Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Greatest President I Never Liked

Would you like to hear a poorly kept secret? I do not like President Trump.

Never have.

He has always struck me as a narcissistic blowhard in love with the sound of his own voice.  (Didn’t we just get rid of our previous president with those same issues?)  Anyway, it made me unwilling to trust Trump, especially after seeing the sophomoric way he conducted himself through the Republican campaign towards his fellow candidates in 2016. 

It left me with a conundrum.  I wasn’t willing to vote for the arrogant bully who seemed to be running for president just to erect another edifice to his ego.  At the same time, I CERTAINLY wasn’t going to vote for the congenital liar and constitutionally-adverse crook in the Mao pant-suits.  The only tax-payer federal building Hillary deserved to be in was one where she could wear government-provided orange pant suits; not the White House.

I decided to vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party for president in 2016 accordingly.  (I know… I know… it was a throw away vote, but my conscience could not let me vote for either of the two major party candidates.)

Then something happened over the course of the next four years of Trump’s presidency.  Yes, his cringe-worthy tweets and his often-unstatesmanlike behavior were over the top and absolutely unpalatable, to say the least.  However, President Trump’s executive instincts in governing the greatest nation in the history of humankind were uncannily on target.  He really was determined to drain the swamp of its partisan denizens of both parties.  He wasn’t about to let the establishment tell him differently.

Over the course of his Presidency, he really did make America great again in so many fundamentally important ways.

First, he sought to protect our country from nations that were prone to terrorism against us when their “immigrants and travelers” could not be vetted.  He took the Obama administration’s list of countries and expanded it appropriately.  This, of course, was met with cries of xenophobia and Islamophobia by the left and their sycophantic Democrat institutionalized media. (or “Dim” for short.)

Trump began appointing well-qualified and constitutionally-minded jurists to the federal courts who would adjudicate cases according to the law and the constitution instead of legislating from the bench.  He even appointed what appears to be three solid constitutionalists to the Supreme Court.  This may be the only bulwark left to protect the nation from the coming leftist tidal wave.  Of course, “Big Guy” Biden has insinuated that he will pack the Supreme Court to nullify any right of center (constitutional) rulings that may disseminate from that bench.  (He didn’t think we citizens deserved to know for sure though during his campaign.)

Trump also drew down American troops and got us out of conflicts throughout the world stage, all the while protecting our national security interests. 

He got us out of the execrable Iran nuclear deal that paid off the State Department’s leading sponsor of state terrorism that allowed Iran to continue to pursue nuclear technology “for peaceful means”.  Obama sent millions of dollars to the Shia terrorist state actors and Trump sent a guided missile to take out Iranian general Soleimani, whom was responsible for executing much of the terrorism against the United States and the west.  On cue, the left denounced the killing of this evil terrorist by Trump.

Trump was the first president to actually hold China accountable for the trade practices, intellectual theft, and monetary manipulation done by this dangerous regime.  In doing so Trump brought back myriads of jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector.  Jobs that President Obama told us were gone forever.

Of course, Obama also told us that a sub-two percent growth in yearly GDP was the new normal and it was not possible for him to improve upon his worst economic “recovery” in U.S. history.  And Obama did not lie.  He indeed could not improve that.  Trump could though.  And he did.  He brought record economic growth, reduction in unnecessary and burdensome regulations, and historic lows in unemployment for Americans.  Americans of color saw some of the greatest improvements in job opportunities and economic growth.  Where Obama gauged success by how many millions of people were partaking of government subsidies and hand-outs, President Trump redefined success by helping millions of people find the dignity of being self-sufficient and no longer slaves to the federal government.

He oversaw record stock market gains, and then recovery after COVID-19 came to town.  This helped scores of millions of middle-class families with their retirement plans as business boomed.

Trump’s energy policies made America energy independent for the first time in my life time that I recall.  Gasoline and energy prices came down dramatically, thus helping the poorest in our country the most.  His policies also created myriads of good-paying jobs as well.

President Trump also sought to secure our borders from illegal aliens seeking to enter our country.  He begged congress to help revamp our immigration laws to adapt to new realities, but all to no avail.  In the meantime, he built a wall along the southern border in order to ensure that would-be immigrants to the United States did so through legal means.  This, of course, is racist too to the leftists that wanted to further increase their voting blocs.  Ironically the only wall that President Big Guy is building is around the capitol to protect himself during his inauguration.

The irony is Trump wants to build a wall to protect Americans and Biden builds a wall to protect himself FROM Americans.

