Saturday, September 25, 2021

ASU Student Unleashes Woke Leftist Diatribe on Other Students

This video has gone viral lately and was captured by a black student at ASU when she noticed a couple of guys with a "Police Lives Matter" sticker on one of their laptops who were sitting at a table studying on campus.  What ensued was a pathetic diatribe of woke leftist pablum from the lady filming this.  This is the absolute crap that our children have been indoctrinated with from many of our centers of "higher education".  She hatefully goes on to spew many of the leftist bromides I stated in my previous posting.  

I feel so very sorry for this young lady and her friends there.  They live is a world full of anger, hate, and victim-hood.  It is a world largely of their very own making because they listened to leftist educators and people of influence that peddled this hate-America crap.  

But what do I know?  I am just a dullard that makes this stuff up.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Twenty Things that Militant Leftists Have Taught Me

Our nation is truly amazing.  We have been a beacon of freedom for the world and a powerhouse of ingenuity and economic success that has lifted billions out of poverty through reliance on those freedoms and the power of capitalism throughout our history.  True, we don’t always live up to our stated ideals as a nation, but the arc of justice has always bent towards the realization of those ideals for all Americans, and even the world.

Sadly, our nation has now become so divided politically that we are now foundering and on the verge of economic and even political collapse.  Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals generally all want for our nation to succeed and to be strong and secure in our freedoms. 

Leftists, however, have a different agenda, and sadly there are way too many of them throughout our nation and entrenched in the highest seats of government.  The left simply is about emphasizing hate, division, and destruction.  They seemingly want nothing more than to destroy what they see as a racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, and greedy nation.  Almost incredibly they are factually wrong on nearly every single issue they champion.  Following are the things that I have learned from these leftist agitators, including from the comment sections of this very blog over the years.

1. Burning cities and fomenting violence by BLM and Antifa are acts of social justice, but the storming of the capitol by idiots on 1/6 was an insurrection and attempted coup.

      2. Nearly all cops are racist, except the heroic capitol police that tried to protect the leftists in congress on January 6th.

      3. Trump is treasonous for not immediately condemning the 1/6 riot.  General Milley is a hero, despite undermining an elected president and ignoring the chain of command by telling his Chinese counterpart that he would notify him if the president were going to attack China.

      4. The left decries the nebulous authoritarianism of Trump, but seemingly has no problem with Biden’s vaccine and mask mandates.  After all, “This is not about your freedom or personal choice” says the true authoritarian Biden.  Indeed, military members refusing to be vaccinated as per his orders are subject to dishonorable discharges.  And now the latest is that Biden and the left want to be able to monitor your income if your account exceeds $600.  THIS is authoritarianism, folks.

      5.  The Left claims that they love America and are sometimes even comprised of “old fashioned Americans” and yet they find fatal flaws in our nation, its founding, and its governance.  America is a racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic nation since its inception according to the left, and yet they still love it supposedly.  If I truly believed all of those things as a conservative, I would not love my country either.

      6.  Another thing the left has taught me, is that they are the “party of science”.  Science tells them that gender is fluid.  Men can be “chest-feeding” people for their babies.  Men can also be “menstruating people”.  It is fine for female-identifying men to compete in women’s sports, go to women’s locker rooms and restrooms, and even be incarcerated in women’s prisons.  The party of science also tells us that an in-utero baby is not a human life until it passes through the birth canal of a pregnant person.  Only then is humanity magically bestowed upon the mass of tissue… unless it is accidentally delivered at Kermit Gosnell’s clinic.  Then that baby can be left to die there too.

      7. The left believes that there are no negative consequences to continued government spending as we approach $30 trillion in national debt.  They are unconcerned about the inflation caused by this, the pending collapse of mom & pop businesses, and the resulting rise of unemployment as a consequence of this.  As long as we spend on non-existent problems and pad the accounts of special interest buddies, the money is well spent to the Left.

