Friday, April 13, 2018

The Militant Left's Suppression of Our Free Speech Rights

A disturbing trend seems to be gaining momentum in America.  We are seeing fewer and fewer liberals engaging in our nation’s political discourse and a far greater number of militant leftists that are doing so.  Leftists, as was reiterated by a member of that group to me lately, are inherently anti-constitutionalists.  Therein lays the greatest difference between liberals and leftists.  Liberals still tend to be staunch supporters of the rule of just law and especially the laws enshrined in the constitution.  Leftists want to advance a progressive agenda and are less concerned with the trampling of a few laws or constitutional rights in doing so because to them the end justifies the means.  I would imagine my defining of these terms will further anger some folks, but words have meanings and I want to make sure that readers understand how I define these terms as used in my post so that there won’t be any confusion.

The latest expression of this leftism-run-amok is their penchant for wanting to dissuade, if not outright suppress, free speech.  We have seen this occur on college campuses, as the overwhelming majority of professors are leftists set on indoctrinating our bright but ignorant children.  We have seen this occur in the progressive ideology perpetrated in our left-leaning media.  We have seen this occur in the censoring of conservative content on Facebook and YouTube.  We have even seen attempts of shutting down debate in congress from leftists, particularly when it came time to discuss DACA.  Sadly, the problem is growing at a seemingly exponential rate.

Many of these leftists engage in what can aptly be characterized as “Stalinist” tactics as they seem to want nothing more than to issue a gag order on free speech.  This is particularly visible on most college campuses where “safe spaces” are established to provide leftist students a respite from the “racist, sexist, homophobic” conservatives.  These leftists talk about “white privilege” and “micro-aggressions” as a means to stifle debate and intimidate those whom disagree with their leftist agenda.  It is ironic in the extreme that for all of the left’s talk about inclusivity, they certainly don’t want diverse opinions to enter the public discussion.  Only leftist thought is celebrated and championed.  It is the only time where any form of homogeneity is required; homogeneity of thought.

Recently the “Student Power Network” at Penn State University has made demands to the university president that he denounce and defund right-wing “hate groups” that engage in anti-immigrant rhetoric.  Evidently anyone that speaks up for the rule of law in enforcing our borders is now a member of a “hate group” according to them.  Dissenting speech won’t be tolerated by most students there accordingly. 

There are many other numerous cases of conservative students having their first amendment free speech rights threatened on college campuses.  Last December a couple of young men wearing “make America great again” ball caps were accosted in a Fordham University coffee house that doubles as a “safe space” by a social justice warrior.  The young men were not even discussing politics but rather their preparations for finals when they were yelled at and asked to leave. “Get out! Five minutes,” the worker barked. “I’m protecting our customers … you are wearing hats that completely violate safe space policy. You have to go. ” She exploded when Michael Esposito, 19, asked her to explain. “Fascism, Nazis!” shouted the militant leftist. “You have three minutes.”  Evidently this is just one more example of leftists protecting their campus from any dissenting opinion.

This has long been the case too at many universities throughout the nation when conservative leaders are invited to speak on campus, especially at commencement ceremonies.  The Leftist students and faculty are not content to simply not attend the speech and ignore it if these so choose, but they must make sure nobody else can safely attend either.  This was ironically illustrated at Berkeley last year, the supposed birth place of campus free speech, when antifa thugs came out in force in violent response to conservative Milo Yiannopoulos coming to speak.  To these leftist thugs, merely taking issues with a progressive position is considered hate speech.

Sadly, this chilling effect on free speech is not simply limited to college campuses.  I have written this blog under a pseudonym and cancelled my Facebook account years ago when it became possible that I might be laid off and have to seek a new job.  This wasn’t because I supported the KKK or championed misogynistic views towards women.  It was simply because I am a pro-life, pro-traditional-marriage, constitutional conservative. It is because I espouse orthodox conservative views that many PC members of most large corporate human relations departments would nowadays possibly consider as “hate speech”, thereby making me an ineligible candidate for hiring despite my exemplary skills.

