Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Keep Calm and Pray

We need to pray right now.

We need to pray for God’s wisdom, direction, patience, prudence, and love.

We need to pray for peace for America.

We need to work for peace and justice for all Americans… even the left.  Especially for the left.

Storming the capitol building is wrong and is counter-productive to law, order, and our ultimate goals of freedom for all Americans.  It is counter-productive towards peace and justice.

Yes, much of what has gone on over the past several months, and indeed, over the past year is wrong.  I understand the anger at the usurpation of rights, liberties, and our very God-given freedoms in some cities and states by many of our supposed leaders.  I understand that this is now going to get even worse with the stolen presidential and Georgia senatorial elections.

Yes, we should march, protest, and work to change these things.  PEACEFULLY!

We are not Antifa and Marxist thugs.

Yes, great evil is at hand with a Marxist world reset in mind by the left.

Yes, the sinister designs to indoctrinate our children with leftist propaganda over the generations is finally bearing a rotten fruit for the left. 

The answer to this is not to become like the very thing we loathe.  We weaken and lose our moral authority when we become like the authoritarian and fascist left.

Yes, I know our nation is in great peril and is on the very brink of a totalitarian juggernaut led by a lawless and cognitively challenged left-wing puppet that seeks to plan and control all aspects of our lives. 

President Reagan once prophetically warned us, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

I do not know if that generation has finally come, as many Americans fear, or if this is the last far left swing of the pendulum before we return to a nation of liberty and justice for all.

Regardless, this is not the time to riot like the thugs that stormed the capitol today.

The Leftist media cabal will only use that against Americans in justifying the left’s further actions to come because of it.

Now is not the time for violence.

Now is the time to pray.

May almighty God still bless the United States of America.


TB3 said...

Just stop. Just. Stop.

"totalitarian juggernaut led by a lawless and cognitively challenged left-wing puppet that seeks to plan and control all aspects of our lives."

We just watched a bunch of Trump supporters who on any other day would claim a conservative, right wing orientation do what they just f'ing did to DC and our Legislature. And you're still going to bring up the strawspectre of the evil, marxist left?

Jesus, tap dancing, Christ, Darrell.


Revel in your wrongness. You are wrong. This is wrong.

Jesus Christ. You drop off for a couple of months, our country deals with this international embarrassment and you want to worry about the pinko commies while the fascisistic jack boots take selfies with their tacticool gear?

Jesus, man.


So disappointing. Read the f'ing room.

Jerry Critter said...

That is such a pile of crap! I am ashamed of YOU!

Dave Dubya said...

Brother, if you can't see the cult, you're in it.

We tire of the radical Right's victim card, commie card, deflections, projections and false accusations.

And the horrible lies. Trump lost. As you told us four years ago, get over it.

Trump's lies have brought this horror upon us. This is an attack on our democracy and sacred right to vote. You want to CANCEL millions of legal American votes. THAT is tyranny. Pure tyranny.

Those lies and far Right extremism are tearing our country apart.

We now know for certain how many Americans would have reacted under Hitler. The commie card and the victim card were his specialties.

And spare us the religious self-righteousness.

"Gott Mit Uns" was embossed on the belt buckles of Hitler's Wehrmacht.

Darrell Michaels said...

It is interesting, but sadly not surprising, the response I have received on this post.

I wrote to condemn the RIOTERS that attacked the capitol building. I said they were wrong and acted like thugs. What is more, is that many of the GOP leaders and rank and file have similarly and immediately spoken out against this. It is too damned bad that the left was tepid at best and typically not heard from at all as their left-wing "peaceful protestors" ravaged the country for months.

I find the accusations of cultish behavior, victimhood, and projection to be so absurd considering the projection from the person from which it comes. The freaking left has nothing but a political ideology based on victimhood. They are all about balkanizing the nation into sub-groups to pit against each other in some identity politics game of king of the hill. Look at the victim status assigned to black Americans to the point of even celebrating revisionist history. The same is true for our Hispanic Americans and the LGBT community.

I suppose it is just too damned hard to come together and support our families and communities of simply Americans, instead of hyphenating the entire country into sub-groups. It is the left that sees color, creed, gender, and so forth far more than the right ever did.

And don't even get me started on the "sacred right to vote" and "destroying democracy". That is a bunch of bovine excrement and the height of hypocrisy and projection coming from the left. The left KNEW they could not win the national election unless they violated constitutional law and cheated.

How many states illegally had governors, secretary of states, judges, and various bureaucrats change voting laws, instead of the legally prescribed state legislatures doing so? They made sure that deadlines, signature verifications, curing, and absentee ballots were all a sham. They even kept GOP observers away from some precincts.

It is amazing how Trump was ahead in so many of the vital swing states by tens or hundreds of thousands of votes, until they all decided to stop counting for a bit at 3 in the morning. Upon resumption, all of a sudden, Trump's insurmountable lead had vanished. I have seen data where it was over 1 in a quadrillion chance of that happening where magically Trump ended up losing all of those states with such gargantuan leads. Even a significant percentage of Democrats acknowledge that the election was likely stolen.

So don't talk to me about preserving Democracy and the sacred right to vote, when the left manufactures votes out of thin air and disenfranchises tens of millions of Americans in doing so.

Oh, and if you don't want to be labeled as a Communist, then stop supporting Marxist organizations and plans such as the Green New Deal.