Trump also did what every administration of either party has failed to do.  He has overseen peace blossom in the Middle East with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan all normalizing relations with Israel.  There are at least a half a dozen more majority-Muslim nations that are similarly looking to do so in the near future. 

This was something that the “experts” in the U.N., our State Department, and other so-called people in the know proclaimed was impossible without first addressing the Palestinian issue.  President Trump refused to give in to the intransigent and often unreasonable demands of the Palestinians and moved forward with his plans anyway.  He supported Israel’s annexation of the Golan heights from where terrorist attacks on Israel were launched with mortar and rocket fire.  He then did what many past presidents talked about doing.  He moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to the capital of Israel in Jerusalem.  When he ignored the tantrums from the corrupt Palestinian leadership and simply moved ahead, he showed the world how irrelevant they were to bringing about a long-awaited peace in the region.

I could continue with scores of major accomplishments achieved under President Trump’s administration.  He removed us from the job-killing and socialistic Paris Climate fiasco.  He removed obstacles and fast-tracked multiple companies coming out with Covid19 vaccines in less than a year’s time.  (Something the “experts” once again said was impossible.)  He was responsible for the First Step Act which removed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately affected black Americans.  He was responsible for us being a net exporter of crude oil and energy instead of an importer.  He scrapped NAFTA and renegotiated a far better trade deal with our north American partners of Canada and Mexico.  Trump got many NATO members to pick up their share of the tab as they are obligated to do in our mutual defenses.  President Trump looked at future vulnerabilities and created the new military branch of the Space Force.  And of course, President Trump cut economy-draining and job killing taxes and regulations.

The result has been a far stronger and safer America for everyone, despite all of the leftist naysayers and bad faith actors to the contrary.  Indeed, they seem to hate him all the more because of his great successes. 

I decided to judge Trump by his actions and the fruits of his labors.  He put America first.  The lies from the media, censorship and manipulation by Big Tech, and deep state socialists on the left have all conspired to unsaddle him so as to continue down their path to a “benevolent” big brother nanny state.  What could possibly go wrong here?

Yep, I still don’t like Trump, but he did indeed put America first for ALL AMERICANS.  His actions outweighed his mouth.

Too bad there are tens of millions of Americans that have bought into the big lies from the left.  Our country will suffer greatly for it in the next four years accordingly as the economy will tank and our freedoms will be infringed upon in even greater magnitude. The head of the corrupt Biden crime family will not reign long though, I suspect.  Kamala cannot wait, I am sure.  Their “leadership” will surely show us how good we did have it under the boorish Trump though.  Of that, I am certain.

In 2020 I voted for President Trump because despite his many faults, like him, I love our country too. 


Anonymous said...

Remember this day.

No wars in four years.

Independence from foreign oil

Gas under $2.10 a gallon

Stock market above 30K

Darrell Michaels said...

Exactly, Anonymous!

We shall see how well the leader of the Biden crime family does in governing the country. He has no significant accomplishments other than titles over his nearly five decade career as a politician. And yet he is very wealthy interestingly enough. I guess the Chinese, Ukrainians, and Russians do make politics profitable when you skim 10% off the top for being the "Big Guy".

Like I said, what can go wrong? May God save our country!

Dave Dubya said...

I see you still can't comprehend the fact that Trump is worst liar ever to desecrate the Oval Office.

More pablum of evil "deep state leftists, media and socialists", and NO mention of Trump's bloody insurrection. After all Trump and his traitors are the "real victims" in your view.

How fair and balanced is that?

"Biden builds a wall to protect himself FROM Americans."

This lie represents your entire load of delusions about Trump.

Trump put up a massive fence around the White House to protect himself from people fed up by his racism and racist cops. Where have you been?

Trump's terrorist traitors are the reason for the military security in DC. Again, where have you been?

I happen to love my country too. And Trump, his liars, and his terrorists are bad for it.

And so are you, for believing in his treasonous lies.

Your mind cannot be changed by facts or reason.

America has NEVER been made great by hate, lies, racism and closed minds.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, I don't have to be "balanced" as the left owns the democrat institutionalized media. (DIM) I am fair though and try to very hard to be consistent in my standards. I wish the left would even attempt to do the same.

