Saturday, September 25, 2021

ASU Student Unleashes Woke Leftist Diatribe on Other Students

This video has gone viral lately and was captured by a black student at ASU when she noticed a couple of guys with a "Police Lives Matter" sticker on one of their laptops who were sitting at a table studying on campus.  What ensued was a pathetic diatribe of woke leftist pablum from the lady filming this.  This is the absolute crap that our children have been indoctrinated with from many of our centers of "higher education".  She hatefully goes on to spew many of the leftist bromides I stated in my previous posting.  

I feel so very sorry for this young lady and her friends there.  They live is a world full of anger, hate, and victim-hood.  It is a world largely of their very own making because they listened to leftist educators and people of influence that peddled this hate-America crap.  

But what do I know?  I am just a dullard that makes this stuff up.


Just the Facts! said...

And anyone who is the right of you Jerry and Dave is a fascist or racist, or a "con-servative". Can either of you prove to me that you don't believe that.

Jerry said...

I can and I have. Sorry you cannot read.

Dave Dubya said...

Vern still supports and believes Trump, accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women, was sent by Republican Jesus to make America Great.

Vern still supports and believes Trump, who illegally paid off a porn star, was sent by Republican Jesus to make America Great.

Vern still supports and believes Trump, who attempted to obstruct a Justice Dept. investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, was sent by Republican Jesus to make America Great.

Vern still supports and believes Trump, who is under investigation for 2020 election tampering, bank fraud, and insurance fraud, was sent by Republican Jesus to make America Great.

Vern still supports and believes Trump, who incited an insurrection and coup to overturn the 2020 election, was sent by Republican Jesus to make America Great.

Can he prove to us he doesn't believe that?

Or is Jesus NOT really a Republican? No.

In fact He's the opposite of the mammon-serving, rich-coddling, vote-suppressing, punish-the-poor-and-immigrants, radical Right party of Trump. Real Christians know this. Fake Christians agitate hate for those who disagree with their Dear Leader and radical Right ideology.

None of these facts will sink into the authoritarian brains of Trump's true believers.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave I am growing very weary of your continued and continuous hateful rhetoric.

I have considered outright banning you from my site, but your projection, deflection, dissembling, hatefulness, and lack of taking any responsibility is a great example of the modern day leftists and how toxic they are to a free and united democratic republic. I guess you are a really good example of a really bad example. That said, be warned that you are right on that line, as my ample patience is wearing very thin with you.

Just the Facts! said...

Ban him Darrell, he will not be missed, nor will his hate filled lies.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, you have no idea the things I have done behind the scenes with regards to mitigating or deleting multiple responses to your hate. I banned the vile Jefferson's Guardian years ago because he was so disgusting regarding JTF's faith and Christ. And now you are walking that line and stepping over too.

I know you think that everyone that disagrees with your doctoral dissertations of brilliance showing backing from leftist sources for every imaginable issue is an idiot, Trumpist, authoritarian, etc. That is fine; however, as I said before, you do not get to come onto my blog, insult people, and then demand answers to your questions on my site. You can do that on your own site.

You can respond simply by saying "Darrell/Jerry/JTF/etc., you are wrong here___________ because of _____________. Your snark, attitude, insults, and demonization and dehumanization of others in your responses is not appreciated or wanted. It is why I have long ago pretty much forgone trying to engage or respond to you. It servers no purpose. Did you ever consider that if there are lots of people on the right and the left that disagree with you and are frustrated with you, then maybe the common denominator is YOU? A little self reflection is in order here, but like with everything else with you, I am sure this will fall on deaf ears as you know better.

Dave Dubya said...


Come on, man. Are you suggesting your sidekick never insults me? Maybe that’s because you feel the same?

I never said I hate anybody. I do hate lies, bigotry, and abuse of authority. Proponents of those assume I hate them. I do indicate their authoritarian nature and even mock them for it, but it’s not hate. It’s me saying they are wrong and I want to share the truth with them.

Falsely blaming and accusing others of hating America only cultivates the accuser’s hate. This is certain, and proved by radical Right Trumpism.

This is what really sticks in your craw. "You demand answers to your questions".

This is the difference between us. I accept questions. I answer questions.

Answering questions has always been integral to good faith discussion and fair debate. I answer questions to be better understood, and to verify my points with evidence.

The radical Right hates to do that. Why?

