Thursday, October 17, 2024

Kamala Harris - Some Biographical Facts About The "Savior" of Democracy

I find it amazing that Kamala Harris went from the sitting Vice President with one of the deservedly worst voter approval ratings in modern history to the left's "best chance to save democracy" in a matter of a few months after the Trump-Biden debate.  This unaccomplished and dishonest leftist is on the Democrat ticket because the kingmakers in the party could no longer hide the senility of Joe Biden.  Who better to continue as an easily-controllable figure-head in the oval office than Kamala?  

She has no concrete plans or ideas to fix the mess that her and Joe Biden created, and the few ideas she has put forth are just typical leftist give-aways to entice the indoctrinated to vote for her for more "free stuff".  Oh, and she will do whatever is necessary to ensconce the "right" to kill unborn children on the altar of "choice".  

Below are just a few biographical facts about Kamala Harris, which can be easily verified from any truthful and objective source.  In other words, don't go to CNN.  Do your own research and see.

1. Kamala Harris is the offspring of two foreign-born college professors, and they provided Kamala a prosperous childhood (not struggling middle class from Oakland!) ensconced amidst the Ivory Towers of academia in Montreal and Berkeley..

2. Kamala Harris’ mother comes from the Indian Brahmin caste, which sits atop India’s horrifically backward and oppressive caste system. Her father comes from a family of wealthy Jamaican slave plantation owners.

3. Kamala Harris’ father was an influential Marxist economist.

4. Kamala Harris spent her formative teen-age years living in Montreal, Canada. At no time in her formative years did Harris ever live what is customarily referred to as “The African-American Experience”; or, for that matter, the American working class experience.

5. Kamala Harris failed the California bar exam.

6. Kamala Harris rose to political prominence in California thanks to the support of a much older, married and influential Democrat pol, Willie Brown, with whom she was having sex while he advanced her career.

7. As California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris knowingly engaged in numerous unfair and unethical legal practices that wrongfully denied many, many unjustly-incarcerated black men their freedom and liberty.

8. As a Senator from California, Kamala Harris was ranked by many non-partisan political analysts as the most extreme Leftist in the Senate.

9. Running as a Democrat Presidential candidate in 2020, while being incredibly well-funded, Kamala Harris nevertheless polled at the bottom of all major candidates and was one of the very first to withdraw. This was widely perceived to be a function of her unlikeability and her inability to offer cogent campaign positions of substance.

10. Joe Biden explicitly stated that he hired Harris BECAUSE she is a black woman. Thus, it is entirely fair to label her a “DEI hire.”
11. Kamala Harris as Vice President has had an unusually high staff turnover rate exceeding 90%.

12. The media is extremely hard-pressed to recount a single accomplishment of Harris as VP. Quite the opposite, they have white-washed her title as “Border Czar” as she failed to do anything to stop an open border allowing in 10 -12 million illegals, including known terrorists, cartels, thousands of criminals, drug and sex traffickers and the Chinese-made fentanyl that has killed a quarter of a million American citizens. 

13. Prior to becoming the Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris had the lowest VP approval ratings of any VP since Spiro Agnew.

14. Kamala Harris knew that Joe Biden had dementia, and lied to us for 3 1/2 years, covering up his mental incompetency.

15. Kamala Harris, along with Barack Obama and other Democrat luminaries, engaged in some form of extortion to force Joe Biden to step aside as the Democrat Presidential nominee in 2024, so she could assume that mantle herself. 

16. Kamala Harris never received a single primary vote in favor of the presidential candidacy she seized from Joe Biden.
So much for "saving democracy"!

17. As the Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris was spurned by most of the Democrat party luminaries to be her VP candidate, and instead she settled for Tim Walz, an extreme leftist who has passed laws in Minnesota allowing for abortion up until birth and making Minnesota a "sanctuary city" for minors who opt for chemical castration or permanent life altering physical surgery; even without their parents permission.  Even most of Walz's own family are supporting Trump in November.