      8.  The border is not in crisis according to the left, even when 14,000 Haitian and Latin American refugees are camping under the international bridge in Del Rio, Texas waiting to get into the country.  President Trump was working to secure the border so we could know who was coming in.  The left under Biden gives a wink and a nod to all of the illegal aliens entering America, without even being tested for Covid.  Evidently being illegal means you are not subject to ANY law or “mandate” that Americans are.  The only crisis the left sees is the mounted border patrol using non-existent whips on illegals.   

      9.  The left insists that the mainstream media is objective or corporatist at worst.  They have no explanation why the fake Russia hoax was covered ad nauseum, but the follow up fake Steele dossier paid for by Hillary was quickly dismissed.  They claim Trump was guilty of crimes for asking Ukraine to look into the actual crime of Biden withholding money from Ukraine unless they fired the investigator into Burisma, where Hunter Biden was a board member.  The left and its press castigate the 1/6 riot as an attempted coup, but turnaround and have no issues with General Milley going behind the president to “warn” our adversary in the even of a non-existent attack should it materialize.  Oh, and let’s not forget the leftist press’s near complete ignoring of the Hunter Biden laptop and all of the links to the misdoings of the Biden crime family upon it. 

      10.  The left taught me that it is voter suppression to require photo ID for people to vote.  It is suppression to purge the dead and those that have moved away from state voter rolls.  It is suppression when the GOP gerrymanders districts to their favor, but not when Democrats do it.

      11.   The left has insisted that gun control is necessary to curb violence, even though a city like Chicago with the toughest gun laws on the books is one of the worst for gun murders.  They insist that average Americans should have to jump through many hoops to own what they deem to be begrudgingly “acceptable” firearms, but they have no comments about Biden leaving billions of dollars in weaponry to the terrorist Taliban regime.

 .      12.  I have been informed by leftists that wanting to keep as much of the hard-earned money I make as possible is greedy; however, those able-bodied people insisting on “free” government handouts are not greedy.

      13.  The left as portrayed by AOC recently, insist that the rich don’t pay their fair share, as she sports a “tax the rich” gown at a $35K per person gala in New York.  Here’s news for you leftists, the top 1% of income earners pay 40% of the nation’s taxes.

      14.  The left has no problems with Larry Elder, a conservative black man from South Central LA being labeled, by a major newspaper, as the “black face of white supremacy”.  They have no problem with a white woman wearing a gorilla mask throwing things at Elder while campaigning.  But Trump is the real racist.

15.   Leftists were incensed at the environmental impact and “destruction” caused by the Keystone pipeline in the U.S. and the hard-won energy independence that the Trump administration ushered in for us, but we hear not a peep about Biden blessing Russia’s oil pipeline to Europe, as American gas prices soar to over four or five dollars a gallon. 

      16.  The nation’s leftists cried about Trump killing Iran’s terrorist general Soleimani as he prepared another attack on U.S. interests but you heard nary a peep from the “objective” press or the rest of the left about Biden’s killing of ten innocent civilians in a drone strike as “justice” for the terrorist attack in Afghanistan that his asinine orders allowed to happen.

      17.  The left championed leaving no man behind enemy lines when Obama traded Afghan terrorists in Gitmo (who are now a part of the new Taliban government) for the deserter and traitor Bo Bergdahl.  However, the hard-core leftists silence on the abandoning of hundreds of Americans to the whims of the evil Taliban is deafening. 

      18.  Even the deep state leftists at the National Archives got in on the hate America band wagon when they labeled the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as containing “harmful content” that might be hard for brainwashed snowflakes to read.

      19.  The left tells us that the very capitalism that has built the most powerful economy and provided more prosperity to more of its citizens than any system in human history is evil and should be curbed or outright abolished and replaced with foolish socialistic practices that have failed everywhere they have ever been tried throughout history.