This has come to a head where YouTube and Facebook routinely censor conservative content while very seldom doing so for leftist content.  Indeed Senator Scott took issue recently when Facebook blocked two conservative ladies who go by the names of Diamond and Silk who are supporters of Donald Trump because they presented information that was “unsafe to the community.”  Senator Scott asked,

“What is it about two black women espousing their support of the president of the United States that makes them ‘unsafe’ for the community? They aren’t bullies. They aren’t violent. They aren’t inciting riots. I don’t always agree with their methodology or even some of their statements, but I don’t have to agree with them. That’s the beauty of the First Amendment, isn’t it?  Tell me, if they were two African-American liberals espousing their views about a liberal political figure, would they too be considered ‘unsafe’? I don’t think they would.”

It has gotten so scary that California lawmakers are now considering a bill over concerns over “fake news” that would tighten control over free speech on a whole host of online activities.  The fact that the government is looking to control what is “free speech” should frighten the hell out of all of us, even if this first step is only from the moon-bat state of California.

“Beating people up, organizing boycotts for perceived unforgivable offenses, or preventing speakers from being heard on a college campus, it’s all coming from the same place: a desperate desire to stop debate by branding your opponent unacceptable and driving him or her from the public square,” stated Laura Ingraham after having confronted gun-control activist David Hogg and thereby suffering a loss of a few cowardly advertisers due to Hogg requesting a boycott of her show. Ingraham continued, “Their objective is a total transformation of American society, not through rational discourse and open debate, but through personal demonization and silencing.”

Constitutionally-minded liberals and conservatives need to stand together in defending free speech in all places and in all guises.  The political pendulum can and will swing back to the other side, and we do not want either side circumventing or ignoring our first amendment rights for free speech.  Today, it is conservatives who are having their free speech shut down.  It could just as easily be liberals tomorrow.  We need to work together to ensure neither happens.

There is a reason our Founding Fathers specifically mentioned free speech in the very first amendment to the Bill of Rights.  It was to protect speech, especially political speech, that some might find uncomfortable, controversial, or even disgusting.  If all speech was agreeable and non-controversial, there would not ever be a need to protect it.  Now is the time for conservatives and liberals to work together to ensure this right is never subverted, for to allow it to become so would be the next major step in bringing down the liberties of our constitutional republic.


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Dave Dubya said...

So Diamond and Silk said the $1300 was for reimbursement for airfare to a campaign event.( They didn’t admit to the reimbursement until it was discovered and quoted to them. You think they “forgot”?) Dave doesn't believe them because they support Trump.( They LIED about getting money! ) I want to know why he is blaming the black women? (Again, they LIED about getting money!) He would give them the benefit of the doubt if they were going to a HRC or Bernie rally. (“Putting words in my mouth” over a hypothetical case does nothing to counter the fact they LIED.)

The poor wittow victims. They are typical Trumpist LIARS and you can’t that see we are all the victims of lies to congress? Unless IOKIYAR.

Majormajor said...

On Topic :

About 20 members of the "Liberation Coalition" at Columbia University stormed the school library to denounce the school for "giving a platform to white supremacists" by allowing conservative speakers on campus.

The protesters also called for "decolonization" of the curriculum, demanding that professors assign more readings from "marginalized people: black people, women of color, trans people."

And release of reruns of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

TB3 said...


Twenty people "Stormed" the Library, eh? Kinda hyperbolic, don't you think? I also like to think that "White Supremecists" isn't a code word for "Conversative". Are we acknowledging that "Conversative" is a synonym for "White Supremecist" now? Here I was thinking one could be conservative and not be a white supremecist.

Also; There's nothing wrong with demanding more diversity in a cirriculum.

Jerry Critter said...

TP — “Your duplicity in citing Trump's sexual assaults while denying Bill Clinton's is particularly striking.”

Bill Clinton, separate issue, but it is your blog so I guess you can go off-topic. By the way, does the name Ken Starr ring a bell? Clinton was investigated quite extensively.

