I saw this link to an excellent article over on Who Hijacked Our Country on Memorial Day and it does a far better job than I ever could of explaining what this day has become in our country. May God bless all of those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to our greatest of all nations and may he give comfort and peace to those that loved them!
It starts with the children. My dad was a proud veteran and it rubbed off on us.
I see a surge of patriotic liberals over the past 18 months now that we are in the "right" war.
Interesting, since this is the same war that was started under Bush in response to the attack on our nation on September 11th.
I know there are indeed some patriotic liberals that do love our country and support our military. I also have seen absolutely evil protests from some "progressives" that despise our military and our country.
I pray that eventually they will come to the realization that they are free to protest and denounce their country because of the sacrifices made by those in the armed forces.
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