Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Time to Choose Again

Things have been very busy and I have had little time to write in recent months, despite the lunacy of the left offering great fodder for subject matter. So much has happened, including the attempted assassination of Trump by a leftist stooge.  Then there was the "saving of democracy" by Biden being forced to step down when it became apparent he was not able to win against Trump, and therefore had to "pass the torch" to a candidate that was not elected by the people in the Democrat party to be their candidate.  And now lately we have the hide-and-seek game Kamala is playing with reporters for a real sit-down interview since "becoming the Democrat candidate for president".  Hey, hiding out in the basement and not having to explain his ideas and proposed policies worked for Joe!

The sad thing is that Biden had an excuse for his mental degradation and the fact that he has been wrong on every significant foreign policy decision in his career.  One wonders what that reason is for Kamala as she seems genetically incapable of putting together a coherent thought to explain her positions and how she hopes to achieve her goals.  "Vote for me and I'll fix all of these problems."  News flash Kamala; you are in office right now and can start by fixing these problems that you and your senile president created this very day!

As I have said repeatedly, I do not like Trump and do not think he is a particularly moral or good man.  That said, I have seen how Trump governs and how strong America became under his leadership.  I then saw the economic collapse, energy dependence, inflation, border insecurity, national insecurity, and the coddling of terrorists under the Biden/Harris administration.  Kamala has stated how she is "proud" of their accomplishments, and as Presidential Press Secretary/apologist Karine Jean-Pierre said recently, there is "no daylight" between Harris and Biden on policies. No doubt!  If anything, Harris would be even more of a leftist radical.  There was a reason why she was the first Democrat to drop out of the presidential race in 2016.  Nobody liked her, including during her tenure as VP as she had the lowest VP approval ratings ever, even among Democrats.  It is fascinating how everyone on the left is now in love with her, as the saving hope against Trump.

That being said, in November we can vote for Trump and go back to a much stronger and safer America, or we can vote for the anointed cackler and watch the complete ruination of what is left of our nation.  The fact that this is even remotely a contest horrifies me. The level of ignorance of way too many Americans is astounding.  Evidently there are millions of people that either want free stuff, wokeism, or hate Trump far more than they love their country.  I know it has become a cliche', but this election really will be what determines whether we will survive as a free nation as our founding fathers' envisioned, or we become just one more socialist wasteland on the globe.


Infidel753 said...

I'll say the same as I say to leftists who don't understand why anyone would vote Republican -- have you actually asked any Democratic voters why they plan to vote that way and listened with an open mind, or read what they have to say? At the moment, it's the right who has the greater need to accurately understand our position than vice versa, since the polls show us leading at the moment (yes, right-wingers are now spouting the exact same "the polls are skewed/worthless/wrong" stuff as left-wingers were a month or two ago, but I wouldn't take comfort from that -- I remember them doing the same in 2012).

I notice that your post doesn't mention the key issue which will decide the election -- abortion (though the graphic does). It's the main reason I expect that the Democrats will actually win in a much bigger landslide than the current polling suggests. Like it or not, abortion rights have overwhelming support. The Dobbs ruling has transformed the whole electoral landscape. In every state which has held an abortion-rights referendum since that ruling, it has won overwhelmingly, even in solid-red states like Kansas. In special elections over the same period, the Democratic candidate (win or lose) has done ten to twenty points better than Democrats normally do in the district in question. In most cases the polls did not anticipate these results beforehand.

And no, people don't want such a fundamental right left to the states. Would you support leaving gun rights to the states, so that blue states could completely ban them? Same principle. And now that red states really can ban abortion, we're guaranteed an endless stream of horror stories about raped 12-year-olds, ectopic pregnancies, etc to keep the issue front and center.

It would be foolish to trust Trump not to impose a nationwide ban. If he wins the election and Republicans take the House and Senate, and they pass a national abortion ban, there's no way Trump is going to veto it.

Infidel753 said...

Biden does not suffer from cognitive problems. The media, acting as the utensil of their billionaire owners, hounded him out of the race, with the aid of some Democratic politicians corrupted by the influence of those same billionaires' donations. I don't blame Harris for shutting them out. She's doing fine without bothering with them.

she seems genetically incapable of putting together a coherent thought

"Genetically"? Really? Are you sure you want to go there?

Kamala, you are in office right now and can start by fixing these problems

The vice president has very little power. The office's only real power is breaking ties in the Senate. besides, there are sharp limits to what even the president can do when one house of Congress is held by the opposition, as the House is now. Campaign promises implicitly incorporate "I'll do this if I get elected and have majorities in both houses".