      20.  The leftists delude themselves into thinking they have the moral high ground while denigrating God, unborn life, constitutional and natural freedoms, and insisting on using racism to fight non-existent systemic racism.   Oh, and the left also has taught me that even when they are wrong, they NEVER have to admit it, let alone apologize for it.


These are just a few of the items that leftists have taught me over the years.  They are wrong on all accounts, but it is interesting to see how these hateful and warped minds work to the rest of us conservatives and liberals that truly do still love America.


Friday, September 10, 2021

The Twentieth Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks and Joe Biden's Legacy

On September 11th, 2001, I had gotten up on that bright and sunny morning and was eating breakfast in front of the television news, as per my typical morning ritual, when the footage suddenly panned to show the smoke coming out of one of the World Trade Center towers.  As I sat there pondering how a plane could get so off course as to accidentally hit that enormous building as per their initial report, a second airliner was caught on video intentionally flying into the other tower of the World Trade Center. 

It was immediately obvious that this was not an accident but rather was a premeditated attack on innocent non-combatant Americans by some evil entity.  My initial reaction was horror at the senselessness of the attacks and a profound sadness for the loss of life that surely was taken on that infamous day.  My next reaction was a justified and seething anger at the human debris responsible for such a heinous attack.  We later learned that just under 3000 people perished that day.

President Bush rallied the nation at the time and assured America that justice would be done.  Intelligence soon determined that the attack was planned and carried out by al Qaeda at the behest of its leader, Osama bin Laden.  This was done largely from al Qaeda’s operating base within the country of Afghanistan, which was then controlled by the Sunni Islamic militant group known as the Taliban.  President Bush asked the Taliban to cooperate with the United States and to hand over the members of al Qaeda within the Afghan borders or we would come and get them.  The Taliban refused to cooperate, and thus the longest war in our nation’s history soon commenced.

Twenty years later, it is unquestionable that President Joe Biden has been eagerly awaiting the twentieth anniversary of this horrific day to pontificate on how he was the president in charge that finally ended this protracted war in Afghanistan.  Jen Psaki has now confirmed that Biden will not be doing a public address to the nation on this anniversary after all.  We can only surmise what might be the reason that caused him to change his mind.

It was Joe Biden, after all, that ignored U.S. intelligence and his military advisors, so that he could meet his artificial deadline of having all troops out of the country by August 31st.   His ego-driven insistence of that date was so that when 9/11/2021 rolled around, he could receive the accolades from a sycophantic leftist media about how he was the one to finally end this war after twenty years.

Biden has accomplished that, at least.  He has ended the war in as humiliating manner as possible.  In doing so, he has emboldened our enemies there and ensured that the likelihood of another 9/11 in the future may very well come to fruition.  Further, Biden’s foolish and asininely executed withdrawal left the Taliban with $85 billion in armament and military supplies, including aircraft, drones, and night vision googles.  Thanks to President Biden, the Taliban today are richer, better armed, and in greater control than they were twenty years ago.  Oh, and lest we forget, all of this has transpired while leaving thousands of allies and at least hundreds of Americans behind still trapped in this terrorist country, despite Biden insisting on twenty different occasions that we would leave no American behind.  This evacuation was executed in such an incompetent manner that his actions indirectly led to the deaths of 13 service members in Afghanistan.  It is why many of the families of these slain military members condemn Joe Biden for their deaths. 

This ill-executed retreat is why many family members of those killed on 9/11 have specifically asked Joe Biden to not speak at any of the three sites of the attacks on the anniversary of this terrorist act of war.  That is why Joe Biden has, at least for the moment, reconsidered delivering his self-congratulatory speech on this solemn anniversary.

Biden’s unintentional legacy by his dangerously executed withdrawal has been to greatly empower the Taliban, who have now re-invaded the country and overthrown an elected government there. Their human rights record is appalling as they are terrorists and terrorist sympathizers themselves.  Further, the Taliban in Afghanistan dominated the illegal narcotics traffic in South Asia previously.  This will assuredly occur again as a source of funding for their government and terroristic activities.