I get it. You resent me telling truths that you reject, due to your embrace of radical Right Trumpism.

"demonization and dehumanization of others in your responses is not appreciated or wanted."

How do you expect us to interpret your crazed accusations that we hate America?

This has been the pattern for decades. Pro-Republican, hate-filled talk radio industry, radical Right online sources, along with FOX(R) and Sinclair Broadcasting have been waging a continuous campaign demonizing Democrats, the press, educators, and liberals. History shows us who else did this.

It went from "liberal media" to "fake news" and finally to the fascistic "enemy of the people". From "Loony libs" to "liberalism is a mental disorder" to "Leftists hate America".

Where is this headed?

Your dismissal of all my evidence is due to ONE reason. It is not pro-Trump propaganda, therefore it is “fake news”.

Darrell/JTF, you are wrong here, saying leftists hate America because of the fact they see problems like injustice, inequality, poverty, and bankruptcies from medical costs.

And for that, you spew hateful demonization of those of us who want to ease human suffering and MAKE THIS COUNTRY BETTER!

When you accuse someone like me of hating America, this justifies the delusion that I am an enemy. Like your Dear Trump does when he calls democrats communists. This is your license to hate, and eventually KILL. We've seen all this before in every authoritarian fascist and communist regime. We've seen this in "Hang Mike Pence" from your fellow true believers.

You believe and trust that narcissistic liar over our nation's poll workers, recounts, courts, election certification boards, millions of Republicans, and even Trump's own Homeland Security and his otherwise sycophantic attorney general. Look to the Arizona fiasco. What did that tell us?

So go ahead, keep up the hate, keep on rejecting the truth, and keep on being a loyal Trumpist.

Hate and delusions are more powerful in your minds than the truth, all because you CHOOSE to trust and believe a crooked, criminal narcissistic liar.

This is why you are incapable of good faith discussion. Your false beliefs reject all evidence and reality in subservience to your Dear Leader's Big Lie.

Dave Dubya said...


Leftists are pro-democracy, pro-voter rights, pro-equality, pro-equal justice under law, pro-public healthcare, pro-public education, and pro-environmental protections. They support taxing those who benefit most from our system that clearly works in their favor.

They support fair elections with fair representation.

They are anti-corruption, anti-police brutality, and anti-racism. They support a free press and favor the principle of consent of the governed. Finally they support Constitutional taxes, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare.

So the radical Right accuses them of hating America for those views.

Try looking at it this way, instead of Trump's way, just for a minute.

IF I, and millions of conservative Republicans, and MOST of the country, are correct that Biden won fairly, what does that make you and your fellow Trumpists and insurrectionists?

Think about that for just one minute if you still have any ability to think for yourself.

Or ban me. That would only prove my words are correct.

As a Christian, you must choose to follow the message of love from Jesus, to love your fellow man, to help the sick, feed the poor, and comfort the afflicted, or choose to follow the message of hate, lies, and coddling of the rich from Trump.

Jesus was far more socialistic than Republican. "Render unto Caesar", "eye of a needle", "give to the poor", "the least of us" and "cannot serve two masters" is ample evidence of this.

Maybe this makes you resent me even more? Does this mean Jesus and I both hate America?

I know you won't bother discussing this. AND I know why. You fear the truth and must hate those who speak it, all in allegiance to Trump and Trumpism, that somehow you've been convinced IS conservatism.

I hope you see the light of truth, and the darkness in Trump, before it is too late. This is the most profound prayer I have for our country.

Just the Facts! said...


1. have you used the term "con-servative"?
2. is anyone not as liberal as you to your right?
3. have you have called conservatives "con-servatives" IE: those who are to your right on the political scale?

Now tell me again who is lying.

I hope Dave sees the failures of the Biden policy's before it is too late.

Just the Facts! said...

"Today’s Left is riddled with contradictions. It is hard to imagine what unites black nationalists, Islamicists, feminists, and LGBTQ+ activists except for their shared loathing for white male heterosexual Christians and for those identified with this hated group, like Israelis or Larry Elder."
Paul Gottfried

If anything can hold together these disparate groups with otherwise irreconcilable differences, it is the prospect of playing the race card against the "con-servatives". It is the glue that holds them together.

Hard to disagree with this, let's see if anyone can.

Dave Dubya said...

Ever use the word communism and my name in the same sentence?

And another white conservative victim card.

Gottlieb, huh? He's the co-author and pal of neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. Spencer was one of Trump’s “very fine people” at the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.