It is the militant left that is acting out in authoritarian and fascist ways reminiscent of Hitler. Not the right. The vast majority of the right condemns the violence done yesterday, despite the court-packing, liberty-usurping plans of the corrupt and lawless Biden crime family.

And of course the sycophantic leftist media will assist and comply in the cover up of the crimes the Left is perpetrating. Just like they did before the election. The left decries Trump and Russian collusion without a shred of evidence, but ignores the mountain of evidence tying Biden to China, Ukraine, and even Russian nefarious influence. Ask Mr. Babilinski.

I have been swamped with work and have worked more hours in a week than do some millenials in a year, hence my absence from the blog. That said,it was important to put out my condemnation of the attack on the capitol by supposed right wingers. If the rest of my original post upsets you good folks, I am sorry, but I see no evidence or reason to not stand by every word of it right now. May God heal our broken land.

TB3 said...

I'm out.

I hope you can find your way out of the fog, Darrell.

Be well.

Darrell Michaels said...

I am truly sorry to hear that, TB3. I do appreciate your contributions in the past. I wish you nothing but the best and hope you come to realize that my concerns are legitimate and are shared by some 74 million people or more, sir. If people of good will such as you and I are not able to bridge that gap, I truly do fear for the rest of our nation and other people that may not have as good of will for their fellow Americans.

My best wishes for you and yours. You will be missed.

Dave Dubya said...

I’m Curious. What does it tell you that Pence has been banned from the West Wing?

”Storming the capitol building is wrong and is counter-productive to law, order, and our ultimate goals of freedom”
That’s a mighty soft glove there for violent criminal insurrection against the republic. We all know you’d be screaming “Terrorism” if BLM did that. And it would be. Own it. These are your allies.

Delusional Victim Card: ”... the usurpation of rights, liberties, and our very God-given freedoms...”
None listed.

Delusional Victim Card: ”I understand that this is now going to get even worse with the stolen presidential and Georgia senatorial elections.”
This takes the conspiracy madness to the absurd degree that hundreds of state Republican officials were in on the plot with Democrats.

”We are not Antifa and Marxist thugs.”
True. Those were conservative and radicalized right wing terrorists. Reps were calling home to say final goodbyes to family.

Paranoid delusional Commie Card: ”great evil is at hand with a Marxist world reset” No. Only the Trump Cult believes this. They think Democrats are commies.

Paranoid delusional Victim/Commie Card: ”...designs to indoctrinate our children with leftist propaganda...”
Because Prager U and Limbaugh say so.

Paranoid delusional Commie Card: ”the very thing we loathe... the authoritarian and fascist left.”
Fascism is Right Wing authoritarianism. But not to the cult. See Prager U and Limbaugh.

Paranoid delusional Victim Card: ” the nation is in great peril and is on the very brink of a totalitarian juggernaut led by a lawless and cognitively challenged left-wing puppet that seeks to plan and control all aspects of our lives.”
Very frightening. Why don’t you tell us who that evil puppet is? Don’t you think we should know? Not Putin’s puppet, I assume. Oh, you mean Joe Biden! LOL.

Delusional Victim Card: ”... the last far left swing of the pendulum before we return to a nation of liberty and justice for all.”
Quite the opposite. The Trump Mob storming the capitol was the farthest far Right swing of the pendulum we’ve ever seen.

”Regardless, this is not the time to riot like the thugs that stormed the capitol today.”
Trump thought it was exactly the time to send his thugs to storm the capitol. Disagree?
Trump tweeted: “Be there, will be wild!”The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal! “
Rudy suggested, “Let’s have trial by combat” at the rally.
The BIG Protest Rally speech concluded with marching orders. "We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave ... and we're going to try and give our Republicans -- the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help -- we're to try and give them kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our let’s walk down Pennsylvania Ave.”

The insurrectionist thugs obeyed their leader.

Dave Dubya said...


Paranoid Victim card: ”The Leftist media cabal will only use that against Americans in justifying the left’s further actions to come because of it.”
So you’re blaming the media for using Trumps Mob of insurrectionists “against Americans”?

”Now is not the time for violence.”
I would hope so. But who are the violent ones again? Please tell us, if you can, what BLM protest was as bad as this? concerns are legitimate... If people of good will such as you and I are not able to bridge that gap,”

That gap was created by the radical Right and their propaganda.

Mitt Romney begged his fellow Republicans to “tell them the truth”.

Even Mitch McConnell finally had to admit it.

“We’re debating a step that has never been taken in American history, whether Congress should overrule the voters and overturn a presidential election...
Self-government, my colleagues, requires a shared commitment to the truth, and a shared respect for the ground rules of our system.
We cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate reality, with nothing in common except our hostility towards each other and mistrust for the few national institutions that we all still share....The United States Senate has a higher calling than an endless spiral of partisan vengeance.
It would be unfair and wrong to disenfranchise the voters and overrule courts and the states in this extraordinarily thin basis.”

Better late than never.

Now Darrell, you can add these two Republican senators to that vast commie conspiracy that eats into your mind.

Or you can reject Trump’s lies and rejoin the sane Americans, including many conservatives and Republicans, you’ve come to resent.

We will welcome you back, as a good person who once believed too many lies, and finally opened his mind to reality.

I know you wish to dismiss out of hand everything I say. But I say this is a truth you may yet discover.