Jerry Critter said...

Well, Dave, all you have to do is listen to Trump’s rant on Fox yesterday to confirm that Angry White Americans have found a voice in Trump, not only a voice but legitimacy and support for their anti-American views.

Dave Dubya said...

Angry White Americans have been marginalized and persecuted far too long. Only Trump can save us.

I must add white supremacists, "Very fine people" marching with Nazis, and our new friend Putin, of course.

"I am an informant" for the Russian government, says Natalia Veselnitskaya, of Trump Tower meeting fame:

Dave Dubya said...

Looks like Chance the rapper was taken in by a fool...

Poor Chance the rapper is going down fast in the learned esteem of Majormajor:

“Unfortunately, my attempt to support Kanye is being used to discredit my brothers and sisters in the movement and I can’t sit by and let that happen either,” Chance said.

“I’d never support anyone who has made a career out of hatred, racism and discrimination. I’d never support someone who’d talk about Chicago as if it’s a hell on earth and then take steps to make life harder here for the most disenfranchised among us. I understand why people are disappointed with my words, but I was raised to believe actions speak louder than words,” he said.

Majormajor said...


I also like to think that "White Supremecists" isn't a code word for "Conversative".

It is to the left as that is what those who prevented the conservatives from speaking said they were

Dave Dubya said...

Since reality has been sacrificed to unilateral definitions anyway, why can't someone who's called a "Leftist who opposes the Constitution" call cons white supremacists?

This is where it leads...

Darrell Michaels said...

"Liberation Coalition"? They are actually probably all members of the Local 666 Anarchists and Snowflake Union. :)

I don't care if universities assign more readings of "marginalized people" in classes of appropriate studies for those topics. What I do find interesting though is how, like our friend Mr. Dubya here, they conflate and thereby demonize conservative speakers with "white supremacists". Ironically they redefine the term "conservative" to fit their knee-jerk leftist agenda. (And yet ironically get angry when I point out the distinction between "leftist" and "liberal" for clarification in my writing.)

In other words, I agree with the points that TB3 made in his response.

Oh, and I was never a fan of Rocky and Bullwinkle. I preferred Speed Racer. :)

Jerry Critter, I was simply pointing out the inconsistencies in standards that some folks on the left apply to Trump but defended against for Bill Clinton. (Clinton was found guilty of perjury and suborning perjury and was disbarred by Justice Norma Holloway in AR for this, by the way.) And yes, before Dave asks, Trump is a liar and may very well perjure himself too before everything is said and done.

And Mr. Dubya, I certainly don't advocate for white supremacists, the KKK, or the Nation of Islam and other such REAL hate groups to have a platform to speak at any of our colleges or universities. What I do advocate for is for conservatives and liberals to be able to speak at those same institutions without antifa and snowflakes having a hissy fit because their little feelings might get hurt by hearing that some people actually support capitalism, self-dependence, rugged individualism, and traditional constitutional values. :)

Jerry, I would be curious what you would characterize from Trump supporters as being "anti-American views", notwithstanding the fringe right knuckleheads, of course.

TB3 said...


Try as I might, I can not find what Conservatives that the Liberation Coalition were trying to silence. It appears their M.O. revolves around hate speech prevention and diversity. Who exactly were they silencing, MM? Oh, and I sincerely apologize. I thought the phrasing 'Storming' you initial comment was your own. It was not, and I apologize for assuming you were the one being hyperbolic.

Congregating on a stairwell and not proceeding further into the building when directed not to by authorities. They sound absolutely vicious; Lawless.


Liberation Coalition just looks like your run of the mill student activist organization. I'm finding it challenging to find where they are acting anti-constitutional, anti-capitalist, anti-self dependence, anti-rugged individualism. That is to say, I find it hard to compare them to the Bogeyman described in T.Paine's original post on the matter. Chanting, demonstrating, and carrying on about the issues you hold most dear is as American as it gets. I recall a certain group of patriots throwing a bunch of tea into Boston Harbor in protest of something or another. I guess they probably should have quieted up and just listened to the advocates of something or another. Marketplace of ideas, am I right?

