Prayers for my Grandchildren
I pray that you always find the good in people and situations first.
I pray that you understand how blessed you are to be a child of God made in His image.
I pray that you realize how blessed you are to be an American.
I pray that you understand what that means and always fight to preserve it.
I pray that you know America’s history and the goodness of her while learning from her shortcomings along the way.
I pray that you learn history, economics, and civics and always inform yourself before voting so as to preserve our liberties and constitution.
I pray that you learn the value of goals and hard work.
I pray that you don’t ever expect anyone else to do for you what you should do for yourself.
I pray that you have enough and are generous with what you have been blessed.
I pray that you realize that charity towards others is YOUR responsibility and not “the government’s job”.
I pray that you live a life of character and are an example of doing right for others.
I pray that you are lovingly corrected when you misbehave.
I pray that you learn the value of an education and also realize that this doesn’t come only from schools.
I hope you read lots of books and realize that learning is a life-long joy.
I pray that you judge a person by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin.
I pray that you have the courage of standing up for your convictions and faith, especially when they are unpopular or mocked by the crowd.
I pray that you see the amazing beauty in all of God’s creation and never lose your sense of awe and wonder in it.
I pray that you are moved to often seek out the beauty of nature and work to protect it.
I pray that you wet your fishing line in a good trout stream often and think of Papa when you do.
I pray that you are often able to lay back in the grass and stare up at the milky way.
I pray that it makes you feel small and yet an invaluable part of God’s grand design.
I pray that you understand that it is capitalism, and not socialism, that has brought more people out of poverty in the world by far throughout human history.
I pray that you always respect those that put their lives in jeopardy to serve and protect others, whether those people are police officers, fire fighters, or members of our armed services.
I pray that you act with kindness towards all people, regardless of whether they are the CEO or janitor, and regardless of sex, color, religion, or creed.
I pray that you understand to look past the title of political issues and realize that the affordable care act isn’t affordable, there have been millions of children left behind, Antifa uses fascist tactics in furtherance of a destructive agenda, and much of what the mainstream media says is jaundiced by a decidedly leftist perspective.
I pray that you realize that life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean that you should give up playing by the rules.
I pray that when you do wrong that you are appropriately punished and learn the lesson from it.
I pray that you realize that always taking the path of least resistance leads to crooked rivers and crooked people.
I pray that you understand the sacrifices made for your freedom in this country and work to defend America yourself.
I pray not that you won’t have challenges in life, but that you will find the courage and strength to persevere past those challenges.
I pray that you will find a good person as your spouse one day and that you will wait for that person and not settle for someone less deserving of you.
I pray that you will always work hard to be worthy of your beloved.
I pray that your marriage will be a blessing with a lifetime of love between you both, and that you realize that you have to work daily to make it so.
I pray that your children will grow up strong and true in an America that honors its best ideals of the past while striving to correct its errors made along the way.
I pray that you come to understand that love is a choice made every day of your life.
I pray that you know that true love is willing and working towards the best interest of another, simply for the sake of that other person.
I pray that you learn that you can and should love all people as our Lord has commanded us, even if you do not like everyone.
I pray that you develop a close and enduring friendship with God and strive to always do His will in love.
I pray that you live your life with a deep sense of gratitude towards God in all things.
I pray that you always know how very much you are loved.
I pray in the decades to come in your life that you don’t forget your Papa.
I pray that you know how very much Papa loves you.