A cult is not a cult to a cult. Trump is a cult leader. Now it is a terrorist cult.

Come back into the light of facts, reason, and real American values. We’re not going to take your guns, send you to commie indoctrination centers, or deny you your Constitutional rights and liberties. Believe it or not, we values those too.

Should you ever recover a healthy sense of curiosity, I recommend the new book by former Nixon counsel John Dean. “Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers”.

Do you have the courage to step out of Trump’s closed loop echo chamber, and take the red pill and leave the Trump matrix?

Dave Dubya said...

Trump's message to his mob of insurrectionist thugs:

"I know you're in pain. I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen. It was a landslide. But you have to go home now...we love you, you're very special."

Trump's Traitors rioted for a liar's lies, and he praised them.

And you believe, respect, and trust that man?

Anonymous said...

I just wish TB3 and Dave Dubya were as upset over the looting, arson and riots done by BLM and ANTIFA over the past 10 months as they are of the mostly "peaceful protest" in Washington, D.C. Just as there was no condemnation at the DNC Convention of the actions of BLM and ANTIFA they is sadly nothing on record to show they were.

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for allowing these comments.

Are these guys more commie conspirators against Trump?

Retired U.S. Marine Corps general James Mattis, former defense secretary under Trump, said: “Today’s violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump.”

Asked if he would support using the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to remove the President from office, Former White House chief of staff and retired U.S. Marine Corps general John Kelly said, “Yes , I would...What happened on Capitol Hill yesterday is a direct result of his poisoning the minds of people with the lies and the frauds.”

Come on, brother, shake off the darkness of Trumpism.

Dave Dubya said...

Don't believe the liar who says we never condemned the violence and vandalism last summer. Racists follow this tactic against those who protest racism.

Three Republican governors have said Trump should resign, Including Maryland’s governor.

After hearing pleas from terrorized legislators, he offered to send the Maryland National Guard to the capitol.

Trump’s new Secretary of Defense refused to take his calls.

Still digging in your heels against the Great Bi-partisan Commie Conspiracy?

What are those voices in your head saying now?

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, Trump was wrong to give encouragement and a wink and a nod to the protestors and delaying any attempt to rein them back. He was complicit. Sadly this ego maniacal narcissist tarnished the myriad of good things he has done for our country with this latest escapade. The storming of the capitol was wrong and I strongly denounce the thugs that did it.

That said, it was a "mostly peaceful protest" where the only ones killed were some of the protesters via police. There were actually hundreds of dollars of damage done there. Why it was three or four hours before congress could resume certifying the corrupt Biden family "big guy" crime boss. It took that long for police to escort most of these thugs out of the capitol and back to their hotel rooms.

I wish this same kind of outrage was voiced by the left when their protesters burned down our cities, looted businesses, attacked police, and barricaded them inside their stations as they tried to burn them down. Hypocrisy and Leftism are synonymous evidently.

At least I am consistent in condemning this thuggish behavior.

As for the Left, please spare me your selective outrage.

Dave Dubya said...

I'm relieved you can admit that "ego maniacal narcissist" Trump encouraged the riot.

I hope you agree what he did was intolerable and proves he is the worst president ever. It led to several deaths.

I don't think you aware of the harm they did. There was significantly more damage than "hundreds of dollars" would fix. We've yet to learn the extent of the vandalism.

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was killed by that mob, you know. Stop the dishonest mockery with the “peaceful protest” bit, please. That dishonors that man who died protecting our capitol.

And just look at the shameful image they presented to our allies and adversaries alike. BLM protests could never have done such damage to our national pride and reputation.

And please, for the love of God, stop saying those who disagree with you politically never condemned the criminal arsonists and vandals of last Summer.

Like the Trump Mob, they were criminals, not protesters, the second they broke the law.

I suppose it suits the rage on the Right to demonize others and say we condone such behavior. If you cared to look, you'd see near universal condemnation of all that criminal behavior.

Your accusation of “selective outrage” is false and demonizing.

I hope you reject the lies and admit Trump lost by 7 million popular votes, including mine. When Trump’s Republican toadies want to cancel my vote, they become my personal enemies, as well as enemies of democracy. Do you think it is “leftist” of me to say that? Or is it my patriotic American reaction?

This is how we the people voted:

Electoral Votes-306
Popular Voter: 81,264,673 (51.3%)

Electoral Votes- 232
Popular Voter: 74,210,838 (46.9%)

This is certified bi-partisan agreement at the state and now federal level. Nobody "stole the election".

Maybe you are not aware of how dishonest Trump is. Trusting Trump’s wild conspiracies over everyone else is a cult mentality.

Now it is a dangerous cult mentality. McConnell finally admitted to the separate set of facts and separate reality that divide us.

It is healthy to disagree on opinions, but facts are facts. Trump is a liar, and he lost fair and square.

Healing and constructive dialogue depend on acceptance of this reality.

Anonymous said...

Dave still can not condemn the arson, looting and rioting committed in the last 10 months by BLM and ANTIFA...But he'll beat Darrell up on side and down the other to get him to speak against President Trump.

Dave Dubya said...

The Nation’s Andrew McCormick witnessed this:

“This is not America,” a woman said to a small group, her voice shaking. She was crying, hysterical. “They’re shooting at us. They’re supposed to shoot BLM, but they’re shooting the patriots.”