Gottfried was the first person to use the term "alternative right", when referring specifically to developments within American right-wing politics in 2008. Richard B. Spencer co-created the term with Gottfried to gain wider currency through media attention surrounding conferences organized by his think tank, the white supremacist National Policy Institute.


“A race is genetically coherent, a race is something you can study, a race is about genes and DNA, but it’s not just about genes and DNA. The most important thing about it is the people and the spirit. That’s what a race is about.”
— Speech at Texas A&M, December 2016.

“Martin Luther King Jr., a fraud and degenerate in his life, has become the symbol and cynosure of White Dispossession and the deconstruction of Occidental civilization. We must overcome!”
–National Policy Institute column, January 2014

So, Vern. Please con-tinue...

Just the Facts! said...


Ever admit you were caught in a LIE? Cause you just were, again.

Just the Facts! said...

President Joe Biden’s approval rating sunk to 43%, the lowest of his presidency and six percentage points below Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a poll from Gallup.

Biden’s approval dropped six percentage points compared to August, falling from 49% to 43%, according to the results of a Gallup poll released Wednesday. Biden’s approval rating is roughly at the same level as former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton at the earlier stages of their respective presidencies, according to Gallup.

Harris’ approval rating sat at 49%. The poll was conducted from Sept. 1 to Sept. 17, following the completion of the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

This is pretty pathetic for President Biden considering Harris is one of the most disliked politicians in modern history

Just the Facts! said...

Dave, don't want to be called a commie?
Stop supporting commie groups and commie policy's.
Then stop acting like one.

Dave Dubya said...

"Ever admit you were caught in a LIE? Cause you just were, again."

Nope. Always accused without evidence, like you just did.

"Dave, don't want to be called a commie?
Stop supporting commie groups and commie policy's.(sic)
Then stop acting like one."

NOT Acceptable:
"Vern, don't want to be called a Nazi?
Stop supporting Nazi groups and Nazi policies.
Then stop acting like one."

See? I know the One Rule. It's OK if you are Republican.

Just the Facts! said...

A poll from the Democrat-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) early last month had Democrat incumbent Raphael Warnock up by a mere two points in a matchup against Trump-backed Herschel Walker, but a new CDMedia poll shows that Walker, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, is currently leading Warnock by 5 points.

Commie racist Dave, very upset. Totally irrelevant response from him to follow.

Just the Facts! said...


Has Dave ever told us where he disagrees with communism?

Didn't think so.

Dave Dubya said...


Don't want to be called a commie, then don't act like one.

Commie racist Dave, very upset. Totally irrelevant response from him to follow.

Has Dave ever told us where he disagrees with communism?

Didn't think so.”

Darrell Michaels said...

"And what WERE those white dudes doing in the multi cultural room?
News from white guys: 'Whiteness is a culture'. And there it is. NO. Clearly they were there to provoke this incident." ~ Dubya

So you agree with the woke girl that white people do not have a culture? Oh wait, she said that white culture was oppression, slavery, and genocide. Yeah, she is mainstream leftist there.

"She: 'Do you understand that 'Police lives matter' was in response to Black Lives Matter?' Thus she nails their intent to provoke." ~ Dubya

Perhaps these two were sitting there doing their studying with the intent to provoke. I don't know. ALL police who protect our societies were being vilified and demonized by BLM, hence the Police Lives Matter response as they were being targeted for violence. Oh... and evidently though, a multicultural center is only for approved cultures to self-segregate.

"And if someone thinks this means the lady 'hates America' he's telling us he is the hater." ~ Dubya

Thus providing a prime example of leftist disconnect. She LAUGHS in derision when the white guy said that America is one of the least racist countries in the world, which is demonstrably true. She goes on to denigrate the police and America, but according to Dave, pointing this out makes me the hater.

You see, Dave doesn't peddle in hate. It is conservatives who are "proponents of lies, bigotry, and abuse of authority" all the while ignoring those very things in spades being promulgated by congress and the Biden administration.

Further, Dave answers only the questions he chooses to answer and ignores the tough ones for which he does not have a talking point or leftist sourced quote. Further, when I do give you detailed answers regarding Bush's going to war in Iraq, BLM, or the big lie that Biden fairly won the 2020 election, he responds ad nausem that he was never provided evidence.

