Wednesday, July 8, 2020

He's Baaack!

A little less than two years ago, I decided to mothball my blog, Saving Common Sense.  I had enjoyed writing and conversing for over nine years over the interwebs via that blog with many fine people of all faiths, colors, creeds, sexual orientations, and political persuasions.  Indeed, I met many good people, some of which I consider friends to this day because of that blog.  And yes, some of those friends are left-leaning in contrast to my own unabashedly conservative, God-fearing, pro-American views.

While I always support the right of people to disagree with me and express their thoughts or feelings on any given subject, in line with our first amendment rights, it grew wearisome as the precursors to today’s cancel culture were already being exhibited on the very pages of my own blog by some commenters.  It was because of the hate and unadulterated anti-American vitriol that was being lobbed daily on these very pages in the comment sections that I decided to shut down activity on my beloved blog on 9/11/2018.

Over the course of the last two years there have been many times when I thought to myself regarding some current event or happening in life that I should return to blogging once again.  Lately with the ever-increasing wellspring of militant leftist hate and destruction and the direct effects of it on my own family, I thought now is the time to return to blogging.  If nothing else, I figure it will be cathartic for me to put my thoughts to printed word.  As such, rather than simply start a new blog, I figured I would re-imagine my old blog and build upon it, just as we do throughout all of the junctions and turning points in our own lives by building on past experiences with new growth and realizations throughout life.

But what to call the new blog?  I have always been a proud American and student of American history.  I realize that America is not without its flaws, just like every last single country on this earth.  The difference is America has always championed the ideal that all men are created equal, even if this was not realized for all Americans from the beginning.  That said, America does always try to right its wrongs, and because of that, it is the beacon of prosperity and liberty that it is today for a vast majority of Americans.  I have traveled to many countries during my life and have seen some wondrous sights, experienced amazing cultures, and met fantastic people, but I have come to realize that I far prefer the liberties and freedoms that have made America that shining city on a hill to so many people in the world, which given the chance, they would flock.  In light of that, I thought that I am indeed unabashedly American; hence the name of the new blog.

It is my intention to keep things a little different this time though.  I am not going to allow the high-jacking of my own site by leftist trolls who insist upon ideological purity and agreement with their manifesto or otherwise branding dissenters as “enemies” to be attacked or destroyed.  In the past, I tried to let a free flow of comments without moderation rule the day; that will not be the case in the new iteration of my blog. 

As always, I am not afraid of contrary or dissenting opinions.  Indeed, I am human and fallible.  If you can make a cogent argument supported by actual facts, perhaps I may be convinced of the error of my ways.  If you make comments that are intentionally bombastic, inflammatory, and hateful, then I will put your comment in the dustbin where it belongs so that it never sees the light of day on my blog.  You can post that drivel on your own site, thank you very much.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you and hopefully hearing yours in return, again even if they are contrary to my own.  I hope to have a thoughtful discussion on current events, politics, faith, life, and hopefully on more light-hearted fare such as joyful life events and travel.  I hope all people of good will shall join me on this latest journey.  Cheers!


Rain Trueax said...

I am glad you are back. I stopped my political/cultural one and glad I did as I needed the break. I still have the other one. It's a turbulent time.

Darrell Michaels said...

It is great to hear from you, Rain. I can understand your need to stop your political/cultural site. I felt the same way. Unfortunately in the cancel culture of today, if you don't whole-heartedly agree with the radical left, then you are the enemy. It is sad when Americans are bullied into having to be homogeneous in their thoughts, especially when those thoughts are anti-freedom, anti-capitalism, and anti-American.

I do hope you and yours are well!

Dave Dubya said...

Welcome back, old buddy.

If my contribution is not welcome, I understand. My curmudgeonly style tended to pop up occasionally.;-)

If discussion arises, I'll endeavor to remain truthful, polite, and respectful to all involved.

The pandemic has been a horror and tragedy to so many at this point. I fervently hope compassion will a find a greater place in our hearts than anger in these trying times.

Let me start by offering a lighter topic.

I feel blessed to not be seriously affected, so far. We can only hope Americans are wise enough to heed medical expertise over the politicization and disinformation from less educated political, administrative, and executive leadership.

Anyway, fortunate circumstances have me living amidst nature and woodlands. This compensates for my aging bones losing the capacity to take me on hiking and camping.

A few years ago I had the pleasure of observing a fox den from my window.

I've been enjoying another blessing from nature lately. There's a Cooper's Hawk nest in view from my house.

I saw the mother gather special twigs and branches from a certain tree to expand the nest. Mother had a full time job just feeding her young. Home nest maintenance and providing food for five hungry mouths was never-ending.

I've watched four young chicks emerge and grow into fledged juveniles. They grew accustomed to seeing me photograph them, when they first peered over the edge of the nest. One has even visited us on our deck.

As must happen, time came for them to make their way in the world. Ah, to be young, and to fly.

Things are less active and interesting around the place now. Could it be "empty nest syndrome"?

Darrell Michaels said...

Dave, I appreciate your comment, even though I am jealous of you and your wild-life menagerie. :) I hope all is well for you and yours.

Burr Deming said...

Wish I'd realized before.

Welcome back.

Darrell Michaels said...

Thanks Mr. Deming. I could not hold my silence any longer, my friend.