Dave Dubya said...


Hysteria as usual from the pearl-clutching crowd. They distrust higher education, science and journalism. But they think they are better informed than all of them.

The point I was making was reality has been sacrificed to unilateral definitions. There is an authoritarian compulsion for them to define us. Why? Because they cannot understand us. They have to view us through their definitions and distorted image of us in their ideology.

Mr. Paine,

No matter how many times I may say this, I am also “some people actually support capitalism, self-dependence, rugged individualism, and traditional constitutional values”.

What you deserve is a big F.U. for YOUR having chosen to slime me as opposing the Constitution, and God knows what other accusations from the CRAP. Yes, it’s a brainwashing cult, full of misinformation, suspicion of others, and authoritarian tendencies.

And that isn’t enough for that reality denying ideology.

Meanwhile your enlightened Republican Right is riddled with fear and paranoia of someone coming for your guns, Bibles, and freedom of speech. Now your side is in open warfare against our First Amendment’s Free Press, attacking the FBI for investigating REAL Russians meeting with Trumpists, who LIED about them. On top of that they are fabricating utter Alex Jonesian crap about a “deep state” and “secret society”. All out to take down the Greatest President Ever. History will not judgeTrump and the Party of Trump kindly. Many decent Republicans are fleeing the cult and wondering what happened.

I’ll tell you where it all began. The Big Lie about “liberal media”. Once you trust only the propaganda of the Right, it is over. Reality has been discarded. New definitions had to be concocted to fit the radical ideology. At this point it became a cult. Sorry if truth has a liberal bias.

Now I doubt if you can rationally address my points instead of offering more baseless accusations and one sided definitions.

TB3 said...


I think at a certain point one has to literally do what I facetiously said in an April 15th comment I made to this post: I'm Rubber, You're Glue. Let those that want to define people/words define them how they want. Everyone has an opinion, not everyone is right about them. If they want to forever claim the sky is green... let them. You know they're wrong. I know their wrong. Let them be wrong. You're clearly not making any headway in changing their definition. If they want to project a false definition onto something, that's their perogotive. Let them have their Dopamine. At this point It's an Immovable Object vs Irresitable Force. Heels are dug in everywhere. There will be no winner, despite all the attempted point scoring.

Speaking of scoring points:

"Meanwhile your enlightened Republican Right is riddled with fear and paranoia of someone coming for your guns, Bibles, and freedom of speech."

I say this with all due respect. T.Paine will be the first to tell you that he's not a Republican. It's a constant admission of his in recent years. Just as you are talking about how they are defining words and labeling people, you can't turn around and define him as a Republican if he denies being one.

Jerry Critter said...

TP — “Jerry, I would be curious what you would characterize from Trump supporters as being "anti-American views"”

I did not mention Trump supporters. You are putting words in my mouth again. You must be taking lessons from MM.

My comment mentioning “anti-American views” was in connection to Angry White Americans. In that context, I would say their anti-American views include:
1. Their reaction to fear of non-white immigrants
2. Their reaction to fear of loss of economic and political power
2. Their support of voter-suppression laws to prevent virtually non-existant voter fraud
3. Their rejection of the expansion of social and gender equality, fear of diversity.
4. Their sense of entitlement and the rejection of economic and social government support for non-white beneficiaries
to name a few.

Darrell Michaels said...

Reality has indeed been sacrificed and replaced with "Pretend World". Further, Mr. Dubya, I think you have called some conservatives (or "cons" as you prefer) "white supremacists" and "authoritarians" for at least not vehemently hating and denying all things Trump. :)

TB3, as for the Liberation Coalition, if they are not preventing disparate constitutionally authorized points of view from being heard through violence, intimidation, or other illegal means, then they absolutely have every right to protest, sir, and I would defend their right to do so.