"When you accuse someone like me of hating America, this justifies the delusion that I am an enemy." ~ Dubya

But equating conservatives with racists, authoritarians, and Nazi's is acceptable debate and doesn't make us enemies worthy of attacking? Your lack of self awareness is astounding.

"Think about that for just one minute if you still have any ability to think for yourself. Or ban me. That would only prove my words are correct." ~ Dubya

Your manipulation and intimidation are as impotent on me as are your leftist tropes.

"As a Christian, you must choose to follow the message of love from Jesus, to love your fellow man, to help the sick, feed the poor, and comfort the afflicted, or choose to follow the message of hate, lies, and coddling of the rich from Trump." ~ Dubya

Your presumptuousness and veiled sight causes you to be wrong yet again. You have no idea how much of my time and treasure I devote to helping those less fortunate than I am; however, I would be willing to bet my very life that it is far more than you ever have given. Trump was not a morally upright man in many ways. Here is a secret for you: Biden is even worse! Those things you accuse Trump of can equally be said of Biden often to an even greater degree. The difference is that Trump tried to protect America, grow its economy for ALL Americans (especially those of color), and restore its strength and honor in the world. Biden eight months in is failing miserably on all accounts and thus has a large unfavorable rating, even among Democrats. He is a resounding failure with American blood on his hands.

This is the last time I will waste on responding to you, Mr. Dubya. You rarely have anything of value to add to the conversation and seemingly only live to poke at the bears with your inciting and often hateful rhetoric. I'd appreciate it greatly if you would do me the favor and not return to my site anymore accordingly. Thank you and in all sincerity, I wish the best for you.

Just the Facts! said...

Thanks Dave for agreeing with me...but in an effort to educate you in what you believe I give you this...

SOCIALISM: You have two cows, Govt takes one and gives to your neighbor.

COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Give both cows to the government, and they MAY give you some milk.

FASCISM: You have two cows. You give all the milk to government and they sell it.

NAZISM: You have two cows. The government shoots you and takes both cows.

ANARCHISM: You have two cows. Keep both cows, shoot the government agent and steal another cow.

CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

I'm a capitalist, what are you?

Just the Facts! said...

Nancy Pelosi lists FOX NEWS as her source in email she sent me today.

"FOX NEWS: Republicans SHATTER fundraising records to retake House. Republicans posted record-breaking fundraising FIVE months in a row."

Send money,
Thank you,


Sounds like whiny Nancy needs more of your money.


Dave Dubya said...

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.

The Triumph of Trumpism.

Darrell Michaels said...

et mendacium imperium tyrannicum

The legacy of leftism.

Dave Dubya said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, please be a gentleman and abide by my wishes. Thank you.

Dave Dubya said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just the Facts! said...

General Milley, McKenzie contradict Biden, said they told him not to completely withdraw from Afghanistan. Shocked I tell you, I'm shocked, a liberal caught in their lie.

Darrell Michaels said...

Yes, they said that they recommended at least 2500 troops should remain. Because Biden cannot make a correct decision, despite correct advice from his military leaders, he now has blood of 13 Americans and 170 Afghans on his hands and he does NOT CARE.

Jerry said...

The military for selfish reasons would like it if the war in Afghanistan went on forever. The American people did not want that and voted for a president that promised to put an end to it.
George Bush had the blood of over 5,000 American and over 100,000 innocent lives on his hands and DID NOT CARE.
Bush cut the Veterans Dept. in the middle of a war.
Bush refused to raise taxes to pay for his war and other programs raising the debt 8 trillion dollars.
That makes Bush the biggest mass murders the United States has ever had as president.
Biden will have to go quite a ways to top those evil numbers.

Just the Facts! said...

Will Biden require those crossing our borders be vaccinated?

Top Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghanistan Pullout in Sworn Testimony

Biden has been exposed again today as a big fat liar, and even CNN is forced to report on it and acknowledge it’s a big problem.

General Milley, McKenzie contradict Biden, said they told him not to completely withdraw from Afghanistan.

Not surprised but in Jerry's progressive history lesson he left out the 8 years of Obama.

Just the Facts! said...

Obama Criticizes ‘Unsustainable’ Open Borders Policy, ‘We Are a Nation State’…

Wait, Barack Obama? Wonder if Joe has heard this news?

Darrell Michaels said...