A man, possibly her husband, comforted her: “Don’t worry, honey. We showed them today. We showed them what we’re all about.”

I join you in prayer for our nation. And for a renewal of civility and decency that has been shredded by indecent and uncivil persons.

I pray for the person with the dehumanizing lie about me here. For some reason has no criticism of the mob of Trump's Traitors, and still rages at BLM. Like the sweet patriotic couple above, he sure showed me what he's all about.

I pray those fanatically loyal to Trump, and infected with his lies and hate, will discover their very humanity, their souls, suffer from Trump indoctrinated delusion and anger.

But I understand most authoritarian personalities will never question their beliefs or their leaders.

And this is why I pray for our people, and our democratic republic's survival.

Anonymous said...

I pray that Dave will condemn the arson, looting and rioting committed in the last 10 months by his friends in BLM and ANTIFA.

Dave Dubya said...

Romans 16:17-18

Darrell Michaels said...

Thanks for the Bible verse, Dave. That is great advice. We should be wary of those causing division and hate. That include Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and of course Joe Biden. They do not want unity of the people. They want unity of thought. Diversity is only good for them if it is diversity of skin color. Tolerance is only to be practiced for all except conservatives.

Trump was egregiously wrong in his egotism and wink and nod to storm the capitol. It was evil.

Disenfranchising and preventing the exercise of constitutional and natural rights for untold tens of millions of Americans is also wrong and evil. I see both. I wish you and your leftist fellow travelers could too.

Dave Dubya said...

Wasn't unity of thought exactly what the MAGA mob was demonstrating? You may want to disagree, but I can safely state they also would almost all claim to be conservative as well. Why should we tolerate those conservatives?

I'll tell you why. They are radicalized and indoctrinated with lies, anger, resentment and hate. They are terrorists.

I've yet to see you recognize the terrible extent of radical Right terrorism that we've seen, from the OK bombing to the Wal-Mart massacre, and finally to the storming of the Capitol. That's a lot of "unity of thought".

There's nothing wrong with unity of thought if it is reality based.

This is why we need to do a reality check on all politicians.

And we need to apply that to our own assumptions and beliefs. Conservatives don't tend to demonstrate a willingness to examine any questions of their beliefs.

The same is true for most radical leftists.

"Disenfranchising and preventing the exercise of constitutional and natural rights for untold tens of millions of Americans is also wrong and evil."

I would agree, if you only state who are disenfranchised of their constitutional and natural rights. You don't seem aware of the extent to which Republicans go to make voting more difficult. You don't seem aware Trump's treasonous insurrection was based on lies about the election.

In fact you've yet to acknowledge Trump is the worst pathological liar to desecrate the Oval Office.

If you please, let me know the comparable scale of evil perpetrated by Democrats. Perhaps I don't see it because it isn't there?

Darrell Michaels said...

Unity of thought isn’t necessarily an evil in and of itself, as I am sure you will agree, although one has to be careful with that for sure. Further, a vast majority of the DC protesters did not partake in the riot on the capitol. Indeed, I have yet to come across a conservative that condones what those rioters did, and that includes GOP politicians.

Where was the similar and immediate outrage and condemnation by the Left and most of its leaders when their riotous mobs were burning down cities, lighting fires throughout the western forests, barricading police inside their stations as they attempted to burn them down? I know an officer in Portland who was permanently blinded by lasers from these rioters. They are evil thugs too and should be imprisoned. What does the left, including most of the politicians do? They ignore it at best. They justify it or even donate money for bail for these bastards. The hypocrisy is legendary.

“They are radicalized and indoctrinated with lies, anger, resentment and hate. They are terrorists.”

Yes, the left certainly is all of those things. They have been indoctrinated that America is racist and was founded on racism. They have been told that they are victims and cannot succeed without the intercession of the government. They have been told the lies that white people are intrinsically and perpetually racist, even if they don’t realize it. They have been told that they deserve reparations for slavery. A slavery they never experienced with reparations from people that were never responsible for that evil. Yes, they are terrorists and the ones committing the arson and attempted murders should be imprisoned.

You haven’t recognized my condemnation of Timothy McVeigh and every other asshat that has killed out of a misguided right-wing ideology? That is because you evidently don’t pay attention. These evil bastards got what they deserved. They were wrong. Your whataboutism doesn’t detract from the evil done by the Left. Both are wrong. Both are deserving of punishment that is appropriate to their crimes. My condemnation of the riots in 2020 was met by you with mitigation, justification, and lies about white supremacists being at fault.

“There's nothing wrong with unity of thought if it is reality based. This is why we need to do a reality check on all politicians.”

I see. And who is it that determines if that thought is reality-based, Dave? The ministry of truth? Is Biden or his administration the ones who should determine which politicians meet their “reality check”? Do you even comprehend what you are suggesting? I just saw some asshat talking head on the TV talking about how Republicans and Trump supporters need to be purged from office and “re-educated”. And this sinister evil being proposed doesn’t even phase the historically ignorant left. Please tell me you will help the left to examine their beliefs and question their actions when it comes to this. Or are we to further emulate China where conservatives are now the Uighurs in camps?

Darrell Michaels said...

