Monday, October 10, 2022

Ronald Reagan's Words on Christopher Columbus

"Columbus is justly admired as a brilliant navigator, a fearless man of action, a visionary who opened the eyes of an older world to an entirely new one. Above all, he personifies a view of the world that many see as quintessentially American: not merely optimistic, but scornful of the very notion of despair."

~President Ronald Reagan


Jerry said...

Reagan got everything wrong in that comment. His lack of the facts of history is astounding.

Darrell Michaels said...

Oh dear. Why do I fear the information you may have learned about Columbus came from Howard Zinn? Columbus was not a saint; however, he had fearlessly lead his men into the unknown and had tried to bring God to the indigenous people. He specifically ordered that his men treat these people with dignity and respect so as to win them over as converts. Such was not always the outcome, but it never is in human society, even today. Regardless, he was not like Cortez. Until the revisionist history of recent decades, Columbus was rightly praised for his vision and achievements in the U.S. and in Europe.

Jerry said...

Those people were not treated with dignity and respect. They were enslaved and murdered. You need a history lesson.

Darrell Michaels said...

Yep... Howard Zinn, indeed.

Jerry said...

Since you don't know the facts any discussion of the issue is useless.