"The military for selfish reasons would like it if the war in Afghanistan went on forever. The American people did not want that and voted for a president that promised to put an end to it." ~ Jerry

Let me assure you, as a veteran of the gulf war, there are very few members of the military that WANT war to continue and to have to fight it, particularly in Afghanistan. Second, Trump was already ending that war and provided a plan for a conditional withdrawal. Biden ignored that plan and his generals own advice, including on troops on the ground. He then lied about it.

Bush's war in Iraq was based on flawed or outdated intelligence, as well as corroborating evidence from our allies. He had congressional approval, including from John Kerry and Hillary Clinton at that time before they weaseled out of their votes later. People die in wars. The goal is to try and achieve your military objectives with minimal casualties to your own troops and minimal to no collateral damage to civilians. This is why our rules of engagement were so stringent as to actually put our own troops at much greater risk in Iraq.

You may disagree with Bush's and congress's rationale for going into Iraq, but that unfortunate blood spilled was not on the hands of Bush due to callousness or political calculations. He did everything prudent and under the advisement of his military commanders. Biden did not. Biden ignored that advice for political expediency. Biden IS at fault for those lives.

JTF, Biden for all his talk about masks and vaccine mandates, once again proves that he really doesn't give a damn as thousands of unvaccinated and even sick illegal immigrants have been allowed into the country under his watch. Biden gets angry about a fake news story of border patrol agents using whips on illegal immigrants, but doesn't acknowledge responsibility for killing ten innocent people in Afghanistan with his drone strike.

Biden is incompetent, corrupt, and senile and must resign.

Dave Dubya said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just the Facts! said...

"Biden is incompetent, corrupt, and senile and must resign." Then we can have Harris for our President, what a FUBAR that will be.

Darrell Michaels said...

JTF, you are correct that Harris in the oval office would be a disaster, but no less so than the current corrupt occupant. Harris, theoretically, has her wits about her, at least. If she acts in violation of her oath of office or the constitution, she can similarly be impeached and removed.

Darrell Michaels said...

Our friend, Dave Dubya, evidently cannot help himself as he repeatedly refuses to comply with my wishes regarding his ban. Normally, I wouldn’t give him another thought, just as I often times didn’t respond to most of his repeated superfluous and erroneous comments. That said, this last comment that I deleted post-ban, Dave seems to think he has me over a barrel with seemingly conflicting comments regarding 1/6 and Trump, despite my having already addressed that issue in the past. Evidently, the left will hold onto an argument even when the facts show that it is inaccurate and wrong.

Anyway…. I commented on Dave’s blog back in January the following,
“Trump was wrong to give encouragement and a wink and a nod to the protestors and delaying any attempt to rein them back. He was complicit. Sadly, this ego maniacal narcissist tarnished the myriad of good things he has done for our country with this latest escapade.”

On May 15, 2021, I then wrote on my blog, “Trump instigates a riot according to the left and the media, but then I repeat myself. (He didn’t.)”

When I wrote the first statement, Trump was indeed firing up his supporters and wanted them to March to the capitol in PROTEST (not in an unlawful riot). It is ludicrous to assume that he wanted them to storm the capitol and attempt to take members of congress hostage. That said, in light of the current demeanor of some of the protesters at that moment due to the fact that myriads of questionable issues were inadequately addressed regarding “irregularities” in the 2020 election, Trump should have considered the possibility that things could have gotten out of hand with the protest. As some of those members subsequently did storm the capitol and it turned into a riot, I hold Trump fully at fault for not immediately condemning those rioters and insisting that they cease their actions. (The ones that remained outside in lawful protest are exempt from this, of course, as they were exercising their constitutional right.)

It is my opinion based on the reports and actual evidence available that day, that Trump did NOT instigate the RIOT nor was that his intent. Even the FBI concluded that there was no organized plan or attempt to stage a “coup” on the capitol. That is why I can say in my first statement that he should have known better than to wind up and point the protestors in the direction of the capitol under such heated emotions. Again, I do hold him at fault for not calling them to cease and desist immediately. That said, he did not plan, nor intend for the PROTESTORS to become RIOTERS, thus my comment made in May. It is a nuance that I am sure Dave and the left will discard, as nuance is something only to be considered with the expansion of leftist notions evidently.

Jerry said...