I do not condone any of those thugs that stormed the capitol. In fact I unequivocally denounced them on a post that day. See the column I posted on 1/6/2021, in case you forgot. Further, I still haven't seen a conservative that did not condemn that violence immediately too. I wish you and your leftist comrades would have done the same as Antifa and BLM rioted, looted, and burned down cities. Instead, we have leftists either mitigating or supporting it. THAT is also domestic terrorism.

"America has NEVER been made great by hate, lies, racism and closed minds." ~ Dubya

On that statement, we can agree. The difference is the party that is actually engaging in the hate, lies, racism, and closed minds comes far more from the far left side of the spectrum. And that is simply the truth. One you will undoubtedly fail to acknowledge. I guess a cultist doesn't know he is in a cult though, right comrade? :)

As for the terrorist traitors in D.C., they have disbanded from the area shortly after the 6th. Oh, and there is a distinct difference in those that peacefully marched in protest on that day, and those punk ass thugs that stormed the capitol. Further, that terrorism was evidently planned well in advance of Trump's speech, so he did not "cause" these thugs to riot as the leftist hypocritical media has stated and LIED about AGAIN.

I don't believe everything that Trump said. I approach anything any politician says with a great deal of skepticism. That said, Trump's actions have overwhelmingly benefited the nation, especially for the poor and people of color. Pretty messed up for a "lying racist", huh?

Dave Dubya said...

Your tenaciously held Far Right propaganda points, your false belief that Trump won the election, and your false accusations for me AGAIN, are solid mental blockages impervious to facts and reason.

”I wish you and your leftist comrades would have done (condemned) the same as Antifa and BLM rioted, looted, and burned down cities. Instead, we have leftists either mitigating or supporting it. THAT is also domestic terrorism.”

I wish you would condemn the storming, looting and destruction of the Capitol. People were terrorized and making calls they thought would be their final goodbyes to loved ones.

This was incited by Trump, by his lies. This insurrection was committed for YOUR cause!

Why can’t you admit those terrorists were your fellow believers of Trump’s Big Lie? You believe in their cause, if not their methods.

“Not yet” you cautioned about violence. So when? When are you going to rise up to “take your country back” and go down in glory for Trump’s lie?

You won’t condemn the storming, looting and destruction of the Capitol.

I wish you would condemn the storming, looting and destruction of the Capitol.

Why don’t you condemn the storming, looting and destruction of the Capitol?

Are you wondering why I’m repeating this?

It is exactly how YOU have repeatedly accused me of not condemning arsonists and vandals and ignored my responses. This is just more proof that good faith dialogue with Trump’s true believers is impossible. They have all the answers. They don’t need to listen to anybody who disagrees. We are all enemies to you. We “stole” the election. We “hate” America. We’re “commies”. We’ve heard it ALL so many times it is sickening.

You have refused to acknowledge the numbers of times I have clearly condemned arson and vandalism. You’ll ignore it again.

You want to believe democrats and progressives support that criminal behavior. You want to believe we are “bereft of morality”. You are as radicalized the Qanon kooks. Your conspiracies get crazier and crazier. Your demonization is reaching Nazi levels. You damn well better know Hitler accused Jews of being “bereft of morality”. This is the hate you and Trump have used to poison our country.

Your outrage for racism and police brutality is non-existent. You just howl about the property damage over and over and over. Did You know it was one of your damned “boogaloo bois” gun nuts who burned the police station? I bet not.

”The difference is the party that is actually engaging in the hate, lies, racism, and closed minds comes far more from the far left side of the spectrum. And that is simply the truth. One you will undoubtedly fail to acknowledge.”

Your mob of white supremacist terrorists marching under a Confederate Flag in our Capitol tells us quite clearly who the racists are.

Facts do not support this. I would call it a lie, but you’re indoctrinated to believe in the lies.

You can’t admit Trump’s terrorist traitors storming of the Capitol is far worse than property crimes. You can’t admit Trump lost. You can’t admit your white nationalist buddies in Proud Boys, 3%ers, Oath Keepers, etc. are now terrorist organizations. They were all there to “stop the steal” and “take back the country”.

You are one of them. You are just as radicalized, and are as potentially dangerous with your fanatic embrace of Trump’s Big Lie. You sympathize with the terrorist’s cause.

Dave Dubya said...

”Further, that terrorism was evidently planned well in advance of Trump's speech, so he did not "cause" these thugs to riot as the leftist hypocritical media has stated and LIED about AGAIN.”

So now you’re saying Trump didn’t incite the mob? Of course you do. You think that’s a media lie. Dear Leader can do no wrong and tell no lie.