Next, I am not sure to whom our friend Mr. Dubya is referring, but it would seem that it is generally the "higher educated" left that often times seems to be at odds with reality and the truth. Their "science" says that human life doesn't begin until a baby passes through several inches of birth canal and magically is endowed with humanity, despite all biological science's refutation of that fact. They think there are one hundred different genders in defiance of biological and genetic science. They create science that says the earth is cooling, then warming, then just having the climate "change" based on faulty models from self-serving scientists that are desperate to maintain their government grants for further flawed research.

As for a lot of "journalism", instead of reporting who, what, when, where, and both sides of why in a story, they have succumbed to editorializing in most "objective" articles. Many of the stories that are damning to leftist causes or candidates are often soft-pedaled or outright spiked. Calling the media out on this, of course, results in cries of wanting to shut down the press for propaganda purposes rather than us actually just wanting them to do their damned jobs.

I deserve "a big F.U."? Florida University? :) Sucks when I decide to play by your rules, doesn't it? I am done trying to moderate my tone with you in the fruitless hope that you will debate the issues instead of resorting to rhetorical bomb-throwing and name calling. If you will recall, YOU defined me as someone that supports authoritarianism and exhibits some aspects of racist behavior long ago and long before I clarified the difference between a liberal and a leftist for one of my articles. Your mis-characterizations and name calling is patently false and I categorically deny them.

Darrell Michaels said...

"Meanwhile your enlightened Republican Right is riddled with fear and paranoia of someone coming for your guns, Bibles, and freedom of speech." ~ Dubya

Yep, because of the truth behind it. If you were TRULY honest, you would acknowledge that there are many forces both inside and outside of governmental entities that want to do precisely those things, Dave. There are absolutely politicians that want to ban certain, if not all guns. There has already been laws passed by the last administration stating that I MUST buy insurance that supported abortifacients, sterilization, and birth control, regardless of my firmly held religious beliefs. Hell, the freaking government was forcing NUNS to abide by this asinine law that was clearly in violation of our first amendment religious rights. As for freedom o speech, there is already a bill in the leftist wasteland of California being proposed to give the government oversight on what they think is real or fake news so that we aren't "misinformed". Talk about Orwellian "Ministry of Truth". It isn't the right that is doing this. It is militant Leftists.

If Trump collapses because of illegal actions, then good riddance, but once again you are lying and ignoring the truth when there are undeniably top officials in the FBI, Justice Department, and elsewhere throughout the Executive Branch whom either undermine, refuse to cooperate, or actively seek to thwart and derail Trump and his agenda. If that isn't the definition of "deep state" then would you please tell me what that means to you?

"Sorry if truth has a liberal bias." ~ Dubya

It may indeed have a liberal bias, as in classical liberalism. It, however, does not have a leftist bias whatsoever. Most leftists are as much strangers to the truth as Clinton and Trump are to decency.

It sucks for you that the truth about the leftist media has been exposed so now the left-wing indoctrination of the country cannot continue as easily. Now if we can only get some truth and science back into academia.

Darrell Michaels said...

Jerry, I sincerely apologize for making an incorrect assumption regarding your statement.

"1. Their reaction to fear of non-white immigrants" ~ J.C.

I agree that this is irrational and foolish to fear someone simply because of the pigmentation of their skin.

"2. Their reaction to fear of loss of economic and political power" ~ J.C

I think it is pretty much universal human nature for those having power to not want to give it up regardless of what group or demographic to which they belong.

"3. Their support of voter-suppression laws to prevent virtually non-existant voter fraud." ~ J.C.

If you are referring to making people actually show I.D. to confirm that they are valid voters, then I have no sympathy to this silly argument.

"4. Their rejection of the expansion of social and gender equality, fear of diversity." ~ J.C.

I think some people are opposed to change as a part of human nature once again. That said, I personally do not care or have anything against such expansions as long as they do not infringe upon my own rights.

"5. Their sense of entitlement and the rejection of economic and social government support for non-white beneficiaries
to name a few." ~ J.C.