Got to love the way you rewrite history Darrell. Did you read the comment I posted by Powell where he admitted the U.S. lied about Iraq's atomic program and Powell admitted his lies to the UN were the worst thing he ever did? You forgot Bush had intelligence that America was going to be attacked? Did you forget Amb. Wilson said there was no yellow cake sale, then Bush went on to destroy Wilson and his wife including outing her as a CIA agent ( a crime against the Constitution). Our military had 20 years to train an Afghan army and failed. That's just laughable. When the hour came that American military trained Army didn't last 48 hours. The military lied to us. President Bush lied to us. That makes him responsible. Your illogical statement that Biden was responsible for deaths because terrorists set off a bomb, then surely Bush was responsible for the deaths when terrorists blew up buildings. Afghanistan did not set off those bombs Bin Laden Did. Bin Laden was not the leader of Afghanistan. Over the years you have swallowed the right wing lies and version of history, which is not true. I feel sorry for you.

Darrell Michaels said...

Joe Wilson was a political hack and was chosen only because of his ties to his wife and CIA analyst,Valerie Plame despite his hostility to the Bush administration.

The fact was that Wilson’s “fact-finding mission” to Niger to determine whether Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was trying to acquire yellowcake uranium from them had enormous holes and contradictory statements in his report on the trip. Indeed, The Iraq Intelligence Commission and the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence concluded that many of Wilson’s claims were incorrect. Further, the Senate report stated that Wilson’s report actually bolstered rather than detracted from intelligence about the purported sale of uranium to Iraq. To this day, British Intelligence stands by the claim that Saddam Hussein did indeed attempt to acquire such material from Niger.

But you may believe what you want, sir.

Jerry said...

And what about outing his wife, a crime. What about having been warned about an attack, we have the presidential memos to prove it. What about Powell's confession, we have his own words to prove it. What about Bush' lies of "clouds" of destruction, we have Bush's own words. What about an illegal attack and invasion of Iraq? What about 20 years to train an Army? What about the lies of our military? You seem to believe lies, but that's your problem. History and facts are on my side, you have lies on your side. By the way Wilson was appointed by Bush one of his own political hacks as you put it.

Dave Dubya said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Darrell Michaels said...

I am sorry folks, but I must turn comment moderation on again because a leftist troll cannot accept his banishment after YEARS of tolerating his hate, accusations, and nonsense on this blog. My apologies that a leftist once again is ruining things for everyone else.

Just the Facts! said...

"Evidently, the left will hold onto an argument even when the facts show that it is inaccurate and wrong." Because the left believes only they know the truth and if they repeat what they think is truth long enough it will become know as the truth. Dave is a classic example of this as you have pointed out in your post.

Darrell Michaels said...

“And what about outing his wife, a crime.”

Valerie Plame was an analyst for the CIA and not a field agent. Further, if she was, then her identity as such was one of the worst kept secrets on the D.C. cocktail circuit as all of her friends knew she worked for the CIA as reported at that time by more credible reporters.

“What about having been warned about an attack, we have the presidential memos to prove it.”

This point of yours has merit. Bush should have taken this more seriously. This was a failure of his and many in the law enforcement and intelligence agencies as they could not point to more concrete information of the impending attack, even though the bread crumbs were there. Bush does bear some great culpability on this for sure.

“What about an illegal attack and invasion of Iraq?”

The attack on Iraq was not illegal in any sense of the word. There was a U.N. resolution that Saddam Hussein was violating regarding weapons inspections. The U.S. and an international coalition of nations enforced that resolution by prosecuting the war. It was a war that Bush also received bipartisan congressional approval on before attacking.

“What about 20 years to train an Army?”

What about it? Frankly, with the corruption in Afghanistan’s government and the unreliable pay to its military, this was bound to happen. It is a tribal nation and ideologies of the people are primarily about personal survival. Frankly, we have kept thousands of troops in Korea, Germany, and elsewhere throughout the globe after wars ended. I frankly think keeping 2500 troops in Afghanistan to maintain the peace, ensure that the barbaric Taliban did not regain control and butcher its people and women, and set up a safe haven again for terrorists may not have been such a bad investment after all. When we return to that country in the future because of new terrorist activity, it will certainly cost us more than having kept 2500 troops on the ground there.

“What about the lies of our military?”

Please specify to which lies you are asserting.

“You seem to believe lies, but that's your problem. History and facts are on my side, you have lies on your side. By the way Wilson was appointed by Bush one of his own political hacks as you put it.”
Jerry, if something I believe is proven to be in error, I will adjust my thinking accordingly. Your sources of history, based on your questions above, are certainly suspect in their credibility, my friend. As for Wilson, he was a political hack. Bush also foolishly appointed Justice Roberts to the SCOTUS and we can see what a travesty that appointment was too.

