Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tony Perkins: Technically (Not) Speaking: The Conservative Purge Begins

Tony Perkins was kind enough to send me an email today that said exactly what I have been thinking.  Rather than reinvent the wheel when Mr. Perkins already laid out the facts so eloquently, I thought I would simply share his comments.  Enjoy.

"All they needed was an opening. And for the rich extremists at the helm of the West's social media, last Wednesday's riot gave them one. The purging of conservative expression has begun. We knew it was coming -- just as we've always known it will take every one of us to stop it.

Most Americans thought they understood censorship. They've watched it evolve and expand this last decade, scooping up more people in its nets in the name of "tolerance," "diversity," and "non-violence." But what happened this weekend was not a tweet blocked here or an account suspended there. No, this was much more ominous. What Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon did by locking out the president wasn't just a heavy-handed punishment of Donald Trump and his supporters -- it was a scorched-earth campaign against the tens of millions of people who dare to think differently than they do and the open forums that give our movement a voice.

"Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers," Parler's John Matze announced to stunned surprise on Saturday. It was the second major bombshell to drop in the new war between Big Tech and the other half of the country. After careful, behind-the-scenes coordination from Silicon Valley's chiefs, the popular alternative to Twitter was scrubbed from the Apple store, Google Play, and any other place users could download the app. "We will try our best," Matze insisted, "to move to a new provider..." But in the meantime, the message to conservatives is clear: Big Tech isn't just coming for Trump. They're coming for all of us -- and corporate America isn't far behind."

        Continue reading. 


Liberals used to be champions of free speech.  I suspect they still are today.  The leftists among them, however, are absolutely not for free speech any longer.  They are NOT for the practice and application of rights enshrined in our Constitution and in nature and from nature's God. Tolerance is only to be practiced towards people that agree with them.  Everyone else is to fall to the Orwellian cancel culture of the Left.  Everyone else is to be shamed, purged, and marginalized.  They are to be compared to the Nazis and dehumanized.  (Those of you guilty of this, you know who you are!) What they project and proclaim the Right to be guilty of (often without any proof) they are institutionalizing throughout government, social media, big tech and so on.  How can this end any way but very very badly?



Dave Dubya said...

BOO HOO! Whiny liars are wanting to do their version of yelling "Fire!" in a theatre.

This is the Trump Cult crew that has supported and propagated Trump's fascist Big Lie all along. These hypocrites whine about "cancel culture" as their Fuhrer and henchmen work to deny the votes of millions of Americans!!

They think corporate censorship for rules violations is the same as government censorship.

Disgusting crybaby victimhood never ends.

I have an idea. Give truth a try.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of cry babies, Joe Biden BIG MAD because Twitter won’t give him TRUMP’S followers.

Y’all, it’s the little things in life that make it all worth it. The little thing this time is the number of followers the presidential Twitter account will have when Joe Biden takes it over: ZERO.

And boy PAL, they are steamed.


Dave Dubya said...

Not Nazis, but Trump's Terrorist Traitors

Due to the January 6th insurrection by Trump’s Traitors, Washington DC is in a security lockdown for the inauguration of President Biden.

Trump made America so great again, that nobody can visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial this Martin Luther King Day.

But those nasty libs are soooo MEAN! Wah!

Darrell Michaels said...

Why does it matter to you, Dave? The left doesn't follow Reverend King's philosophy any more anyway. King held the moral high ground. The left today is bereft of morality. King abhorred violence to further his righteous cause. The Left embraces violence as a means to the end today. The left is not the recipients and caretakers of MLK's legacy, obviously.

The left is a collection of victims that whine and scream when the right tells them that they will not tolerate their rights being infringed upon or outright usurped. The left calls this whining by the right. I call it a justified warning to the PMS (party of militant snowflakes.)

Dave Dubya said...

What does it matter? How in the hell does it NOT matter to you? Trump's terrorist traitors have turned DC into a wartime Green Zone defense perimeter.

And you want to blame Biden and the left for THAT? Give me a break from that total BS.

And who is this "left" you are talking about? You never seem to define this amorphous demonic entity. If you're referring to me, you couldn't be more wrong. How dare you lie about me being “morally bereft”?

Given the context of Trump's terrorist traitors, I think you need to project the "militant snowflakes" tag away from your rabid Right allies.

Once again you embrace the typical far Right demonization of dissent from your ideology.

The hypocrisy of such accusations amazes me. Your fellow Trump loyalists swarmed the Capitol in a deadly insurrection. When has the "morally bereft left" committed such mass treason and violence upon our democracy and nation?

When has the "morally bereft left" committed mass murder like OK City and El Paso? I'll wait.

I'm also waiting for your list of rights you whine about that I've taken away from you. Who's the real snowflake?

I'll wait....probably for a loooooong time.

Anonymous said...

Whenever there is a debate of government issues the bias for legislators to follow, is for the people, as the first three words of the Constitution guides them. Which certainly leaves room for government programs that effect the people in a positive way. That would include making sure the people are not starving as well as protected by a national military.
This so called Christian nation was born a slave nation by the founders so many revere. Not exactly a model of what Jesus preached in the New Testament. Then we committed genocide against the Native Americans we stole the land from. Again committing a great sin against the God we claim to worship. I'm afraid the reality of our history does not reflect the grandeur of your description of your America.
Your writings also totally lack the attitude of a religious person (as you claim to be) as Jesus instructed us to be. The Constitution protects peoples right to follow any religion, not just your version of religion.
Biden's decisions (which you disagree with) certainly fall within God's laws and the laws of the Constitution. A lesson is learned that American's chose Biden over Trump, which does not mean 80 million Americans are just idiots. Try to take the hate out of your heart and your writings. Accept the reality of what has happened and try again in 4 years.

Dave Dubya said...

Do Fox News viewers care that Fox is being sued for $2.7 billion for lying?
Do they even know?