As for voting, the left doesn’t seem to care whether signatures match, whether the dead vote, whether illegal aliens vote, whether votes can be counted weeks after an election, whether GOP observers are removed from overseeing the ballot counting process, and whether constant and repeated “irregularities” occurred with Dominion voting machines. After all, in the end it only matters that the Left wins, right? Conservative attempts to ensure every LEGAL vote is counted is characterized as voter suppression though.

“If you please, let me know the comparable scale of evil perpetrated by Democrats. Perhaps I don't see it because it isn't there?”

Do you mean the Democrat politicians and their support for slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and Japanese internment? Perhaps you mean making deals with terrorist regimes by sending plane loads of cash in to the ayatollahs to be used in terrorist attacks against Americans, as they continue their nuclear weapons program in violation of “the deal”. Perhaps you mean running guns in the fast and furious operation that flooded Mexico with arms and resulted in a federal officer being killed. Or maybe you mean the numerous instances of first, second, and other constitutional rights being violated by several administrations.

Or do you mean the evil of the rank and file on the left that have bombed and killed police and innocent people, such as the Weather Undergound, Earth Liberation Front, Black Panthers, and numerous others?

Do you mean Antifa and some members of BLM that riot, loot, and violently assault those with whom they disagree? Do you mean the lies they tell about systemic racism, especially in the police forces, that perpetuates victimhood to people of color? Do you mean the leftist arsonists that have burned down whole cities in the west, like Phoenix, Oregon?

Do you mean those lies and evils? (and myriad more that I could fill a book with…)

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your rehashed list of grievances and projection.

I think you totally deflected from my simple factual conclusion:

You don't seem aware Trump's treasonous insurrection was based on lies about the election.

In fact you've yet to acknowledge Trump is the worst pathological liar to desecrate the Oval Office.

If you please, let me know the comparable scale of evil perpetrated by Democrats. Perhaps I don't see it because it isn't there?

Nothing but the Civil War compared to the mass terrorist assault on our democracy. If you can't grasp that reality, you are the problem here.

And you throw out slavery???? Founders owned slaves. They were NOT democrats. And the democrats you do mention were SOUTHERN WHITE CONSERVATIVES. Clear?

One Black capitol cop who survived reported being called "nigger" over a dozen times from the racist brainwashed mob.

"And who is it that determines if that thought is reality-based, Dave?"..Those with the facts, evidence and reason.

Hint: When you side with Trump's words, chances are you're not siding with reality.

The final absurdity of your tantrum was "leftist arsonists that have burned down whole cities in the west".

What did I just say about reality?

Dave Dubya said...

”I have yet to come across a conservative that condones what those rioters did, and that includes GOP politicians”

You are generous to those who promoted the Big Lie that Trump pushed to incite the terrorist insurrection, AFTER the storming of the capitol.

Sens. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Cindy Hyde-Smith, John Neely Kennedy, Roger Marshall and Tommy Tuberville all carried through with objecting to the electors.

Damn these lying traitors to hell. This crap will just incite MORE radical Right terrorism. More Americans will die because of all these Trump/Republican/conservative lies.

A few had the sense to reverse their objections.

"When I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now, in good conscience, object," said Loeffler

Dave Dubya said...

"I never said the election was stolen." Jim Jordan doesn't remember yelling through a megaphone at a "Stop the Steal" rally. We have the photos and video.

These liars are killing our country!

Every Republican who refuses to public renounce Trump's Big Lie is directly responsible and abetting further acts of terrorism.

Dave Dubya said...

And here it is: "I understand that this is now going to get even worse with the stolen presidential and Georgia senatorial elections."

This is the brainwashing behind the terrorist attack on our Capitol. This is Trump's Big Lie that is tearing our country apart.

Republicans in swing states that Biden won have certified the votes. Trump tried to bully and threaten the GA Secretary of State into falsifying the vote count. He even accused him of criminal conduct. That is a crime.

60 legal challenges were refused by judges across the country, including the ones Trump installed in the Supreme Court.

How big does the cult think this vast conspiracy is, that dares to call out Trump's Big Lie?

There is no hope for truth and democracy when a cult so large, so angry and so deluded continues to feed the insanity behind the terrorist attack on our government.

Shame on you. Retract this lie, or be willfully tainted by Trumpism the rest of your days. I can only hope your grandchildren will learn a lesson from your siding with Trump over the truth.

Will they be proud, or ashamed, of your embrace of this treacherous lie that directly resulted in the worst terrorist attack on our Capitol?

Every Republican who continues to refuse to admit Biden won, or that they were misled, will have more blood on their hands.

This is what happens when conservatism falls under a vile demagogue. This is the toxic authoritarian nature in humanity that curses our species and planet.

We can lead conservatives to reality, but they refuse to acknowledge it.

"If the libs think that way, we deny it."

Is this what it comes down to?

Darrell Michaels said...

I am posting Dave's lies about the "big lie" for posterity.

I am not going to waste my time with him. He is part of the authoritarian anti-Constitutional leftist militants that demonize and refer to others who disagree with them as Nazis. He is complicit in the dismantling of Constitutional rights. The Democrats challenged elections in the same was several times over the past few decades, but that is okay since they were Democrats.

His whole party whines and is offended by EVERYTHING but when conservatives are enraged about the freeloading socialist malcontents that are tearing down our nation and infringing on rights and liberty, then we are the whiny ones. I have lots of very bad words in my mind that I'd like to direct to you and your constant double standards, but then I remember that I don't want to be like the lying, manipulative, double-standard leftists. Keep your hate and YOUR big lies to yourself. You are the very symbol of the problem, sir.

