Saturday, March 22, 2025

Not Worth the Argument

It has been a while since I have felt the need to go to my blog and put ink to paper metaphorically-speaking.  Much has happened in the world since my last post.  Much of it has been good, and some of it not-so-much.  Overall, it has been a nice change though that has brought some sense of hope to a majority of Americans, and I dare say to much of the world.

I think the overwhelming election of Donald Trump was the result of leftist overreach with the puppeteering of Joe Biden to push the Overton Window ever leftward in our daily political debates and destructive national policies.

Yes, I voted for Trump this last time.  No, I still do not care for him on a personal level, although he does seem a little more tempered in some of his responses than he likely would have been in his first term.  A little more of that would be welcome in my opinion.

I think most of his ideas, policies, executive orders and legislation signed is precisely what he campaigned upon and what the American electorate voted him into office yet again to actually execute on their behalf.  So far, so good!

Yes, the are certain policies I don’t agree with him on and I think he should reconsider his stance and look at things from a historical or different perspective.  That said, I think about 85% of what he is doing is precisely what the United States needs if we are to survive as a representative republic and a government for and by We The People.

Unfortunately, as of late, I see the rhetoric from all factions, but especially from the far left only intensify in their hatred and desire to burn it all down as long as they can take out the hated Trump in the process.

 I really don’t have the desire to debate much these days, as often times those with a different viewpoint than mine are not in the mood for a charitable and honest discussion in searching for common ground and the truth.  In fact, I can think of only three or four friends that are left of center that would comment on my blog over the many years of my writing that would even fall into that latter category.  Far too many of the other left of center folks (leftists) simply wanted to shout everyone down and expected nothing less than capitulation to their political beliefs.

I simply don’t have the time nor inclination to cross swords with people of that mind set these days.  Simply put, it isn’t worth my energy or time.

I happened to find a quote on the blog of a friend, Rain Truax, that had a quotation that is attributed to Helen Mirren that encapsulates my thoughts wonderfully on the subject.  I thought it worthy of sharing accordingly.


“Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective. Because if not, there's absolutely no point.    

    Not every argument is worth your energy. Sometimes, no matter how clearly you express yourself, the other person isn’t listening to understand—they’re listening to react. They’re stuck in their own perspective, unwilling to consider another viewpoint, and engaging with them only drains you.

    There’s a difference between a healthy discussion and a pointless debate. A conversation with someone who is open-minded, who values growth and understanding, can be enlightening—even if you don’t agree. But trying to reason with someone who refuses to see beyond their own beliefs? That’s like talking to a wall. No matter how much logic or truth you present, they will twist, deflect, or dismiss your words, not because you’re wrong, but because they’re unwilling to see another side.

    Maturity isn’t about who wins an argument—it’s about knowing when an argument isn’t worth having. It’s realizing that your peace is more valuable than proving a point to someone who has already decided they won’t change their mind. Not every battle needs to be fought. Not every person deserves your explanation.

    Sometimes, the strongest thing you can do is walk away—not because you have nothing to say, but because you recognize that some people aren’t ready to listen. And that’s not your burden to carry.”


Couldn’t have said it better myself.  Oh, and for some interesting posts, Check out Rain’s blog too!

Click here.

 HT: Rain Truax


Anonymous said...

"Overall, it has been a nice change though that has brought some sense of hope to a majority of Americans, and I dare say to much of the world."

Yes, while it may feel good to say it, this is not worth the argument, due to the lack of supporting evidence. Only pro-Trump voices would make such an out of touch claim.

While Trump is alienating NATO allies on Putin's behalf, Russian state TV host Vladimir Solovyov and head of RT Margarita Simonyan rejoiced over Trump's FBI and DOD picks. They were especially thrilled about Kash Patel and Pete Hegseth, predicting, "They will quickly dismantle America, brick by brick."

MAGA, like all authoritarian nationalist movements, needs to claim to be popular with the majority. In their bubble they never lie, are never mistaken, and have all the answers.

Just ask them. And if you disagree, you're probably a communist. ;-)

Anonymous said...

What's your take on the attempted murder/assassination of Trump?

Darrell Michaels said...

First, thank you Dave for your comment.

To the second Anonymous commenter, I think that both assassination attempts were horrific signs of the degradation of the morality of our culture in America. The fate of America very well could have been decided by a fraction of a inch.

The fact that the Secret Service ever allowed such an attempt to be made suggests something more than just simple negligence or incompetence was at play here. For the record, I would have been upset had the attempt been made on Kamala or Biden too, despite their horrific governance of the nation that hurt so many poor and middle class Americans while championing criminals and illegals. Murder and violence should never become viable solutions to political disagreements.

Anonymous said...

Methinks "championing criminals" may be the beam in someone's eye.

Imagine a country with a convicted felon and a multiple-indicted offender as its leader, one who allowed thugs to beat cops and desecrate the Capitol for HOURS to overturn an election, only to PRAISE them on that very day of infamy.

Then the thugs' Boss calls them "hostages" and pardons them.

I can see why someone with a beam that large is uncomfortable discussing these facts.

If only they really believed "violence should never become viable solutions to political disagreements".

But hey, whatever works. The gaslighting will continue.

Machiavelli's "the ends justify the means" is the only rule that matters to authoritarians and tyrants.

Darrell Michaels said...

And thereby proving the point of my article, I give you Anonymous Dave.

Anonymous said...

Imagine a country where trying to kill a candidate is accepted and approved by Anonymous Dave.