Trump incited it. Trump gathered them there at that place and time. He called it the “Save America March”.

Of course they planned it. Trump gave them advance notice: “Be there, will be wild!”The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!

Rudy told them “Let's have trial by combat”.

Trump told them their mission:
We want to go back, and we want to get this right because we’re going to have somebody in there that should not be in there and our country will be destroyed, and we’re not going to stand for that. .. But just remember this. You’re stronger, you’re smarter. You’ve got more going than anybody, and they try and demean everybody having to do with us, and you’re the real people. You’re the people that built this nation.

Yes, this echoes Hitler’s “Deutsche Volk” and “master race” rhetoric.

Then Trump gave the marching orders:
“I said ‘Something’s wrong here. Something’s really wrong. Can’t have happened.’ And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun. My fellow Americans for our movement, for our children and for our beloved country and I say this, despite all that’s happened, the best is yet to come. So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue...and we’re going to the Capitol and....we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”

And why don’t you condemn the storming, looting and destruction of the Capitol?

(See what I mean?)

Anonymous said...

Well said Darrell.

Anonymous said...

Biden is not a decent person.

Plenty of examples to support this statement. The best one is set forth by Kevin Williamson:

Of all of Biden’s dishonesty — the plagiarism and other intellectual dishonesty, the invented biographical episodes, etc. — the one that sticks out the most to me is his lying, repeatedly, about the death of his first wife and child, falsely claiming that they had been killed by a drunk driver. In reality, the driver of the other car was neither drunk nor even at fault — police reports suggest that Mrs. Biden accidentally swerved into the lane of oncoming traffic. A horrible story — but not the story Joe Biden told for years.

Mentally normal people do not do things like that. Honest people certainly do not do things like that.

Imagine the cynicism and soul-deadness it takes to consider the death of your wife and child and then say to yourself, “How could this situation be improved for political purposes?”

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, you asked when the time for violence is. I'd say when the leftist authoritarians come to take away people for re-education camps like the PBS staff lawyer said, as well as Katie Couric, and many other leftist elites. THAT is Nazism. Not protesting an election through legal CONSTITUTIONAL means that the Democrats themselves have used repeatedly over the past twenty years.

And don't give me that crap about the Left accepting the election in 2016. How many of these asshats thought that Russia stole the election for Trump, when it was actually Hillary colluding with them to write a false dossier on Trump. They were trying to impeach him before he even took office. Yeah, your peaceful left really was a role model there.

Where is my outrage for the "racism and police brutality"? Seriously? Go and read my posts and comments and you will find myriads of instances of exactly my disgust and condemnation. But you have to be asked if you are even bothered by leftist rioters and their "property crimes". That is crap. There have been far more people killed in the leftist "peaceful protests" than there were in the idiot domestic terrorists storming the capitol. Here are 17 people as opposed to 5 at the capitol riots that are called out by name. I am sure you will ignore that inconvenient truth too.

But then what do I know. I am white and therefore a racist. And according to Dave's own words, "ANY Republican unwilling to admit Biden won the election fairly is an enemy of truth, democracy, and the people of the United States." THAT is Nazi propaganda that you project on others. You truly are a disgrace, sir.

I think the domestic terrorists on the right and left that perpetrated murder, violence, mayhem, arson, looting, and destruction should all be punished to the fullest extent of the law. And by the way, which of the dozens of times are you referring when the leftist Antifa fascists tried to burn down police stations with people inside in Portland and Seattle and elsewhere? Shift the blame again, Dave.

Next, I do not condone the inflammatory rhetoric in an already over-heated environment that Trump spewed. He was wrong and dangerous to even implicitly make the statements he did. That said, he also condemned the violence and told the rioters to stand down and go home.

If that is the standard, then VP Harris should similarly be impeached for her support of the terrorists in the leftwing riots.

"I always, I’m going to interpret these protests as an essential component of evolution in our country, as an essential component, a mark of a real democracy and as necessary..." ~ Kamala Harris

Peaceful protests are fine, like the rally at the capitol was intended to be and was for a vast majority of people. When they stormed the capitol, that is when that small minority of protesters turned into rioters whom should be legally punished. Too bad you don't seem to see the difference... on either side.

Darrell Michaels said...

Anonymous, you bring up some great points. Lets not forget a credible allegation of sexual assault by Tara Reade that the media completely ignored. Or how about Big Guy Biden's business partner, Mr. Babalinski, and his report on the corruption of the Biden crime family. Big Tech and the leftist media didn't even report on that in any meaningful way whatsoever. The ends always justifies the means to the left.