Anonymous said...

I pray that Dave will condemn the arson, looting and rioting committed in the last 10 months by his friends in BLM and ANTIFA.

Dave Dubya said...

Ah, better to rage at the messenger than defend the Big Lie that the terrorists believed as they swarmed the Capitol.

I'm sure it is enraging to be shown a claim doesn't fit reality, like "leftists burned down whole cities". As IF you knew what their politics were. They were arsonists, very likely totally ignorant of politics.

Why do you LIE? Or do you think such wild exaggeration reflects reality?

Cons have relentlessly shown they are more outraged over property crime by vandals than by the murder that triggered the protests. I wonder why? Mighty white of them.

I'm sure it is enraging to be shown a claim doesn't fit reality, like Trump lost the election.

To the authoritarian cult mind, anyone who challenges the leader's words is a threat.

Biden won. Trump fanatics' heads spin off in a blind fury.

I denounce the Trump lie that inspired a terrorist attack, and have been met with rage and false accusations in return.

The Democrats challenged elections in the same was several times over the past few decades,

NO. They didn't object to the results of the election, just to register concerns. It was NOT an attempt to overturn the election!

Not that you can accept reality anymore. But lies need more lies to support them.

To be honest, I think Trump's insurrection fried your brain circuits and blew a fuse as it tries to justify your support for him.

As long as radicalized far Right extremists deny our legitimate election and inspire terrorist reactions, they are the domestic enemies of our Constitution and people.

YOU dare say I am "complicit in the dismantling of Constitutional rights" as your cult swallows the Big Lie and violently attacked our Constitutional process of government.

Yup. I am the evil one, alright. But only to Trump's deranged cult.

I know better than to ask for proof of widespread fraud and illegal voting.

YOU HAVE NONE! No court accepted their BS. Period.

All you have is Trump's Big LIE.

And THAT is the hill your cult of terrorists chooses to die on.

God help us.

Dave Dubya said...

You forgot that part about how we non-believers in Trump hate America, and where we run pedophile rings out of pizza parlor basements.

And why leave out the part where we smear blood over our naked bodies, urinate on Bibles, and sacrifice Christian children to Satan in the Haunted Forest?

Why are you holding back?

Waiting for the howls of "impeachment hoax", because if Trump says so, it MUST be true.

Oh and a reality you cannot wrap your head around...because Trump lost.

Electoral Votes-306
Popular Voter: 81,264,673 (51.3%)

Electoral Votes- 232
Popular Voter: 74,210,838 (46.9%)

More radical Right terrorism will be how the cult deals with this reality, all in service to the Great Orange Messiah and his fascist Big Lie.

Conservative values, amirite?

Dave Dubya said...

I mean, just LOOK at how great he made America. The world must be so jealous of our beacon of truth, light, justice, and democracy. And if it weren't for all those BLM Black people we'd have no racism at all.

Have a nice cult, and have fun storming the castle!


Dave Dubya said...

I don't expect you to publish this, and I know why.

Sadly, I expect you to ignore and reject the truth today as you rejected the truth that was presented less than a year ago.

Adam Schiff: February 3, 2020

He has betrayed our national security and he will do so again. He has compromised our elections and he will do so again. You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. He is who he is. Truth matters little to him. What’s right matters even less and decency matters not at all. I do not ask you to convict him because truth or right or decency matters nothing to him, but because we have proven our case and it matters to you. Truth matters to you, right matters to you. You are decent. He is not who you are.

... I put my faith in the optimism of the founders. You should too. They gave us the tools to do the job, a remedy as powerful as the evil it was meant to constrain: Impeachment. They meant it to be used rarely, but they put it in the constitution for a reason. For a man who would sell out his country for a political favor, for a man who would threaten the integrity of our elections. For a man who would invite for an interference in our affairs. For a man who would undermine our national security and that of our allies. For a man like Donald J. Trump. They gave you a remedy and they meant for you to use it. They gave you an oath and they meant for you to observe it. We have proven Donald Trump guilty now do impartial justice and convict him."

Truths shamelessly and cowardly denied by all but one Republican senator who refused to be intimidated by a tyrant. This senator has spoken the truth again and it will stand for the ages to come:

"What happened here today was an insurrection, incited by the president of the United States."

You are free to deny the truth and embrace all the treasonous lies your beloved leader has spoken. Your embrace of the lies of traitors will mark you as long as you are remembered.

Patriots value truth. Until you do so, you are no patriot. You are a Trumpist.

Like Trump, those with an authoritarian personality will never admit to being wrong or mistaken.

Like Trump, they are now, and will always be, on the wrong side of history, and among those who betrayed our country.

It may be a futile wish, but I sincerely hope you arrive at the truth some day.

Dave Dubya said...

Reality speaks:

Electoral Votes-306
Popular Voter: 81,264,673 (51.3%)

Electoral Votes- 232
Popular Voter: 74,210,838 (46.9%)

Biden won. The election was not stolen.

Republicans speak of reality:

January 6, 2021:

Senator Mitt Romney said, ”What happened here today was an insurrection, incited by the president of the United States. No congressional audit is ever going to convince these voters, particularly when the president continues to say the election was stolen. The best way we can show respect for the voters who were upset is by telling them the truth.”

