Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Women's Rights March that Degraded Women

To a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.  
- Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

If Fulton Sheen was correct, and I fully believe he was, then our American civilization appears to those that do not know any better to have degraded to the point of being little more than a cesspool. The latest "women's rights" march in D.C. and throughout the country were nothing more than pro-abortion and pro-LGBT rallies.  They were a screed against the election of a president that they fear will take away their "right" to abort their children.  They were a symbol of our American culture's further slouching towards Gomorrah.

These women, in their pink "pussy hats" and carrying vulgar signs, degraded and lowered themselves and destroyed any sense of feminine dignity they had far more than the disgusting and vile words uttered by Trump years ago in a private conversation in which he has since apologized.  These sad women lowered the standard for what womanhood should be and actually hurt their cause to be heard and taken seriously with their disgusting and undignified actions.

Truly, if Susan B. Anthony had resorted to such filth, vulgarity, and lack of common decency in her fight for women's suffrage, I dare say that women might possibly not have the right to vote today.  So far down has our "pop culture" fallen in these "enlightened" modern times...

If the history of civilization is indeed written in the terms of the level of our women, I pray to God that He knows that the hundreds of thousands of women that did march, do not speak for the millions of good and decent women in our nation that we men should still aspire to be worthy thereof.

I pray for the conversion of the hearts of those women that acted so... unwomanly.

Caution: The following links are not family-friendly but are meant to illustrate the filth of which I speak.  I didn't have the stomach to actually post these pictures on my blog itself.

From The Federalist     

From MRC

Monday, January 23, 2017

Racism Redefined

Yep... enough said.

Chad Prather on Protesting the Protester

Perhaps I am simply being lazy and don't want to put in the effort to write a post about my frustration over the "peaceful" protesters, but I'd like to think that I am simply working smarter rather than harder when Chad Prather says it all so well for me.

Oh, and by the way, it would help me to take a lot of you protesters more seriously if you had even spent the effort to go and vote before your latest whine-fests.

Don't get me wrong.  I support and even champion many of the protesters out there.  What I have a serious problem with is the destruction and violence perpetrated by far too many of them.  You all should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.  Don't you know that when you incite or partake in violence or destruction, your message of protest becomes lost and your thuggery then becomes the main focus of the story?

Anyway... here's one of my new favorite guys of late to tell it like it is:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

President Obama's Final Command to the Press

Ohhhh... I see...

So NOW that President Obama is leaving office, the press corp should remove its collective lips from his rear end and start doing their job of holding our government and its officials accountable to the United States Constitution and We The People.  Does this arrogant buffoon even realize the irony of his "directive" to his sycophantic minions in the media?

Hell yes they should not seek to be necessarily complimentary, and by all means, they should cast a critical eye towards those in power going forward.  They SHOULD have been doing so for the last eight years as well though.  Perhaps if the vaunted "fourth branch" of government had done their job properly over the better part of the last decade, the erosion of liberty and the neglect of our Constitution would not have been as wantonly subsumed as the normal course of business under President Obama's administration.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Moses Lambert on Chicago

"Chicago was a perfectly symbolic setting for Obama to give his last official speech; the city is a petri dish of the failed radical policies Obama attempted to impose on the country as a whole.

Of course, Chicago was an appropriate locale for the goodbye address. It’s a violent, one-party city that is collapsing under the weight of its own corruption.

Ruled by his White House chief of staff, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, in 2016 there were 762 murders in Chicago, more than all the murders recorded that year in New York City and Los Angeles combined.

There were 4331 people shot in Chicago in 2016, up from 3550 in 2015, in a city where politicians blame inanimate objects, instead of criminals, for homicides and work relentlessly to deprive helpless residents of their Second Amendment rights.

Chicago is a so-called sanctuary city that goes out of its way to shield illegal aliens from immigration authorities and make their lives as comfortable as possible at the expense of everyone else. Obama protégé Emanuel is a strident, in-your-face supporter of the sanctuary city movement that gave illegal aliens permission to rob, rape, and murder Americans.

Chicago’s debt has junk-bond status and residents are fleeing the city in droves in search of greener pastures.

It is home to failing public schools made worse by the militant, rapacious Chicago Teachers Union and spectacularly unsuccessful public housing complexes.

They should really just rename Chicago 'Obama City.' "

Friday, January 13, 2017

Chad Prather: Goodbye Obama!

It was my intention to write a post about what President Obama accomplished in his eight years in office.  Sadly nearly all of the accomplishments were NOT for the better.  That said, I came across Chad Prather in this video and he did such a good job of summing up those "accomplishments" that I figured why should I reinvent the wheel.  So, this one is for you, Mr. President!  Good luck, godspeed, and good riddance!