fund the Port Authority, Highways/Bridges and roads. Along with other fees for use of government services and licenses (Example you pay the fee for a FFL or when you dock your boat at the port and customs searches it- you pay a fee for the inspection.)
I also can't see why liberals don't want to close the tax loopholes this way, and get rid of the five foot thick tax code. I could fit a tax code onto two sheets of paper if I didn't double space. I've been told they object because it isn't progressive but... hello... 20% of 14k is a lot less than 20% of 40mil so it is progressive taxation. Non progressive taxation would be- divide budget by 300mil americans and send them the bill.
Which I admit would be awesome as it's in the 55k a year range... but it would also destroy our economy.
I would also limit government assistance to one year, and require that once the recipient is agian employed they pay the money back. Same for medicade- though with medicade I'd require only 25%.
In essence, you have stated that you would give an enormous tax cut to the wealthy and enormous tax increase to the poor if you had your way. I am sure this was your intention, but I just wanted to clarify it.
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