Senator Mitch McConnell said, “President Trump claims the election was stolen. The assertions range from specific local allegations, to constitutional arguments to sweeping conspiracy theories. I supported the president’s right to use the legal system. Dozens of lawsuits received hearings in courtrooms all across our country. But over and over, courts rejected these claims...but my colleagues, nothing before us proves illegalities anywhere near the massive scale that would have tipped the entire election. Nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break when the doubt itself was incited without any evidence... It would be unfair and wrong to disenfranchise American voters and overrule the courts and the states on this extraordinarily thin basis...I will vote to respect the people’s decision and defend our system of government as we know it.

Voltaire warned, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

Trump’s Big LIe and his traitors have shown this is true.

Those who deny reality and believe Trump’s Big Lie must project their rage: “Keep your hate and YOUR big lies to yourself. You are the very symbol of the problem, sir.”

The seething rage erupts into a personal attack. As if only “anti-Constitutional leftist militants complicit in the dismantling of Constitutional rights” would say Biden won the election.

It was this person’s fellow believers who violently attacked our Constitutional process and Americans in the Capitol building.

And the raging Trumpist says I am the symbol of the problem.

Dave Dubya said...

We are not Antifa and Marxist thugs.

You just believe in the same Big Lie as the Trump thugs. If you push the Big Lie, you are supporting their evil cause, and are at war against America.

Remember when Trump was "morally unfit to be president"?

Somebody changed, and it wasn't Trump.

"Now is not the time for violence."

When is? More terrorism will be committed until Trump's Big Lie is repudiated. MOST Americans have sided with democracy.

The rest are authoritarian Trumpists at war with democracy. It is that clear.

How many more must die for the Big Lie?

How many more must die for YOUR Big Lie?

Dave Dubya said...

Thank goodness we have “Constitutional Republicans” to watch out for us.

Let’s give Trump a longer term, amirite?

"We probably could have had a swearing-in and inauguration later after we got this virus behind us a little bit," Tommy Tuberville suggested in an interview with a local TV station. "Again, we're talking about Washington, DC."

Section I of the 20th Amendment; "The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January."

It was ratified by the states in 1933. Which was 88 years ago.

Ignorant conservatives want to dominate our country.

Dave Dubya said...

“If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other.” -Ulysses S. Grant...Or as the Tangerine Tyrant said, proving Grant correct, “Ulysious” S. Grant.

Darrell Michaels said...

Wow! Mr. Dubya has been busy with his lies and propaganda over the last few days while I worked. I published all of his absurd lies and propaganda for the rest of you dear readers to see the divide that has occurred in this nation, largely due to the hate, venom, hypocrisy, and lies of the militant left.

Dave claims I am a liar and authoritarian cult Trumpist because I don't agree with him. I suspect he is bucking for the Secretary of Biden's Ministry of Truth.

Cities HAVE been burned, Dave. A simple look at vast areas in Portland and Minneapolis and Kenosha are good examples. And then we have the leftist arsonists that have torched forests and devastated whole towns that burned to the ground. Phoenix, Oregon is a good example there.

But that is okay by Dave. He complains that we conservatives are more concerned with the violence and property crime than we are with the murder that these punk-ass thugs use to justify their evil. Interesting though, as I recall every conservative I know, including most all of the GOP politicians specifically speaking out against the George Floyd murder. Did you hear any on the Left speak out against the murder of retired officer Dorn because of mostly peaceful protesters looting a pawn shop. I didn't.

Dave then uses that bastion of truth and purity, Adam Schiff, as his supporting argument for the first politically-motivated and entirely unwarranted impeachment. The leftists did not present evidence. They had no first hand witnesses. They brought in people to pontificate on the alledged evil's of the Donald without any corroborating evidence. Then a week before he leaves office, these freaking idiots impeach him again as a leftwing tantrum that will surely help Biden bring the nation back together.

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave points to the courts as proof that the election was not stolen. And yet in nearly every single case before these myriad courts, they were often dismissed due to lack of standing or procedural issues. Most were NOT adjudicated on the merits of the case. Many were not heard because of cowardly or swamp-fever-infected courts.

The fact that states violated the U.S. Constitution, and often their own state constitutions by changing voting laws at the last minute in order to facilitate more unverified and undocumented "legal votes" being counted should be a huge wake up cry to the nation. To the Left, the end always justifies the means though. That is how they will also pack the Supreme Court, not that Biden thought you voters had a right to know what he would do before the election. He wants firmly entrenched, unassailable, authoritarian power for the left. What could go wrong, I ask?

The fact that Trump was leading in so many important states like WI, MI, PA, GA, NV and others by hundreds of thousands of votes on election night until the counting was inexplicably halted and the Republican observers sent home. When the voting started again, all of a sudden Biden was leading.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Tuesday evening highlighted an incredible statistic that is included in State of Texas v. Pennsylvania, et. al.

“Expert analysis using a commonly accepted statistical test further raises serious questions as to the integrity of this election,” the lawsuit reads. “The probability of former Vice President Biden winning the popular vote in the four Defendant States—Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—independently given President Trump’s early lead in those States as of 3 a.m. on November 4, 2020, is less than one in a quadrillion, or 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000.”

Guess "the big guy" is just that lucky. Helps if you have Dominion voting machines in those states though and leftist operatives running the counting.