Dave Dubya said...

Relax. Nobody’s taking you to a re-education camp. Nobody’s coming for your guns. Nobody’s taking away your freedom.

”He was wrong and dangerous to even implicitly make the statements he did. That said, he also condemned the violence and told the rioters to stand down and go home.”

I agree with you on the first statement. How many hours did he watch the insurrection on TV before doing a damn thing about it? He ENJOYED it. He did NOTHING to stop it for hours.

Finally after 4pm he praised them. “This was a fraudulent election, but we can’t play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home, and go home in peace.”

He instigated the violence and praised them afterwards. When did Hillary do that? And YOU believe that vile man’s lies. Shame on you.

So now you're blaming protesters and equating random crimes to the terrorist attack on the Capitol.

More false equivalence. Trump's terrorist attack is beyond any of your cherry picked crimes. Crimes that you would have to admit would never have happened if not for police brutality that triggered the protests and unrest. No riot was as deadly as the terrorist attack on our Capitol. No riot was as harmful to our democracy and national reputation as the terrorist attack on our Capitol.

"And don't give me that crap about the Left accepting the election in 2016. How many of these asshats thought that Russia stole the election for Trump, when it was actually Hillary colluding with them to write a false dossier on Trump."

More falsehoods and false equivalence. Hillary didn't meet with Russians for dirt on Trump. Trump's cartel did that. They had dozens of contacts with Russians they were legally required to report. They didn't, and that's why there was an investigation.

When did the "left" swarm the Capitol with murderous intent?

When did the "left" or Hillary say the electoral votes were invalid due to "massive fraud" and "illegal" voting?

When did the "left" or Hillary accuse millions of voters of voting illegally in 2016?

When did Hillary say, "I won", the election was "rigged", "Stop the steal", and "Take our country back"?

When did the "left" or Hillary refuse to accept the electoral votes in 2016?

When did Hillary or the "left" say she won, and pass on lies that spawned terrorism?


That would all be the terrorists and enemies of democracy on the radical Right.

You are one of them, passing on lies that spawned terrorism by Trump's traitors.

You're more angry with reactions to police brutality than by Trump's treasonous lie and incitement for insurrection.

Some American you are.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dear readers, I probably should not indulge the leftist radical, Dave Dubya, and keep printing his comments; however, I think it is instructive to show the current mindset of a typical leftist and what they think is acceptable in this post-American age.

Mr. Dubya has obviously has drank the Kool Aid and is against anything that even resembles the constitutional republic of America, despite his amusing short sightedness of considering himself an "old fashioned American".

"Crimes that you would have to admit would never have happened if not for police brutality that triggered the protests and unrest. No riot was as deadly as the terrorist attack on our Capitol. No riot was as harmful to our democracy and national reputation as the terrorist attack on our Capitol."

Bull crap. There you go excusing your terrorist thugs that spent an entire summer, fall, and winter destroying cities and running up a death toll that surpasses the five killed by the thugs at D.C. 17 people at last count, and I sent you the specifics and the names of them. Of course I heard NOTHING in reply because it does not meet your lying narrative.

They wouldn't have done it if the police weren't so brutal? Bull. They were waiting for another excuse to riot. The country condemns police brutality and was sympathetic to that cause. The Marxist BLM and fascist Antifa didn't care. It isn't about non-existent systemic racism. It is about leftist ideology, greed, and anarchy. It is about perpetrating a leftist world-wide reset.

Mr. Dubya evidently is willing to make allowances for that though. After all that is where his sympathies lie. I have friends and family that are liberals, and I love and respect them. I no longer have any respect, however, for the leftists in my circle and outside of it for that matter that are bent on the destruction of our republic and our constitutional law.

It is sad when they hate Trump and conservatives far more than they love their own country.

Dave Dubya said...

This is the radical Right.

GOP: 33 hearings & investigations over 5 years.

Hillary's emails:
GOP: 20+ hearings & investigations over 5 years.

Trump’s Insurrection:
GOP: How dare you muzzle us. It’s been 3 weeks move on already.

Dave Dubya said...

Conservative white men think they are the real authorities on the subject, of course.

Systemic Racism:

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Eighty-three percent of Blacks polled said that Blacks face discrimination when looking for a job and only 7 percent say Blacks have the same chance as whites, compared to 41 percent of whites who said Blacks and whites have the same chance.