On Israel, the graphic is misleading. Biden's pressuring for a ceasefire before the war is won is a disgrace, but very few weapons have been withheld. Trump, on the other hand, has made it clear that he would backstab Ukraine, cutting off most aid and allowing Putin to overrun the country, guaranteeing further wars in a few years. We must unstintingly support both democracies in their struggle against genocidal tyranny.

this election really will be what determines whether we will survive as a free nation as our founding fathers' envisioned

Well, you're right about that. Project 2025 is a systematic blueprint for dismantling the constitutional republic and replacing it with an autocracy like that in Russia or in the banana republics in the bad old days. The more people learn about Project 2025, the less they like it -- even among Republicans it's fairly unpopular. Nobody believes Trump has nothing to do with it. Several people close to him helped write it.

either want free stuff, wokeism, or hate Trump far more than they love their country

Nope. Wokism is unpopular with pretty much everybody. People saw with their own eyes how Trump behaved as president -- kowtowing to dictators, picking fights with fellow democracies, and generally making the country a laughing stock (the US was never respected abroad when he was in office, only feared -- a lot of right-wingers don't seem to understand that those are two different things). It's because they love their country that they don't want another four years like that.

Sam said...

People seem to put too much responsibility on the president.
I blame the Senate and the House for most of our problems.
If terrorists launch a surprise attack, is that the president's fault?
Biden used Covid to hide in his basement, Harris has no such excuse.
I will not vote for the lessor of two evils. If the people cannot figure this out or bring forth better candidates, I will not vote for a convicted felon for president. I will not choose between two idiots. No matter what the facts say.
Sad for me to say, but I will not be going to vote this Fall.

Darrell Michaels said...

Infidel, first thank you for your well-considered comment. I would agree with you that abortion is the biggest issue for the left (and for many on the right) and that is a huge motivating factor. I think this is partially a messaging problem for the right. Even most pro-abortion supporters do not want abortions allowed in the late second and third trimester. Poll after poll supports that when phrased in such a manner.

Perhaps it is true, but I don't know of any state that won't allow an abortion if the mother's life is in danger. Even Catholic hospitals will do what is necessary to save a mother's life in such a situation. The difference is not willing the death of the unborn child, but in doing what is medically necessary to save the mother. Ectopic pregnancies and such should be allowed in such dire and rare circumstances.
I personally am against abortion as from a scientifically biological standpoint, human life first begins at conception. That entity at conception is human, has unique DNA, and all the potential that any human life has if allowed to flourish.

Darrell Michaels said...

The difference between 2nd Amendment rights and abortion are many, my friend. First, the 2nd Amendment IS a constitutional right that was established by which a free people could defend their lives, including from a tyrannical government. Abortion seeks to take an unborn life. There is no constitutional right to do so, thus the proper overturning of the Dobbs ruling. Even our founding document as a nation declares that we have the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Of course my religious convictions further informs me that the science behind my position is accurate.

Trump has said that he will not go further with over-turning abortion. That said, I cannot argue that if such a bill to ban all abortions were put on his desk, that he would not sign it, as you stated.

As for Biden, he absolutely has all of the classic signs of dementia / Alzheimers. My Aunt suffered from Alzheimers and the similarities to Biden's symptoms are absolute. I am frankly surprised that you don't acknowledge that he has severe cognitive impairment, as it is obvious to even most of his supporters now. I would say that it always was, but they ignored it for the "greater good" to keep Trump out of office.

I further agree that the position of VP is weak; however, with the current occupant of the White House, a strong VP could definitely influence policy. The fact is, Kamala believes in the same leftist policies that Biden has been executing.

Lastly, I am only tangentially aware of the 2025 project and it is on my reading list. I know that the Heritage Foundation was a big player in formulating that, and I have often found most of what they propose to be freedom-oriented and constitutionally sound. I'll have to get back to you on that, sir.

Darrell Michaels said...

Sam, thanks for commenting, sir. I do agree that a president can do little without the support of congress. Even by executive order, there is only so much that can be done constitutionally. That said, what Biden and Schumer have created has really wreaked havoc on our economy and on our country.

Trump is not the best answer for sure, and I can understand why many folks would not want to vote for him. I don't want to either, but the stakes are simply too great with this election. His egocentricity and bombastic attitude are reckless, but he did prove to govern far better than senile Joe. As for the convicted felon crap, those are political lawfare charges that were brought by a leftist attorney with a grudge. They were charges that he did not have jurisdictional authority to bring and many of which had already gone past the statue of limitations, if they had fallen in his jurisdiction. These charges will definitely be overturned in a FAIR court hearing in the future. I HATE having to defend Trump. ;)

Thanks for your support of my blog, Sam, even though we don't always see eye to eye.

Sam said...

As an old guy, I have become numb to the saying, this is the most important election in history.
Forced to choose I would choose Trump; I just cannot bring myself to pull the lever.
Granted, Trump's convictions were a sham, but thousands of Americans have been the victim of the same kind of treatment and have to live with those unfair consequences. Feeling sorry for Trump is something else I cannot do.
We do disagree, but I find your thinking rational and sane. Something lacking today. Keep writing, we need your point of view.

Darrell Michaels said...

The most important election in history... blah blah blah. Yeah, I get it, Sam. I think the phrase has been way over-used; however, things really do seem to be at a point where we continue down this leftist woke path to our ruination, or we venture back to a capitalist based economy with some more common sense constitutionally directed governance. Trump sucks. I would not want him at my dinner table. Harris, though, cannot be allowed to continue the leftward debacle we are seeing. It is indeed a bad choice, but I must err on the side of the Republic. Thanks again for you comments and thoughtful words, my friend!