Hmmm... not sure about the "non-white" part and its relevance, but I think safety nets should be in place for TEMPORARY assistance to all CITIZENS on the rare occasions when needed and permanent assistance ONLY to those that cannot provide for themselves. Those that want to game the system and live off the tax payer can get a job like the rest of us.

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your sober thoughts. Although my clumsy wording suggested so, my intent wasn’t to indicate Mr. Paine is a Republican. It was but to suggest they were fellow travelers.

"Meanwhile your enlightened Republican Right is riddled with fear and paranoia of someone coming for your guns, Bibles, and freedom of speech."

Mr. Paine has graciously affirmed the core of my statement and other related points in the paragraph.

Mr. Paine,

I apologize for suggesting, defining, or referring, or accusing, or stating in any way that you are a Republican.

And I’m sort of sorry, for being such a pain for at times. But you’re up to the challenge, and I like that about you.

Thank you, Mr. Paine, for your tolerance and kind indulgence of this circus.

It is a pleasure, and curse, to be such a Paine’s Pain. ;-)

No hard feelings.

Majormajor said...

HJ]ey Jerry, when have I ever put words into anyone's mouth? You must be thinking of Dave

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Since reality has been sacrificed to unilateral definitions anyway, why can't someone who's called a 'Leftist who opposes the Constitution' call cons white supremacists?" ~~ Dave Dubya

Excellent question, Dave.

Unfortunately, Mr. Paine continues to refer to you and me as "Leftists" (i.e., "anti-Constitutionists"), with absolutely no evidence to offer in his allegation, or proof to offer. It's purely his opinion which, as TB3 already pointed out, he's entitled to express.

Likewise, we're entitled to express our own opinions about our opposition, which Mr. Paine should be willing to allow. He doesn't have to accept or agree with our labels or expressions, of course, but if he feels the right to label or define, he should also allow the same of others.

Majormajor said...

"Likewise, we're entitled to express our own opinions about our opposition, which Mr. Paine should be willing to allow. He doesn't have to accept or agree with our labels or expressions, of course, but if he feels the right to label or define, he should also allow the same of others"

Tell that to Tom Degan and remember Dave himself bragged about limiting what I said on his blog. Both practice censorship

Majormajor said...

More info on the corruption of HRC and the DNC...Bernie never had a chance if this is an example of what HRC and the DNC were doing to him.

"A group of wealthy donors from New York and California have forked out $50 million to fund a Russia investigation being conducted by Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS and a former Senate staffer for Dianne Feinstein.

That bombshell revelation is made in a footnote to the House Intelligence Committee’s newly released report on Russian interference in the presidential campaign.

Fusion GPS hired Steele, a former MI6 agent, to investigate Trump’s activities in Russia. He would go on to produce a 35-page report alleging collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee funded the project. A law firm representing the organizations hired Fusion GPS in April 2016."

Why hasn?t MSMBC and CNN reported on this? Or the division in the DNC between the more "progressive" and the moneyed old guard of the party. Both CNN and MSNBC had no problem reporting the anti-Trump split within the GOP, but seem to deaf dumb and blind to this.

Jerry Critter said...

“Why hasn?t MSMBC and CNN reported on this?”

They did!

TB3 said...


MM meant to ask: "Why haven't I seen MSNBC and CNN report on this?"

To which the answer is obviously: "Because you don't watch/read CNN or MSNBC."

You know how I knew FoxNews wasn't reporting on Hannity being Cohen's 3rd client when literally every other available news source did? 'Cause I went to and turned it to FoxNews TV to see and I saw that they weren't.

Sometimes it takes just opening your eyes to answer those kinds of questions.

Jerry Critter said...