Darrell Michaels said...

JTF, you are correct. I think that tactic of repeating lies until the public accepts them is simply a part of leftist Alinsky-type tactics.

Jerry said...

You simply refuse to accept the facts as know by historical research. When you conspiracy theorists believe lies for years they become your truth even though they are not actual facts.
Now you blame the failure of the military to train an Army in 20 years on political corruption. Figures. Covering up for an inept military.
After military losses in Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Middle East and other engagements, I'm tired of giving the military the superior position they falsely claim. They are not the best Army in the world, in fact, they have been beaten by rebel armies far superior in numbers and materials.

Darrell Michaels said...

“Now you blame the failure of the military to train an Army in 20 years on political corruption. Figures. Covering up for an inept military.

After military losses in Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Middle East and other engagements, I'm tired of giving the military the superior position they falsely claim. They are not the best Army in the world, in fact, they have been beaten by rebel armies far superior in numbers and materials.” ~ Jerry

Jerry, you have an interesting and very flawed perspective, sir, which I suspect is based on the biased sources of information and editorials you consume. Our military can train tactics, strategy, support, logistics and all sorts of military doctrine to the Afghanistan military; however, if the Afghan government does not support nor reliably pay those military personnel, then they sure as hell are not going to put their lives on the line when the Taliban comes rolling into town. They will simply go home or even join the Taliban.

Oh and by the way, we lost in Vietnam not because of our military’s abilities or lack thereof. We certainly could have won there had the politicians not been orchestrating the war and tying the military’s hands in how they prosecuted it against the Vietcong and NVA.
And we did not lose any wars in the Middle East, despite politicians’ best efforts. When politicians dictate certain rules of engagement such that we cannot return fire on civilian targets like mosques, then the enemy quickly learns that this is a safe haven for snipers and enemy combatants to operate out of with little fear of retaliation. This dangerous and asinine POLITICIAN mind set that is afraid of bad press from the leftist media is what allows Saddam Hussein and the Palestinians to put missile or anti-aircraft batteries on hospitals and schools to shoot us down; however, if we return fire, then our enemies and the left proclaim how we took out a church or a school or a hospital. Yes, civilian life should always be protected to the greatest degree possible, but our enemies have shown they don’t care about the lives of their own people, especially when propaganda wins can be achieved through the willing cooperation of our “objective” media.

Further, we won the war and accomplished our primary objectives in Afghanistan. It was the asinine and foolishly executed withdrawal by a corrupt and senile politician contrary to advice from his military advisers that gave the perception to the world that we lost as we exited the country. And in that regard, we did lose. Biden has blood on his hands directly due to his orders and he should be removed from office.

Jerry said...

I know of no politician, or military person who would say we won in Afghanistan. It's impossible to debate lies. I will state known facts. You can spew whatever fantasy you want. You are exactly like Dave. He also proposes fantasy as if they were facts, even though history proves him wrong. Now back to you FOX news intelligence.

Just the Facts! said...

I wonder if Jerry accepts the facts coming out from the Durham investigation?

Darrell Michaels said...

"I know of no politician, or military person who would say we won in Afghanistan." ~ Jerry

That's interesting, Jerry, because most of the military people I am aware of think our primary objectives were accomplished in Afghanistan. It was only our Biden-orchestrated disastrous retreat that was a crap-show and provided the illusion of having lost. As for politicians, well they will come down on either side, depending on their party affiliation, so I frankly don't care what any of them have to say... on just about any matter.

"It's impossible to debate lies. I will state known facts. You can spew whatever fantasy you want. You are exactly like Dave. He also proposes fantasy as if they were facts, even though history proves him wrong. Now back to you FOX news intelligence." ~ Jerry

It is indeed impossible to debate those that hold to their lies or misinformation like it is something sacred. When shown I am wrong, I will adjust my thinking accordingly. If only the left would do the same!

JTF, we all know that any damning facts from the Durham investigation are probably just more Russian/conservative propaganda! ;)

Ironic, since Biden is trying to govern much like Putin does, and just as corruptly.

Jerry said...

I watched the hearings. No general stated we won the war. I have pointed out where you were wrong including posting Powell's own words that proved you wrong, yet, you still hold onto conservative conspiracy theories that are lies.