As for the violence, I condemn it on the right and on the left. You condemn it on the right and mitigate or justify it on the left, Mr. Dubya. The time for violence is when one's life or the threat of great bodily injury is at hand.

As for your quote from President Grant, who knew he was able to foresee the ignorant, corrupt, and ambitious swap denizens of the future. He is right though. They are not patriots.

Dave Dubya said...

"They are not patriots"

Yes. The delusional Trump cult BELIEVED they were patriots, as they stormed the Capitol.

But they were delusional. They believed crazy conspiracies and wacked out figures by "experts" who disregarded the facts. Romney and McConnell tried to tell them that.

The most delusional belief was their trust in Trump, believing he was telling them the truth.

Trump LOST the election. He LOST the popular vote in 2016, and he lost an even greater share of the popular vote in 2020, as well as the electoral votes.

You're either with Trump or the American democratic republic.

You either side with truth or treason now.

Dave Dubya said...

Sotomayor: "After seventeen years without a single federal execution, the Government has executed twelve people since July."

The US "will have executed more than three times as many people in the last six months than it had in the previous six decades."

Tell me how Trump isn't an authoritarian.

Dave Dubya said...

“Voters, courts, and the states have all spoken... . If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We’d never see the whole nation accept an election again... We cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate reality... Congress will either override the voters, overrule them, the voters the states and the courts for the first time ever, or honor the people’s decision...We’ll either hasten down a poisonous path where only the winners of elections actually accept the results, or show we can still muster the patriotic courage that our forebears showed, not only in victory, but in defeat...It would be unfair and wrong to disenfranchise American voters and overrule the courts and the states on this extraordinarily thin basis...I will vote to respect the people’s decision and defend our system of government as we know it.” – Mitch McConnell 1-6-21

”What happened here today was an insurrection, incited by the president of the United States. No congressional audit is ever going to convince these voters, particularly when the president continues to say the election was stolen. The best way we can show respect for the voters who were upset is by telling them the truth.” - Senator Mitt Romney 1-6-21

”Our election was stolen”. – Donald Trump

”100% Donald Trump is gonna be your president the next four years”. - My Pillow Guy

And I’m the “liar” for agreeing with reality, the Republican Senators, the states, the courts and the voters?

This is the radicalization that the far Right and Trump’s lies have wrought.

Dave Dubya said...

Due to the January 6th insurrection by Trump’s Traitors, Washington DC is in a security lockdown for the inauguration of President Biden.

Trump made America so great again, that nobody can visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial this Martin Luther King Day.

This sad reality reveals how the character, moral grounding and soul of the nation have been deeply stained by Trump and his ignorant, racist, and treasonous cult.

And none of them know it.

Ignorance isn't ignorance to the ignorant.
Racism isn't racism to the racist.
Treason isn't treason to the traitor.
A cult isn't a cult to the cult.

Darrell Michaels said...

Yep, it is either truth or treason to Dave. But not just any "truth". It has to be the truth that he thinks is correct. He and the rest of his leftist authoritarian minions don't care about the 74 million plus Americans that do not trust the election results due to myriads of reasons of allegations of fraud, actual illegalities done to change voting laws by some states, curing and abnormally low rejection rates of questionable ballots, kicking out of GOP observers, and of course the astronomical coincidences and first hand accounts of Dominion voting machine fraud. All of that is "the big lie" to Dave. That is treasonous and probably warrants re-education or perhaps just extermination in his eyes. I guess some "truth" is more equal than other truth, right Dave? And yet you have the audacity to call anyone else and authoritarian!

Dave Dubya said...

I know you're tired of me. You're weary of having the truth presented, just so you can reassert your embrace of lies.

But I am a patriot, and truth matters to me. I'm never going to willfully abandon facts and reality. There is no freedom, no liberty, without the truth.

First, some truths from Republicans. (Repetition seems to work on the radical Right.)

“What happened here today was an insurrection, incited by the president of the United States. No congressional audit is ever going to convince these voters, particularly when the president continues to say the election was stolen. The best way we can show respect for the voters who were upset is by telling them the truth.” - Senator Mitt Romney 1-6-21

And just today:

The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people. And they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.” - Sen. Mitch McConnell 1-19-21

Now about Trump’s lies:

I’m wondering how many of Trump’s lies you believe to be the truth. From “Obama is a Kenya-born Marxist” to Trump “didn't know about the payment to Stormy Daniels”, to “Alabama was one of the states at greater risk from Hurricane Dorian” to the lies that the corona virus was equivalent to the flu; the lie that the pandemic was "totally under control"; the lie that the virus was "disappearing", all the way to the Big Lie: “The election was stolen”.

How deep into the Trump Cult did you go?

I think you hate the fact I am correct more than the fact you fell for the lies. Maybe that's why you can't admit to the truth. That would be very sad.

Conservative authoritarian personalities find it extremely difficult to admit they were mistaken or misled. I get it.

Here's a lie by a Democratic president that I know was a lie. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

There. That wasn't so difficult.

Go ahead. See if you can do that. Are you a rational person? Do facts and reason hold any value for you?

Try one of his lies other than his Big Lie for a start. Show me you're not that gullible for all of Trump's lies.

I dare you to turn from Trump and face reality. Mitt and Mitch could do it. Or are you so far into the radical Right mindset you still think I'm the liar here?