Or even just a cursory Google search. Sometimes it seems like questions are asked when answers are not really wanted, instead the purpose is just making some pointless point.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Tell that to Tom Degan and remember Dave himself bragged about limiting what I said on his blog. Both practice censorship" ~~ Majormajor (aka, Chuck Morre)

Chuck, why don't you tell Tom? Better yet, why don't you beg him again? It worked last time.;-)

As far as Dave, and for that matter Tom, both gentlemen resorted to comment moderation because of your incessant off-topic intrusions, your plagerism, and your hatefulness (i.e., "racist sympathy").

If you'd act civil, humanly and "gentlemanly", you wouldn't be shutdown.

If it makes you feel any better, there have been several posted comments I've made at Tom's blog that didn't get published. All were appropriate. Sometimes he just misses things.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

I've been watching pieces of the Correspondents' Dinner. Of course, Trump is AWOL for a second year in a row. Coward.

Comey is right, the dumbass lacks a sense of humor. I guess less humor translates into more authoritarianism.

Majormajor said...

RE: Michelle Wolf

CNN's Jeff Zeleny: "It was an embarrassment in the room and surely to the audience at home."
N.Y. Times' Maggie Haberman: "That @PressSec sat and absorbed intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth, instead of walking out, on national television, was impressive."
N.Y. Times' Peter Baker: "I would vote to leave the comedy acts to comedy shows and stick to journalism at journalism dinners."

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"You found this funny?" ~~ Just the Facts! (aka, Majormajor and Chuck)

I found it hilarious! Stupid asses forgot the WH Correspondents' Dinner has traditional been a roast.

Chuck, it was funny as hell! Funnier, still, after hearing how offended the Republicans in the audience pretended to be. If ya' can't take the heat, stay outta the kitchen.

Trump's tweets and tirade are offensive. Michelle Wolf was being honest, whereas Trump lies. Huge difference.

TB3 said...

The word "Snowflakes" comes to mind.

Dave Dubya said...

"The Militant Left's Suppression of Our Free Speech...":


"Since reality has been sacrificed to unilateral definitions anyway, why can't someone who's called a 'Leftist who opposes the Constitution' call cons white supremacists?" ~~ Dave Dubya

Thanks to the 'militant Rightist" suppression of speech, will this question remain rhetorical?

Jerry Critter said...

Dave — “Thanks to the 'militant Rightist" suppression of speech, will this question remain rhetorical?l

I suspect that the “militant Rightist” will say that “this question” will remain rhetorical because of the militant leftist’s suppression of free speech.

Darrell Michaels said...

"And I’m sort of sorry, for being such a pain for at times. But you’re up to the challenge, and I like that about you.
Thank you, Mr. Paine, for your tolerance and kind indulgence of this circus. It is a pleasure, and curse, to be such a Paine’s Pain. ;-) No hard feelings." ~ Dubya

Lol. No hard feelings at all, Dave. In a way you remind me of my little brother. He is sharp, witty, and a giant pain in the ass. The only problem you would discern from him is he is as conservative as I am and far less "gentlemanly". :)

J.G., TB3, and Majormajor, I have long thought that the White House Correspondent's dinner has gone too far with some of their "roasts". I further would not blame any president for failing to attend accordingly. Some of the nonsense is definitely not worthy of the dignity of the office of the Presidency. (And yes, I can name nearly as many presidents as not that were similarly not worthy of the dignity of sitting in the oval office, just in my life time.)

That said, this wasn't some "R" rated comedy club. The vulgarity and complete lack of civility in such a setting was inappropriate in my opinion. That said, Sanders, Trump and team should just realize that is how things are in the world and suck it up.

Majormajor said...

Sarah Sanders did suck it up, not a word from her in response...

What is interesting to me is the MSM has reacted with disgust, were as jG thinks it funny...

TB3 said...

"That said, Sanders, Trump and team should just realize that is how things are in the world and suck it up." - TP

I agree. Considering all the vulgarity and class our President has been recorded knowingly and unknowingly saying/doing, I find this sudden clutching of the pearls to be hypocritical.