18. Kamala Harris has been the Democrat Presidential candidate for only a few months, and her only two policy prescriptions are communist style price controls and promising an illegal $25,000 government gift for first time home buyers. 

19. Kamala Harris has never worked in a private business in her adult life.

20. Kamala Harris has stated that she "hasn't changed her values" and we should believe her as she has a more than 20 year video record of being for the following: no border, abolishing ICE, government paid health insurance for illegals, gun confiscation, no bail policies, defunding the police, abolishing private health insurance, unlimited abortion and chemical castration and/or physical mutilation of minors in the name of "gender affirmation".
 Again, the fact that this is even a close race is a damning indictment on the propaganda and indoctrination of our students and citizenry to even believe that the best option for their vote is the very person that helped create the economic mire and chaos and global instability that we are currently experiencing.  All hyperbole aside, I have serious doubts as to whether the American nation will survive four more years of a Harris administration that has demonstrably proven they despise the constitution when it doesn't serve their purposes, promote hyper-leftist/socialist policies, and have no respect for the citizens of the U.S.A.  They champion illegal immigrants over citizens, appease anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian terrorist sympathizers, and endanger allies such as Israel with their asinine and dangerous foreign policies.  They have strengthened terrorist regimes such as Iran and China, while giving billions of unaccountable dollars to Ukraine.  
The choice is clear to anyone that cares to objectively look at the facts and put the rhetoric, propaganda, and personal dislikes aside.  Trump is personally objectionable to me on many fronts.  Kamala Harris is outright dangerous to the stability and prosperity of our nation and I dare say globally.  Choose wisely November 5th.  The ramifications of who wins the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives cannot be understated.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Time to Choose Again

Things have been very busy and I have had little time to write in recent months, despite the lunacy of the left offering great fodder for subject matter. So much has happened, including the attempted assassination of Trump by a leftist stooge.  Then there was the "saving of democracy" by Biden being forced to step down when it became apparent he was not able to win against Trump, and therefore had to "pass the torch" to a candidate that was not elected by the people in the Democrat party to be their candidate.  And now lately we have the hide-and-seek game Kamala is playing with reporters for a real sit-down interview since "becoming the Democrat candidate for president".  Hey, hiding out in the basement and not having to explain his ideas and proposed policies worked for Joe!

The sad thing is that Biden had an excuse for his mental degradation and the fact that he has been wrong on every significant foreign policy decision in his career.  One wonders what that reason is for Kamala as she seems genetically incapable of putting together a coherent thought to explain her positions and how she hopes to achieve her goals.  "Vote for me and I'll fix all of these problems."  News flash Kamala; you are in office right now and can start by fixing these problems that you and your senile president created this very day!

As I have said repeatedly, I do not like Trump and do not think he is a particularly moral or good man.  That said, I have seen how Trump governs and how strong America became under his leadership.  I then saw the economic collapse, energy dependence, inflation, border insecurity, national insecurity, and the coddling of terrorists under the Biden/Harris administration.  Kamala has stated how she is "proud" of their accomplishments, and as Presidential Press Secretary/apologist Karine Jean-Pierre said recently, there is "no daylight" between Harris and Biden on policies. No doubt!  If anything, Harris would be even more of a leftist radical.  There was a reason why she was the first Democrat to drop out of the presidential race in 2016.  Nobody liked her, including during her tenure as VP as she had the lowest VP approval ratings ever, even among Democrats.  It is fascinating how everyone on the left is now in love with her, as the saving hope against Trump.

