Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Video Chairman Nadler Doesn't Want You to See!

New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of course, has claimed that the protests throughout our nation are generally peaceful and it is a "myth" to characterize them otherwise.  Of course, this "gentleman" also previously denied the existence of the fascist group Antifa. This blatant lie regarding the "peaceful protests" is further promulgated to the ignorant public by socialist Democrats in the main stream media.  They want you to believe that any violence being done is by police on peaceful protesters simply exercising their constitutional rights. 

Nowhere does the U.S. Constitution or common decency allow arson, physical attacks, looting, running over people with vehicles, and the destruction of public and private property.  That should be obvious, but I know real civics is no longer taught in school these days so I figured I'd address this as a public service announcement.

I think that the brave law enforcement officers that are trying to protect people and property have been exceedingly patient and very measured in their responses to the horrific violence perpetrated against them and public/private property. 

This small but very vocal minority of mainly snot-nosed white millenial rioters has been allowed to go on for way too long.  The vast majority of silent Americans will eventually stand up and do something about it.  I pray that this includes capturing the House, Senate, and Presidency in less than 100 days.

This inexcusable rioting should now be met with all necessary force, including reciprocal lethal force as required, to shut it down in Portland, Seattle, and wherever else it occurs.  When industrial fireworks are launched at property with people inside and the doors are blocked intentionally by rioters like what has been done at the Mark Hatfield federal courthouse in Portland, this alone amounts to lethal force on the rioters behalf.  This is not protesting and if you don't know the difference between that and rioting, then you are part of the problem.

In related news, Somalia, Afghanistan and Venezuela have issued travel warnings for the former United States.

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