I think reactions from members of the MSM have run the gamut. I personally laughed a lot during the comedian's piece. Judging from the reaction, I was expecting it to be far more offensive than it actually was.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"...this wasn't some "R" rated comedy club. The vulgarity and complete lack of civility in such a setting was inappropriate in my opinion. That said, Sanders, Trump and team should just realize that is how things are in the world and suck it up." ~~ T. Paine

Apparently you've never been to a comedy club. By comparison, Ms. Wolf's rendition of what this administration is all about was right on the money.

Don't forget, this affair has traditionally been a roast and a venue for the president to be made fun of, and for the president to dish it out. Since the current president lacks the "scrotum", and has no ability whatsoever to laugh at himself, he sent his proxies and they took the brunt of the humorous truth.

Perhaps the castrated Trump should have sent his fixer-attorney, Michael Cohen. Cohen's already claimed he'd take a bullet for Trump. I guess that's yet to be seen. ;-)

"What is interesting to me is the MSM has reacted with disgust, were as jG thinks it funny..." -- Majormajor (aka, Chuck)

Chuck, please elaborate on how it is "interesting" to you.

"...I find this sudden clutching of the pearls to be hypocritical." ~~ TB3


Majormajor said...


I find you interestingly self absorbed and boring with your constant attempts to act as a "wise" leftist.

You did ask.

TB3 said...

Such a meaningful exchange of thoughts, ideas. We are surely winning over minds and souls.

"Chuck, please elaborate on how it is "interesting" to you." is responded to with: "I find you interestingly self absorbed and boring with your constant attempts to act as a "wise" leftist."

Rather than explain what was intersting to you about the MSM reacting the way it did, you responded with an ad hominem towards JG. I'm starting to think someone's not actually interested in discussion.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Rather than explain what was interesting to [Majormajor] about the MSM reacting the way it did, [Majormajor] responded with an ad hominem towards JG." ~~ TB3

TB3, this is typical Chuck Morre. He's done this for years. It's his modus operandi, which I excuse due to his chronic and debilitating reading comprehension challenges.

It is ironic he finds me to be "self-absorbed" -- and especially "boring" -- since I don't act (or react) anything like his president. I have a feeling Chuck learned a couple of new words this week and decided to try them out.

Majormajor said...

No jG what is ironic is you are blind to your on faults, but that should be no surprise fro someone who claims he has never sinned.

Darrell Michaels said...

J.G., I understand that this dinner has traditionally been a roast. That said, it seems like this was pretty much nothing more than partisan bashing. Some things said had the patina of truth behind them, but most of it was simply leftist drivel, if you will pardon the term. :) A roast is what Dean Martin used to do. This was just the elitist "in-crowd" having fun at the expense of conservatives, Republicans, Sanders, and Trump in a manner that really went beyond the pale in its lack of dignity.

And yes, Trump is notoriously thin-skinned and unsurprisingly did not wish to attend. I thought Obama was thin-skinned but Trump is REALLY touchy and sophomoric with his reactions to criticism. If he were still a Democrat, he would probably need to set up a "safe space" for himself in the White House. :)

Jerry Critter said...

TP — “If he were still a Democrat, he would probably need to set up a "safe space" for himself in the White House. :)”

If he was still a Democrat, he would not be president!

TB3 said...

"If he were still a Democrat, he would probably need to set up a "safe space" for himself in the White House. :)"

Well he's not, and he did. It was a campaign rally in Michigan. Where he roasted the media, not unlike Michelle Wolf.

I'm honestly surprised at all the White Knighting going on for Mrs. Sanders. The joke about Mrs. Conway was easier to interpret in a worse way. Mrs. Sanders has a joke directed at her that was essentially saying she lies and that she's got awesome eye make-up and people go crazy. Mrs. Conway has a joke saying she lies and wishing that she'd be trapped under a tree and there's nothing.

Jerry Critter said...

Well, as a friend of ours said on her blog:

“Wolf's job was to do exactly what she did: Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. Trump is the POTUS, his job should be to act with dignity and grace, not as a guttersnipe, which is what he is. Wolf did what all comedians do, jab their fingers in the hypocritical public's eyes.”

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