That being said, in November we can vote for Trump and go back to a much stronger and safer America, or we can vote for the anointed cackler and watch the complete ruination of what is left of our nation.  The fact that this is even remotely a contest horrifies me. The level of ignorance of way too many Americans is astounding.  Evidently there are millions of people that either want free stuff, wokeism, or hate Trump far more than they love their country.  I know it has become a cliche', but this election really will be what determines whether we will survive as a free nation as our founding fathers' envisioned, or we become just one more socialist wasteland on the globe.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Please, Tell Me What I am Thinking, Mr. Leftist


There have been occasions in my life where I have had someone tell me what it is that I think. Knowing the human condition as I do, I suspect we have all experienced this at one time or another.  It is really annoying.  Especially when they are wrong! 

Probably twenty years ago, I and my late wife, my brother, and his soon-to-be ex-wife, who was typically argumentative, decided we’d go out to dinner at the local pizza parlor.  While our wives went up to the counter to order the pizza, my brother and I went to the bar to get beer for us all.  I had no more than sat down at our table when my brother’s wife came running towards me from the counter with my wife in hot pursuit.  She demanded to know somewhat indignantly whether I liked thin or thick crust pizza.  I quizzically looked at her and said that I have always liked only thick crust and despise thin crust pizza, to which my wife responded to my brother’s betrothed, “See?  I think I know what my husband likes.”  My brother’s wife was having none of it and told me that she was absolutely sure that I had liked thin crust. 

That was typical of Pam. 

It wasn’t too long after that my brother got a divorce and she was involuntarily placed under medical supervision for being completely nuts.  (Not necessarily just because of this incident though – at least I assume so.)

Well, it seems like the certifiably nuts contagion is spreading these days.  What is even more ironic is that I have been accused of this very thing by one of the goof balls that is always guilty of this exact faux pas towards me when it comes to politics.  Indeed, I have been called an authoritarian, racist, homophobe, Trump-supporter, and neo-Nazi for years by one particular individual who may actually be in the terminal stages of leftist Kool-aide intoxication.  It doesn’t matter what I write or say to the contrary.  The fact is that I disagree with his leftist bunk, so he must know what kind of pizza I like!

I have always strongly disliked Trump, which I have reiterated ad nauseum.  Indeed, I didn’t even vote for him the first time he ran.  Nor did I vote for him the primary this year.  Mr. Kool-aide insists that I am a blind follower, admirer, and believer of his lies.  It does no good to explain that Trump is the lesser of two evils, and having seen how Biden and Trump have each governed, I choose Trump to be president.  I don’t like him, trust him, or believe a lot of what he says.  I believe in NOTHING that the head of the Biden crime family says or does.  It is a painful choice.  But I must like that damned cracker-crust pizza according to this one individual. 

What is really ironic, interesting, and hypocritical on his behalf is that this individual has accused me of supporting a racist and neo-Nazi, while this person supports all of the racist BLM, DEI, critical race theory nonsense and thinks it is necessary for Israel to immediately commence a cease-fire in the hopes of one day establishing a two-state solution with the very people that voted for the government that is actually calling for a genocide of the entire Jewish people.  Disconnect much?

According to him, “Believing Trump's lies is what makes Americans neo-Nazis.”  Meanwhile he is actually championing modern day Nazis hoping to exterminate the Jews that Hitler couldn’t, while he erroneously blames Israel for the “Israeli land theft, apartheid, terrorism, the Palestinian Nakba and GAZA holocaust.”  A little research of other-than-left-wing propaganda would prove that all of that is a lie.

This person has long parroted that, “The authoritarian personality has a characteristic over-active and enlarged primitive amygdala, the brain's fear/fight/flight center. This is why they readily embrace whatever triggers their anger, fear and hate.”

While there probably is a legitimate scientific basis for this conclusion, the irony is that an authoritarian is using this in hyperbolic propaganda-fashion to support the limitation of constitutional freedoms because he assumes that I and other like-minded conservatives are the one wanting to restrict the democratic process and destroy our nation, while his president has actually been doing this. 

The whole ludicrous backwards notion is enough to make me tired and hungry.  Maybe I’ll go see if I can find some deep-dish pizza somewhere, even though I supposedly don’t like it.