Among Black respondents, the perception that Blacks are treated less fairly in their interactions with police is higher, at 73 percent, while nearly half of white respondents, 48 percent, think Blacks are treated less fairly than whites.

In a new Pew Research survey, just 9% of Trump supporters say it's “a lot more difficult” to be Black in the US than white.
Compared to 74% of Biden voters and 44% of the general electorate, Trump's base is left on an island of its own denial of systemic racism.

Fifty-three percent of those polled said they believe systemic racism in the U.S. is a "very serious" issue, but 11 percent said it wasn't an issue at all, and another 11 percent said it isn't a very serious issue. Another 21 percent called it "somewhat of an issue."

Not surprisingly, Black and Latino respondents were much more likely to view racism as problematic than whites who were polled. Eighty-seven percent of Blacks and 69 percent of Latinos called it a very serious issue, compared with 40 percent of whites.

Black Adults: Jun 8-Jul 24 2020
In general, do you think that Blacks have as good a chance as Whites in your community to get any kind of job for which they are qualified, (Black Adults: 31%)
or don't you think they have as good a chance? (Black Adults: 69%)


From Birth to Death Black People Face Systemic Disadvantages in American Life More than 150 after Slavery Was Abolished

Anonymous said...


I hope you do not stoop to the same anti American level as Mr. Dubya does on his blog by censoring him. Let the public see him whine, deflect and use whataboutism to avoid dealing with his radical leftist beliefs.

Plus we all could use a good laugh.

Just the Facts! said...

Is it any wonder that the party of Truman, and Kennedy hated Tulsi Gabbard?

She loves America more than being in power.

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii warned that people such as California Rep. Adam Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan and Big Tech executives who are “trying to undermine” Americans’ constitutional rights are much more dangerous than the people who stormed the Capitol three weeks ago.

“The mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country,” she said in a tweet Tuesday.

“But let’s be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in big tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance are also domestic enemies — and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol.”

Dave Dubya said...

Gee, I wonder what my "radical leftist beliefs" are. Anonymous can't say.

I hope you do not stoop to the same anti American level as Mr. Dubya does on his blog by censoring him.

Too late for that, Anonymous. BTW I have NEVER "censored" Darrell, only racist liars and anonymous trolls. And AFTER fair warning.

Yes, Darrell, why not show some courage to be challenged?

Are your ideas that weak?

How about this for "whine, deflect and whataboutism"?

The “few” terrorists who stormed the Capitol.

“Using a trove of leaked smartphone location data, we learn about 40 percent of the phones tracked near the rally stage on the National Mall during the speeches were also found in and around the Capitol during the siege — a clear link between those who’d listened to the president and his allies and then marched on the building.”


Better censor this too. We can't allow unpleasant facts about the Trump Cult here, can we?

Dave Dubya said...


"Oh, and there is a distinct difference in those that peacefully marched in protest on that day, and those punk ass thugs that stormed the capitol."

I know you will refuse to acknowledge the truth that thousands at the rally were insurrectionists.

“Using a trove of leaked smartphone location data, we learn about 40 percent of the phones tracked near the rally stage on the National Mall during the speeches were also found in and around the Capitol during the siege — a clear link between those who’d listened to the president and his allies and then marched on the building.”


Dave Dubya said...

File under: "His actions".

Juli Briskman was the cyclist who gave the Trump motorcade the finger.

Trump was so angry and vindictive he demanded that she be fired, and she was. Juli then decided to run for office and defeated the Republican candidate on her local Virginia State Council. She was sworn in a few days ago.

But the story gets better. She is now on the Local Board of Supervisors that oversees legislation for leisure facilities in her county, a county which includes Trump’s National Golf Club.


UnTrump said...

The economy tanked under Trump. GDP was abysmal [trap set]. Unemployment abysmal. Stock market continued Obama trend. On the ecomomy, Trump was awful. He claimed to have 15 billion dollars, and suggested his earnings were something like 1.5 percent if that, again abysmal. Fidelity gives me a consistent 10% return. America's economy was true to form. As for China, I agree that he tried, which puts him above others. He killed countless Americans with his politically motivated lies. He makes Hoover and Nixon seem like Mothers Teresa in comparison. Now I will list what he did well:

Dave Dubya said...

According to the "Presidential Greatness Survey" published Monday by the American Political Science Association, Trump is ranked 44th out of 44 presidents.



Trump Is Worst President In US History, Political Scientists Claim

Only the radical Right thinks Trump was a good president.