Yes, it was Biden’s hasty withdrawal from the fledgling democracy that has encouraged the Taliban to take over Afghanistan once again.  Biden’s negotiating with the Taliban for security and logistics in America’s withdrawal only legitimized this atrociously evil regime.  And yet, China, Russia, some European nations, and even Biden have already given the Taliban government their stamp of approval in the hopes that the Taliban will mitigate some of its worst tendencies.  Unfortunately, our engaging the Taliban is akin to engaging in diplomacy with the drug cartels if they were to overthrow the Mexican government. The Taliban ought to be treated like an international pariah instead of an acceptable and legitimate government.

“The Taliban has operational relationships with al-Qaeda, the Pakistan Intelligence Service, and the Haqqani network. Empowering it won’t cause it to relinquish these relationships. Indulging the Taliban will make it more resistant to Western pressure, not less,” states James Jay Carafano, The Heritage Foundation’s vice president for foreign and defense policy studies. 

As former U.S. State Department adviser and Afghan native Arash Yaqin revealed on Tuesday,   “Speaking about the symbolism of the War on Terror, the Taliban are planning to have their interim government inauguration ceremony on Saturday, September 11th, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.”

This, along with the needless deaths of 13 additional Americans and 170 Afghani people, Mr. Biden, is your legacy!  I pray that it is the only repercussion we will face for your cowardice and political expediency, but as history has taught us, when you ignore or empower evil, it only grows.  That too, is your legacy, Joe Biden.  It is the reason you must resign as President of the United States of America.  THAT would be the only fitting speech for you to deliver on this twentieth anniversary of 9/11/2001.


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lee Greenwood's Latest Rendition of "God Bless the USA"

I attended high school during the first part of the 1980's.  The popular music back then, including new wave, was an affront to my hearing.  I always liked the classic rock songs and country, but it was the rise of the 80's pop music that had me pretty much turning the radio dial exclusively to the local country music station.  My buddies and I would always try to get tickets to whatever country artist came to town.  We saw a lot of great ones, like Charlie Pride, The Judds, Mel Tillis, Ronnie Milsap, Alabama, Sylvia, Glen Campbell and of course, Lee Greenwood.  
I have always loved Mr. Greenwood's songs and his somewhat raspy and always recognizable voice.  He was one of the last entertainers I saw before graduating high school and leaving to join the United States Navy.  And of course, his wonderful anthem, God Bless the USA, was always one of my favorites.  They even played the song at boot camp graduation. A friend I met in boot camp, who grew up in the 'hood in Detroit, was listening to the early rap music that was just beginning to come out.  He loved Greenwood's song as we practiced marching for boot camp graduation and asked me to teach him the lyrics.  Needless to say the song was outside of his typical musical genre but the sentiments of it crossed over all cultural lines for us Americans.
Years later into my enlistment, I was stationed just outside the gargantuan Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan.  While I loved the beautiful island, its people, and their culture, I was missing the United States a little after being there for six months.  It was then that I saw that the USO was having a concert on base.  I was excited as could be when I learned that the performer was none other than Lee Greenwood. 
Lee performed all of his hits and even did an absolutely amazing saxophone solo, at the conclusion of which he stated that he'd "like to see Randy Travis do that," as Travis was wildly popular at that time. Of course, nothing could compare when Mr. Greenwood ended his concert with God Bless the USA.  There were few dry eyes in the house as all of the airmen, sailors, and Marines stood up and sang along with Lee. It was a memorable moment for sure.

I was quite excited, consequently, when I heard that Mr. Greenwood had recently released a new version of this wonderful anthem with accompaniment on the song by active duty military members.  The end result of the song is wonderful!  I figured I would share it with all of you good folks accordingly.  
Here's hoping you all have a terrific Labor Day weekend as we all stop for a moment to realize that we are indeed a blessed nation with untold opportunities, despite some of the major problems we are currently facing.  God bless the USA!